Battlefield 3 is the successor to the acclaimed game Battlefield 2. It includes advanced and innovative features like Frostbite 2, the incredible technology that takes animation, destruction, lighting, scale and audio to new heights, Feeling the impact of bullets and explosions, dragging your fallen comrades into safety, and mounting your weapon on almost any part of the terrain, and unparalleled vehicle warfare.

Post news Report RSS No mod support for Battlefield 3

Seems the game is too complex for us modders, and so mod tools will be missing from the PC release of BF3.

Posted by on

Battlefield has had a proud history on ModDB with mods including Project Reality, Forgotten Hope 2, First Strike and others dominating our annual mod of the year awards. Despite this, news has just come out (and confirmed our fears) that Battlefield 3 will not include mod tools, and instead EA are looking at other ways to "appease" the modding community. DICE executive Patrick Soderlund speaking to German Gamestar magazine (via Battlefieldo) confirmed this in the video below:

When asked about modding, Patrick said:

It’s going to be very difficult for people to mod the game, because of the nature of the set up of levels, of the destruction and all those things… it’s quite tricky. So we think it’s going to be too big of a challenge for people to make a mod.

Earlier in an interview with Game Informer Patrick was uncertain how modding would look for BF2. Given this was over 4 months ago and no decision has been made since then, it sounds like even basic tools maybe some way off (assuming they are in the pipeline to be made at all):

We will not deliver mod tools in the way that we delivered them for Battlefield 2 ... Creating mod tools today - dumbing them down - takes a lot of energy and what we are discussing more every day is, 'Where do we put our focus?' ... Right now our focus is to create the best possible multiplayer, single-player, and co-op game -- the core game of Battlefield 3," he added. "We're still discussing how we handle modifications of any kind.

This news follows in the footsteps of CoD: MW2 who also shunned the mod community despite a lot of success and great ideas coming from CoD 4 modders. Hopefully they will realize their mistake and do a backflip, as CoD did with Black Ops bringing back mod support.

After all to back up their claim of BF2 been a PC first, consoles second game - it is critical that they put their weight behind the PC community and enable them to unleash their modding creativity on the game.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 399)
PhuckKnuckle - - 45 comments

As much as this is disappointing news, I can understand and accept it. Engines do seem to get more and more taxing as the years go by.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
x3nu - - 174 comments

I read somewhere that it took a week to compile a map for frostbite 2. I can understand where they are coming from.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+46 votes
INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,098 comments

Absolutely, just getting a game to release is an amazing achievement and the complexity of todays games does make them hard to mod. So I can understand that in-house they probably have tools that are not designed to be used externally (optimized, pretty etc) and making them accessible to modders would be costly and challenging.

But with such a legacy blazed by past BF games (and their mods), it is a shame to see mods totally dismissed. Crytek for example is taking a while, but they are slowly bringing their tools to modders and indie developers. I don't think it is fair however to "bash EA / Dice" as I believe this decision is based much more than on them trying to monetize DLC and if they had unlimited time / resources mod tools would be made.

Reply Good karma+32 votes
DaveFace - - 392 comments

I think the biggest problem is having to deal with documentation and the like. The tools are there and it wouldn't take much work to release them - but attempting to provide support for it would cost a lot of money, which is why most modern games not based on an engine like Unreal or Source etc. don't release modding tools. It's too much hassle for a minority of their community (i.e. PC sales of games are tiny compared to console sales), it's not like the good old days where most sales were on the PC.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
Lazy6pyro - - 501 comments

Absolutely. Documenting how to use the software and packaging a turn-key solution for public use is an absolute nightmare. I was specifically hired by a headhunter to do just that for a company for a 1-2 month ended going on 3 months. When you take software backend that wasn't designed to live on a single machine uncompiled (as most huuuuge turn-key solutions are), it because the insane task of finding and packaging all of the dependencies and all of the links, and eliminating all of the "**** it! We'll do it live!" patch-work, it's going to be a massive endeavor that DICE, understandably didn't want to partake in or sub-contract out.

Second, I see big mods for these new games waning when you have the potential upside and power of professional tools going free for indies in UDK, Unity and hopefully CryEngine 3. These tools, were designed from the group up with a broader audience (and not a specific turn-key solution), and hence allow more viability from the get-go. These weren't an option back in Source or BF2 days, and that's where I see the strongest skill-set modders eventually drifting over to.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


I really want to call some of you modder's stupid elitism....

Company X isn't going to baby me and release tools? NO THERE ARE SMART PEOPLE THAT WILL FIGURE IT OUT!!!! THEY MAKE PROFESSIONAL WORK LOOK LIKE ****


You're all ******* hypocrites. You all want to act like you sit at the big boy's table, and can handle something, but then you can't even ******* complete Black Mesa or Little Jimmy's Fun Mod.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-116 votes
Icedecknight - - 974 comments

@ Moppop You can call Modders stupid all you want and I hope it makes you feel better, but everyone here was expecting great things to happen with the tools they were going to give us. Just because some of your mods you've been waiting for haven't been release doesn't mean you get to rage about it and complain that its our fault and every person that mods a game are the same. And like I've said in previous comments of mine, we have extremely talented people that log on to this site and just because they aren't part of a company doesn't mean they can't create something of equal or even better value.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+25 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


You make a perfect example. You've spent more than three YEARS on your own mod that's not even of your own IP. How far along is that? Blizzard can pull the rug out from under you in a second, and there goes all of your work. Bye Bye.

There's a reason why people of professional caliber LEAVE modding and go pro. there's also a reason why that number is pissifully small compared to the number of modders on here. The good ones are weeded out and the ruffians and wannabes stay thinking their sippy-cup is a wine glass. Congrats wannabe.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-90 votes
Icedecknight - - 974 comments

@Moppop I have personally just reached the two year mark of working with the development team, and its nice to know that you have to check up on people to try to counter their statement. And if you knew anything about the mod and the members you would know that we will instantly drop all of our work if blizzard says so, but after that we will immediately start a new project, and it would be our own. So to your statement Yes I am a wannabe Graphic designer but i'm sure there are a lot of others too. Modding is either about two things, One: To make a fun mod for your friends or yourself or even everyone to enjoy, or Two: To practice or improve your skills and make it all about the experience. They can be both too. So now please correct me for any wrong doing I have done.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+21 votes
sgtmyers88 - - 2,831 comments

Whatever happened to just doing something that you love without dealing with all the politics surrounding professional game developers and with trolls stating BS about who is a wannabe game developer or not? Wasnt there a saying around here stating: "He who LOVES the game MODS the game? Wasnt that the purpose of why ModDB is here!? Give us a break!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


Modding started for fun when people DIDN'T get tools handed to them on a silver platter. No, it took work and ******* skill just to get something ingame, NOT opening up DERPeditor v1.0 clicking a few buttons and BAM mod!!!!!!

The fact is that modders have become so infantile that they have to rely on the crutch of the developer holding their hand, yet they're hailed as being better than the developers themselves above everyone else that they tease their ******** to. But yet, they get ****** off when devs call their bluff and don't give them modding tools because they're big boys that can do it on their own....yea right.

The fact that I'm getting downvoted is proof that it's the truth, because it hurts.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-76 votes
arieas - - 313 comments

Do you mod yourself? Just wondering, not criticising.

Just that modders do need to rely on the developers today for some things. And its good that the developers are acknowledging that and helping the mod community. Where they can, and if they provide some great easy to use tools, then its all good.
Only problem is when people whine the game does not support modding.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
wazanator - - 761 comments

@moppop: I'm sorry but there are plenty of mods out there that have professional quality to them. Look at project reality, Neotokyo, Off Limits, and No more room in hell All great mods that are on par with the quality of studio produced games.

Now look at games like Dino D-day that are awful yet had all the same chances and tools as modders did but had money to back them up. Would you say Dino d-day is better then Hidden Source, Fistful of frags or even 1187? After all they all run on the same engine but one is made by why you consider "professionals".

Plus how are you to know whats best for the modding community when you yourself don't even mod? That's like telling someone they're not allowed to use art supplies because they are simply a hobby artist and not a professional artist.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+15 votes
Antiscamp - - 515 comments

I've been modding games since the 90's and I've always done it just for fun. Still today. I am not doing it for fame or pay, but for fun, like most modders. Seeing my own creation come alive within the games I love and then share the experience with other gamers is FUN. And fun is actually pay enough for me. I do not need to be called professional, I know I'm an amateur, but I am still affecting the lifespan of my favourite games in a positive way, and contributing to their existence and popularity.

I am very happy about the great tools we get these days making life so much easier, but it was just as much fun yesterday as it is today. The games I mod are created by people who understand the value of including modding tools and abilities in their games, since mods contribute such a lot to them and make them live on. People will be modding games that were released in the early 00's for years to come, depending on the tools released, lengthening the lifespan of the game and actually increasing sales. We modders serve a valuable purpose, whether we are aware of it or not.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
InsanityPays - - 1,834 comments

@moppop are you saying modders should all just stop and play the same thing over and over again even after it lacks entertainment? that my friend IS insanity ;)-the kind you dont make money off of-

Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


No, insanity. I'm saying you can already mod THOUSANDS OF GAMES, so why is BF3 so ******* important? Why not help people finish their own lazy mods and not get excited for the next super-cool engine. Oh,'re all ******* ambulance chasers that have less of an attention span than an ant.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-54 votes
buglord - - 5 comments

well having less attention than an ant is not really that bad.. ants, whole community/family of millions working to make ONE thing, if humans were able to to have that good attention to who does what, where and so on, many problems could be solved...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
arieas - - 313 comments

You need to calm down... maybe people would then maybe would acknowledge your opinion more.

While it is true such tools are not needed to mod, without releases of games that include greater capabilities to mod more than a few files, the whole modding scene would be so much smaller these days. Its s primary interest to some
Its just kind of a thing that many people expect now anyway, some people can't handle when tools are not released or don't include certain things, but that's just the way they are. There are some real serious modders who are producing some great things. I don't really care if a few hundred mods don't finish if it means 20 outstanding mods exist to further enhance a game beyond developers intention.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


I am calm, but I appreciate you looking out for my health. Don't you have some ambulance to chase now?

You posted didn't you...unless you don't consider yourself a person...subhuman maybe?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-48 votes
arieas - - 313 comments

It seems you are incapable of having a proper discussion. I was one of the people who was willing to fully read what you were posting and take in what you wrote.
Oh well, your problem.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


Incapable? You didn't even produce an agrument. You just said that you're cool with people being lazy and starting things they can't finish but as long as people move to the next big thing it's all ok.

The people that want to play all the really cool mods but have no desire to learn the trade (the leaches), are totally willing to neglect any old game and follow the new super-cool engine mods for the new super-cool games. They'll get bored once they realize that serious modding is a multi-year investment and move on to the next super-cool engine and hoping some super-cool mod team (but of course, not their lazy ***) will make a super-cool professional grade mod in a month.

Did BF3 suddenly destroy all of the mods in existence? Did it?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-37 votes
Nazara - - 627 comments

moppop is 12 year old kid who got angry because he got ignored by some modder?
To all mature people here,ignore this troll.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


So you're a psychologist, too? Well, let's hope your not a stalker that wants me to drop the soap like BabylonDemolitionists.

I take it that since you're brilliant *** had to comment, you aren't mature. Way to insult yourself there, Skypher.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-24 votes
CarnageX - - 106 comments


You guys just got raped by moppop. He actually makes really good sense

Reply Good karma Bad karma-19 votes
xalener - - 1,605 comments

Just the existence of Overdose proves you wrong there.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
WaLTaRRoN - - 433 comments

It is not still like that, It's not click and BAM you need to think what to do first, which way to do that. Obviously you have no idea what is modding and what is gaming, It'll never be click&BAM style. You'll need textures, audio files, lot more different things than the game itself already has, to be able to call it as mod.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
krstphr257 - - 161 comments

Did you know Kaos studios (creators of Homefront and Frontlines:fuels of war) started out with a mod? It was one of the best mods out there called "desert combat" for battlefield 1942, and you just disrespected them. So, what about the Project reality developers? They are already making their own standalone game. And the forgotten hope devs may become a bigtime game developer too. You should think before you make crazy comments like that.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Conchobhar - - 460 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
madcat1030 - - 245 comments

You don't leave modding. You graduate or move on. If you want. Perhaps your passion is to provide a free experience for players. Maybe you're just playing around with some tools in your free time. There is no contract, no need to actually finish. Some people might be sad, but most of us have lives, jobs, and families.
But, perhaps your desire is to get noticed and hired onto one of your favorite companies. Modding is a step, a lifestyle, and a culture. Don't you dare dismiss it as anything less. From the most amateur of neophytes to the best of the elites, we all work and build together, creating worlds and stories, sometimes even better than those of paid companies.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
madcat1030 - - 245 comments

And in regards to the article, no it's not the end of the world that they aren't enabling modding on BF3. It's a choice. And some engines are just too complex and require too much internal knowledge to manipulate properly.

Apologies for the double post, I came back to add this, but it was too late.

And Moppop, where did anybody imply that BF3 not allowing mods was killing mods. The only fuel for your argument is in your posts, and in those of a few (severely downvoted) members.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
NuclearBanane - - 164 comments

I.E of your ending statement
Look at : Project Reality, Forgotten Hope 2, Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, CoD at its start ( they came from MoH ).

The list is crazy so yup.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Atlasfield - - 1,125 comments

Yeah I know exist many incomplete mods, however the people sometimes do it for practice for then mod another game, however, the people who love any game, they will continuing working on it and of course playing it.

Also, the "professional"/official creators from videogames only use the graphic engine for sometimes "stealth" their low works in textures and sounds, and of course the modders fix those details.

We are fans of videogames and lovers of the creation, so is more stupid read a troll who believes is a modder and insult any way than play an incomplete mod or a game of MS-DOS (and this last point is not stupid).

Saludos Newbie. ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


So, what you're your saying is that you don't need mods for BF3 when you have those 5 out how many ******* thousands of mods to play? Good for you, ******* *****.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-40 votes
ytres - - 1,800 comments

Ok, to add more:
and tons of community mini-mods, etc. made. Not to mention BF1942 modifications:
etc. etc.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


So...why aren't you playing them if you have so many mods to satisfy your thirst? BF3 not allowing mods isn't going to make those disappear now is it? Is that an ambulance I see going by....better start running.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-34 votes
lambda462 - - 137 comments

We're showing you that mods can look like professional work.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
the_simian - - 208 comments

I worked on a completed a mod. just saying.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
BabylonDemolitionist - - 450 comments

At least the modders have an understanding of how the game was made in the first place. You are the mindless drone that simply laps up everything the "big boys" spew out and the fact you are so passionate about this alone shows you have little else to be passionate about.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


Ah, the mindless drone defense. You should totally be on Casey Anthony's legal team with that home-run. Let me guess, you also love people like Alex Jones that spew how the world banks are going to take over the world (as long as you buy my book/DVD/go to my ad-filled website).

They called the engine tricky and complex, which anyone that doesn't have an "I suck modders *****" T-shirt should understand that they can be talking about the implementation and reproducability on a single machine. Did you, by chance read how retarded they had the engine set up for Bad Company 2? No? Well, you're a dumber and more emo **** than I thought. What reason should you not believe them on this? They exposed exactly why and how they screwed up...they admitted failure in the way they set up the engine; NO ONE trying to save face and be a greedy little ****-monger like you accuse them of being would atmit to royally ******* up their back-end.

Modding has nothing to do with's only a convient excuse for Alex Jones loving conspiracy theorists. I guess I also need to simplfy this for you. A) DLC is an add-on to the main game, and unlike a patch doesn't force people and modders to upgrade or change their code, it has no bearing on how mods work B) DLC will always come before mods as DLC doesn't take YEARS to complete. C) Said company has to PAY for people to make the doesn't magically fall out of the sky. But go on, Little Jimmy, and think that every body is out to get you, you stupid ****.

I get that you're from the UK and you're whole country is already down the toilet along with your yellow teeth. But somewhere, people actually know how to live.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-35 votes
Lоnerboner - - 8,303 comments

You are really sad bro, you are arguing, well just cursing over the internet to people. Way to go, now you are a true hero, do you feel like one now? Behind your screen and chair? I dont think you are... And yeah, i as a modder too yeah, ask you to please shut up. Everyone here knows you'll be banned after all why not calm down, you are an old man, let your heart rest, and go spread some hate on another site or something, because if you hate modding so much, who join a site called MODDB? doesnt make any sense to me...

And i see you are on a thumbing down parade here, so i must admit, most of the "modders" here dont really agree with you ;D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


They don't have to agree with me. That's the beautiy of the freedom of the Internet....and the Freedom of Speech that all of you hypocrites chided intense and ModDB because of removing the School Schooter mod.

You have failed to prove to me how
A) DLC affects modding
B) How the exclusing of mods in BF3 affects anything including the mods for the THOUSANDS of other games that you can mod to your hearts content
C) DICE called modders stupid.

These three things don't exist...and they are just made up and make believe as Alex Jones's conspiracy theories.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-31 votes
BabylonDemolitionist - - 450 comments

I despise ignorance, moron. One of the reasons I despise you.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


Cool. I have a psychologist stalker that despises me. Isn't that fun?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-26 votes
Soliddoors_ZA - - 1,048 comments

- 62 Votes on your first post. Moppop YOU FAILIURE!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
moppop - - 199 comments



Reply Good karma Bad karma-28 votes
krstphr257 - - 161 comments

you realize that the internet hates you now right?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Derb - - 189 comments

Im just gonna go out and say it. Moppop, your a prick.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Kastrenzo - - 876 comments

Being too sophisticated in hardware terms, and being too intellectually complicated are two very different things.

There wouldnt be as many but there are certainly still a lot of people who would be able to utilize the engine for modding.

Don't kid yourself, DICE/EA is insulting the community, they're basically telling everyone that they're the only people smart enough to mod with their engine.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


What they say in reality and how people interpret it are two very different things.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-24 votes
warthriller - - 26 comments

moppop you sound really butthurt. Use some common sense, people want modding tools for BF3 BECAUSE THEY WANT TO MOD BF3. Yeah yeah, of course there are thousands of other mods for other games, BUT THEY ARE NOT MODS FOR BF3.

It was a big decision to not release modding tools, and that was to enhance the actual game itself, rather than release tools, because most people would play the game as is, rather than make something different.

But the point is, PEOPLE WOULD WANT TO MOD BF3. Maybe BF3 is 90% perfect to somebody, except a few things, or maybe it will get boring in 6 months, but considering how powerful the engine is, making a mod would open so many new doors to recreating a person's vision.

But considering you glued your head inside of your ******* and now it's stuck, you probably didn't catch that, so I'll turn caps lock on now.


Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


People also want to fly planes into buildings and kill animals in those cute little Sarah McLachlan commercials. Your point being?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-21 votes
Waddlesticks - - 145 comments

Hey people just stop, your just giving the troll what he wants! But just to add to things... Most games need the modders community, helps boost sales and yeah. So moppop, remember, some of the games you possibly might LOVE playing online and stuff... Would possibly have bad servers and stuff if it wasn't for the modding community.
Peace out.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Chrissd21 - - 5 comments

If you're making a mod for yourself or just to pass the time, then why put it up online?
I've seen a few mods around here. "We'll make the next feature if we get X fans". X fans later.. "We'll make the next feature if we get X more fans". X more fans later.. Oh look, they up and left.
Soon comes and goes, months later, you see the same person on a different page with the same line.

To be brutally honest, the majority of modders on here are incompetent or lazy, and "sad" is no excuse.
"Some people might be sad, but most of us have lives, jobs, and families."

Starting and not finishing a project simply smacks of a lack of self discipline. Unfortunately most people are too full of themselves to work at something, so they upload a few files, start the publicity, then drop out a month later.

I'd hate to see what your output at work is if you can't even keep going on something you're really excited on.

moppop had a point though. "Modding started for fun when people DIDN'T get tools handed to them on a silver platter"

Remember when.. You may all be too young, but modding a game wasn't "Here's a button, click this to make a mod", it was "pull the game down to the source, mess with it, figure out what variable changed what, figure out what the art links are to, how to unpack them, how to pack your own, where the sound links to, how to convert your file to the file the game uses, packing it all together, watching as it dies horribly. Pulling out each and every link till you found the fking typo that stopped the compiler working, then watching your creation spawn".

You know, back when modding required some intelligence, and the only mods that were around were polished, because the only people modding were the ones who wanted to mod. Not the ones who wanted people on the internet to like them for a few seconds so they announced another W40K mod.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Chrissd21 - - 5 comments



By moppop
"The people that want to play all the really cool mods but have no desire to learn the trade (the leaches), are totally willing to neglect any old game and follow the new super-cool engine mods for the new super-cool games. They'll get bored once they realize that serious modding is a multi-year investment and move on to the next super-cool engine and hoping some super-cool mod team (but of course, not their lazy ***) will make a super-cool professional grade mod in a month."

From the internet..

Well I can't even be bothered listing them. Just do a search for "40K", "Imperium", "Warhammer". That should give you a rough idea of how many people pick up something, play with it, then drop it shortly thereafter. Hell, read the comments on this page.

"There is no contract, no need to actually finish."

So, as you said.


I'll end with something moppop said.

"I'm saying you can already mod THOUSANDS OF GAMES, so why is BF3 so ******* important? Why not help people finish their own lazy mods and not get excited for the next super-cool engine."

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
x3nu - - 174 comments

@moppop Ranting, screaming, cursing, and flaming at how you think people are babies because they are disappointed about not being able to mod the new BF, a series know for its previous installments impressive mod capability, on a site dedicating to people who love to mod, is very low and is not going to get you anywhere.

You claimed that no mod support for BF3 doesn't effect any other mode for any other game... but it does effect the FUTURE of modding. BF has been a major modifiable series for the past decade... You don't think people shouldn't be ****** a little bit? Where is modding going to go? You think we should just mod our "dumb" games and their engines for an eternity and never get to a chance to make our own next gen mods? Do you even get the point of modding?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


What the **** do you think UDK is?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-18 votes
Mr.John - - 1,570 comments

**** move to disencourage modding and think the community is that bad. **** move DICE, **** move.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
x3nu - - 174 comments

@moppop I don't think people want to use the UDK to make games until the end of time.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
moppop - - 199 comments


And they'd be modding BF3 until the end of time? Wait..what? No, seriously, what the **** are you on?

You just said no next-gen modding, well, what the **** is UDK? Isn't that not next-gen or are you now back-tracking because you were just owned hard? You're done; hand over you logic card.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-12 votes
NYCrules32 - - 30 comments

@moppop i think u just mad

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
XxHowlxX - - 37 comments

@moppop, you don't seem to get it. Quit playing the narcissistic (Yes, I know you just want praise for how you think you know everything there is about modding) overly logical card, the only thing it's doing is making you look like an ***. Everyone here is down voting you, not because you're wrong (which I think you are, but that's beside the point), but because everyone doesn't want to listen to you. When you have an argument, people tend to listen less when you insult them, and it's even worse when you (basically) say "I'm smarter than you, so shut the **** up".

Also, you've gone as far as saying that we think not getting these tools is the end of modding. Have you gone out of your mind? Nobody here has said ANYTHING about that. It's a downright LIE, and when you base an argument on LIES, people are going to notice, and that's when you loose your credibility. And it's not just that you're lying, it's that you're over generalizing both the modding community and the modders themselves, and insulting anyone who dares to disagree with you. If anything, you should be ashamed of yourself for putting together such a contempt-filled argument; it's putting everyone to shame, since we allow people like you to exercise their freedom of speech, despite the fact that they're slandering it by putting out such ********.

Whether you're right or not, and I can say with confidence that you're not, EVERYBODY here is sick of you, NOBODY here wants or will listen to you, and just about every point in your arguments have lies, insults, and contempt for modders and the modding community. And the otherwise disgraceful inability to listen to other people makes it obvious that you cannot stand to hear another person's opinion because you have deemed the other side of the argument as completely illogical. This has cost you your credibility and respect with the modDB community, as well as just about everyone else who has dared to read your comments in any detail.

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DeKarbon - - 233 comments

Anyone else spotted the troll yet?

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-Str!ker- - - 33 comments

UDK is not that great of a comparison considering the access rights to the engines. There is a large difference between just access to use the engine and access to the source code to change it.

The DICE PR guy did a bad job in the interview. Mod tools are not planned right now because of multiple technical hurdles with the FB engine. It has nothing to do with being dumb or stupid. Read the link I posted later on page seven, that gives a technical run down of the Frostbite engine. They even admit that their engine crashes about 2 out of 3 times during the compiling process of their assets which occur every other day. Honestly with the state of FB, I would not want to mod something that is likely to crash from instability. Debugging mods would be impossible.

Yes not having modding planned in a series famous for it could be considered a **** move but no one really cared till now. Both Bad Company games, the launch games for Frostbite, were not moddable (BFBC wasn't even on PC). DICE created the engine that was most efficient for their games in an large team environment with an extensive IT network to support. An engine that excels in that environment cannot be easily ported over to work singularly on individual computers. Therefore parts of the engine have to be totally overhauled to work for modding. Honestly, they should be putting full focus releasing the game right now. As I said in another post, BF3 brings a new version of Frostbite to the table and once it has proved fully stable, DICE may decide to put the time and effort into getting mod tools out there for the us to play with.

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jag272 - - 47 comments

that is where you are wrong. Sanctum has already been made on UDK and its a really good game for a first time game and indie at that

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Sarge_Rho - - 4,654 comments

Angels Fall First: Planetstorm, Renegade X, etc aren't using the UDK then? Oh, I thought they bad.

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Splinter99 - - 9 comments

Cod vs BF3, Microsoft vs Sony, Foot vs Ball/s... moppop vs Whole-Modding-Community
They are all the same... they never end...

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ImABot - - 42 comments

Thats a Bunch of bull if you ask me. Jest because something is complex, does not mean that people wont be able to understand it, Yes it will be very tricky for people to learn and master, but like all things we will learn it, and put out amazing content, Developers are people like you and I, no better, no worse, hopefully they will change their minds. I still love you dice

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Kastrenzo - - 876 comments

That's horse crap, The Cryengine 2 was just as complex as Frostbite, last I remembered it's actually partly developed from it, and there were plenty of mods for the Farcry and Crysis games.

It's just EA wanting to castrate their community, they dont want modders releasing maps and new cool content because it could threaten their precious DLC Sales. which are always crap no matter what game it is,

I cant' think of an Action FPS that has released GOOD DLC in the past 10 years. it's usually just ****** reused maps a'la Call of duty MW2

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warthriller - - 26 comments

What about Bad Company 2 Vietnam, that was pretty much a whole new game for $10 lol.

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joshino - - 73 comments

Wow awsome First Strike got a mention in the OP!

I will deffinately be missing out a star wars mod for bf3!

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Cpt.Dann - - 6,959 comments

Apparently we're too stupid to mod this game? Bull 5h1T they're just too lazy themselves to make a modding tool. Maybe you want to waste our time modding a game that will take a long time. It's our choice, you can't tell us it's too complicated and expect us to feel stupid. Just when I thought this game would make bf2 better, it is worse with not being able to mod.

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salem5 - - 69 comments

Too lazy as in they should put effort in the modding niche instead of other things like finishing the game or insert content?

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