This game its a result of very work and investigation too search resources

Add job Report 2D Animator at IceShot Games

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Latinoamerica, USA.

Posted by IceShot Games on

I'm looking for an animator in 2d to create characters in the fighting game like those using the M.u.g.e.n engine with .def and .sff It is also necessary to program to adjust and coordinate the movement of the characters, their role would be to draw, animate and program Fairy Tail characters as well as those already in the game.
Your rewards will be:
- Appear on credits
- Free advertising of your project o Social networks
- My thanks (of course)
- And a third part of the money collection of the video game
Estoy buscando a un animador en 2d para crear personajes en el juego de lucha como los que usa el motor M.u.g.e.n con los .def y .sff tambien es necesario programar para ajustar y coordinar el movimiento de los caracteres, su rol seria dibujar, animar y programar personajes de Fairy Tail asi como los que ya estan en el juego.
Sus recompensas seran:
- Aparecer en los creditos
- Publicidad gratuita de su proyecto o Redes sociales
- Mi agradecimiento (por supuesto)
- And una tercera parte de la recaudacion monetaria del videojuego

To Apply

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Envíeme un e-mail con su Nombre, Edad, País por favor a