Pick up the crowbar of research scientist Gordon Freeman, who finds himself on an alien-infested Earth being picked to the bone, its resources depleted, its populace dwindling. Freeman is thrust into the unenviable role of rescuing the world from the wrong he unleashed back at Black Mesa. And a lot of people, people he cares about, are counting on him.


This mod brings AI improvements, gun stats rebalance and a new Diabolical difficulty for HL2 Elite players. Brutally hard yet rewarding.

Gameplay Rebalance AI+
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Guest - - 693,665 comments

Impressive work!

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Guest - - 693,665 comments

Perfectly done! I was looking for this

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Blue199 - - 6,971 comments


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alexepisode - - 3 comments

Are you planning to release the source code?

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dkmaster16 Author
dkmaster16 - - 15 comments

after episodes come out

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dkmaster16 Author
dkmaster16 - - 15 comments

I released the source Github.com

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FuSioN_408 - - 13 comments

THIS IS AMAZING, this rebalance has somehow made route kanal and water hazard fun to play again! And the jumping makes for good combat variations, its weird how a single small thing can change so much in a better way.

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Guest - - 693,665 comments

Awesome mod, totally refreshes the gameplay! My only nitpick is that if you could
relase patch notes for each update, that would be great!

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Elecman7 - - 4 comments

3 problems, the shotgunners in nightmare can destroy EVERYTHING in mere seconds, 2 shotgunners killed a antlion guardian in 2 seconds and 1 shotgunner killed Alyx in 2 mere seconds, protect her sucks even more. Also, the rebel AI is... subbar, alyx run like a braindead to hug a shotgunner or a elite, I had to sacrifice 90 armor just to save her. The combine elite's dark orbs are just evil, once i grabbed the shot, i was in shock that the Gravity Gun now can grab those attacks, but 0.5 seconds later he shot the energy ball and killed me and all the rebels, the simple fact that you drop a object/special projectile if they shot what are you holding with the Gravity Gun makes it very unviable weapon.

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HankJJ - - 1 comments

I assume you were playing HL2 Entanglement where Alyx is scripted to rush the room filled with soldiers. Yeah, it's always has been a problem even in vanilla HL2 that you had to babysit Alyx and Barney since they rely entirely on the script.
Combine soldiers output the same amount of damage as the Player on diabolical difficulty, combined with their ability to use the shotgun double-barrel mode gives them enough firepower to rip you into shreds should you let them get close to you. That's why they were capable of taking out strong targets such as Antlion Guard (especially if it got hit by an energy orb from Nova Prospekt soldier).
The Elites are meant to be the deadliest overwatch ground forces since their elites, so for them to have their energy orbs deal only 15 like in vanilla where it can't even kill a headcrab while the Player's can disintegrate almost every NPC is illogical considering also they're the same orbs. Therefore they now have almost the same status as the Player (much like the Replica Elites from FEAR on extreme difficulty).

Here are some tips:
1) If you ever found yourself surrounded by groups of enemies on the diabolical difficulty, use your rockets or spam alt-fire. You won't stand a chance for a fair fight.
2) Don't engage hard enemies such as NP or Elite soldiers with weak weapons such as SMG1, because it won't make them flinch.
3) If you're fighting Elite or NP AR2 soldiers, make sure their line of fire isn't directly clear from props or corners since they won't use their alt-fire unless they got a clear viscon.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

Some of the first CP officers before Route Kunal are armed with 357 Magnums and Viscerators (Manhacks) that they can deploy when you meet Alyx which looks awkward.

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alexepisode - - 3 comments

Is there any plans to support EP2 and will the source code be updated?

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Hank-J-Wimbleton - - 7 comments

In HL2 and Ep1 the flashlight drains power from the HEV suit (especially when you need it most like in low life). Valve did a good job separating the flashlight behavior from the suit. So I was thinking what if you add the Ep2 flashlight behavior to the GRAI mod?

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Accelerator.V5 - - 3 comments

You did a fine job designing this mod, however some issues that can hinder such a good quality due to the lack of some valuable tweaks, and common flaws whether they were from the OG or the mod itself. This is gonna sound like splitting hairs which I apologize for it but it's actually what I noticed from my and some other people experiences so please bare with me on this one.
Starting off with the Enemy behavior:
Combine soldiers miss the launching sound effect for smg barreled grenades which looks kinda cursed when firing it silently.
Soldiers are pretty reckless with their use of grenades on extreme difficulty and can empty all their grenades once you just peeked the corner for like 0.1 second regardless of the cover position and the distance of each squadmate to the blast radius, combined with close quarter levels it highs the risk of accidental team kill (it also becomes rather big disadvantage for them as they act like grenades supplier for you to toss it all back at them with the gravity gun), terrible positioning and movement are primarily the reason of friendly fire such as moving in the middle of crossfire (which is more noticeable with shotgunners since they tend to charge recklessly) or shooting even if target is blank range with a squadmate where it's granted to injure or kill friendly (especially in case of energy balls).
Soldiers are given the ability to use single-fire mode which should be necessary when in long ranges where weapon spread becomes pain in the ***, however this caused issue with their use of normal and auto fire mode as they recently seem to fire with lower burst in medium or certain long range where (they specialize at) than usual regardless of the soldier class and weapon type, and that fails to show the differences between every type and class + all shots are now based projectile and focus time you don't feel much threat due to their low chance of scoring constant hits (it doesn't mean that projectiles are bad tho, it's just that they're already good enough for the whole thing without the need of another nerf you know) also for such a modified alien gun like the OSIPR to have single fire mode feels out of the lore (it only made sense in beta since the OICW rifle was human made weapon with no modifications and had the button for that function).
It was brought to my attention that soldiers received a nerf when moving and shooting, the issue wasn't with the weapon accuracy spread when they move (although it would have been nice to make the accuracy spread differs from unit another) the issue comes from their limited fire rate even in close range which I noticed during the fights lately. I find this nerf pointless since they already have weapon spread when shooting during movement, and as I mentioned before that projectiles exist now. I do recall at the end of your Combine vs Zombies video when a zombine charged a prison guard, and then the guard immediately went full auto on the zombine while retreating.
Combine soldiers don't have the best sensors to grenades as they usually react at the last grenade ticks and usually don't run good distance away from the blast radius, however when zombine activates grenade they react on sight and even run really away from it which is impressive (wish they can do the same with your grenades as well).
In Entanglement Chapter turret holdout sectors, the corridors are tight and don't have that much of space to move around which confuse the soldiers when they decide to circle the turrets (worth noting that in the second holdout you can block one or two of the soldiers entrances with props there like boxes and barrels until the end of the wave which makes this part more easier).
In Our Benefactors Chapter I believe that you supposedly instructed the soldiers to not charge the Player, unfortunately it didn't seem to work well. They may not get close to melee but they still abandon their safe ground and push forward to be at close range even if the Player is just standing still (despite the fact that literally all of them are AR2 type with some elite combines).

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Hank-J-Wimbleton - - 7 comments

That almost cover it all.
No wonder why Combine seem to loss fights against rebels lately. Rebels can fire with bigger burst as much as they please without having to worry about accuracy status even when moving since it doesn't change. The Combine however fire with very small burst, along with the huge weapon spread and limited movements makes them not scoring good damage even than in vanilla episodes. The only time the Combine got this is only when they're close (without moving) or when there's a shotgunner. For a mod that aims to improve and harden the combat encounters by adding supposedly diabolical difficulty, this is disappointing. I remember in the old GRAI when Combine used to annihilate their enemies without the constant need for grenades and alt-fire to stand their ground which gives more feeling to the fights against them (the plaza holdout isn't even hard anymore). To put it in understandable way you can have two enemies that both use projectile base shots, one deals stronger damage but with limited accuracy, and the other deals less damage but has sharp accuracy. The one with strong damage will only score hits as long you're close to him where his shots can land, otherwise he won't be that much of a threat, while the other however will end scoring good amount of damage than the previous one due him being able to land his shots correctly despite the weaker damage, and with that it makes the fight more interesting as now you get brutally punished for bad positioning and tactic such as standing still or rushing, but rewarded when you execute the right moves with the right tactics makes you take less hits and the opportunity to win a tough worthy fight. I mean after all the diabolical difficulty says: "Enemies are extremely tough, extremely accurate, and unforgiving", but as it stands out now they're: not tough enough, limitedly accurate, and forgiving. With that being said I did my part on this one, it's now up the mod creator to make it happen ( I really hope so).

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Accelerator.V5 - - 3 comments

Now for the Resistance members and the Player, there aren't not much to cover as far as I can tell other than few points, so here we go:
Citizens have delayines when picking up weapons or medikits in this mod than usual when in the OG as I remember.
When citizens avoid danger like grenades, they tend to run backwards by looking at the danger instead of facing the way they're running in which looks robotic for human beings, because realistically when you run away from danger you run as fast you can and never bother to look back due to the fear.
The citizens at later chapters shoot with lower fire rate than the citizens from the lighthouse battle.

Now for the Player status:
I am sure that it has been already noted out that the idea of having the player to drop the props or energy balls he is holding with the gravity gun (even if it was the super gravity gun) was a mistake since you're not only punished for lifting props to protect yourself from incoming fire when it hots but also your moving speed will be reduced to the speed of your grandma crossing the road (no offense) with that you get two heavy penalties with no benefit making it COMPLETELY out of use. To knock down a prop from the gravity gun would require a strong fire power that can cause an effect such as energy balls and explosives.
It has been explained that the single fire mode was out of lore for the AR2 pulse rifle, and when it comes to the Player use it doesn't provide that much for the since you can land your first three shots accurately and you can crouch for a boost + the Player already has weapons that specifically designed for this job (Revolver and Crossbow).

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Hank-J-Wimbleton - - 7 comments

I see that you fixed the Combine double reload problem. Great job!
With that only remains three:
1) Combine Soldiers freeze when facing barnacles and don't shoot.
2) Citizens keep getting crowded when ordered to move which prevents them from shooting their guns when in fight since they don't move aside from each other.
3) Barney's injured lines keep playing when you enter the laser room in the overwatch nexus until you disable the security system.

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Raynoa - - 4 comments

When you added the bullet travel time feature, did you accidentally messed the tracers? Because the shots tracers doesn't come from the gun barrel, rather from the center of it that doesn't match the fire direction.

Prison Guards use AR2 alt-fire is both good and bad.
-Good because it makes them dangerous than regular soldiers which is important for a high combine facility to have.
-Bad because it overshadows the Elite soldiers. You see the only thing the Elites were acquired with to make them supposedly special than previous troops was just the AR2 balls (which of course failed) so with the Prison Guards to have the only power the Elites posses in their arsenal, combined with grenades and Nova Prospekt thinner spaces and straight hallways provides them with even more advantage than with the Elites who are usually placed in levels with obstacles in the fire-line like fences (even if they only use it once it won't matter. Unlike Elites, AR2 guards aren't rare, and usually when encounter with the player no one survive that much to fire the second ball).
You might wanna remove the AR2 balls ability for Prison Guards, but boost their aim/accuracy level to maintain advantage. OR keep it, but give the Elites special tactics that only their AI use. OR simply just give the Elites one grenade like with Prison Guards have one energy ball.
All which tackle the issue of Prison Guards overshadowing the Elites, while still being the second strongest Overwatch unit after the Elites.

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BenGroove - - 1 comments

Is this compatible with MMOD?

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croccandbaultorcure - - 88 comments

I don't think so, wish it was tho

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Hank-J-Wimbleton - - 7 comments

"After 9 years in development hopefully it will be worth the wait". It has been a while which I assume nothing has changed in that matter, so I will put it in a simple way and wish it get replied to if not agreed with. When the Combine face one or two targets where they still outnumber them, they become offensive where should relay more on their shooting and movement to cover up more angles and flank their target and less use of grenades and energy balls against one target (Player) which also reduce the amount of friendly fire chances to occur.
The opposite can be said when facing more than one two targets, where they act defensive where they can safely use their firepower (grenades, energy balls) more often since they won't be moving around that much. And if you really wish to get rid of the friendly fire once or all then just make them don't take damage from their own shots but still act careful (Even F.E.A.R did this to save themselves the trouble).

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Hank-J-Wimbleton - - 7 comments

I just played Ravenholm chapter right now and didn't encounter any crash when I reached to Winston. Perhaps I missed it by chance, so tell me when exactly did it happen?

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Hank-J-Wimbleton - - 7 comments

Yo! Mind if I have your discord for a chat?

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croccandbaultorcure - - 88 comments

Yo. It's been a while sense your last update. Are you still working on this mod?

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ThatRandomUser - - 26 comments

so will there ever be mmod support?

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Raynoa - - 4 comments

It's unstable and keeps crashing. Need updates!

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croccandbaultorcure - - 88 comments

You ask and you shall receive! The mod has recently been updated. I have absolutely no idea as to what all they changed, but one thing I do know is that they improved upon the ai giving them the ability to suppress.

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berrу - - 114 comments

can you make enemy health not change with difficulty?

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dkmaster16 Author
dkmaster16 - - 15 comments

cfg folder contains skill config files with all the health and damage values, as well as resource balancing and other features.

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Guest - - 693,665 comments

Has anyone else beside me experienced a bug where the difficulty keeps resting to normal when you set it to diabolical?

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dkmaster16 Author
dkmaster16 - - 15 comments

To access Diabolical difficulty, you need to type sk_diabolical 1 in console whenever you start up the game, as this command is automatically set to 0 when launching the game. To turn diabolical difficulty off, set sk_diabolical to 0, so that lower difficulty levels will be accessible.

When sk_diabolical is set to 1, the options menu will still not display diabolical, but the game will infact have it's skill level set to diabolical.

The reason why this difficulty level is hidden in the console is because it may be too frustrating for most players. All difficulty levels are harder than their vanilla counterparts.

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Raynoa - - 4 comments

Where is the control panel for weapons firing speed and accuracy spread? I added dual pistols to the game and I want to make some changes.

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Gusλλλλλλ - - 53 comments

The game crashes during first encounter with soldiers on map d2_prison_03 (second map in the Nova Prospekt chapter, right after Antlion Guard encounter). Tested on clean install of the game on Steam + this mod.

Also it seems to undo the death animation fix introduced in Steam Deck updates (and probably more):

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dkmaster16 Author
dkmaster16 - - 15 comments

The update should fix most crashes

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dkmaster16 Author
dkmaster16 - - 15 comments

I restored deathposes in the latest update

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Guest - - 693,665 comments

crashes at nova prospect, prison beginning near the towers

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dkmaster16 Author
dkmaster16 - - 15 comments

Thanks, on it.

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dkmaster16 Author
dkmaster16 - - 15 comments

The update should fix most crashes

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Guest - - 693,665 comments

killing shotgun combines causes a crash

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dkmaster16 Author
dkmaster16 - - 15 comments

I made a hot fix right now

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DerricksFather - - 1 comments

Great mod! The only criticisms I have are that the shotgun feels alot weaker, sometimes taking two shots at point blank just to kill a headcrab on Normal. And while the Combine combat feels great, definitley some of the most fun I've had in Half Life, fighting other creatures, especially zombies, is a nightmare. Ravenholm specifically was atrocious; difficult but not very fun. Some of my criticisms might just be Source related, so do take everything I say with a boulder-sized grain of salt. But again, great mod. I'd have to give it a 7/10.

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dkmaster16 Author
dkmaster16 - - 15 comments

Thank you for a review! I will make buckshot more effective against headcrabs next patch

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Guest - - 693,665 comments

Another problem, again idk if this is more of a Half Life 2 problem or a mod problem, about 60% of the time shooting headcrab zombies in the head wouldn't kill the headcrab too even with what seemed like a direct hit. Pretty sure that's more of a Half Life 2 problem but I thought I'd mention it just in case. Keep up the great work!

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dkmaster16 Author
dkmaster16 - - 15 comments

That is a new thing mod added, I should've listed that in the description. Zombies are not really dangerous, at least headcrabs can get some hits in, this also makes you check if headcrabs survived or not like in Half-Life Alyx.

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Guest - - 693,665 comments

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

Double the suppressing firepower by letting the soldiers have at least two than one. This will allow them to suppress more effectively + keeping them busy with other activity than running into crossfire lines.

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Accelerator.V5 - - 3 comments

Explosions still cause game crash. And the Combine have been glitching lately for some reasons. They just stand there menacingly and stare at enemies without shooting them or anything. They also seem to have problem evading grenades and melee npcs.

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Raynoa - - 4 comments

The Combine suppressive fire still has flaws: First issue is the Combine act as individual when suppressing, thus leading them to run into teammate's fire line and get killed embarrassingly which happened a lot during my playthrough, therefor they must cooperate and suppress together like in HLA.
Second issue is that they don't know when to stop suppressing and when to move. They should stop suppressing as soon as fellow teammates establish line of sight with the hidden enemy.
Their use of grenades also needs to be taken with caution. They keep spamming them rapidly regardless of distance and space like no tomorrow, and then realize that they're near the blast radius.

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dkmaster16 Author
dkmaster16 - - 15 comments

Right, the last update made it so that advancing combine will prevent allies from suppressing, and suppressing combine will not suppress for too long.

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Guest - - 693,665 comments

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