Add job Report 3D Model Designer Needed for Original Indie RPG at Iron Valkyrie Games

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Iron Valkyrie Games on

3D Model Designers!

Now is your chance to be part of a small but great team working on Incarnate. Incarnate is an RPG in an original world filled with people and creatures with extraordinary elemental powers. The player plays as one of these people, a person known from birth as an Incarnate. There are horrible things happening; creatures going berserk, monsters appearing and attacking civilians and more mysterious deaths to name but a few. (More details of the project will become available if your application is successful).

You will help create this world by modelling, rendering and animating 3D Models designed after the work of our in-house concept artist. You will be in direct contact with the Game Director who will require regular updates of your work in progress.

You will also be responsible for meeting deadlines set by the Game Director.

This is a long running project so dedication is a must.

When you apply you will be issued a design challenge with a deadline to show off your talent.

Thank you,
Good luck,
And we hope to hear from you soon.

PS. This is an unpaid vacancy but a revenue-share MAY be available down the line if the game does well.

To Apply

Send a copy of your CV and any relevant work showcasing your talent to the Game Director at: