Call of The Zone is a standalone modification for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Call of Pripyat that allows you to explore the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone – a desolate and highly contaminated region of Ukraine that has been abandoned and closed off for decades ever since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. What has been going on in this irradiated wasteland since then? There are no shortage of rumors and conspiracy theories, each more fantastic than the last. Rumors of mutated wildlife, brainwashed cults, secret experiments, and unexplainable paranormal events abound, as do promises of great riches and wildest dreams coming true for those who are daring or desperate enough to try to break through the cordon. You are about to find out for yourself what is true and what is yet undiscovered, and experience for yourself all the Zone has to offer... or to take from you.


Improves, expands and / or extends pretty much every gameplay mechanic in Call of The Zone. It's fast, it's fun and it's fresh.

Mahzra's Package v2
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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Download the optional extras here:

I'll roll these into the full update but I know these are things people want. Vanilla and / or lore-friendly mutants soon.

> Call of Pripyat HUD, courtesy of Sanctuary. Patched for everything in the pack, so bleeding eyeballs and colored map icons and the Black Bevels info window work too. Don't copy the zone_map.xml if you don't want a mini-map.
> Traders buy damaged weapons and armor from 25% condition and up.


Download the hotfix here:

The hotfix does not contain changes that require a new game. I'm saving those for full updates, after which the cycle repeats.


> Game crashes when I kill Ghouls for Sakharov! [fixed]

> Too many sawn-off shotguns in reward stashes! [fixed]

> Clear Sky armor strings are messed up! [fixed]

> Traders don't sell detectors! [fixed]
This should take effect immediately after installing. If your goodwill with factions is high enough, they may offer new detectors for sale. The Svarog detector is only available through mission rewards (very rarely) and from Ecologist traders at 1500+ accumulated goodwill.

> Distant gun fire is muted! [fixed]
This has some serious consequences for gameplay. After installing the hotfix, you will hear gunshots from much further away. That's great for immersion and locating people shooting at you! Here's the thing: NPCs will hear them from much further away too, and may come running to see what's up.

> Ambush mission crashes my game! [fixed]
Merged the wrong file before.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments


-- Bugs:

> Monolith main quest line stalls at Cleric and Klorik repeatedly sending me to one another!
Testing other factions. I have played through the main quest for Military, Loner, Clear Sky, Ecologists and Freedom so those work. Bandit main quest appears to end after talking to the Wish Granter.

> Game occasionally crashes when transitioning into Agroprom
([error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'meshes\brkbl#0.ogf'.)
I have been unable to reproduce this error. It may be a DX10/11 thing; could you try DX10 and see if it persists?

-- Frequently Anticipated Questions:

> What's changed from the final release of Mahzra's Package v1?
There are many differences, but essentially v2 is much more expansive. V1 is centered around AO3 and vicious combat but other than that only contains vanilla items, artifacts, missions and NPCs. It's very straightforward and it's compatible with most things.

V2 still uses AO3 but now also features Bullet Time and expanded sets of armors, items, artifacts, mutants, missions and NPCs, all of which were tweaked to better integrate into the package as a whole. This also means it's not 100% compatible with other addons as a result.

> Where the HUD at?
There is a CoP HUD in the Optional Extras pack linked above.
This uses my Srsly Minimalist HUD, which only displays positive status effects, health, stamina, loaded ammo and current fire mode. For more information on my reasoning regarding the HUD, check the Srsly Minimalist addon description.

> Minimap?
Install my Srsly Minimal Minimap or use the CoP HUD.

> Companions?
No. Friendship is magic and the Zone is COLD HARD SCIENCE. NPCs will only join you if missions require it. They also won't allow you to take their possessions from them. If you want their stuff, you're going to have to barter for it.

> I die a lot and Shao Khan laughing at me makes me feel bad!
Aw. GIT GUD M8! :D Only joking. Use the vanilla player death sounds in the Shush addon to restore your Oscar-worthy death cries.

> I don't like using the AO3 multi-tool to remove sights and scopes!
Neither do I, to be honest. Using the addon that removes the multi-tool unfortunately causes some bugs though, and I haven't figured out how to resolve those yet.


> The game crashes when I mess around with weapons after looting!
There is a bug in CoTZ related to automatically equipping weapons in a slot that's too small. Don't ask. The workaround is to have something equipped in your knife/pistol slot at all times.

> In rare cases, the game crashes when it autosaves and / or when I quicksave! The error message says that a new file can not be created when a file already exists. But it does save! o_O
Make a new manual save and delete the others.

> In rare cases, the game crashes and the error message in the log file says that the parameter is incorrect!
It sure is. :|

> In very rare cases, the game crashes and leaves a 0KB log file!
Yeah. Hate when it does that.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
strelok1111 - - 87 comments

I like the multi tool. It very comes in handy. I put it in quick slot alongside 2 long and short range scope so that I can quickly switch them back and forth without opening my inventory

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Jerem1eh - - 49 comments

been hyped for this one! Terrific work man :DDDDD

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Jerem1eh - - 49 comments

just one question- any way to manually remove the laughing sounds when the player dies?

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Use the vanilla player death sounds in the Shush addon.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
kanashimih - - 335 comments


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Krashnikov - - 78 comments

ah snap!

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Jerem1eh - - 49 comments

persistent crash when moving between levels, it worked the first time but never since, anyone else got this issue?

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Nope. Which levels does it happen on, and is there an error message in the log?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Jerem1eh - - 49 comments

so far it happens in yantar, wild territory, dead city, and army warehouses. Crash log is as follows:

had to put it in a doc cus my internet ***** itself when i put it in a comment

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments


I have no idea why that happens. You could try deleting your shader_cache and changing renderer, whatever is making it crash doesn't seem to be caused by a config error or anything. Try DX10?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Oh, do me a favor and test it without TZND?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Jerem1eh - - 49 comments

Will do

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Jerem1eh - - 49 comments

it works fine without TZND!

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

I wish that made it easier to troubleshoot, but it doesn't really. I've played the pack with and without TZND for many hours and haven't had this happen.

If you're on max settings, try reducing texture quality by one tick, switch to DX10 and delete the shader cache.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Jerem1eh - - 49 comments

sorry bout that- forgot to report findings:

it works on dx10 apparently i was on dx11

(I am on Nvidia)

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

No worries, thanks for confirming!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Oh other question, what video card do you have? I'm on Nvidia, maybe it's an AMD thing?

Before I start a flame war, I don't have a preference either way, I got my Nvidia card as a gift! :D

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BioX853 - - 56 comments

I assume Rhons NPC Expansion is included? Also, wouls you be willing to replace the included AO3 with AO3 Lite that has recently released?

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Yup, Rhons' NPC variants, the unique NPCs, its armor expansion and zombified stalker models are included. As for the AO3 Lite addon, that came out just as I was finalizing my build so I couldn't include that on release. I will include that as an optional in a future update, along with some other stuff.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BioX853 - - 56 comments


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Guest - - 694,641 comments

HUD and loading screens are broken when I install it, any ideas? -dbg -no_staging are enabled, no other mods.

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Guest - - 694,641 comments

Ah, I see, it's a feature. How can I disable it?

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

For now, I would suggest giving the HUD a chance. I'll add a vanilla HUD option for a future update.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 694,641 comments

Thank you! I understand minimalism but i love stalker UI too much.

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Koytar - - 9 comments

I don't know why but for me gun sounds in the distant are silent for some odd reasons. Any idea what could occur this because I am brain dead and it's a long time I didn't played modded CoTZ.

Edit: Tested on Dead City so far
Edit2: It isn't map specific, it's most likely broken sound but it seems I'm the only one experiencing it when I see the comments

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Yeah, this is a new one for me too. You could try selecting another sound device, if you have that option in the Options > Sound menu. You could also try to disable EAX, if you have that enabled. Neither of these things should make a difference, but who knows.

Lastly, could you try raising the volume in the game and lowering your system volume?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Koytar - - 9 comments

I don't think system wise it affects the game since I tested it without being on a voice chat or something.

Later I will try without EAX since it wasn't an idea that would come to mind, though for the sound type, I tried both software and hardware but it the same thing, will retry it again to be 100% sure.

Edit: EAX and changing between software and hardware sound does nothing, I'll try CoTZ with only Arsenal Overhaul just to see if it is the port or smth else

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

None of these should really matter, is the thing. It's an odd one. Give the suggestion to raise the SFX volume in game a try, even if it seems pointless. I'm curious to know if the distant sounds are actually muted or just really quiet. Are you using headphones?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Koytar - - 9 comments

Headphones yes, SFX sound to maximum since the installation of CoTZ. The only sound produced in the distance was blood splash and some kind of bullet trail or smth. But the gunshot itself is completely mute unless you are in CQC range

Edit: AO3 alone works, gunshots can be heard from afar with EAX and software sound enabled. You never had this problem on your side ?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

If regular AO3 sounds do work, you can use AO3's sound .db to override mine by adding zzz_ to AO3 sound.db's filename. That makes it load after mine. I used the Modern Warfare sound pack in this overhaul, maybe that causes it. Other than that I'm sorry to say I'm stumped.

If anyone else has experienced this issue, please let me know. Especially if you solved it! :D

EDIT: nope, never had this issue, and I've tested this on on-board sound, dedicated sound card, USB haedphones and via HDMI. I am very confused.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Koytar - - 9 comments

I'll give it a try later. After I'm done with Guild Wars 2 shenanigans I'll retry downloading the modpack and install it and test it out again. If that doesn't work I'll try what you suggested to me

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Looking at the AK47's files in both MW pack and AO3, I do see some differences, and there's one big issue that I have to correct immediately because it's hilariously stupid.

In original AO3 not only does the sound travel three times as far, the AI can hear it for up to 250 ill-defined units of distance.

In my current sound files, the AI can only hear them for up to 50. :D

I am embarrassed I never noticed the problem, but at least my four beta testers didn't catch it either!

A massive thank you for noticing and reporting this. Expect a patch very soon. I just need to check and correct every single fire sound in AO3.

FML I guess! :D

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Koytar - - 9 comments

Ah well, thanks to be your rent free tester for it.

Jokes aside, happy to provide bug feedback (:

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Thanks, this is much better.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Koytar - - 9 comments

Works as intended now, game is playable now 0/10 would recommend


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BioX853 - - 56 comments

Another question- is Rhon's Expanded Questlines included? Pertaining to my previous inquiry, if you decided to add AO3 Lite as an optional module, there is a patch for expanded questlines as stated on AO3 Lite's original modpage if Expanded Questlines has already been included.

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Yes, Rhons' expanded quests is also included. Adding AO3 Lite requires not only patching the quest lines, but also traders, loot tables, random stash blacklists, NPC loadouts, it's actually pretty involved. Fortunately I can use the AO3 Lite patch for Expanded Quests as a guide, but it will still take a while to do and will require a new game. Since I have to modify many things for that, I want to combine it with other things I need to patch like items and artifacts.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BioX853 - - 56 comments

Ah, great to know. Thanks again!

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Guest - - 694,641 comments

Hey! very nice mod. Just wondering if AO3 character creation store is compatible and kinda related since you didn't respond to the other guy on the moddb page, did you include the fix for bugged storylines?

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Oh, I'll have to reply that that guy too. The AO3 Character Creation Store is compatible, in the sense that it works but does not include item overhaul items and such.

It does include the fix I was provided by another user, which means the storylines for factions that can do the end-game missions are enabled. I have had some weird things happen with that though, which is why I haven't included it. Also it locks out interesting missions for factions that don't do the end-game missions like Bandits.

So in short: yes it works but I can only recommend it for freeplay and azazel.

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SteamMod - - 156 comments

>>The workaround [to avoid crashes looting] is to have something equipped in your knife/pistol slot at all times.<<

Hmm this is eye-opening and explains why players generally have a knife in the beginning and not have to buy one (nor, if I recall correctly, can it be taken in a mugging), is the crash possibility true for binoculars not present as well?

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Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

The binoculars slot is safe. 1.5R4 (which is the CoC version CoTZ is based on) introduced the ability to equip pistols in the knife slot, and R6 resolved this particular bug.

The knife can be taken from you in a mugging, but is rare. Like, I've only had it happen if I chased my muggers and got mugged again. It's why I made sure knives and binos are available for sale, just in case.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BioX853 - - 56 comments

I also want to enquire as to whether Autumn Aurora HUD and other addons found in GooZe's Overhaul (last updated in 2020) possible? I am currently looking at the mods included in GooZe's Overhaul which consists of THAP, Simple Mask HUD etc.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
BioX853 - - 56 comments

As well as this, is it included in your package?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

This is not yet included.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

THAP is included, as well as Smurth LILGabe Hybrid, which includes mask HUDs. Autumn Aurora and other HUD mods for CoTZ will work, but may cause some included addons to not work properly, causing hitmarkers and the mask HUD to fail.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BioX853 - - 56 comments

Ah, I see. Your Combat Module which is included in this package clearly contains the same files as the mod I have linked above, so conflict is unavoidable.

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Guest - - 694,641 comments

Wrong squad identificator [drx_ql_brawl_squad_ambush_killer_1]. Squad descr doesnt exist.


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CInifile::r_section
[error]File : Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line : 523
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Can't open section 'drx_ql_brawl_squad_ambush_killer_1'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report

stack trace:

0023:00CB483C xrCore.dll, xrDebug::fatal()
0023:0A8B6A3A xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::operator=()

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Thanks, will post a fix tomorrow.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 694,641 comments

Had the same crash with monolith squads too, thanks.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Download and install hotfix to fix it hotly.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 694,641 comments

Nice work, props to you being so active keeping cotz fresh and helping other modders here appreciate it!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Mahzra Author
Mahzra - - 586 comments

Thanks for the kind words, it's my pleasure!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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