Cubix it's a game made by Ofihombre. It tries of that you have to tread on all the soils of the tower and to turn them into blue (similar that Q*bert) to be able to happen from level and avoid the obstacles.

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Hi, I'm Alex Monfort Ferrer (Ofihombre), from Spain. Lately I have come up with several ideas to create an indie super production of a videogame to which I will explain below:

Randy Manilla   Craracter Cove

Randy & Manilla is a game project that for years I wanted to do it with the company of people dedicated to the indie sector of video games and art, and I would like have a great support so that it can become a reality to be able to develop this indie project that has occurred to me in the best way possible.

I will show you some examples that the game will have:

RM kick1

On the year 2142, In the mysterious interior of the quantum supercomputer created by Lambert Wilson, there is a cyber-universe surrounded by a brightly colored cubes called "Net-Cubes" that inside have a fantastic virtual worlds of pixelated structures, abstract and even in various ways. It is free from threats like hackers, cyber-spies and corporate and government organizations. But that doesn't mean that they have their own threats, such as the villain of the red Net-Cube, "Cracksom Virus" a dominant virus that puts all Net-Cubes in danger of being permanently eliminated in their favor and expanding their empire of computing corruption.

Then a message algorithm called "E-Mailer" arrives at the world of "Bloxland Qubitown", the home of Randy and Manilla, giving them an urgent notice that the entire cyber-universe is in a big danger of being destroyed by Cracksom, urging and begging to be their heroes, and they accepted the mission and they will embark on a great adventure about the different Net-Cubes, but E-Mailer will also accompany and open them portals to access the new worlds.

RM kick2

Randy Big sprite RM

Randy Qubit Pix-It: Bold, somewhat brave and motivated. Their power ups are of fireballs and strength, which can remove obstacles and many enemies.

RM Manilla Big sprite

Manilla Von-It: The younger sister, cheerful, optimistic. Her power ups are speed, which can run, give quick attacks and mini-teleports that pass through glass walls and fences. In a few phases it will run similar to Sonic.

RM E Mailer Big sprite

E-Mailer: The Messenger Algorithm that sends emails through all Net-cubes of the supercomputer. When he warns of a virus danger (such as Cracksom), he goes to alert Randy, Manilla or any other hero to motivate them to save Net-cubes from the impending disaster.

Other Characters (with need to be designed):

- Cracksom Virus
Style: Supervillian, Virus
Features: Cyborg, floating, virus representations
Biography: The main villain of the game and the Emperor Virus of his own corrupt Net-Cube (Cracksom Fortress), its plan is to penetrate the base of the quantum computer of Wilson to complete the infection of all net-cubes for later destruction and then also get invade the real world left by humans.
It also sends its viruses minions scattered in several Net-Cubes to prevent Randy & Manilla from bothering his great plan.

- Lambert Wilson Ferrer
Style: Realistic European Human
Features: Glasses, scientist suit
Biography: Prestigious scientist and computer scientist born in the United Kingdom with a Catalan mother and a British father, his mission is build a secret base in Antarctica with a quantic supercomputer for the permanent preservation of information and the legacies of mankind, and that he could resist everything possible against the threats of climate change and government and corporate control.

- Hao-Li Jefferson
Style: Realistic Asian Human
Features: Hacker
Biography: Chinese hacker born in the United States who moved to Taiwan.
He have collected and stored all possible information and he obtained it with all possible means (from VPNs to decentralized networks as Zero-Net) during the previous decades to the implementation of restrictive and authoritarian laws to Internet.

- Jay Gamer McDay "The Gameboss"
Style: Cartoon
Features: Repellent smile, Gamer Cap, arcade T-shirt & Sonic-Like shoes
Biography: The Supergamer owner of the Net-Cube of Gamezone Cube. He tests Randy and Manilla with several challenges with giant arcade video game machines.

- Venny Loopsuit
Style: Vanellope-Like
Features: violet hair, whitish lilac and purple racer clothes, helmet with star
Biography: The young and expert racer of the Net-Cube Wonder Race.
She is the one who She will help Manilla during his adventure until the final race.

- Virdueen
Style: Spiritual female entity
Features: variations of blue, violet, turquoise and pink, square particles emitting in the hairstyle, floating
Biography: The Queen of Net-Cube Abstractia. She is the one that points to Randy and Manilla specific emotional challenges in the Cubic Hall of sensations.

- Blue Quantáramo
Style: Pixar-Like
Features: Military suit, blue skin
Biography: The Mayor and Commander of Quantum City. He is responsible to send the alert message to E-Mailer about the threat of Cracksom Virus to Randy and Manilla. Having waited for the arrival at his office, he tells them that must go to the first Net-Cube (Quantum HHD) to know its origin and why they were chosen to stop Cracksom.

- Yuri Crime Masuka
Style: Anime
Features: black headband, platinum blonde hair, anime clothes, crime, death and Japanese tattoos, scars, dagger and gun
Biography: Former member of a crime band of the Net-Cube of FakePeace.
She is also an expert shooter at Blacksquare Qubit-Battle.

RM kick3

Net Cubes map artwork

Each selectable Net-Cube of the game, represents and refers to a certain videogame genres (RPG, Platform, Arcade, Shooter, etc.), with distinctive colors compared to most (behind will be shown a screenshot of a very early prototype version of what it consists of).

3D Net Cubes 3

The two cubes in blue a little less clear, will possibly be the selectable worlds.

RM Terra Qubit 2D Artwork

Upon entering inside of the Net-Cubes, they are also the entry to discover the worlds of its interior to that these game genres represent. Such for example Terra-Qubit, where the levels are of the platforms genre accompanied by a retro and pixelated mosaic aesthetic.

RM kick7

To better understand about its important role that represent the Net-Cubes for the game itself, I have made a short video about a prototype demo of the project.

In this you can make a free travel on the cyber-universe surrounded by Net-Cubes of various colors driving with a ship (a simple cube), when entering on the brown Net-Cube, the screen menu with the title of the world (Terra-Qubit) is activated as if it were another videogame inside it, going through an interactive stage of the map of the levels based on the gender of the platforms, in the first level (of the blue tile) the camera follows the character with a perspective similar to Super Mario 3D Land / 3D World, making reference to the 3D linear platforms. And the basic object for a platform game that helps follow the player, They are bright yellow cubes called "Net-Points" that when you pick them up, he get points that fill the score, and there is also a Power-Up that is activated at the right time to defeat enemies and reach the goal.

RM kick4

This indie game project, being partly multi-genre, it could host many classic game references, also the dark and post-apocalyptic origin on a supercomputer with Net-Cubes that stores memories of humanity before its extinction, may have some touch of Ready Player One, but taken to an even farther future, and several virtual environments would also have the simple and funny style of Wreck-It Ralph (specially by the main characters, and the game title its obvioulsy a reference).

As you have seen, it may seem like a video game idea that sounds curious or even interesting, but nevertheless this project can't be complete and well developed with the current means that I have.

I need several things for a better look for my indie videogame project:
- Great Artworks based on the Characters & Worlds (faithful to those I have taught)
- Great 3D models based on the characters and with animations included (faithful to those I have taught)
- Scripts and programming codes suitable for each world that represents a videogame genre
- Animated Shortfilms for Cutscenes
- 2D Art & Pixelart
- Original Soundtrack that fits well to the game
- Voice dub for the characters

Anyway, it's clearly a very complicated game that I will take years to develop. I don't know how I'm going to manage this only, if I'm not even excellent in any field.

To Apply

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