Step closer, kin of our kin, for we have gospel to share. Having delivered the One Free Man to safety, Father Grigori, Archangel of Ravenholm, must now make his final exodus - and bury the town he once held so dear beneath ash.

Report RSS Half Life 2: Raising the Bar REDUX & SALVATION: Division 2 Open Source Update

Our open source repositories have been updated, featuring additions for Division 2 and Salvation code, as well as some new Division 3 screenshots!

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Hey everyone! Today's update is a bit different – we're announcing an addition to our Open Source repository, bringing both Division 2.1 in addition to Salvation to interested mod developers! We also have a few extra Division 3 media items to sweeten the pot – so stay tuned!

Open Sourcing

RTBR Div 2 Open Source Media

The new update to the public codebase brings the repository up to par with the latest release of Division 2.1, and also includes Salvation's code changes in a separate branch. In addition, fixes introduced into RTBR since Division 2.1 and Salvation's releases have also been integrated into this codebase, keeping the code robust and updated. Click the links below for the repository you're interested in:

Division 2


Code Addons

In addition to the updated code on our repository, we've also posted experimental addons for both Redux and Salvation which feature the updated code compiled and ready for use. These include the wide range of fixes mentioned earlier but have not been playtested, so beware of any hidden issues that may arise. Nonetheless, if you want a slightly more refined experience, you can install these addons via the links provided.


RTBR Div 2 Open Source Media

Our work continues in earnest on the depot demo – we've now begun our second phase of testing which bodes well for our release timeline. So, as an extra teaser, some shots from the depot, starting with Depotyard – which has an immense underground storage area co-opted by the Combine. Art passing is still WIP in all of these maps, but each map has at least one distinct vista that sets it apart from the others in this lineup.


RTBR Div 2 Open Source Media

In Depot01, a new chasm spans the gameplay area, populated by giant turbines. This feeds into our narrative reframing of the depot as being part of the water-extracting efforts in the wasteland, these giant turbines pumping the water out of the surrounding area. Multi-level combat will take place in this environment, giving the OICW's many modes of combat a chance to shine.


RTBR Div 2 Open Source Media

Depot02 sees the player fighting off both antlions and soldiers, with Alyx by your side, which will culminate in a climactic encounter atop one of the Depot's guard stations. Heavy combine fortifications and waves of antlions striking from above will be the last big barrier before rescuing Eli Maxwell.


RTBR Div 2 Open Source Media

The final map inside the depot is a romp where antlions fight by your side, controlled by the pheropod as Gordon is made their new king. Cut down the remaining garrison to buy a window for Alyx and Eli to escape, and enjoy the deepest inner workings of the Combine's tech at its most robust.

Finishing Up

RTBR Div 2 Open Source Media

That's all for today's brief update! We hope any developers out there enjoy digging into the code and if you do anything cool with it, please let us know on our public Discord! Before we wrap up, we'll mention a few roles we're still open to:

  • Captain Vance – We've yet to find our perfect Captain Vance and we encourage people to apply over on our Casting Call Club page!

  • 3D Modellers – More support in our hard surface department will always be appreciated

  • Programmers – With the amount of custom content coming in Division 3, additional resources in our programming department would be ideal

If any of these roles look good to you, please add the username, kralich, on Discord. Thanks all, enjoy the new code, and we'll see you in the near future!

Post comment Comments
/TheWolf - - 859 comments

Amazing. BTW any updates on Triumph?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Kralich/David Author
Kralich/David - - 841 comments

Not right now, but soon!

Reply Good karma+5 votes
woopwoop1609067291 - - 16 comments

Thank you❤🔥

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
coolguy70 - - 12 comments

this is R a d.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
PumpkinJack6 - - 1 comments

Awesome as always! Keep it up!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
AlfredJR2K - - 58 comments

Nice job. Maybe I will try it next time.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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