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Duke Nukem crash lands into the city of Pula, Croatia in Blast Radius level 6: "Koj Stil Borac" - and he's all out of guns AND gum. Amidst an ancient Roman environment which may or may not conceal more than meets the eye, accompany our hero as his pristine plastique effortlessly reverberates a particularly hardcore take on traditional Mediterranean heat, and he exposes Blast Radius' first European traces of alien invasion, all the while reconquering the arsenal of a warrior for himself.

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Download Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius (last update: 03/04/2024; v. 5.0.2)

Duke Nukem crash lands into the city of Pula, Croatia in Blast Radius level 6: "Koj Stil Borac" - and he's all out of guns AND gum. Amidst an ancient Roman environment which may or may not conceal more than meets the eye (that being mostly endless waves of Istrian Pig Cop reinforcements), accompany our hero as his pristine plastique effortlessly reverberates a particularly hardcore take on traditional Mediterranean heat. Duke Nukem gets down to expose Blast Radius' first European traces of alien infestation, all the while reconquering the arsenal of a warrior for himself.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

History: Whilst internationally most renowned for even relatively contemporarily enduring political and historical trauma, the Balkans and Eastern Europe in general really are especially interesting regions of the world in that as literally torn between the increasing influence of the Western model and a justifiable protective attachment to sometimes alternative traditional local values, their situation results in critically vivid, culturally rich places. And yet, relatively rarely are such settings, when portrayed or represented in common imagery, magnified as such with, oftentimes, nearly exclusive focus on their wounds instead.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

"Koj Stil Borac" paints the picture of a city of Pula, Croatia that, whilst deflagrated indeed, tries fighting back against the invasion with more charm, keeping standing up and strong on the foundation of its own history and local merits over a perspective of default defeat; the real-life location contemporarily having grown to become a major touristic hot spot in spite of, and due to, its disputed political history throughout the eras, and yet retained its intrinsic charm as its truest catch.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Actual old-school, ancient Croatian lingo experts in the comment section may rectify or precise this, but word on the street is the level title, 'koj stil borac?' is a relatively local and dated term some traditional Istrian fishermen in particular used to greet one another with, roughly translating to 'what's the style, fighter?' as a way to ask 'what's up?'.

Starting weaponless and exposed, only to progressively work his way up towards, then achieve the complete conquest of the city and recollection of a full arsenal, Duke Nukem's discovery of this Build engine reinterpretation of Pula is bound to really be the walk of a warrior.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Chronologically, "Koj Stil Borac" was the fifth level designed for Blast Radius, after level 3 "Big Apple Smoke Toke", level 7 "Lights, Camera, Revolution", level 9 "Nakano Nightmare" and level 1 "Sunset Suicide"; and preceding the making of levels 2 "Embarco's Most Blasted", 5 "High High High", then 4 "Incapharnaum".

It was built Dec. 3rd - Dec. 26th, 2020.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

"Koj Stil Borac" features a Build engine reinterpretation of the real-life Pula Arena (Pulska Arena), officially recorded as constructed between 28 B.C. and A.D. 68 when the city became a regional centre of Roman rule, of the adjacent Pula Cathedral (Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary/Katedrala uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije) dated from the fifth but heavily fixed throughout the eighteenth century as well as its bell tower addendum from 1707.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke will also get to visit the vicinity of the Pula marina, the interior (and bathrooms) of Galerija Cvajner and maybe even develop a taste for the local burek and ice cream joints whilst on the lookout for, respectively, hot and cold refills.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Impression-wise, the persisting and now omnipresent blue tones from level 5 "High High High" really help mark a contrast with the much warmer, first American levels, and the feeling of tackling foreign ground is further enhanced by the different, distinct architecture with absolute emphasis on the strongest landmarks (which battling inside the arena allows for a 360-degree kaleidoscopic view on). Local cultural elements from a new place get introduced also in the language and theming for the various locations, and yet Duke is bound to feel - perhaps even welcome - at home given the continuing pattern of mass destruction he's come to expect by now, and the omnipresence of familiar foes albeit in fresh, exoticism-inducing colors.

The layout mostly revolves around the central amphitheater which, as Duke progresses through the city only to keep stumbling upon underground entryways, is revealed to be built right on top of another 'alien' arena, just beneath the surface. The shock of such a realization might leave Duke speechless but to pray for a way out.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB


Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

As to mark a fresh start in suddenly European settings, Duke crash lands into the Mediterranean Sea with his weapons now scattered about the city of Pula, and his imminent mission to go retrieve them.

From this point onwards is progressively and, after the trauma of "Incapharnaum" still, reassuringly revealed how despite first appearing to be a rather open-looking area, the city block itself is in fact relatively conservative in scope, mostly consisting in distinct, clearly identifiable and recognizable plazas, piers and alleys where it also becomes established each one conceals a different gun.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Right upon level start, turning the corner around, then past the first piles of debris shall lead Duke to a beach where the Freezethrower has landed. Going anywhere near, however, may alarm a handful of airborne Assault Troops for Duke to have to fend off.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Jumping the very next fence, or venturing anywhere near south of the central part of the city in general will reveal a public park where the chaingun can be found (alongside some more health items). By fetching it though, Duke will alert a pack of Octabrains, coming all the way from the arena across the street as an effort to defend it.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Right next to the beach and park as the lowest street level south of the map is a parking lot where the pistol can be collected. But if Duke misses it (or happens to feel discouraged by the presence of its guardians for the time being), he might be able to pick up a different one from some place else, e.g.. certain trashcans or alleyways.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

The collapsed pier Duke's plane from "High High High" crashes into upon level start is home to the RPG, built so strong it survived the accident. Investigating the area will trigger instant reaction from a remarkably unsettling trio of Sentries, however; not to mention intervention from Scorpion Tank reinforcements, and all the Istrian and Bomb Squad Pig Cops already deployed on site Duke should destroy on sight.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Speaking of Bomb Squad Pig Cops, quite a number of them can be found around the level, given all the exploded sections of the city. One group in particular patrols the easternmost end of the main street, and is equipped with a hefty stash of pipebombs and various other explosives. Duke shouldn't drop his guard since he may be just about to encounter Blast Radius' first Sunburnt Commander, blasting his way out on the block as foreshadowed by, and from behind the Badel Pelinkovac banner.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Venturing inside the bakery (pekara), conducting clean-up and exploding the fire extinguisher in the kitchen shall lead Duke to a hidden Microwave Expander gun, shoved inside a ventilation shaft. Depending on whether or not he's equipped with the jetpack already, plenty of which are scattered throughout the level, Duke may then decide to fly up in order to reach inside a fisherman's apartment with extra items, including pairs of potentially precious boots.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Sandwiched between the pekara and Galerija Cvajner is an apartment building, fittingly marked by an 'apartman' sign. Duke can sneak inside one of the apartments, either by visiting the janitor's office in the lobby to unlock the elevator or by using a jetpack to fly in through the window, and borrow the shotgun there in addition to possibly endlessly watching a steaming moka pot.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

As Duke might observe through one particular ventilation duct near level start, Galerija Cvajner hosts the Shrinker, inside the ladies' bathrooms. Before he can make his way to it, though, Duke might need to find an explosive weapon to shoot through the separation from the men's bathrooms in order to explode the next door from the inside (unless he can get creative with clipping exploits, or the pistol from one particular angle).

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Last but not least, the extremity of this (for now) dead-end is where the (non-secret) Devastator weapon dropped. Although, going to retrieve it will result in a particularly mean ambush courtesy of Scorpion Tanks gradually infiltrating the traffic in Duke's back, more or less discreetly creeping up on our hero, rockets ready.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

With no way out in sight, Duke's curiosity will insist on taking him underneath the city surface (via three possible entry points: the rakija distillery, the marina, or the collapsed building next to the cathedral), where he will eventually uncover a map-wide, alien underworld layer - complete with an equivalent arena the exterior one is founded on top of. And while the outdoor one is a massive item cache, below ground is mostly devoid of ammunition except for Shrinker crystals, and so it is suggested Duke shall visit the former before entering the latter.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

From this point onwards, Duke shall stumble upon two findings: the cathedral's winery, itself a way into the cathedral per se under the condition one has collected the red keycard; and said red keycard, situated in the center of the alien arena which is brimming with purple lava pits, Sentries of various kinds and, generally speaking, some of the toughest opponents encountered thus far. Duke should go find it, and then infiltrate the cathedral.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

After preying on a Battlelord Sentry, then praying by the means of a switch on the altar, the end-of-level Nuke Button will rise from the ground, back outside where the Devastator weapon was found. But one ultimate wave of alien occupiers shall have spilled into the streets, as a last ditch attempt to trap Duke under siege. Only once it's been natually clarified how brave, agile and accurate Duke is may he truly emerge as one of Croatia's best warriors - and borrow a bus to Paris.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Par time route: "Koj Stil Borac" really is a rather straightforward level, with Duke only having to retrieve one central keycard then flick a switch nearby to unlock the exit. How quick (and hindered) Duke is at completing this basic task is all which will determine whether he makes or breaks par time.

And Duke's entry point of choice for slipping beneath the surface might be the main factor in conditioning that. As mentioned earlier, three of them exist, two of which accessible with the jetpack, the remaining one at ground level.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Above: the closest one to Duke's destination of interest - inside the cathedral - can be accessed through this collapsed building one needs a jetpack to reach. Jumping down the exposed ventilation duct will take Duke underground and to the foundation of the bell tower complete with a well, leaping down which will precipitate him into the cathedral's basement and winery. The spot where Duke lands is exactly in the middle point between the red key and the red key pad on the map. Going up the hallway will explode the wall separating the winery from the underground arena, allowing for easy access to the key but also implying Duke will have to go down to fetch it and then backtrack back up to the lock.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Another rather central entry point - pedestrian this time - is in the backyard of the rakija home distillery, where Duke can break a vent in order to infiltrate said distillery but also an alien-looking tunnel which leads to a hive, brimming with Protozoid Slimer eggs and various types of Octabrains. Some walls of the hive can be zipped through in order to access the arena and key, then winery and key pad in a straight line if Duke knows what he's doing, which he obviously does. And, once he's done, this spot makes for the way back out on the streets that is the closest to the level exit.

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Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

One last entry point is the most distant one from both Duke's starting position and his desired destination that is the cathedral, being situated on top of the Pula marina building in the westernmost region of the level. Duke will need not only a jetpack, but also some kind of explosive (even an enemy one) in order to detonate a sewer cap. That being said, he'll instantly be rewarded with a new jetpack for his effort (something the other two entry points do not offer so quickly), meaning Duke might save time by not having to lurk around the level for a refill later. From that point on, the line to the red key then lock also is the straightest of all three.

The officially registered par times for "Koj Stil Borac" in Blast Radius were set (as per usual, on Come Get Some difficulty and off pistol start) using a now outdated version of the level, where the wall separating the cathedral's winery and the underground arena didn't blow up upon fetching the keycard and only if Duke entered the winery first, meaning players of Blast Radius v.1.0.12+ may be at a slight advantage over the original standards (and thus in their competition with the registered par times).

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB


"Koj Stil Borac" actually is a very typical open-ended, urban-themed user map once stripped down of its theming, where the main objective encapsulates Duke's general goal throughout the game(s) in just one journey where he starts from zero, progressively acquires new means of space traversal all the while building up a full arsenal to use against all opposition, solves a core situation and then leaves.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB
Transition from "High High High"/intro story page from the manual.

That embracing of a traditional pattern alone does dictate a few oddities, however. In the context of Blast Radius as a sequenced experience, that means the one key merely exists out of symbolic principle, and also "Koj Stil Borac" in a sense is Blast Radius' 'jetpack map' where that item is supplied in abundance, and its use not just important but downright facilitated and encouraged.

Staying true to Blast Radius' vow to play with the user's expectations is how, similarly to the trick "Big Apple Smoke Toke" and "High High High" rely on, they are first presented with spatial dimensions which seem manageable for a few minutes, only to then reveal concealing twice the available and navigable terrain from further angles. This time around however, the hidden space is never hinted at by a key pad, door or porthole, with all of the city and thus level insisting to block the whole of the foreground until Duke almost accidentally trips below street level, and uncovers a brand new (?) world.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB
"Koj Stil Borac" introduces the Istrian Pig Cop.
DIsclaimer: third variant is still a spoiler.
Page from the manual.

The presence of alien civilization underneath the city isn't just an arbitrary, arguably pseudo-cool level design trope but actually marks the proper start of Blast Radius' second, overseas chapter by subtly introducing what shall later reveal itself to be a fundamental element in the lore. Although, technically and conceptually, it does try and honor the respective traditions of both Build engine sector-over-sector possibilities as already demonstrated by original Duke Nukem 3D level designers Allen H. Blum III and Richard 'Levelord' Gray's, and of the corresponding real-life Pula architecture now translated into that language.

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Page from the manual.

Fun technical fact: while Blast Radius levels in general tend to flex the engine's original sector-over-sector capabilities in funny ways, absolutely none of them rely on the modern 'true room-over-room' method which essentially consists in an assembling of the rendering of different, disjointed sectors. Resource-limit cap aside, Blast Radius level construction per se only relies on the original DOS Build ways, which means the Pula arena as represented in "Koj Stil Borac" with all the layered openings is all meticulous sprite work. It is especially notable because Duke Nukem 3D sprite work is typically incompatible with curves, and so each seemingly solid, unified chunk of the arena actually consists in several dozens of Build-microscopic flat sprites.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB
Arena sprite work detail (level editor 2D mode).

Arguably less fun fact: in spite of all (rather thorough) pre-planning, Build manipulation having its ways, only after everything had been assembled was it discovered how each and every one out of the hundreds of newly-, sensibly- and fragilely-placed sprites had inherited of an incorrect and improper attribute the editor had assigned to them. That means, as a consequence and in order to fix every aspect of the entire structure, multiple hours had to be spent visually scanning noise for, then retouching dozens upon dozens upon dozens of, essentially, undistinguishable, dot-sized tiny rectangles.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB
Arena sprite work detail (level editor 3D mode, demonstration screenshot).

The experience only corroborates and solidifies my point about the importance of pre-planning in regards to optimal efficiency I already was mentioning in the former Level Lore article, for "High High High". And that principle actually was applied here, too; just only so much order always is safe once in Build territory.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB
Side view of the Pula arena and cathedral with the sector-over-sector layers showing.

Of course, thanks to the engine's sector-over-sector strengths, both level layers (which are, for one, the outside city area complete with the public arena and various building exteriors and, for the other one, the underground section also comprising the 'alien' arena and cathedral interiors) actually occupy their corresponding space, including on the Z axis (vertical height): the bottom amphitheater is aligned with the top one and thus correctly forms its foundation, and inside the cathedral in fact is inside the visible cathedral Duke can reach and climb on top of at street level (the same also goes for the suspiciously close rakija distillery), understanding, respecting and imitating real-world dimensional logic.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Maybe the funniest and most intricate sector-over-sector moment of the map actually is the cathedral's bell tower. There, a total of spaces overlap, comprising, from top to bottom placement, the tower's exterior (itself practically split in two inner halves with sprite work around the roof), then the (secret) interior of the bell tower, then the layer with the well, then the cathedral's basement and winery, and then one last underwater area to soften Duke's fall which he can swim down into.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB
Focused side view of the bell tower (center) and its multiple stacked layers.

While that level of complexity isn't particularly exceptional in itself, the space around the condensed point that is the bell tower is now so saturated, the level editor itself seriously starts losing track and doubting which layer of the map the user wants to access.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Soundtrack: "Warrior of Life (Reaper Redeemer)" by Sentenced / "Down" / Century Media, 1996 (MIDI version)

This one pick was as coincidental as it gets (I don't even listen to Sentenced). On my quest for a .mid for this level which would have been both locally and atmospherically fitting, I actually couldn't find much and so instead of emphasizing on music of Croatian origin, I thought I would explore the theme of 'fighters' and 'warriors' instead, simultaneously referencing a common attitude of independence by resistance and defense and, also, the level's title, which was decided upon from the get-go.

An European one still, Sentenced's track still manages to instill the sense of a stylistic departure from the designs established earlier with American music matching American visuals, but an exciting one as the aggressive guitar riffs nearly paradoxically reassure Duke with some familiarity whilst so does, and echoes, the ubiquitous destruction plaguing the otherwise rich surroundings. This is how they celebrate, invite and encourage Duke's imminent inspection of a whole new continent.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB


Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Map stats (as of v. 1.0.12): 2174/4096 sectors, 16384/16384 walls, 7795/16384 sprites.

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius on ModDB

Download Duke Nukem 3D: Blast Radius (last update: 03/04/2024; v. 5.0.2)

Post comment Comments
The_Preacher - - 820 comments

First time I see Duke Nukem 3D map set somewhere in Croatia, pretty amazing.

Are you going to put Plenković as a main antagonist ? Or at least like a traitor cooperating with invaders ... LOL.

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ck3D Author
ck3D - - 102 comments

Thank you, it's actually an interesting question you're asking because you're making me realize how so much of the emphasis in the real-world place recreations in Blast Radius really is on capturing the more permanent, historical and timeless strengths of those cities, cultures and communities, when specific politicians and people (but Duke Nukem) are temporary:) Whenever a specific reference is made then, amidst the general absurdity of the universe it clashes and stands out even harder. Marrying the specific originality of each region with the familiar Duke Nukem 3D tone all the while trying to refrain from on-the-nose stereotypes was a very fun exercise in its own right. A lot of players already have been telling me they've been learning a lot about places around the world from just playing Blast Radius and researching information around the levels and I am very happy about that as I was hoping to instill this type of curiosity.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
The_Preacher - - 820 comments

Its interesting to see something like this ... and definitely not easy to present the whole atmosphere on such old engine.

I can see now ... Duke is maybe from Lika. Or maybe not ... hes not balding, lol :D (for those that dont know, Lika is like a harshest place in whole Croatia, and people from there are tall and well built... Tesla was also born in Lika and spent his childhood there)

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VGames - - 3,973 comments

Very nice looking maps.

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ck3D Author
ck3D - - 102 comments

Thanks, much appreciated. To be fair, the corresponding real world regions I chose to represent inherently have a lot to do with that!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
SPY-maps - - 2,907 comments

Wow, just WOW! Love mods like these where a modder works for many years like crazy to give the community an awesome, huge mod. I am such a modder/mapper myself.
I am from the Netherlands and was in 1990 (just before the big war) in Yugoslavia, in Split. On a holiday, I have seen this country as a very beautiful, pleasant, and warm country. And as it did all hurt us in Europe, it did hurt me to see the country fall into that huge war in 1991. Seem even to this date there are tensions in the region. But, let's not talk politics. Let's talk mods! The screenshots are beautiful and I love the comparison screens to real places and how it looks in the mod. Am downloading now, and as a huge Duke fan I will fight with great pleasure through the maps! Thank you so much for all the time and effort that you put into this, not many people understand what it really takes to complete a project like this. It really takes over your life for many years, and all that for the fun it gives, and to give the community something to play with.


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ck3D Author
ck3D - - 102 comments

Hi Leon! I appreciate the appreciation for the work, and am hoping you'll find the gameplay to your liking. Each level has its own concept going for it and in a way the experience in designed to reflect their own habits back at the player and sometimes test them. It's great reading about your original enthusiasm and I'd be curious about your later impressions if you ever feel like sharing them after you've traversed the episode. Thanks for sharing your personal experience in Croatia, too, I was hoping people would comment on that level (no pun intended). Enjoy and best of luck with your own, current projects; I like your mapping on Ion Jungle that I've seen screenshots of. Cheers!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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