
Опис останнього оновлення в описі

Українізатор Anomaly 1.5.2 (27.04.24)
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Yozhia_Phryabzkir - - 235 comments


the Ukrainian Nazism is not even hidden on this moddb platform any more (just look the picture)

edit he remove the old picture but the addon who steal other localizations still here so yeah you remove the backpacks but no the stealing addon, nice one there.

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Sosombo Author
Sosombo - - 204 comments

Where did you see Nazism?

Reply Good karma+49 votes
Yozhia_Phryabzkir - - 235 comments


azov thast the symbol also have the black sun in the back bruh, you think that we are idiots?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-45 votes
Sosombo Author
Sosombo - - 204 comments

A victim of Russian propaganda

Reply Good karma+52 votes
Yozhia_Phryabzkir - - 235 comments


cry about it (videos)

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Sosombo Author
Sosombo - - 204 comments

you invaded Ukraine, you are killing ukrainians, you are destroying Ukrainian culture and language. Not to mention your Вагнер, in which prisoners are fighting, some of whom killed russians

Reply Good karma+55 votes
Yozhia_Phryabzkir - - 235 comments


2014?, you invaded donbass, you calling them terrorism, you killing donestk and luganks people, you destroying most of donbass infrastructure, you create many fascism groups. who started this war first? the guys who was independts or the other guys who wants kill every single people who speak in russian language?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-33 votes
Nichego - - 17 comments

бля спасибо русские за защиту донбасса, сейчас сижу без воды (которая была 8 лет) и каждый день слышу прилеты по центру города (которых не было почти 8 лет), ну хоть мобилизация закончилась, а то кучу знакомых-инвалидов куда-то забрали и не возвращают. защищайте нас и дальше под харьковом, под херсоном, под бахмутом, но только не в паре километров от донецка. зэ вэ о, чмок в пупок

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GetSpookd - - 338 comments

You are literally retarded. There are plenty of russians and russian speaking people on the Ukrainian side.

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Hartien - - 2 comments

Yozhia_Phryabskir are you serious? I have watched some of these videos and you are seriously do you think this with some evidence. For example, in the second video, they even let the war prisoner smoke, is this some kind of war crime? What kind of delusion is that? In most of the videos, it is not at all clear who is who, they are in the dark, and some are fake Russian, one of them, by the way, was shot by Russian propagandists, have you ever heard the story about the "crucified boy", Russian propaganda constantly they are making something up, and also like that video with a prisoner of war somewhere in the entrance, at first I also believed that it might be true, but damn you don't know anything about Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine. And about the execution and rape of Ukrainian civilians of any age, including children, not to mention the military, not to mention being shot for words "Glory to Ukraine", why don't you show me all these videos, everything is normal there, And by the way, why did all the videos you showed have Russian subtitles, except for those from YouTube, maybe you are Moskal yourself (I am sure of this from your other worthless commenters), but you pretend to be an English-speaking foreigner, why pretend, are you ashamed of your native language? I tell you to your face that I hate you personally, for your other comments like "Спасибо, ты тоже замечательная. Z!". You have already proven to everyone that you are a Russian Nazi. So you can't help pretending to be Mexican, or whoever you think you are, you're just an ordinary Russian Nazi.

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Guest - - 693,689 comments

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ppatagonia - - 10 comments


Куча фотографий с нацисткой символикой у полка "Азов". Но да, проще сказать "Жертва российской пропаганды"...
Господи, да даже у вашего президента фотографии были с бойцами у которых то "Totenkopf" то еще какая нибудь лабуда всплывает.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-18 votes
Nediss22 - - 1 comments

Куча фотографий с нацистской символикой у российских вооруженных сил и жителей россии. Это теперь значит, что кто-то должен зайти на территорию россии и устроить "специальную военную операцию" посреди Москвы? А что по поводу правых радикалов в армиях ВСЕХ стран мира? Это значит, что теперь нужно вторгаться и на их территории и оправдывать убийства мирных граждан "денацификацией"? Не позорьте себя. Просто уйдите с территории нашего государства и никогда не лезьте в дела чужого государства. Хотя вам на удобном компьютерном кресле где-то в Подзалупинске виднее, конечно же, что у нас тут творится.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+19 votes
ppatagonia - - 10 comments


Война началась в 2014, если ты не в курсе.
И начала её не РФ, а Украина путем АТО на востоке страны.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-18 votes
Fleez - - 109 comments

оказывается UA напала на RU в 2014 интересно чем, голой жопой?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
Valina - - 2 comments

Ахуеть,так это мы зашли.Никакие ЛДНР и новоросы.Вот это да,сам жил в Донецкой области и не знал.Вот прикинь,сидишь ты такой в своей какой-то области и тут начинается самопровозглашение,тебе было бы приятно?Правительству приятно что у них под носом разные НКРНР?ЛДНР самопровозгласились и это остается фактом.Жду твоего мнения,мне похуй на 3 месячное опоздание.

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ajgorniakk - - 11 comments

He's also from AZOV?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
ppatagonia - - 10 comments


Да, есть и такие. Я никоим образом не оправдываю этих людей. Это тоже нацисты.
Только они явно имеют меньше власти, нежели "Азов"

Reply Good karma Bad karma-8 votes
Yozhia_Phryabzkir - - 235 comments



the image was taken by ukraine guy in 2015 who dress like an LPR fighter, the other 2 images who dress normal is in hes home.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-11 votes
Crazq - - 1 comments

Yoshia_Priasky, Why are you trying to lie?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
Hartien - - 2 comments

He's from russian army some there battalion "Русич" (Rusysh) i.e russian neonazi, if you're not kidding :D

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Guest - - 693,689 comments

то не Азовці ідіота кусок

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alfredoh - - 8 comments

Maybe here?

History cannot be undone, but it says a lot how the following generations deal with it. Giving a Holocaust perpetrator the nation's highest honor, erecting monuments to him and celebrating his birthday arouses concern. When I look at how the Ukrainian army decorates itself with signs and symbols of the German Wehrmacht and SS from the times of fascism, it does not exactly reduce the concern. This is simply seen from the outside by someone who has never been and will never be in Ukraine.

But of course: War is terrible, always and everywhere, for everyone.

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Guest - - 693,689 comments

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DemocracyWithWar! - - 311 comments

According to your anti Monolithian mind set, the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise does probably support Nazism because its from Ukraine
Also if this would be true then playing a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (related) game would support Nazism am I right?💀

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
Yozhia_Phryabzkir - - 235 comments


he change the picture, he was upload an azov image, and for know he just copy the localization for others addons.

and again the author and the work are totally different from each other, the work does not define the author, and the author does not define the work.

the author and the work are not the same, since they are totally different covers, for example if the author decides to do something bad this will not represent hes already done work... like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. As I said, playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. does not make you an accomplice of the acts committed by the Ukrainian regime, it's just a game for enjoying The Zone. (also doesnt's make you an ukraine patriot bruh)

Reply Good karma Bad karma-19 votes
Valina - - 2 comments

Ахуеть,начал скандал на ровном месте.Какое тебе дело к украинизатору?Люди просто хотят играть на родном языке.Нашли к чему придиратся.Хотя,вам повсюду нужно вставит свой патриотизм.

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DeadZone(IvanDanko) - - 279 comments

**** You, stupid jackass

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Saul_G00dman - - 5 comments

как обычная локализация может быть пропагандой нацизма?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
DemocracyWithWar! - - 311 comments

Bro's comments got burried in space💀

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
RobThom - - 126 comments

Voted down for UKRAINIAN "Nazi" ism. The worst moron example of a fake Nazi in the universe. More offensive then the jew they work for.

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Starcry_ - - 148 comments

lmao counterattack

Reply Good karma Bad karma+16 votes
maks0817097 - - 49 comments

localization cannot be done in one day it not a counterattack

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ppatagonia - - 10 comments


Видимо люди из известной всем страны, уже совсем ничего не стесняются, если начинают вкидывать картиночки нацистского полка "Азов".
Как это вообще на данный ресурс пропускают?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-11 votes
sensation1995 - - 86 comments

Только промытые Zомби-русские считают, что в Украине есть нацизм. Живи дальше в своём тоталитарном, рабском, нищем Путилэнде)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Yarkov_Desorec - - 364 comments

Азов - просто полезные ребята.
Там русофилов своих же хватает.
Как и рейхофилов в любой стране.

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VZ58 - - 65 comments

Everyone is sick of talking about the war, **** off.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+24 votes
Lobberstorm - - 187 comments

exactly we want weapons models, replacement, shader, etc mods for stalker anomaly not a ******* politics-related **** also, the stalker game is loved by two nations when the GSC is a Ukrainian game studio.

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VZ58 - - 65 comments

Everyone is fed up with these half-baked addons that only serve to push a political viewpoint. If somebody wants to discuss politics, they should use the appropriate sites for it, e.g. political subreddits or even /pol/ if you're dead set on absolute freespeech.

These "addons" only spark unnecessary and heated discussions that lead absolutely nowhere and only divide the community even more.

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.SpierCe - - 6 comments

This mod isn't intended as fuel for political discussions. I, as a Ukrainian, want to play the game and the mod I like in my native language, so the author did an excellent job posting his work. If someone was offended by the localization mod then I doubt the issue is with the mod.

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VZ58 - - 65 comments

I can't say if the localization is good, but it's interesting that an addon with the Ukrainian flag as thumbnail was released a day after an addon with the Russian flag as thumbnail was released.

Some people are even here typing "lmao counterattack".

Furthermore, the author is just pouring more fuel into the fire by replying to all political comments.

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sinisterwayout - - 8 comments

do you think the author can really do localization for a counterattack in one day?

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VZ58 - - 65 comments

Maybe he's really good who knows? XD

In all seriousness, that still doesn't excuse his fueling of the extremely heated political "discussions" in here.

You can barely even call them discussions, the two sides just spam what the other side had done wrong in the past and it never goes anywhere other than into more anger and hatred.

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.SpierCe - - 6 comments

Yeah, I see your point. But I think the thing about counterattacks is just a coincidence.

About fueling discussions with replies - that's to be expected, countries are at war. People tend to get very emotional when they are directly related to this.

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VZ58 - - 65 comments

I get that, but again, this a site for modding, not for politics.

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izperehoda - - 485 comments

Having your government wage a war is not an excuse to being an ******* to others.

This comment section is so toxic, you might find a chemical artifact here!

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.SpierCe - - 6 comments

Who's waging war against whom? You are talking about the toxicity of this discussion and still choose to continue throwing firewood.

As I said, people get emotional. My blood boils because of your nation too, but I try to keep my anger to myself. Some just can't because of all of the suffering you bunch brought to us. I was fortunate and I don't have acquaintances who fell victim to the war, but there are friends of my friends who died on the battlefield. Don't speak to me about toxicity. For some, it is already far beyond this and can be called hatred.

You don't want to see all the toxic topics rise in mod discussions? Then ignore them, pretend they don't exist. If you do so they'll cease to exist.

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StalkerAnomalyPlayer - - 447 comments


Your native language is a Russian dialect. Cope.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-6 votes
.SpierCe - - 6 comments

Ah, ****, here we go again :D

Do you know how many of putler's minions had said this to me already? lmao come up with something new your jokes are getting rusty, just like particular* moscow xD

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Neitronus - - 28 comments

Fun fact: As a Russian native I want to play with voice-overs in Ukrainian because it serves aesthetics better. With russian subtitles though. My point being that your point is also supported by other natives and doesn't really rely soley on nationality basis. Too bad there's not much to pick up about Ukr voice localiations. I mean, don't we have mercs speaking eng on every localization already?

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