Add job Report Lead Artist at Anywhere

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Anywhere on

Well, hello fellow gamers,

We are a 2-man team, established by one of its founders in 1998 (I won't reveal what we're called until we decide to work with you). One member, BAH_Strike, is a programming wizard, and I'm a writer and a game designer.

We're working on a top-down RPG: think GTA2 meets Hotline: Miami if either one was an RPG with fleshed out dialogs. You play as a taxi driver in cyberpunk Budapest, and, later, Berlin. The goal of the game is to save the world from a rogue AI.

Here's the GDD:

We're looking to partner up on a revenue share model with an EXPERIENCED 2D artist. We would need art for the world, items, and characters.

Please only apply if you have worked on at least one shipped title.

My portfolio:

Looking forward to hearing from you!


To Apply

Send me an e-mail to with a link to your portfolio (if you don't have a website, a DeviantArt or ArtStation link would do).