The definitive gameplay enhancement mod for the GZDoom and Zandronum engines. Adds realistic gore, dismemberments, headshots, executions, lightning effects, particles, makes enemies smarter and harder, makes gun louder and beefier, and adds epic new boss battles.

Report RSS Brutal Doom version 20 released!

After long 18 months of development, Brutal Doom v20 is finally here!

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After long 18 months of development, Brutal Doom v20 is finally here!

Unfortunately, only the main mod was uploaded. I was not able to finish all the promissed maps for the starter pack, so I decided to postpone the release of the Starter Pack, and not delay the release of Brutal Doom v20. I will release the Starter Pack on the following weeks. I will also upload a Game Manual on the following days.

Here is the changelog for the new version:

  • Headshot system was completely remade. This fixed a bug causing headshot kills to not contabilize to a player's score on a multiplayer game, and has a better way to calculate damage input, making every attack deal a fixed double amount of damage.
  • Added uncountable new attack, pain, fatality, and death animations for all monsters.
  • All gore and blood sprites from other games such as Blood were completely removed, and new ones, better fitting Doom's art style, were added.
  • You can now dual wield the assault rifles and plasma guns.
  • Many sounds for gore and environment were changed, to add more variety.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Revenant Missile Launcher's projectiles to not lock on enemies.
  • Blood pools will form around a killed monster.
  • Greatly improved driping blood effects.
  • Improved bullet decals.
  • Every projectile such plasmaballs and fireballs will leave decals on floor and ceiling.
  • The Spidermastermind's collision and movement was completely remade. Now the players will be able to walk under it's legs, but if you run directly into it's moving legs, you will be stomped.
  • Fixed explosive barrel's colision. Now you will able to pile up barrels and use them to climb places.
  • When shooting a cyberdemon, the bullets will also ricochet on his steel skeleton.
  • Fixed Player's sprites flickering on Player Settings menu.
  • Explosions over natural surfaces such as grass or dirt will launch lots of dirt and dust, into the air.
  • Explosions over liquid surfaces will launch the liquid over the air, and will leave it smearing on the walls. (currently only for water)
  • Mancubi will use a flamethrower alt attack when the player is too close.
  • Recoil for all weapons remade.
  • Updated weapon sprites.
  • After a player dies, Demons and imps will pile up on it's body to eat it.
  • Gibbing a monster, or exploding its head near a tree or barrel, will leave the object smeared with blood.
  • Fixed many missing dynamic lights.
  • Restored and improved old Plasmagun alt-fire.
  • Restored old Plasmagun sprites.
  • Chainsaw completely remade.
  • Mancubus Flame Cannon has new skins, it's projectiles are no longer affected by gravity just like the Mancubi ones, and now the player can use a flamethrower alt fire.
  • Stealth Kills on zombies and imps were improved. Even if you alert the enemy but is able to punch him before he turns, you will able to perform a stealth kill.
  • Added stealth mechanics to AI, see video for more information.
  • Compatible with Freedoom.
  • Much improved most fire deaths.
  • Fixed a bug making the Super Shotgun display its reload animation after the ammo runs out.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the player to fire the Super Shotgun with both barrels with only 1 shell remaining.
  • Changed the internal code name of the RevenantMissiles to RevenantBalls because why not?
  • Fixed a sploit that allowed players to jump over Pinky Demons, rendering their cornering abilities useless.
  • Improved teleport effect.
  • Zombies and the Mastermind now have vertical spread on their guns.
  • When shooting trees, it will spawn wood chips.
  • Restored shotgun's wooden grip and added DoomNukem's shotgun side sprites.
  • Added an option to play with Vanilla Doom weapons.
  • You will leave blood footprints after you step in a blood puddle, Duke Nukem-style.
  • When you kill a zombie or imp with the shotgun, and sends it flying, it will get slumped if it hits a wall.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Chaingunguy to have a vanilla Zombieman XDeath animation when killed by the SSG.
  • Changed the way the Assault Rifle looks and works. It now uses Mike12's sprites, fires faster, and is meant to be fired in bursts. (Holding the fire button for too long will cause it to spread a lot)
  • Added "Sling physics" to shotgun's animations.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Archvile's body to block things even after death.
  • Improved kicks. They deal more damage, and have a better feel.
  • After you remove the arm from a Pinky demon, it will have a 50% chance of not dying and keep fighting you. He will move faster, but will eventually bleed out.
  • Shotgun will no longer play the pump animation during reloads if you already have a shell in the chamber.
  • Added Grenades. They can be picked up with Backpacks. You can either use a bind quick-toss them, or select them as an individual weapon on Slot 0.
  • Added Friendly Marine variations. After rescued, they can either come up with a rifle, shotgun, minigun, plasmagun, rocket launcher, or BFG. You can now also release marines by pressing use near them.
  • Marines can follow orders. Press the Use button in front of them to change between "Follow" and "Hold Position" modes.
  • Added ammo counter for SSG.
  • Added a script will detect automatically if you are playing on SinglePlayer/Coop, and will automatically make your rockets and plasmaballs pass through other players/marines. This will also make any projectile of friendly marines to pass directly through you too.
  • Friendly marines can't be killed by friendly fire.
  • Bodies and gibs are no longer shootable.
  • Barons and Hellknights get knocked back by kicks, no more stun by a kick to the balls.
  • Reinstated combat rolls
  • Reduced the duration of the camera shake caused by explosions by 50%.
  • Fixed a bug causing stealth kills/fatalities to not happen if the player selected the fists where aiming down the sights with rifle/shotgun.
  • Improved performance on maps that have lots of candles.
  • Infrared will allow you to see Spectres like translucent pinkies.
  • Fixed some bugs related to lamps. Also improved their destruction animations.
  • Added map replacements for Doom 1's E2M8 and E3M8 featuring new boss fights.
  • Added an unload function to remove ammo from the rifle, shotgun, and super shotgun.
  • Added CVARs.

Zandronum Only:

  • "bd_bloodamount" 1 to 4 (default 2): Defines how much blood is spawned. 1 is "realistic mode" with almost no blood, only spawned when there is a messy death, 4 is anime-like level of blood.
  • "bd_lowgraphicsmode" 0 or 1 (default 0): If it's on, projectiles will spawn less particles, and gibs and bloodspots will disappear after 30 seconds.

Both Zandronum and GZDoom:

  • "bd_nobulletpenetration" 0 or 1 (default 1): If it's on, removes bullet penetration mode.
  • "bd_classicmonsters" 0 or 1 (default 0): If it's on, enables the Classic Monsters Mode. In this mode, monsters have the same behavior of their vanilla counterparts, and advanced features such as alt attacks and enhanced AI are disabled.

Known issues:

  • People that can't find the Brutal Doom Options: Read the .txt file that comes with the zip. Zandronum doesn't supports custom options, and they only show up if you are playing on GZdoom. If you are playing on Zandronum, you need to set up these options manually on the console (the readme file explains which commands you must use)
  • If you can't reload your weapons, it means you have binded the wrong reload key (yes, there are 2 reload keys in the menu. One is a generic one used for other mods, and one is dedicated for Brutal Doom). Go to the bottom of key bindings and find the Reload function that is under "Brutal Doom - Advanced Actions". If nothing works, then press ' to open the console, and type the following: bind r "reloader"
  • If you receive this error message when loading the game
  • Script error, "brutalv20.pk3:spiders.txt" line 244: Replaced type 'PlasmaBall2' not found in EnemyPlasmaBall
  • It means that your sourceport is outdated. Brutal Doom v20 requires Zandronum 2.0 or GZDoom 1.8 to run. Download it here

Brutal Doom version 20

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 90)
Raien1 - - 3 comments

I found a glitch. When playing Classic mode, the BFG disappears from your weapons inventory after you select it for the first time, and when you try to re-select it, it becomes unplayable for the rest of the playthrough.

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urizen123 - - 6 comments

Confirmed, I've experienced this bug too. Also, I've noticed the weapon inventory order periodically break in Classic Mode, but I'm not sure what's triggering this bug currently. For example, weapons appearing in the incorrect slot, and the same weapon occupying multiple slots - ie; cycling up from the DB shotgun, brings up the DB shotgun again, rather than the chaingun.

EDIT: I've found a way to reproduce this behaviour consistently; in Classic Mode, warp to The Icon of Sin map, and pick up all the weapons in the starting room. Now try cycling through the weapons using the mousewheel. You should experience the inventory bugs I've outlined above.

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Dracologist - - 139 comments

For me it just simply replaced the bfg with the supershotgun

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Guest - - 693,775 comments

I've found the only way to correct this is to enter the all weapons cheat. You can then select it again. However the bug remains so once you select another weapon, you have to enter the code again if you want to use the BFG.

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Guest - - 693,775 comments

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Guest - - 693,775 comments

Quick workaround is to drop a weapon that isn't the BFG. Any weapon as long as you actually have a BFG in your inventory.

For whatever reason the BFG is the "default" weapon and has no number. You can't even drop it.

Confirmed with Icon of Sin test and IDFA / IDKFA.

While not gamebreaking, there's definitely a larger issue present as urinzen123 said.

Present on both Zandronum and GZ with Doom and Doom 2.

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rogerto10 - - 1 comments

I made a temporary fix for the BFG bug in classic mode (you lose the BFG right after selecting it) :

1. Rename brutalv20.pk3 as
2. Open the zip file and find KEYCONF
3. Open KEYCONF with a text editor (like notepad)
4. Add "vanillaBFG9000" to the end of the line that starts with "setslot 7", it should look like this after the modification :

setslot 7 BFG10000 BIG_FUCKING_GUN vanillaBFG9000

5. Save the file in and rename it back to brutalv20.pk3

Now you should be able to select and keep the BFG in classic mode. If you already started a game and lost the BFG because of this bug, you can add it back to your game by typing "summon vanillabfg9000" in the console.

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Guest - - 693,775 comments

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Guest - - 693,775 comments

Thanks for the great work, the changelog is impressive! Is there gonna be a standalone installer later?

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b1ackjack - - 5 comments

Thanks for the awesome mod again! But can i somehow use the old weapon sprites? I don't like the new ironsight on the assault rifle that much, blocks a lot of view.

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Rsmxz - - 11 comments

So we will never see again shootable bodies?
Besides from that the update is great

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sycspysycspy - - 67 comments

Well, if you had tracked the test version, you would know the story. Sgt implemented the shootable bodies 1st then he tried so hard fixing the gibs stucking the swtich elevator etc and in the end he did not manage to fix the issue and had to remove the function. So this is what we finally got in the official release.

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VGames - - 3,973 comments

The blood options work for me in GZDoom. Are they supposed too? I like the "Realistic" setting.

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Valherran - - 2,446 comments

Found an annoying bug, something is randomly making zombies no longer take damage and they will endlessly stalk/shoot at you til you complete the level or restart. This seems to happen when a zombie gets knocked into barrels dead or alive I think.

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,617 comments

And Berserk kicks don't knock back anyone, its odd first time I realize this. So normal kicks end up being more useful.

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Raien1 - - 3 comments

I'm enjoying the new mod but PLEASE add an option to play the Modern mode without reloading. I know Classic mode has no reloading but the weapons feel underpowered in that mode. I want the option to play with the bad-*** modern weapons but without slowing the pace of the game by having to reload.

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Calvinic - - 475 comments

I'm sure he'll add it to mutators.

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Valherran - - 2,446 comments

A few more things:

1. Spider Mastermind causes too much in-fighting because of its ability to trample. As soon as it starts moving next to the other monsters, they get damaged and retaliate.

2. Marine Allies are susceptible to getting damaged by the BFG.

3. There are no bobbing animations for the dual wielded weapons.

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,617 comments

Also monsters do not crawl around on the floor anymore when close to dying.

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infraviolet - - 30 comments

Yeah I noticed #3 as well, at least for the assault rifle. Hopefully it's not too difficult to fix.

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prime79 - - 613 comments

bobbing animations were removed for duals because of bug issues.

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gamehacker - - 552 comments

Yeah I remember seeing in a video someone complaining about the sholder strap looking like a wabbling ball bag,

I didn't think that myself, Also I only Think this is what's being talked about here,

Have to still give this a download and try out for myself to see

Ether way Sergeant Mark 4 has been a busy man :)

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Olku_ - - 2,075 comments

It doesn't look that bad in game. But i prefer old rifle and shotgun :P

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Olku_ - - 2,075 comments

I found that you can't get akimbo rifles when you have revolver addon installed. For example i can take a rifle from the normal enemy but when i take another one, i still don't get akimbo. I find it to be BD issue than the addons :P

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Valherran - - 2,446 comments

Apparently you can't throw grenades while you have the minigun out while its spinning. If you switch the weapon or turn the spin off, the grenade immediately throws.

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,617 comments

Another bug, autoweapon switch on picking up new guns doesn't seem to be working so that setting under "player" isn't doing anything.

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Dracologist - - 139 comments

Speaking of Dual wield weapons
It might be a bit too powerful but i just can't help mentioning that akimbo SSG should have been a thing =x

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Guest - - 693,775 comments

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Quaker540 - - 2,150 comments

Under "BRUTAL DOOM V20 IS RELEASED" it says;

"Took nearly 2 years, even Fallout 4 was announced before it's release, but luckily, it got released before Half-Life 3".

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infraviolet - - 30 comments

I love the frag grenade hot key feature, really comes in handy in some map areas. But one thing I might suggest is making it a pick-up item and setting a limit to how many the player can carry, because so far you have an infinite amount of grenades you can throw. If this infinite frag grenades issue is fixed it should yield more balance to game play.

This is just a suggestion though, Sgt. Mark IV. You've already earned your place as a legend amongst the mod community, and as always, thank you.

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infraviolet - - 30 comments

Actually I found out the 0 (zero) key selects frag grenades and shows you the amount, so I guess it's finite after all. Still would be nice to acquire it as a clearly marked pick-up item though.

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Chezzlor - - 860 comments

Loving it so far! Playing the entire series again.

I did find a bug, various monsters I kill in "rip n tear" mode change models to basic zombies. So far a Spider, heavy gunner and Mancubus turned into a basic zombie when kill moving them.

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Hang-Lip - - 1,011 comments

The blood pools around corpses has no transperancy. The old blood spatters on foor looked cooler.

Double barreled shotty, has some strange recoil.

Body parts sitting on top of water.

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Hang-Lip - - 1,011 comments

Actually there is no transperency on any blood decals. checked settings no slider for it?

The new blood pools will look better with transperency.

In realism mode, i noticed missing imps on the first level, also the runnning speed in realism isnt enough to make the secret on first lvl.

The new blood spatters look wicked. Scratch my last comment about spatters.

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Hang-Lip - - 1,011 comments

Seems alot of effects have no transperency. Like the new water splashes.

The blood streaks that go down the wall are excellent.

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niccolomineo - - 2 comments

Same problem here:

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Guest - - 693,775 comments

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Smurfman256 - - 1 comments

I think that was the joke. It's supposed to be a stab at "realistic" modern shooters for being slow as **** and being way too ******* easy (the enemy count was changed to "I'm too young to die!" level; maybe even lower).

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sycspysycspy - - 67 comments

water + explosion = lag... or even hanging for some seconds. For example doom2 map2.

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nerdenfromsweden - - 273 comments

Released on the swedish nationalday :)

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Randomguy7 - - 288 comments

Like the winter war all over again!

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gamehacker - - 552 comments

Great News, Keep it up :)

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Guest - - 693,775 comments

There's no weapon switching on pickups, even though it's on in the Player Setup menu. What's the cause for this?

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HamHoney - - 20 comments

When i get shot, the game lags alot. i dont know if its because of the blood droping off of me or if its the sprite but somebody please help me :C

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Phillon82 - - 267 comments

Thanks Sergeant_Mark_IV! All your hard work is incredibly appreciated.

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Guest - - 693,775 comments

I have the Doom 3 BFG Edition of the Doom games.

I got a earlier version of Brutal Doom to work just fine, now I'm having nothing but trouble.

I'm also getting messages of "Can't find blood rip 1" or something like that.

Please help!

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Randomguy7 - - 288 comments

try the bfg edition community guide page there's a fix there

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Guest - - 693,775 comments

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piotrsitarek80 - - 1 comments

Mr. Carmack I'm comin'...

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Darksektori - - 1 comments

I'm having an issue with this I try using with GZdoom and it keeps crashing for some reason. I tried it with Zandronum and it works but I get no sound. If anyone can help I would appreciate it.

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