The Clone Wars Recreated is the modification for Jedi Academy, which is made from scratch and allows you to play ALL Seven Seasons from TV Show. The idea was started in 2013 and is continued to present day. Currently there is no game available made by developers, based on the Clone Wars TV Show. Follow this mod and stay tuned for more updates to come.

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Engine Update, Gameplay, DLC and New Unique Features in The Clone Wars Recreated Project. Details in very extensive article.

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Tipping Point


Hello There and welcome to an very, very extensive article from the latest update, called "Tipping Point", the name is not accidental. Revolutionary changes are coming to single player mode like never before. The Clone Wars Recreated project is the first and only such extensively developed project in terms of revolution in open combat, mechanics and attention to detail. Let's Begin....oh by the way, grab some popcorn, it will be very, very extensive article like i never did before. =) Are You ready? Let's Go.

Before we move on to the most important and key changes to the gameplay and the improved engine, we will start with a full update of the DLC pack and menu improvements:

Main Menu Update and Available Checkpoint besides Load/Save

Since first Menu Showcase i received a lot of feedback, and request about adding Checkpoint in Campaign Tab. It has been added and the animation performance keeps and never goes below 60 FPS.

Other minor changes:

  • HD Font
  • More Clarity to Holographic Icons
  • Load/Save system Slots Revamp

DLC Contains:

* 7 Unique stories
* 1 Alternative Mission from original The Clone Wars Campaign

The images below show the current status of the DLC pack:

New animated DLC pack revamped menu with holographic icons.

Improved, much smoother DLC pack menus, based on the original Free Season Selection. Now the Main Campaign has new Design with Circled selection and removed Free Season Selection, so the previous Idea is back for DLC as Free Mission Selection and Checkpoints System based on Your Current DLC played Mission.

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"Attack Of The Clones" - Geonosis Arena, The Clone Wars Style 

Additional content based on Episode Two "Attack of the Clones"


- I'm using sharpen edges preset + Nvidia Graphics Card System, to give a little bit cartoony effect to give that TCW Feeling.
-The original 1.0 Release will provide standard graphics presets, Qeffect presets, Enhanced Lighting and Glow, with customizable graphic parameters [including vanilla options]

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Including Bonus Mission to play as Jango Fett (TCW)

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"Prototype Droids"

4 Missions

The Events happen before Season 3 The Citadel Arc.
Republic discovers an secret CIS base with new droid blueprints that can change the fate of war.
Captain Rex with Fives, Echo and Captain Wilco, prepares a strategic plan to get the blueprints...






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"Behind Enemy Lines" (Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Inspired Mission)

1 Mission

The Events happen in early Clone Wars Stage.

One of the best Clone Commandos specialized in infiltration and Sniping (besides Delta Squad)
has been send to Yavin, where Separatist Secretly making a deal with Techno Union, to support more droid factories, and weaponry. The Recon Unit has been send to hunt down Admiral Craatell and Disrupt the negotiations... for the first time you will have a freedom of choice.

Each decision causes different Mission Ending




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"Grievous The Jedi Hunter"

As the galactic conflict escalates with no end in sight, General Grievous's position is heavily contested within the ranks of the Separatists and the Technocratic Union. After a memorable defeat by Jedi General Kit Fisto, Grievous is sent to the remote Albarrio system, where there is a group of Jedi led by General Kenobi himself, for Grievous it is a chance to regain his honor and maintain his position as the leader of the separatist army...

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"The Bad Batch - Aftermatch"

"The Bad Batch" Comes to The Clone Wars Recreated Project.

Featuring new Kaller map, Captain Grey, Clone Force 99 and new revamped textures close to TCW Style

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And that's it for the warm-up DLC Updates

Now let's dive Into Main Title of this Article

************** TIPPING POINT *************
From now on, single player mode will never be the same. Let's start.

Changes in chronological Order as the update progressed.

Tech Update - Grenades:

Now all type of grenades has Correct scale, that gives even more challenge to Grenade Super Throw feature (Described in Combat 2.0 Update Video)

Updated Texture, Collision, and reduced visibility for more engaging and harder Gameplay

Added Recharge muzzle flash when using EMP Grenade Type (Non-Super Throw mode)

Added Grenade Super Throw restrictions while using heavy weapons like Z6 Rotary, DC15-a, RPS-6

HERO VIEW thermal 1

NOTE: For testing purposes, I built a very simple map with no lighting, early stage bsp, so that everything was visible and no shaders interfered, except for a slight sheen on the walls, that You can see it well and the engine brightness rendering has been improved.

Engine Update - Projectiles Visual Enhancement

Revamped all projectiles, improved glowing, trajectory pointers

Thanks to the improved engine and point rendering, I was able to recreate the modern look of the lasers 

just like it was seen in Season 7 / the Bad Batch ,without harming FPS and overall performance.

Improved cylindrical rendering of lasers and improved lighting during explosions, environmental collisions, 
flickering removed when firing a laser.

Point Rendering System

Projectiles now are rendered exactly where the muzzle flash tag is placed, rather than rendered several meters away from the muzzle and firing point. You can check the Video below of new enhanced projectile rendering, and how new Point Rendering System works while firing.

Tech Update - New Skeleton and Dummy System

Completely rebuilt and improved skeleton with new features, improved Bones system, enhanced reading of unused bones and unlocking fluid movement, depending on where the player's camera is pointing. No more stiff animations. From now on, the skeleton reacts at an angle of 90 degree to up / down, 25 degree to Sideways, and 15 degree to Head movement.

I present a short video on how fluid movement affects the behavior of the character.

Engine Update - Headshot Reward/Indicator

Now headshots are more rewarded and have better feeling

The explosion and red sparks going out from characters

Added special 360 head shot spinning animation for Battledroids with ability to shoot again with different death animation

Added 3 new reward sounds, you will feel the impact of getting headshoted or shooting down the enemy.

I present a short video on new Headshot Indicator

Weapon Holstering System and Lower Body weapon placement "Wiggle" animation effect

For the first time in the history of Single Player, I present You A new Weapon Holstering System, that will give even more immersion, impact, and overall Gameplay Change. 3 Months of learning C++ Coding, improving my Skills, sitting day and night without stop, revamping overall game mechanics to achieve this effect, i dreamed about this mechanics for Years ,Since i saw and played MB2, then later titles like Counter Strike GO, and Metal Gear Solid V. It's not only an visual upgrade. I will present it in later stages of this Tipping Point in the history of Single Player. Let's go step by step in this new revolutionary mechanics.

Shall we? =)

- Holstering System uses new, revamped Skeleton, which uses Dummy points instead of bolts, or additional bones that can little bit harm the performance. So even if somebody will rip the character, trying to make it holsterable it will not work. The same goes with code build, As long you will not setup, remodel and use correct skeleton and dummy mechanics it will not work.

This is my protection against ripping, using code that will not work anyway without all 3D new processing. The code will be released, but the technique I used for Skeleton Revamp, and dummy system, character rigging will remain a secret.

New Skeleton









Increased Vertex/Polygon Limit and Ghoul 2 Mesh for Holstering Purposes

Game no longer crashes/ kicks out to the main menu
Now here is the crazy part of Holstering with ALL available weapons :DDD

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This is where the Fun Begins :D

- Also no erorrs while driving vehicle

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From now on NPC's also have Holster Support

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"Carry Only What You Need, Too much weight, slow you down it will" now has a true meaning.

Right with the new holstering system, the weapon you carry has it's own weight and purpose. That will introduce to the new weapon perk system, but let's get forward.

Far Cry 6 Inspired Holster System

Now to gain maximum speed, (higher than normal speed) You have to holster all your weapons.
The sprinting feature has been also removed the same with fatigue system, and replaced with IFM.

Infinite Fast Movement System
As long you are holstering all weapons, you gain maximum speed and flexibility, but its also is very dangerous to run without any weapon in your hand. So be careful, when you holstering your all weapons.

Menu Upgrade and Holster Key Binding.
You have full freedom by choosing your key to Bind for holstering all weapons. By Default its "H" Key. But it's up to You what key to use.

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Holster Attention to Details.
Heavy and non-reloadable, non-rechargable weapons will be removed from holstered slots. For Example if you are running out of grenades, the weapon model no longer will be holstered, That gives you also an view to Inventory, what weapons You have and what kind of weapons can be reloadable, or rechargable

Small preview here:

NOTE: The following video is out of date, before restrictions to heavy weapons were added.

Non-reloadable weapons are:


Lightsaber Fluid Movement.

Thanks to the new fluid movement, and new bones system, from now on you can build new Lightsaber attacks, in terms of the current angle, you can now launch attacks in infinite ways and break the opponent's defensive line and defeat with one powerful strike.

Also the lightsaber combat and animations has been speeded up like in The Clone Wars TV Show, fast-paced lightasber battles and animations are part of New Lightsaber combat system.

Video Below:

DC-17M Third-Shot type.

Besides Standard Fire and Alt-Fire shot types, for the first time the Third-Shot type is available for DC-17 Modular rifle,

Shot Types:

  • Standard Projectile Shot
  • EMP/Stun Shot
  • Grenade Launcher

Video Below:

DC-17 Pistol/s Enhancements/Balance :

  • The use of pistols has never been as extensive as now, a new shooting mode has been added, from now on we can shoot backwards, gaining space and a temporary advantage when retreating or conducting a diversionary attack. It also has a double damage factor, while performing this kind of shot.
  • Pistols now overheat and recharge very slowly (1 energy per second) So it takes over a minute for the piostols to fully charge (100 Energry). EMP/Stun shots take as 10 energy, because they are deadly against all types of units, from regular droids to droidekas, spider droids and light vehicles. From now on, use all types of weapons wisely or prepare for some big troubles. Excessive spam will cause maximum overheating. (The critical point of overheating is 15 energy with sound ticking indicator) - I will show it in overall little bit later, because its all related to new mechanics, now let's move on with next enhancement =)

  • Dual Pistols now have transition animations, no more repetetive and the same animation over and over again. Its a precursor for all weapons, new animations with different shot types, but for now it will remain only for blaster pistols, requires a hardcoding and proper Animation Enumeration.

Now it's time to introduce new Gameplay and overall weapon combat mechanics.

Interactive Weapon Perk System

Brand new Perk system for Weapons (29 in total).

  • Graphics have been reflected in such a way that they resemble the native design as closely as possible (Dominant blue, with a new modern look) That fills the emptyness for new simplistic HUD

  • Each weapon has it's own Perk System, some weapon has more, and some less, that indicates currently used ability, for example, when performing backward shot, it will indicates - glowing yellow color, that informs you about currently used ability, the same goes with Shooting while running (even more darker yellow), indicator will informs you that your shots are inaccuarte. Here is a couple of examples how each Ability is used with Perks( Sadly no Video this time during YouTube upload limits for new channels)

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Complete List of Perk Indicators:

perk accuarcy

Indicates 100% Accuarcy while Running

perk icon ammo

Indicates Ammo Clip Required

perk icon armor

Indicates Armor Penetration

perk icon back

Indicates Backward Shot

perk icon block

Indicates No Movement while deployed

perk icon bounce

Indicates Projectile Bouncing / Deflection 2x Damage Factor

perk icon destruction

Indicates Massive Destruction / Splash Damage

perk icon emp

Indicates EMP / Stun Damage

perk icon explosion

Indicates Explosive Damage factor

perk icon gravity

Indicates Projectile Trajectory

perk icon head

Indicates Headshot 2x damage factor

perk icon incendiary

Indicates Incendiery

perk icon infinity

Indicates Infinite Ammo / No Recharge factor

perk icon missile

Indicates 2x Projectile Velocity

perk icon precise

Indicates Precise Throw

perk icon punch

Indicates Projectile Punch factor

perk icon rapidfire

Indicates Rapid Fire

perk icon recharge

Indicates Recharing

perk icon sideway

Indicates Sideway Shot

perk icon slow fire

Indicates Slow-Fire rate

perk icon sniper

Indicates Scoped / Sniper module

perk icon speed balanced

Indicates Balanced Speed (Default Move speed)

perk icon speed down

Indicates Movement Slowdown

perk icon speed up

Indicates Movement Acceleration

perk icon spread

Indicates Projectile Spread

perk icon stun

Indicates EMP / Stun fire-type

perk icon timing

Indicates Timed Throw

perk icon wides

Indicates Weapon Inaccuarcy while Firing

perk inaccuarcy

Indicates Weapon Innacuarcy while Running


Tukk Tales - The Rescue DLC

6 Missions, including Dynamic Cutscene Ending

Apart from all the gameplay novelties, the DLC called Tukk Tales - The Rescue - a fan-made video production has been moved to The Clone Wars Recreated. is it 1:1 scale? Of course not, but I was so inspired that I decided to build my own story, reflect the maps that were visible in the trailers, and here's the final result:

Many thanks to Jan Ruppert, from the High Ground Animations channel, for inspiring me, i hope i will not be striked down =D


The events take place just before Season 7 and the Battle of Anaxes.

Captain Tukk, as one of the youngest Captains, is given an important task to maintain control in one of the republic's new outposts, where a new strike unit (241st Battalion) is being formed under hes Command. Admiral Yularen is overseeing all operations and training protocols. The action takes place on the planet Corellia. During the space battle, the republic suffers huge losses and the separatist flagship with the tactical droid that leads the whole operation gets to the surface of the planet, the whole action is Orchestrated by Count Dooku at the behest of the Sith Lord, in order to destabilize the republic and achieve even more power and control in the Senate. The young Captain, not yet battle-hardened, like Captain Rex, nonchalantly takes on a Separatist diversionary attack, A group of Special Quick Strike Droids captures the hangar, infiltrating the outpost, gaining full control. By order of Dooku himself, the droids are to completely devastate the facility, capture the leaders, and kill the newly formed republic unit, threatening the control of the outer rim, and turn the republic facility into ashes. With his back to the door, Captain Tukk, knowing that leaders, including Adrmial Yularen have been captured during a diversionary attack, launches a furious and desperate counterattack in hopes of recapturing the hostages before it's too late...

Tukk Tales - The Rescue - New Units

Each DLC story has own unique units, and there is nothing different this time:











Quick Strike Recon

Quick Strike Tech


Corellia - Republic Facility


  • Briefing

The Opening Scene starts with a massive invasion and droid crushers landing, to invade facility. Tukk Stands out and prepares hes brothers to engage Quick Force Droid's and Droid Commander.

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The flagship emerges from hyperspace and enters the land zone, sending out crusher droids.

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As a nod to players who prefer the opposite side of the conflict, we're starting on the CIS side, as a droid commander, we can give orders to the droids.

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One of the new features is the issuing of orders:

Charge - droids begin to march with increased firepower, durability, and target the clone leader, not paying much attention to enemy fire. Fortified armor allows to survive a massive attack, charging in large groups of droids can give you a quick advantage in capturing an outpost

Repairer Droid - by giving an order to this droid, you will be repaired immediately, works once, until the given unit dies

Tech Droid - By commanding this droid, you get advanced weapons in the form of explosive grenades and a rapid-fire carbine that deals medium damage and is inaccurate even while walking, or sniper mode that penetrates clone armor for massive damage and is also accurate while running.
Wise use of additional weapons can tip the scales of victory. Works once, until the given unit dies.

Scout Droid - You receive fortified armor, projectiles bounce off you for a while, dealing no damage.

Works once, until the given unit dies.

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This DLC pack is also a precursor to a new game mode called "Conquest"

  • The more control over the facility you have, then more available units to recruit you gain, Destroying Clone Trooper Barracks It will exhaust the support, and it will be even easier to gain ground.

  • However, the new AI mechanics make it not so easy to gain ground, the Clones know when to defend and when you have no advantage on the battlefield and they will charge without hesitation, forcing you and pushing you almost to the starting point, exploiting flawed points, environment, the destruction system is extremely useful for the purpose of Conquest Mode.

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And so on until you capture the entire facility. The more land conquered, the more enemy soldiers, but also the greater the possibility of an assault. It's up to You how to manage the battle, you can do more tactical stuff and play even 30 minutes or even hour, or try full rush attack and conquer the planet as fast as possible. Freedom of Choice.


Captain Tukk is cornered, the Republic forces have retreated to the strongest point of defense - the Command Center, surrounded by a planetary force field, the droids are forced to enter the facility and disable the force field so that the flagship can raze the Command Center and the entire facility to the ground...Count Dooku issues new orders to the droids to launch a full-scale invasion against all odds and no longer spare the clones, the leaders are to be captured and transported to his stronghold on Serenno, In order to extract the coordinates of the coruscant planet to launch an attack, straight into the heart of the republic. (Two birds with one stone, getting the coordinates and causing chaos in the galactic senate of the Republic) Tukk, receiving the message of the capture of the leaders, including Admiral Yularen, reorganizes the forces at the Command Center and launches a desperate counterattack in order to save the leaders...

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In the second part, we take over as Captain Tukk, we defeat the Commander Droid, who is defeated in a lame way, this introduces a slight chaos in the ranks of droids, Tukk decides to carry out a full counterattack, unfortunately losing control over the facility in 95%, we do not have access to most corridors. The structure of the DLC is built in the Jedi Outcast style, it requires thinking, there are often puzzles, not hard enough to tear your hair out, so it's also a nod to Jedi Outcast players, the missions here are not easy and not like, " just forward."

We often have to stop, think, explore every spot to gain an advantage and complete the mission.

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We Destroy the waves of droids, one by one and clear the command center.

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Once we leave the walls of the Command Center, we see a full-scale invasion, battle droids are everywhere supported by heavy Octuptarra units, Hyena Bombers. In Conquest Mode, the more control you lose as a defending unit, the stronger the enemy's starting point is.

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We use all offensive means, while preventing the droids from reaching the inside of the CC, and turning off the protection field.

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Separatists have taken control of the door, the facility's security fields, and will do anything to make sure you don't arrive on time and save the leaders.

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Last but not least, I present the current shots from Tukk Tales - The Rescue, with new gameplay features, from each chapter, without briefing, storytelling, and we will finish it with the official soundtrack of The Clone Wars Recreated Project. Named..Tipping Point ..yes, I know, I made an effort to be creative at the end, you're welcome :D

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Thats it for Tukk Tales - The Rescue DLC Pack, there is still a lot of work to do, but its nearly completed about missing two Stories? The answer is simple, It's not yet ready, not even started. For 4 Months i was focused on Coding, Mapping, Music Production, Recording Dialogues and thats why i refused constant updates for sake of this what you see now.

The final thread and the most important informations about The Clone Wars Recreated Project:

Version is officially made to 1.0 - It's probably the final stage when it comes to version 1.0 in terms of Mechanics, Combat, and all technical related stuff. What have you seen over the months or even in this article is only 5% Of Content that i prepared.


Now this is a personal message and request to anyone who reads this and won't be too offended by it.

I've been working on this project for 10 years, practically devoting my life to it, the standard of living is getting more and more difficult day by day, the effort I put into it is about 10 to 17 hours a day.

My biggest dream is to create my own company and transfer the entire The Clone Wars Recreated Project to Unreal Engine 5. Hiring Programers, and all Dev related Stuff.

You can find the true purpose of making this Project Here:

If you truly appreciate my work, any form of support will be greatly appreciated. I won't throw some big banner in front of you asking for support. Therefore, you can support me here in any way:

It's up to You, how you will support me. Leaving a like, subscribing, following the mod page, financial support, Even sharing this article will be very helpful.

Before releasing the full-fledged version 1.0, I will focus on expanding my YouTube channel, which you can subscribe to now and help me expand this project.

All test videos are now private, so don't be disheartened if you don't see any videos for now.

My road to all of this just began.

I'm not some specialist in marketing, promotion, im just typical blondie who likes clone wars, and gives all my heart to this project, and nothing else :D

I nearly finished my Patreon site, final touches and probably next month all will be ready, i know people. Money is a very, very sensitive topic, but without your help i will not fulfill this dream about own Company and give to you the best product that i am capable of.

I hope with this groundbreaking update I lived up to expectations, as I promised, I will give my best, never to abandon this project and let it go to "Dead" status.

And most of all, I want to remain a humble person.
I am grateful for every view, criticism, bad comment and even hate.

Why is it worth supporting me?
The answer is simple. The project does not end with version 1.0. New modes, missions, models will come. You will be part of this project, you are already there, but I will be happy to hear your ideas for DLC missions, new modes.

I don't have the strength to continue writing, It wasn't written by any chatgpt or other trash, just a human hand, I'm sorry for any punctuation errors and other gaffes :)
it took me over 57 hours to write, and prepare this all to You.

I deeply apologize for early release technical mistakes. Yet, i am still learning.

As promised, I'm ending this material with the Official Soundtrack. Once again, Thank you for reading this to the end, its the most extensive article in the history of this Project, but i hope it was all worth it, and you are even more hyped for this =)

CT-7777 Signing Out.

Post comment Comments
NullNinj4 - - 3 comments

thank you for the hard work and dedication! you will have my support and it will be my pleasure. also what you did with the dual blaster. very nice

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
CT- Author
CT- - - 101 comments

Thank You so much it means a lot to me :) i'm very glad you like the update

Reply Good karma+4 votes
NullNinj4 - - 3 comments

you are most welcome! idk if im more tickled by the attention to the star wars lore or the gameplay itself but your making a game that in my opinion is gonna have star wars fans and gamers alike proud. and again thank you!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Diogocs195 - - 8 comments

Amazing work!!!
The level of detail is amazing!!!
It gives a great game experience!!!

Thank you so much, for sharing it!!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
BumbleBee9142 - - 4 comments

I've been watching for a while now and what you're doing is blowing my mind!

Everything looks great, even those maps I would never believe this is an early build. Can't wait for Tukk Tales and COD mission style! It looks stunning! It is a mission inspired from All Ghillied Up?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
CT- Author
CT- - - 101 comments

Yes, its excatly inspired from this mission =) But much, much different. Thank you for comment, it means a lot to me, glad you like the update. And also thank you for following! Regards =)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 693,748 comments

Hey guys! How can I play this? I cant find any download link

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CT- Author
CT- - - 101 comments

TBD. Stay updated.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
parkerpattillo - - 2 comments

I made an account just to say I can't believe this is a real game. I was just brushing up on mods because I was thinking of replaying Jedi Academy and I come across this gem. I can't even imagine how many hours of playtime this game has if it's real. Needless to say I'll be watching closely and definitely playing the mod once it's fully released. Super excited, keep going!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
CT- Author
CT- - - 101 comments

Thank you very much, it's rare to create an account just to show support, thank you very much again. I don't fully understand what you meant, is it true ^_^ but yes, I assure you that it is true and the game itself can be a bit demanding at the beginning. I think that if you master all the new mechanics, the game can guarantee several days of entertainment. There is a lack of challenge in games today. You can safely call it a game, it is a new game based on the improved JKA engine and in the future Unreal Engine 5, you can follow the list of changes in articles and weekly updates, because you are new here, there is a new format - weekly update every Tuesday or Wednesday, due to my very tight schedule and my limited time to prepare templates. Once again thank you so much and i wish you all the best!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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