The definitive gameplay enhancement mod for the GZDoom and Zandronum engines. Adds realistic gore, dismemberments, headshots, executions, lightning effects, particles, makes enemies smarter and harder, makes gun louder and beefier, and adds epic new boss battles.


This is exactly as the name describes, "Universal Map Enhancements" from Brutal Doom v21...for any mod of your choosing! :)

Universal Map Enhancements
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 59)
Guest - - 693,649 comments

the addon is not bad without a doubt but it still has some problems. I used it with the DOOM RPG Roguelike Arsenal modpack and it breaks many objects and things from the base of the mod, in addition to changing the sounds of the enemies (which is not a problem anymore if it is a curious detail)

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Mind listing which sort of things it breaks specifically? Helps so I know what to look for. And are you loading the enhancements after DRLA?

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Guest - - 693,649 comments

If I load it before the whole mod. In the hub world of DOOM RPG, the npc that are soldiers are exchanged for burning tires and the objects that are from the DOOM RPG are exchanged for debris, stops and damaged cars

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Guest - - 693,649 comments

When I use this mod on PB thereĀ“s a bug with the Mancubus fire missiles as they are framed in a black square.

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Thanks for the report, will be fixed for the next update!

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Update#2 is now live, check the OP!

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MyntVanilla - - 10 comments

i loaded this up with dead marine ( ) with the map enhancements loaded after it
it works but when i kill the shotgunners they turn into toilets when killed
also when playing with smooth doom there seems to be a blood splat that appears on screen at the top left when reloading the ssg after shooting (using the black gloves option) the map enchantments where also loaded after smooth doom (happend with both the gold ver and the beta ver with both mods btw)

is the brutal deathmatch option supposed to be there in the episode selection or is it a remanent from bd? id test it but it crashes for me because i play with an autosaver mod in my autoload and im too lazy to remove it lol

other than that it it seems to work well with some other mods i tested with
good job on this, probably the best version of a standalone map enhancements out there! i can imagine this being a complete nightmare to make

on a side note its interesting that you use guncaster for the preivew image as there a fork of guncaster called 'guncaster vindicated' and it has its own version of the bd map enchantments built in and rewritten in zscript too even has eday support probably because of it

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MyntVanilla - - 10 comments

though now that i think about it could your map enhance mod also double as a universal eday patch too? like being able to use this to run almost any gameplay mod with eday without have to edit eday itself
eday to me seems to use recourses found the bd21 map scripts which is why its bd21 exclusive but thats my guess idk if theres more to that but it could be cool to see if thats possible

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Thanks for pointing that out, I hadn't thought to test with those...ironic, since those mods are a couple of my fave vanilla styled mods lol. I'll be uploading a point release later today that patches those errors.

As for Brutal Deathmatch, that's specifically for Zandronum. Attempting to play that set on GZDoom will indeed result in crashes. As far as I know, GZDoom supports p2p multiplayer, but not sure much else.

In regards to EDAY, UMES can technically be run with that WAD in its current state, though you'll encounter a soft lock on Map10. I have to make several adjustments for certain bosses and enemy encounters, however, I do foresee UMES fully functioning as a patch for EDAY in the nearby future.

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minigunner_ali - - 78 comments

Found one gameplay mod where this mod does not work, Warhammer 40000 Astartes ( Hopefully u will fix it by next update.

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Good catch! I'll be uploading a point release later today that addresses this issue. :)

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Update#3 is ready for download!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
MyntVanilla - - 10 comments

saw this got an update and decided to give this a run with both mods i mentioned in my previous comment and just want to say that those two bugs are fixed, nice job once again!

how does the 'boss toggle' as mentioned in changelog work? if its an option i dont see it in the options menu in either the gold or beta ver

hate to bring up another smooth doom related bug again but i noticed that when i load it up with map enhancements the rocket explosion animated seems to be wonky for lack of a better description but it only happens on the beta version of the mod the gold version seems to display the animation correctly though

also a question, would it be possible to have both versions as one file? maybe have the beta enhancements as some sort of option
i believe there there was a bdv21 fork that had the option to have the beta decorations as some sort of toggle in the options so i wonder if that would be possible for this

(ps sorry for these long comments lol)

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

No worries lol, and thanks for all your feedback. By all means, keep it up!

The boss toggle is under the control options. I went this route so it can be accessed regardless of whatever mod is loaded. Some mods (especially those catered to Zandronum) replace the main options menu, so this was done as a compromise to maintain universal compatibility. I recommend setting the control to forward slash, but entirely up to you :).

Actually, the menu option issue ties into not really being able to combine these packs together. For the same reason I outlined, this would result in having to create a separate toggle control for switching between beta and gold decoration types, though this would likely cause issues that just aren't worth solving for an all in one package. I'm honestly not entirely convinced there's a way to combine these packs in a manner that maintains compatibility across multiple source ports and mods outside of the KEYCONF that's where we're at, I'm afraid.

Anyhoo, to end on a higher note, I'll look into the explosion issue when running the beta pack with Smooth Doom.

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Anddd fixed! No more explosion glitch with Smooth Doom. Feel free to re-download (didn't make a post since this was such a minor fix).

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Ahhh sorry @CaptPatrick01, didn't mean to scrub your comment!

"On trying to enter the Extermination Day vehicles/turrets on PB3.0 and Embers of Armageddon, the game crashes saying that it is an invalid class in function call to PlayerPawnBase.StateFunction.0. Were the vehicles meant to be included? Since if the custom player class that comes with the mod has no morphing code, any mod that tries to change the player will abort."

Hmmm, I may have to look into the vehicle morphing code to see what's causing this. Strangely, this doesn't seem to affect every mod (eg. Smooth Doom, Trailblazer, High Noon Drifter all seem to work fine), so the inclusion of vehicles is indeed intentional. I'll see what I can do to fix this crash on my side of things.

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

So after doing some digging, this actually turns out to be an issue regarding both PB and EOA. Any morphing that occurs with those mods will immediately crash GZDoom (tested by typing "morphme" in the console command), so there's nothing I can do about those. All I can suggest is that you simply don't use any vehicles or turrets while running those mods.

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Guest - - 693,649 comments

Hi! When I am in an Icon of Sin level it says "boss disabled" and the Icon of Sin is just the wall.
How can I "enable" it?

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Go to the options menu and it'll be under "customize controls". I recommend setting it to backslash :). The command will restart the level though, so be aware that you will lose progress if enabling boss mode mid-level.

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Wolf1366 - - 15 comments

bad mod dslike

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments Reply Good karma+3 votes
Pygargue00fr - - 44 comments

prehaps finding textures that maches the og Doom artstyle would make it even better? then again good job man

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Update #4! Get your update #4 hereeee!

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Update #5...some minor quality of life improvements. Check OP :)

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unoriginality14 - - 38 comments

nice mod, i have a request if you don't mind, would it be possible for you to add a feature where you can disable new textures? so it can work with texture mods or if you just don't like level enhancement textures, if yes then can you add it (and other features of this mod) to BDV21 and BD Platinum as well? once again, good mod, that's fine if you won't do it

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Hey, sorry for the late reply! I see you've already gone ahead and made a patch, well done. :)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Stargem - - 12 comments

I like this type of mod, in that it makes the OG campaign more flavorful, without removing the abstract layout that separates DOOM from more realistic shooters. Thank you Brosett for continuing Sergeant's work on this front. :)

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Of course, my pleasure. And thank YOU for checking it out! :)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Stargem - - 12 comments

I *think* that there might be a minor error with E1M9, Military Base. I killed all the enemies I could find out of 105, but one remained at the end. Using the "kill monster" command, the two marines following me died - but the console only listed 2 creatures dying. The game is counting something unkillable as a monster.

My guess is that it is a decoration issue, but I am using assorted mods.

WadSmoosh - uncensored DOOM/DOOM II, No Rest, Master Levels, Final DOOM, Sigil, Sewers & Betray.

Project Brutality v3.0
Universal Map Enhancements v21 Gold

Use to Pickup
DOOM Metal vol.5
BDBE Flashlight
UC Minimap

It is my speculation that Universal Map Enhancements, Project Brutality or WadSmoosh are not playing nice with each other, since there seems to be a fair number of scripting errors in the bootup window.

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

It's likely the combination of PB and UME. Both share a lot of the same assets and actors, hence most of the bootup errors about multiple classes being defined more than once, though with that said, I've gone as far as I can to get UME mostly compatible with PB.

I went ahead and uploaded a fix that hopefully addresses the issue, however, unless there's something specifically breaking either mod, there's not much else I can do.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Stargem - - 12 comments

Thank you for looking into it. These things are unruly, especially with something as expansive as Brutality still under construction.

May you have a restful Thanksgiving.

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Emim3vn - - 20 comments

What weapon mod is that in the last picture which has the Doom 3 assault rifle?

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

That would be OSJC's Major Crisis, one of my favorites!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
RastaManGames - - 248 comments

Can you, please, update it so "Deadly Brick" campaign can not have unknown actors? I presume that there is some "big trees" that isn't in the latest version of your universal map enhancer...

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Not sure if you saw my reply on ZDoom Forums, but I'll go ahead and paste here just in case.

I checked out the map from the link you shared, though I'm not positive it's the same one based on the screenshot you posted since the WAD won't even boot without loading BDv21.

Anyway, looks like the Mapinfo lump included in the WAD makes use of internal weapon actors from BD, so I think this issue might go beyond the scope of the UME system. I guess I could try and include a patch that would allow the mapset to load up, however, my concern is this could potentially cause unintended glitches down the line...then again, maybe not since it's only related to weapons. I'll try and do some tests, but can't guarantee any worthwhile results.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
RastaManGames - - 248 comments

Oh, man! You are really an savior! <3

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

The new version that has been uploaded fixes the missing textures/actors, but I also included a patch in the zip that will allow the wad to be loaded. Do note, the patch essentially makes the weapon actors referenced by the wad null, so expect those pickups to be missing in the map.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Voidrunner_Official - - 12 comments

This mod is great. The one Problem that I'm having though the decorations not appearing on Ultimate Doom Builder

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K2wo - - 14 comments

For some reason animations on corpses are not working as intended, its possible you could implement them back?
And perhaps add the ability to destroy them

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

I'll see what I can do.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
K2wo - - 14 comments

My apologies, I wanted to ask before if there's a chance for a version with terrain splashes, liquids/nukage effects, "waterfalls" enhancements only

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Sorry, but the main objective of this mod is to make both iterations of the map enhancement system universally compatible with as many mods as possible. As such, I'm not particularly interested in making stripped away or "lite" versions, however, I would imagine it would be pretty easy to do for other modders.

On the bright side, I did manage to make some headway in regards to implementing destructible corpses. I'm still in the process in testing with other mods, but as far as I can tell there shouldn't be any major conflicts when re-introducing this feature.

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K2wo - - 14 comments

I see, mainly I want to use this addon alongside Project Brutality but I cannot even start the game due several compatibility issues

For this I've used the "Staging branch" which its supposed to be the most estable build of the mod

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

What do you mean it won't start? I've tested this with PB3.0 on GZDoom4.10.0 and it runs just fine.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
K2wo - - 14 comments

I got it to work, on the PB server someone suggested me to deleted my user config and it everything seems to working now.

Except for these and the hanging corpses being static:

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Managed to fix the splash glitches, plus I also re-implemented destructible corpses. Updated and ready for download!

Not sure what's causing those script errors in the screenshot, since I can't replicate them on my end. I'm using the main build of PB, which is what I'm directing all fixes toward, so I suggest giving that a try.

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Guest - - 693,649 comments

theres a bug with metadoom, where it causes the plasma gun sprite to glitch out, making a tiny marine appear on the top left side of the screen, can you fix that?

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Try loading the map enhancements before Metadoom.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 693,649 comments

This mod seems to keep its bindings (/=BossMode) under [Doom.BrutalDoomActions.Bindings]. This is causing the actual Brutal Doom bindings in that category (kick, reload, grenade and unload) to be left blank or default everytime I quit the game.

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brosett311 Author
brosett311 - - 123 comments

Thanks for the heads-up, should be fixed now.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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