That shiny mod that vilifies the use of bloom and edgy lighting since 2010.

Report RSS 1.0.0 Release Details: NATO Overview & Introduction to New General Power's Set

This blog is about the upcoming full release of C&C Generals Zero Hour Enhanced.

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Ahem. Hello again my gravy mushies.

Today we're gonna take a look at new unique content for NATO, particularly its War Doctrines and General's Powers because I've already covered lots of the unit's specifics and maybe some more lore stuff like short descriptions, etc.

I guess I'm gonna start by doing a little intro of what exactly NATO is and how it's relevant to other factions. We have a lot to cover and I do mean A LOT.

WARNING: This is a very long lore-filled blog even for ZHE about NATO's story and how GP's developed. Feel free to skip this one if you don't wanna read walls of text or just look at the funny pictures.

A small recap, perhaps, for those who've either been living under a rock or having the misfortune of being subjected to neo-liberal curriculum like me. NATO shortened for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is:

A defensive alliance whose members are committed to safeguarding the freedom and security of all Allies, against all threats, from all directions.

According to their actual website. Originally,

It was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union.

According to the U.S. Department of State.

Wait, hang on a minute. Why would they (the Western Powers) even need to defend against the USSR??? USSR defeated Fascism (the Axis AKA the baddies) and liberated people from it. What are they even worried about??? The good guys won????? That's a little strange but anyhow... NATO is a defensive alliance-

George Washington quote: Offensive operations, often times, is the surest, if  not the...

Very defensive in fact unless you take George Washington's quote "the best defense is a good offense" to heart too seriously. It's so "defensive" that they decided just to invade Libya in 2011 supposedly to safeguard the so-called "freedom, democracy and human rights."

I mean take a look at these declassified documents curated from this wonderful article here.

This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA).
(Source Comment: According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than $7 billion. French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya.)

Damn, they sure did saved the people of Libya, restored peace, order and liberty there. And everyone's now living their lives with proper human dignity for once in their lives for sure. Has equal rights been bestowed upon them in anyway perhaps? Equally screwed maybe

What's that? ISIS taking roots in the country? A civil war that at least 6 years which created a slave market and ten of thousands people either enslaved or killed all for what?

Nicolas Sarkozy's golden wrapped toasted frog legs??? Hillary Clinton's golden toilet papers??? Donald Trump's laser walls against the immigrants??? Joe Brandon's continuation of Trump's anti-immigrant laser walls??? Ron DeSanctimonious's enhanced personality chips and the Fuhrer cosplay perhaps???

File:GDP per capita development in Libya.svg - Wikipedia

Damn, I wonder why Libyan GDP took a nose dive after 2011? Democracy restored!!!

I guess they were worried about the USSR because they were afraid they wouldn't get to have their cakes and eat them anymore!

Perhaps a guardian angel to the Anglo Americans, most of Europe or some Asia countries, the champion of peace and freedom, but to the rest of the world? Not so much.

Make no mistake, NATO is the armed force of the capitalists, imperialists, colonialists with one goal; the preservation of neo-colonialism in the global south. Without cheap raw materials, over-exploited resources and labour forces to produce luxury goods i.e. inexpensive capital to make huge profits, the money will stop flowing so to speak.

NATO's mission is to eliminate any threats that could undermine this neo-liberal world order in any small or big ways. Those threats being, well, most if not all of its past conflicts and operations against every nation ever on planet Earth (except for them and their friends) e.g. Palestine, USSR, PRC, DPRK, Vietnam, Cuba, Libya, Burkina Faso, Chile, Congo, etc.

The list goes on, we're gonna be here all day if I keep digging. You get the idea.

And what better ways to "keep up" the demands of the US military industrial complex and justify the exploitation of the global south than to just to invent one?

That being said, in ZHE's Multi Next-Gen Cinematic Universe or ZHE-MNGCU for short, NATO under the leadership of Joseph The Sniffer Brandon will come face-to-face with two major threats to its neo-liberal world order none other than the PLA and GIN forces. The campaign will finally be finished in the year of 2077 where I will be finishing the mod will my cybernetic fingers and my brain in RGB jar.

NATO is considered a terrorist organisation by Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and GIN militant associates.

Now speaking of General's Powers:

As you can see I've extended the General's Powers tree to its fullest, well, extent. Although, there are plenty of varieties to be found, that also comes at a cost that I'm gonna be covering a bit later.

Back in 2018, OFS's authour Andi created a BiG General's Powers tree UI and its codes and so I asked him to use them in ZHE and he said yeah. So here we are but quite different from the OFS's original UI, you see.

The lines are connected between each war doctrine! Meaning that for you, the player, to access the sandwiched tree, both of the adjacent doctrines must be taken first!

These trees usually quite powerful bonuses or GPs that are beneficial to any matches which are leveled CIA Intelligence and Paratroops in NATO's case.

Blitzkrieg Assault:
This ability allows MBTs to attack 90% faster for a short period of time, making it easier to breakthrough enemy line.

Ever since the end of WW2, a bunch of Nazi Germany war criminals were left at their fate to be trial by the Allies and the Comintern. Originally, Stalin and FDR supposedly wanted the trial except for the Bri'ish Bulldog, Mr. Churchill.

Take a look at what the man himself said in the past before WW2 here:

Fascism has rendered a service to the whole world,

Italy has shown a way of fighting subversives by rallying the mass of people wishing to defend the honour and stability of civilised society, providing an antidote for the Russian poison.

Fascism will succeed in grappling with Communism and choking out its life by its own methods (The Holocaust and genocide of many minorities)

Churchill were very anxious about it, however. According to your favourite news outlet, The Guardian.

Winston Churchill made the proposal at the "Big Three" conference at Yalta in February 1945, according to the account, but was overruled by Franklin D Roosevelt, who believed the US public would demand proper trials, and Joseph Stalin, who argued that public trials possessed excellent propaganda value.

The British eventually agreed to the war crimes trials despite the misgivings of some senior government officials who believed the decision to prosecute the surviving Nazi leadership for waging a war of aggression would set a dangerous precedent. They also feared the prosecutions would be on a par with the high-profile show trials in Stalin's Russia.

Ah yes, public punishing Nazis set a dangerous precedent. Truly the man of the people and true believer in democracy and the free world.

Sure, a few of them were executed especially the top dogs. However, Nazi Germany did not run itself by just a few psychotic fascists.

After reunification of Germany, "out of 200,000 perpetrators only 6,656 were convicted" according to Reckonings: Legacies of Nazi Persecution and the Quest for Justice, Mary Fulbrook (2018)

Then they (NATO) just dropped the whole thing anyway and went back to work like business as usual durr hurr. Supposedly, deemed as counter-productive; gotta fight the commies now. No surplus labour value is bad for business hurr durr.

Point being many Nazis including those who orchestrated the Holocaust just walked free and it's not a coincidence. It is DELIBERATE.

Many of whom became part of NATO and NATO adjacent entities i.e. the Western Powers, serving many important roles including the likes of Adolf Heusinger as NATO chairman, Walter Hallstein as one of the founders of EU and Kurt Waldheim as secretary-general of the United Nations and president of Austria and many more.

They (a bunch of Nazis) then integrated the crucial components of the original Blitzkrieg Assault tactics in NATO's war doctrine which has been frequently exercised until today at least a modern form of it: Modern Blitzkrieg Assault.

Just like in WW2, controlling the air allows fast moving vehicles and tanks to blitz through the enemy while close air support rain down with rockets and bombs to quickly end the battle before it begins!

Air Superiority Tactics:
Utilise advanced fighter aircraft to gain airspace dominance to engage the enemy from above. Unlocks: F-22A 'Raptor' ASF, A-10 'Warthog' Thunderbolt II CAS, RAH-66 'Comanche' Rocket Pods, Blitzkrieg Assault

By dominating the sky, our air force can effectively conduct boming run and close air support operations. Winning the air battle means that our ground forces can quickly manuever and destroy the enemy forces while our attack aircraft continue to rain down on them.

Armoured Operations Tactics:
Utilise heavy armour and mobile firepower to spearhead through the enemy's frontline. Unlocks: M1A2 SEP 'Abrams' MBT, Rocketeer Squad, Improved Composite Armour

Blitzkrieg could only goes so far without a polished head of the spear. By utilising heavy armour to punch through the enemy defense and quickly manuever agaist the enemy using highly agile infantry and vehicles, the battle is already won.

Shock And Awe Tactics:
Utilise massive concentration of pure firepower to overwhelm the enemy and break their morales. Unlocks: M109A6 'Paladin' SPG, Secret Service Squad, White Phosphorus Mortar Shells

Although the term has only gained popularity from the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the idea could also be used to describe the US atomic of boming of Imperial Japan. The idea is to bomb the hell out of the enemy infrastructure in the shortest peroid of time in a "show of force" to break their ability and willpower of the enemy to continue fighting. If that failed, just rinse and repeat until it works duh.

Ah, yes. The famous de-escalation method of firing more shots instead of neogotiating on equal terms.

A-10 Close Air Support:
Call in A-10 Thunderbolt II 'Warthog' close air support to strike at target location. Deploy from: Strategy Center

Rank 1: 1x A-10 CAS
Rank 2: 2x A-10 CAS

A-10s were first deployed during the Gulf War 1991 AKA the first First Iraq War. Yes, you've heard that right! NATO not only invaded their ex-allied Iraq once but TWICE!!! And the US have been using the A-10s ever since.

And if you've been reading the blogs, this is a trend of the US and its allies that continue to happen even to this very day. Cool (and I use that word insincerely) weapons are invented especially when NATO is invading someone and not for good reasons. The fact that they are in the games but are devoid of their history and context in which they came to be is intentional.

While this is not Hollywood but rather the gaming industry, ask yourself this question: "Is C&C Generals any different to the typical American war movies out there?" And the answer should be: not really.

The Defense Department has a long-standing relationship with Hollywood. In fact, it’s been working with filmmakers for nearly 100 years with a goal that’s two-fold: to accurately depict military stories and make sure sensitive information isn’t disclosed.

While Hollywood is paid to tell a compelling story that will make money, the DoD is looking to tell an accurate story. So naturally, there can be challenges in combining the two.

“There are compromises on both sides. There’s a point where we just have to say no -- ‘It’s either going to happen like this, or it’s not going to happen at all,’” Hyde said, although he admitted it rarely comes to that. Production agreements require the DoD to be able to review a rough cut of a film, so officials can decide if there are areas that need to be addressed before a film is released.

Like any war games or media in the general made in the West, C&C Generals unfortunately but predictably is another piece of US war propaganda and I'll show you a simple comparison from its arguably of the most memorable moments:

Invasion of Iraq 2003 IRL (US bombing campaign)

Invasion of Iraq C&C Generals (Blatant shifting the blame to Saddam portrayed as the terrorists)

There are many more but this blog is so long also so yeah... perhaps another time.

Does that mean you should just stop consuming these type of media entirely? That's up to you to be honest.

The important thing here is regardless where you live or born, it's essential to keep in mind that this sort of thing is a general trend in media coming from the West most of the time and you should be vigilant in looking out and analysing these things in relations to materialism.

Or just play ZHE, LOL!!!

GBU-27 'Hammer' Bunker Busting Bombs:
Unlocks GBU-27 Paveway III 'Hammer' bunker busting bombs. SB-1 'Aurora' Super-sonic Bombers can be refitted with GBU-27 Paveway III 'Hammer' bunker busting bombs, granting them the capability to annihilate enemy in bunkers or tunnel networks.

In light of the so-called "Tunnel Networks" being utilised in mass by the GIN forces akin to the Vietnam communist's forces during the invasion of Vietnam, it's in due time that NATO bring forth its "Bunker Busting Bombs" to counter these terrorists (that only we, the US, and our friends consider them such) and send em back where they came from.

Carpet Bomb:
Call in a heavy bomber to carpet bomb the target location. Deploy from: Strategy Center

Why bother locating the enemy when you could just consider everyone an enemy combatant? Like that the old days in Vietnam!

"Bombs away, punk!"
-General Malcolm 'Ace' Granger

Call in air drop special forces at any target location. Deploy from: Command Center

Rank 1: 1x Elite Infantry Squad
Rank 2: 2x Elite Infantry Squads

I've reworks the dropping mechanic a little bit and by that I mean the paratroopers slightly scatter when they jump out of the plane. It can prevent some cases that they get bunched up and it also looks cooler.

UAV Support:
Deploy UAV aerial reconnaissance drone at target location. Deploy from: Network Surveillance Center

Another favourite US weapon of war is conveniently unarmed. If you didn't know, US drone strikes killed at least 8,858 civilians from its past conflicts without having to deploy human soldiers on the ground to confront its enemies. That's a pretty scary kill-death ratio if you ask me or any other sane person.

I wouldn't call that a precise weapons of war but I highly doubt the capitalists cared.

It most likely be armed once I eventually rework the air stuff.

AC-130J 'Ghostrider' Close Air Support:
Call in AC-130J 'Ghostrider' CAS gunship to provide close air support at target location. Deploy from: Strategy Center

The Ghostrider also called "Angel of Death" developed during the Vietnam War. This baddie is packed with 25mm GAU-12 rotary cannon, 30mm GAU-23/A autocanno, 40mm L/60 Bofors cannon and 105mm M102 howitzer.

Pretty much can shred through anything on the ground ranging from humans to concrete. Maybe not the most authentic weapon set but it sure looks cool in the glorified simulation. Plus I haven't begin full aircraft rework yet so yeah.

Emergency Repair:
Repairs vehicles in an area. Deploy from: Command Center

Rank 1: Light Repair
Rank 2: Medium Repair

122mm Smoke Artillery Barrage:
Call off-map 122mm artillery to provide cover smoke at target location. Deploy from: Field Commander

M1 'Themis' Superheavy Tank:
Unlocks M1 'Themis' Superheavy Tank. Build at: War Factory

Red alert! The Chinese has developed an advanced design of modern super-heavy tank. This obviously is a national security concern to the maximum level and cannot be taken lightly.

By looking at nature, it is evidently clear that we can just ignore healthcare for our tax payers and direct the funds to the Titan program. Our spies have been able to identified some key components in developing ergonomic turret and chassis designs.

Unfortunately, that's why the good news ended. Our operatives failed to uncover specific key components in the turret design which will set back our development of the doubled-barrel design for years.

Thus, it's of the utmost importance that we deploy the prototype in the field against the Chinese's tank in order for our engineers to analyse and further develop the project.

Surveillance Espionage:
Spy on enemy forces, revealing their positions for a short time. Deploy from: Network Surveillance Center

Rank 1: Command Center
Rank 2: Structures

We may have successfully fooled the world by the foundation of the NED program as our operation front but our enemies still live on. We cannot rest until they're dealt permanently therefore we can both send out our operatives the old fashioned way and gather intelligence through the backdoor to offset the capture chance of our spies.

SB-1 'Aurora' Super-sonic Bomber:
Unlocks SB-1 'Aurora' Super-sonic Bomber. Build at: Airfield

Probably one of the most misleading aircraft out there: the Aurora Bomber.

I kinda get the appeal and gimmick they were going for but IRL supersonic aircraft are a lot more common that you might think i.e. post-WW2 fast military jets. It's still cool nonetheless when the Aurora goes supersonic and plays the boom sound.

BLU-82B 'Daisy Cutter' Bombing Run:
Call in a heavy bomber to drop a BLU-82B 'Daisy Cutter'. Fuel Air Bombs destroy buildings and enemy troop concentrations. Deploy from: Command Center

Having a hard time identifying enemy combatants in the lush jungles and forests? Say no more. The Daisy Cutter, as the name suggested, can cut through large area of soft targets i.e. terrorists hiding among the trees and bushes.

First developed during the Vietnam War, the bomb has not outlived its applcations in the slightest. By developing the Daisy Cutter urban environments, our troops no longer need to clear house by house.
Ever heard of free fire zone kid? Everyone's considered the enemy there!

227mm Rocket Artillery Barrage:
Call off-map 227mm rocket artillery to eradicate the target. Deploy from: Command Center

Rank 1: 6 Salvos
Rank 2: 12 Salvos

155mm Artillery Barrage:
Call off-map 155mm artillery to eradicate the enemy. Deploy from: Field Commander

BGM-109G 'Gryphon' TEL:
Unlocks BGM-109G 'Gryphon' TEL. Build at: War Factory

Obviously, this is not a real vehicle; at least, in this iteration. The real thing is the longest truck you'll ever see, armed with not one but FOUR nuclear missile launchers.

IRL Gryphoooooooooooooooooooooon

As you can probably imagine how hilariously over-powered that will be in-game. Not to mention that fact SAGE hates long trucks as you'll probably see with the MIM-104E I've added to the game.

Now on to the technology tree:

(Tier I) Logistics Optimisation:
By employing the sussy tactics of neocolonialism, we can still have access to cheap raw materials and supplies without having to babysit the entire colonial project and also look good while doing it.

Bonus: +10% Supply Center Gathering Rate, -5% Vehicle and Aircraft Cost

Advanced Training:
Authorises troops to undergo extensive combat training, increasing experience gain rate by 50% and allows Riflemen to use burst firing mode.

With our advanced simulations developed by our private multi-billion companies by the likes of Macrohard, our recruits can even train to shoot weapons at brown people and slavs from the comfort of their homes. Amazing piece of technology!

Would say that this is a must have upgrade since it gives +50% experience gain modifier to every NATO unit and Riflemen the burst firing mode meaning more base damage.

Extensive Conscription:
With the advent of low recruitment rate in the so-called "Patriots" demographics, we need to amend the conscription law to allow for indiscriminated drafting among ALL demographics regardless of social, psychological and behavioral components including BIPOC and those with deficiencies so we can send more troops to spread freedom in the global south, granting the bonus: -5% Infantry Cost

While equal rights in itself is a good thing i.e. people living their lives free of bigotry and systematic discrimination, no one just be discriminated based on inherent traits i.e based on skin colour, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc., it is not the case when exclusively recruiting marginalised (especially vulnerable) people to die in a war to benefit the rich.

Maybe a hot take for some but dying in an imperialist war of aggression is bad for all people regardless of any efforts to portray it as the opposite. A nice fancy wrapping surrounding a smelly turd doesn't divorce it from its core component: the smelly turd, but to associate every nice fancy wrapping with bad smell is also the wrong and unscientific analysis which ultimately serves the imperialists by fostering division among the population. Only through unity, we can win.

Maybe functionally an optional choice for extensive infantry play mid game to late game.

Hazard Protection Protocol:
Introduce M50 field protective mask to ground forces. Increases all infantry resistance against toxins and radiations.

If the enemy player fielded any toxins or radiations, it's a good idea to upgrade it.

Self-Sustaining Battery:
Equips all drones with self-sustaining battery, lowering their power consumption by 100%

Nothing works as well as a green-powered third world terroriser 3000. By installing advanced solar cells in the drone's chassis, they're no longer required to be recharged at our ED stations. The future is now old people!

Obviously, if you would rather play drone warfare than all-in infantry play, you probably might wanna get this one.

Signal Failsafe Protocol:
Improves the failsafe protocol, rendering all drones unaffected by lost transmission.

In light of the new so-called Red Menance far now more dangerous than that of the USSR seemingly specialised in cyber warfare, NATO must secure its drone's network operational capabilities from being shut down.

Comes forward is the Signal Failsafe Protocol, preventing drones from being shut down temporarily due to rerouting of key networks by transferring command to local drone command for manual control on the field.

This is an optional risk evasion upgrade so if you cannot defend against enemy targeting of your Network Center or you cannot stop incoming attack against it, it's good idea to get it.

(Tier II) Diplomatic Dominancy:
In the advent of unprecedented rising multipolarity world order, it is essential that we take firm control of the UN, the majority of the media apparatus and fund various NGOs to sanction and slander our disloyal subjects to hell.

Bonus: +10% Supply Drop Value, +10% Infantry Health

EMF-Powered Smoothbore:
Retrofits all Main Battle Tank main guns with EMF-powered firing mechanic. Increases weapon damage by 20%

With the fact NATO has already implemented its standard usage of depleted uranium shells, US's brain drained scientists have continuously come up with new experimental weaponry. One of them being the EMF-powered smoothbore allowing Main Battle Tanks to fire shells at maximum speed and do considerably more damage to the enemy armour.

If you're planning to use lots of MBT, it's an obivious choice to get.

Improved Composite Armour:
Retrofit main battle tanks with improved composite armour platings. Increases armour rating by 20%

Obviously, this is an upgrade from vZH but I changed the name for it to make more sense. Contemporary MBTs are already installed with composite armour platings if you didn't know hence improving the said composite armour would make more sense.

If you're planning to use lots of MBT, it's an obivious choice to get same as EMF-Powered Smoothbore.

BGM-71D 'TOW' ATGM Launcher:
Equips M2A3 'Bradley' IFV with BGM-71D 'TOW' ATGM launcher, removing the need to individually upgrade M2A3s in the future.

This same upgrade from vZH with a twist being that instead of upgrading all Humvees to use the TOW missile launcher, this upgrades now applies only to the Bradley. The player can still upgrade the Bradley with the TOW missile launcher individually though.

A cheaper choice of mobile anti-tank compared to committing to the two above.

Drone Alloy Platings:
Enhances all drones armour with improved alloy platings, giving them 10% extra protection.

vZH upgrade but it sounds cooler to give you the illusion that something cool is happening AKA average Paradox strategy games.

If you're playing drones, get this.

BLU-82B is upgraded to the GBU-43/B MOAB AKA Massive Ordnance Air Blast, greatly reducing time to ignition and while improving its blast lethality.

Also vZH upgrade but looks cooler. Also works a bit differnt to that there's a tiny delay before it explodes instead of instant explosion, And that's all to it.

If you have the Daisy Cutter GP, get this if you want.

RAH-66 Rocket Pods Retrofit:
Equips RAH-66 'Comanche' with LAU-68 rocket pods, removing the need to individually upgrade RAH-66s in the future.

This same upgrade from vZH but instead of this being the sole option for the Comanche, this one just upgrades every Comanche now and in the future to be equipped with the LAU-68 rocket pods while the player can still also upgrade it individually.

If you're planning field only Comanches, probably might wanna get this.

Improved Laser Guided Munitions:
Provides close-air support aircrafts with advanced laser-guidance weapon system, granting bonus: +25% ATG munition accuracy

Obviously, the upgrade from vZH but I changed the name of the upgrade and what is does a little bit.
Since a lot of the weapons the aircraft use are actually already guided by lasers, would make more sense for the upgrade to improve it as it was already there.

If you're fielding many attack aircraft, should probably get this.

Equips aircraft with countermeasure flares, grant them a chance to evade enemy missile attacks.

Pretty much works like the 0.9.x version but looks even cooler.

Obvious choice if playing any aircraft.

Bunker Busters:
Refit SB-1 'Aurora' Super-sonic Bombers with GBU-27 Paveway III 'Hammer' bunker busting bombs, granting them the capability to annihilate enemy in bunkers or tunnel networks.

If your enemy has extensive fortified positions or tunnels, the player should get this.

Secret Service Squad Abilities:
Secret Service can deploy listening devices on the battlefield. Listening devices are small hidden devices that can detect enemy pass through and alert player given that they're near the device enough to hear the "beep" SFX or see the detected radio wave.

Secret Service also has another toggled ability called "Disguise Mode." It does what it said, the Secret Service will disguise themselves as... Well, I'll let you find out.

Note that this is not the same Disguise As Vehicle ability as of the Bomb Truck (since the code is incompatible with infantry.)

Rocketeer Squad Abilities:
Rocketeer Squad, as you could see in the trailer, has the ability to make a small jump across any obstacles i.e. river, destroy bridge and cliffs. Once the squad has touched the ground, they will be put on a recharge timer for the jump jet. When the timer expires, they can use the jump jet again.

Don't get too excitied about jumping everywhere though as the Rocketeers are still vulnerable to enemy anti-air when making a jump.

"So what's the catch? You seemed to have done everything possible to expand the GP tree here and even the special infantry stuff?" You may ask.

Well, for one, the Paratroopers GP is unfinished as there's no paratrooper to speak of so here's the special force of Rangers and Defenders dropped from planes with no animations lmao.

There's also the unfortunate lack of space for the rank 3 of various GPs. I'm still not sure how to go about adding them back yet but that's the future me to figure out!

And that's the end of today's long ass blog.

If you've read all of it, you're a REAL DEAL! And I really appreciate you taking the time read it even if you don't get everything mentioned <3

Take care! Bye!

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 69)
middle-kingdom - - 218 comments

Don't you plan to remake the model of the dozer? It doesn't seem to match the ZHE's new style.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

I plan to make new Dozers for both NATO and PLA later after this release.

I decided to skip them for now since they're not as important as other stuff added.

At the moment, we're mostly playing testing the AIs and maybe a few new maps or two by me :)

Reply Good karma+3 votes
volkermord - - 84 comments


F*** of the world war2 is over for a most 80 years.
Live in present day!!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma-9 votes
VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Hello, I'm living in the present day. NATO and its allies are still around hence I'm talking about them and not making a mod about WW2.

Unfortunately, without learning from history why things are the way they are at present, one cannot fully and truly understand contemporary conflicts and often fall prey to disingenuous Nazi propaganda.

I hope you'll change your mind one day sincerely! And I say this with love.

Reply Good karma+11 votes
sgtmyers88 - - 2,831 comments

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
volkermord - - 84 comments


You tell my by history? Le me tell you about true history,
my grandmother told me about German soldier they give candy to the children,but when subhuman army (red army) come in my contry
the rape the children, kill parents or take as slaves in siberia.
This is the real history not propaganda.
If you don't believe me, ask the Ukrainians.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-8 votes
VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

I don't know what to say, man. What country are you from btw? Are you next to Russia? I only mentioned the superpowers (US, UK, Germany and their allies,) kinda weirdly defensive.

You do sound like a Nazi sympathizer to me. Like I said, I hope you change your mind :)

Reply Good karma+10 votes
Strogglet15 - - 1,339 comments

Damn, I know it's supposed to be humour but this is just sad not-so-past history.
The whole "Democratization" (euphemism for, Utter Destruction, no cows involved...Hopefully, these "good guys" would kill cows even?!) of Libya is one of the worst things the so-called "Western Values" people ever did, all in the name of a petty French dominance (I know it's more than that) that isn't even worth it.

We, the Europeans, should make our own defense alliance instead and put the "No Americans Allowed" sign, cuz you know, NATO put the "No Dictators Allowed" sign despite the fact they had a dictatorship-at-that-time Portugal. Call it the EDF, European Defense Force, just like EDF from the good ol' game Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.
Oh also, Rise of the Reds has something similar and I love it, despite the very bad Americanized-ish accents of Europeans.

Real life or not, videogames and all that, I tell ya; BRING BACK EUROPEAN GLORY AND TRUE INDEPENDENCE!!!
--Wait, this isn't RotR or a political debate? Oh, sorry, anyway...

It's gonna be fun to use the A-10s on defenseless ci--Uh, I mean, absolutely dangerous and heavily armoured, GLA-related top ranking terrorists, even if they're age 15!
As much as I'll enjoy many one of these NATO powers, I am more impatient for the Chinese Nukes and all, oh hell yeah!

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ShujaoEra - - 12 comments

For ***** and giggles, have China, or just the Nuke China, get Tsar Bomba because if Chinese can somehow copy stuff without intelligence catching them, or just that there's way too many hackers in China even if it's downgraded or not in quality, and mix it with Tao's love for nukes..... Well, wouldn't that be a fun sight.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Not sure how much ROTR lore has changed over the years but last time I read them on wiki, they're completely different from ZHE.

Yea, NATO GPs are by far the most destructive and offensive powers as opposed to other factions. vZH USA being the easiest to play, I guess even more it's newcomer friendly, good for getting used to the new stuff or you just wanna blow **** up.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
BUEL-FRE - - 212 comments

Read by me.23.01.2024 )

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Reader gang certified 😎

Reply Good karma+3 votes
liberty_wings - - 928 comments

I came for the cool ZHE update.

I left with bitter sweet feelings and an even greater hate for NATO. Well, at least the mod seems coming out quite nicely. Can't wait to play it.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Thanks for reading!😆

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OhNoesBunnies! - - 1,211 comments

It's way more nuanced than Vector is letting on. I'd still rather be a patron of the West, than under a mustache-twirling corrupt oligarchy such as Russia, or even worse, China.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Please, share this "nuanced" information with the class. Don't keep the knowledge to yourself. I share all the time, with sources :)

Reply Good karma+6 votes
GDI_Amiya - - 208 comments

It’s a very nice technology tree, and it has a lot of things I’m looking forward to. I can’t wait to see the technology trees related to PLA and GLA.
As an aside, is the Crusader tank in the tech tree the previous Leopard 2 tank model, is it just a different name, or will the Leopard 2 model eventually be replaced by another Crusader?

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Thanks for the kind words!

The Crusader tank is just the Leopard tank that will be the baseline for future sub faction variants.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Ahmed004 - - 16 comments

Can you make HAMAS ?

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Not sure yet as there are many potential sub factions for GIN even just within Palestine. But the paraglider will make a great unit as someone suggested to me earlier.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Strogglet15 - - 1,339 comments

No, don't make the paraglider, it will be way too OP because then you will have to give it ultra-stealth instead of the default stealth.

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NekoChan123 - - 384 comments

No New cameos for remake buildings?

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

I did some but couldn't be bothered to do the rest since it's just tedious work :>

Maybe in the future.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
ArtifexArdens - - 101 comments

We'll be spreading democracy with this one!

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kianak424 - - 8 comments

So when do we introduce the specific generals?
I mean what we have here today is just a general route for a John Doe general, so how about someone like General Malcolm 'Ace' Granger or General Ironside?

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GDI_Amiya - - 208 comments

I think he will finish the 3 basic camps first and then start the general camp.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

After everything else is done like aircraft, commando, unfinished vehicle content, etc.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Ronnin2011 - - 38 comments

Started the readin' yesterday, finished today. WoW xD

Got to say I love NATO's bashing. And I like how u have the balls to do such a controversial thing! Yeah, I know, truth has become a dangerous topic because it seems that in today's western world, being offended is more important than the truth itself.

And don't get me wrong, both fanatic islamists and communists, old and new, deserve bashing too. Since they, too, have their fair share of fanaticism and war crime history.

But let me just not get too distracted now, cause I have some important game related questions to ask.
First one is, where is, on the generals powers tree, the "Blitzkrieg Assault" icon located?? Am I blind? Cause I can't find it anywhere...

My second and most important question, that I kept forgot asking, but I did remember now, since I saw someone else commenting on the Dozer graphic, is,
have perhaps u reworked the reverse gear of the units, like for example TEOD devs smartly did?? Cause especially the dozers are too slow on their reverse, plus their movement is so gimmicky that many times they end up doing cycles to infinity if u don't pay attention to them.. This one is really a quality of life change that is desperately needed.

Anyway, that's it from me for now.
Btw those NATO parachutes look really fancy. xD
Love u Vec, keep up the good work, and oh boy I can't wait for the next one!
Cheers! <3

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

I guess it is indeed controversial in Western dominated space and also here in my country as well unfortunately. So many mainstream entertainment media is pro status quo it's not even funny, but that's just by design so it's only fair there's some pushing back stuff out there. So you know, gotta dab on them a little bit :>

I don't really care for the fanatics by the likes of ISIS but in GIN's case, they're not that at all. Far from it. I guess a lot of people like to think the GLA is just ISIS which is just wrong imho (I'll probably discuss it next time.)

There's always a room for improvement for the communists. USSR's tragic dissolution was a proof to that sentiment.

Blitzkrieg Assault is a special ability for NATO MBTs that is the Crusader and Abrams. Think of it like building capture ability for the vZH infantry.

I'm not sure what exactly the TEOD devs did to their dozers as I'm not too familiar with that. I still have no clue why the dozers sometimes just circle around but I did change the locomotor so maybe it's better now?

I also did a rework on all the parachutes since they're pretty outdated.

Thanks for your comment! <3

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Ronnin2011 - - 38 comments

Tbh, I too, like to portray them as resistance fighters in the likes of Hezbollah or the Houthis than the notorious for their evil deeds, ISIS gangs.

As for the commies, saying "there's always room for improvement" is one way to put it, when u consider the mass murder acts from some of their leaders, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot..
For me, though, the most scary and tyrannical thing on the commie side is the so-called "social credit system" that has emerged in China. Orwell back in the forties did predict this open air prison for the populi..
It is up to us to not allow this cancer to spread all over the world.

Anyway, thanks for answering my questions, brother. Much love as always <3

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

ISIS is far from what should be called "resistance fighters." Just by comparing two entities here: HAMAS and ISIS, the former is governing body of the entire nation of Palestine which the US prop up in place of the previous body who was mostly destroyed fighting them and latter is a a US sponsored militant group created after the US invaded Iraq the 2nd time which many will even call "terrorists."

If they were truly the "resistance fighters," they would be aiding HAMAS right now materially like the Houthis and not provoking Iran using terror attacks.

I think you're referring to the absurd death count from the book called "Black Book of Communism" which iirc counts Wehrmacht soldiers, potential unborn children and famine just right after civil war as "victims of communism." They may as well have counted Hilter and Mussolini as victims.

If we were to count with the same metrics with capitalism even in India alone, the numbers will be even greater and inconceivable. One of the editors even stated "Communist regimes turned mass crime into a full-blown system of government …and are responsible for a greater number of deaths than Nazism or any other political system. …Communism predated fascism and Nazism, outlived both, and left its mark on four continents" in a fashion which to deliberately conflate the two (which is just a Nazi propaganda.) USSR came into power via a bloody revolution while the Nazis came into power because the winner decided to hand it to em (essentially won the election.) No Nazis/fascists will ever have to do a revolution because they part of the system: capitalism, like I mentioned. The capitalists will just hand them the power rather than face the full force of the peasant revolution in a crisis like the one we're having now.

As for Pol Pot, I doubt any serious communists will claim him as one of their own. Pol Pot was backed by the US and Dengist China iirc to spook the region in an anti-red menace frenzy, I suppose. I'm not an expert on the subject but just reading what happened, Pol Pot was clearly not a communist.

As for the social credit system claim, I don't know for sure if or how it works in China. You would be best of to ask a mainland Chinese person on that. I think it's mostly used for businesses. But most likely, it is not ridiculous stuff whatever people put in memes.

It's US propaganda because usually it's stated while ignoring the fact that the US has one of it owns that a lot of people in the world uses: the credit card system. You get points for purchasing stuff, essentially encouraging you to buy more. People don't really think about it because it's not propagandised.
You can also see this video (narrated by Col. Burton):

Hope that clears up! <3

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Dayz - - 157 comments

Pol was a communist we call his faction the khmer rouge for a reason, he is just another form of extreme communism, all of them has their own version of implementing the ideology, others commie would see that and disagree and call it not communism. That is why his force end up fighting the Vietnam VC when trying to take the boarder village despite being a fellow commie country. All of them has their own version of communism, I doubt Stalin would look at modern China and call that communism. Funny mod but I'll stick to ROTR.

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AnonBruh - - 107 comments

Holy **** Vector, not pnly did you cook, not only did you SERVE, You. Ate.

Completly unexpected W my friend, love from Baghdad.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Many thanks, friend :D

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Distanko - - 1 comments

I would agree on most of the political tract (exploitation is bad, neoliberalism is a flawed system, bombing Libya/Iraq/etc. was a disgusting mistake and the people in charge need to be brought to justice) but you have to realize that CnC is a silly old game. It's not propaganda. The Americans get in there, they get their ***** kicked and China becomes the world hegemony in the game's story and the portrayal of its fighting men and women is absurd eagle flying flag waving ******** because every faction was a cartoonish portrayal. I also fail to see how it's propaganda for Operation Iraqi Freedom when America had not even invaded that nation when the game came out. But you just want to bitch that the world is oppressed by America and her cronies and not some other nation with a equally awful economic system rather than talk about the mod on the web page dedicated to talking about the mod. Fair enough, good day ;)

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Okay clearly, you haven't read the blog carefully or history for that matter. That's fine but please read what I'm about to say very carefully.

America and its allies invaded Iraq twice in 1991 and 2003. By the time the game came out, it was just before the second one. Many perished by direct and indirect consequences of the war already. To shift the blame in the game was just disgusting imo when the US military has committed many war crimes such as the Highway of Death.

As for China/GLA "ruling the world" or invading Europe is just a fear mongering bs. Neither has the capacity or real desire to invade and colonise white people. Historically, it has been the exact opposite. US was founded on genocide, not "freedom, liberty and quality" or whatever bs they taught in schools. West Europe colonised most the world including Africa, America, Oceania and Asia.

NATO has bases all over the world whether its ground, air or naval. For China/GLA to invade Europe without the same capacity is just materially impossible.

This is propaganda like I portray you as the soyjack and me as the chad meme with extra steps. The US, in the game, is super technologically advanced while China is stuck in the 60s and GLA doesn't even have any power. The US doesn't any awful weapons of war in the game while China has napalm and nuclear while GLA has anthrax. Historically speaking, it has been the US that has overwhelmingly using such weapons including napalm, nuclear, agent orange, depleted uranium, white phosphorus and many more.

If you know history, this has little to no effect on you but if you don't, this will be your first introduction to the subject hence the only thing you know. You will come away thinking the US is "good guy." And as we all know, most people just don't read further and just stick with it = propaganda.

Still, I think it's a good thing you recognise that exploitation is bad and bombing third worlders is also bad but it's rather naive to think the people responsible will ever be brought to justice. Look at Bush. Look at Obama. Look at Kissinger. Many more was never brought to justice and never will and that is not because "neoliberalism is a flawed system," neoliberalism works as intended. The rich keeps on riching, and the poor is left for dead.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
Veon2002 - - 46 comments

I would say that you have done well in the development of the mod, in fact, I kinda planned to download this once you have all done.

BTW, to be honest, at the escalating rate of the issues you raised, it seems that it would be better to go for a lottery ticket of the age by restarting SETI and start sending messages to space as much as possible, at least by this method there is a chance for a large world change should we found aliens.

:) If humans can't sort stuff out, then it is time to call others to sort it out~ :)

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Strogglet15 - - 1,339 comments

No, don't do it, there's a big chance the Strogg will NOT invade us and I really want them to invade us so we all as humans can finally have a good reason to live; mutual xenophobia towards an alien race that wants to eliminate us by turning us into their own machines!

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Veon2002 - - 46 comments

Caught a Quake fan :)
I am not just referring to that species of mechanical people that only know war in their very ethos, you know.
I told you a large world change MIGHT happen by that before, right? :D
(Unrelated stuff: Also, realistically speaking, a species that could traverse stars would probably much much hyper-advanced. And if they decided to "nip the root", expect them to throw an asteroid at at least 50% of lightspeed towards Earth instead of just landing and starting trigger happy sessions.)

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

I highly doubt inviting aliens to solve the world is the solution. This is idealistic at best and we literally have zero knowledge of any of them.

Best to focus on material solutions for humanity which I will talk about in China's blog.

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punkinguy - - 4 comments

Great progress on the mod! I think the smoke barrage general power is incorrectly named "122mm" instead of "105mm", the Soviet 122mm light artillery caliber is nowhere to be seen in NATO except for whatever little 2S1 Gvozdika SPGs still exist in ex-warpact nations and does not exist in the US except for whatever little captured samples they have, and as pictured in the general icon, the M119A2 uses the 105mm light artillery caliber and is also the more prolific light arty caliber (and also makes up a majority of the US Army's IBCT artillery).

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

I think I had the idea of the Gvozdika in mind and also as an excuse for not using 105mm for an easier time coding. At least Poland still has them so it's not the most mind blogging thing in the mod, I hope.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Kahooters - - 10 comments

I came here for an interesting mod and instead there's paragraphs upon paragraphs of needless whining about NATO's existence.

You are a mod developer, not Tucker Carlson. If you can't work on a fictional project set in a parody of 2000s geopolitics without waffling on endlessly about current events then please stop posting unless it's mod related. No one enjoys it and it just turns people away from your mod due to the ranting.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

"Feel free to skip this one if you don't wanna read walls of text"

Reading lore is not mandatory. Are you stupid? Did you even read pass the first paragraph? What's going on???

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Kahooters - - 10 comments

I read past that, and it starts with a "recap" section on why NATO bad and "neo liberal curriculum" and other far right nonsense about stealing Libya's gold reserves and "Anglo-Americanism".

It's irrelevant geopolitical waffle that takes up about an A4 page of information instead of actual mod relevant content, which even then cannot escape the petty complaints about Neo-Colonialism and interventionism. Keep the modern politics out of modding unless you actively *want* to alienate potential fans.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Okay... that is kind of a weird position.

For the record, I do not have love for Tucker Carlson. I do not follow his work and last I checked, he worked for the oil barons. I despise the likes of him.

I don't know where you're from but I'm assuming America. When I use the word "neo-liberal", I do not mean liberal in American context. I mean neo-liberal that includes every American politician alive ever including George Bush, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Ron DeStantis, etc. like the neo-liberal that they are which was why I did not use the term "liberal."

America whether either party is in power, they still teach you neo-liberalism, American exceptionalism, capitalism. The difference between the two is Democrats are a little more kind at face value to its citizens. Whether Democrats or Conservatives win makes no difference to my country at this instant and I would assume many more countries as well such as Palestine.

As for Libya, I believed it as so as for the presented real evidence, declassified documents in the article and it materially makes sense. Western countries could only be so rich if they have not plundered the world to enrich themselves.

The politics in this blog is not irrelevant as you might have suggested since this is a game about war, conquest of resources, geopolitics, etc. If you want a more politically aligned version of it and more diluted, masked, please play other mods or just play it anyway like every other person from different countries have done for all these decades. Politics are presented in all media. Whether you agree to it or not or think about it is your choice.

You may have the luxury of dismissing neo-colonialism and interventionism as "non-senses" because you're privileged and born in the right place at the right time but many more people are not as fortunate. And I think you should care about other people's economic freedom and workers on Earth not just in your own privileged country as that is very narrow minded.

And for the record, I support the liberation of all people including queer people. LGBT rights are human rights. I like socialism. I despise capitalism. I hate US foreign policy. Do I sound like an American conservative to you?

If you're reading this, I hope you think about I said.

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DaFreeDude - - 24 comments

Don't care about the game nor being a political mastermind but reading this was hilarious, I love lore that messes with your perception of the good guys in a realistic fashion
These days so many people seem so sensitive that only one side is good, instead of agreeing that every side has bad

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

I just like reading history and sharing parts that are not commonly known or taught. Honestly, nothing to do with being a "mastermind." A lot of the actual researches are done by other super smart people.

I'm glad you liked it though.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Corelious - - 290 comments

"Wait, hang on a minute. Why would they (the Western Powers) even need to defend against the USSR??? USSR defeated Fascism (the Axis AKA the baddies) and liberated people from it. What are they even worried about??? The good guys won????? That's a little strange but anyhow... NATO is a defensive alliance"

All that said - I love what you're doing with the mod over all. Damn good work.

Because if you know squat about history then you'd know the USSR did crush Germany - but no more than the US did AND they murdered millions of their own citizens prior to the war. There was justifiable cause to be concerned about them as a political threat. Or we could just look at every other example of communism in any other country and the death toll there. The USSR had already shown aggression in the past (the war with Germany was only defensive because German intelligence caught them prepping for a full ground invasion and acted first), murdered millions upon millions of their own people. There's plenty of material to read that shows a justifiable concern - but that takes a little more work than reading wikipedia. Additionally, communism requires perpetual conflict to justify things to the citizenry - which is why the USSR collapsed. Without conflict it doesn't survive. China survived because they adapted their model of communism to incorporate the worst that Capitalism had to offer - which is also why NATO became the thing it is.

NOW - before you get all ragey at me. What NATO became, the people they've killed for corporate greed, is absolutely evil. Good people were lied to and weak people bought into greed/power and our nation has had its soul sold.

Unpopular opinion, the last two worlds wars were set up by a unified group of people - just as WW3 has - to drive nations into conflict and create the strife necessary to fully establish a New World Order. Your USSR and your NATO were all, unwittingly (and in some cases willingly), serving the same global agenda.
But sure, keep bashing NATO and America as if that was the source of all this strife. Whoever your politicians, your military leaders, whoever they are - they're every bit as complicit. It is more than greed/power - it's religious.

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eil - - 865 comments

Don't understate the numbers - there was a gazillion of people those pesky commies killed. And while one half of them was killing the other half for the 4th time, they were ******* like crazy - which is the only reason why the population of USSR was growing faster than being killed.

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