
The siege scene at Fredericksburg has received a huge overhaul and a number of other scenes have had their buildings entirely replaced. I have also learned how to work with the game's AI mesh, so now the AI will be able to navigate around fences and buildings without issue on the scenes where I have worked on this. There are also a few other interesting additions and some other small fixes and tweaks, which you can read about in the changelog.

The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Fredericksburg Update (v 1.6.8)
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 64)
Napoleon12345Marshal - - 16 comments

Nice man I tried it and it was good cuz I got good WIFI :))))) but another question um the mod is awesome and works fine but when I get into battle and like 55 mins later the battle crash1es it also I am using 1.143 is there any fix to this problem

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Hey sorry to hear about the crashes. In order for me to try to help you, I will need some more information about the circumstances surrounding your CTD.

Who were you fighting? How many soldiers were present? Was the crash random or is it consistent? Does it happen when there is a lot happening or does it happen without regard to what is happening on screen? Was the battle in the field or in a specific location on the map? If you notice any patterns with the crashes, that could lead me to what the cause is, so be aware of that.

Edit: Oh wait, you are using 1.143 version of Warband? You should update to the latest 1.174 version.

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Guest - - 693,812 comments

When fighting the Indian tribes it crashes. During a siege, it crashes. I like the mod but the bugs make it unplayerble.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

It crashes for you every time you fight the Indian tribes and during every siege? Or are the crashes more specific? What patterns do you notice?

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Amin_Khan - - 26 comments

i find a problem
why i see some USA army naked and there General.X with naked?

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Can you tell me which generals are appearing naked? We're aware of the Newton Knight character not wearing clothes indoors and have fixed this for the next update. Is there anyone else with this problem?

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itruvor - - 124 comments

Dear, King85.
A bit silly question ... If you know how to work with the module system, and if you have a desire, then maybe you look at sources code Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth? It seems to me that there are many possibilities for your mod!

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

I don't know how to use the module system, unfortunately, that is the problem. From what I have seen of how it works, it is also not the easiest thing to learn. We've had a few people offer to help us with the module system already, but we want to wait until the mod is solid before we get ahead of ourselves trying to add a bunch of bells and whistles.

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itruvor - - 124 comments

So maybe you need to choose the basis in advance?
Code Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth - the tactics on the battlefield are good there, and everything is fine on the global map ... This mod is based on Tocan's calradia source code, but it fixes many of Tocan's calradia problems ...
I highly recommend looking at the Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth mod itself.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Oh yes, we're aware that the current source code has issues, and we do have plans to change it in the future. I'll look at the mod you suggest, we already have a few other source codes that have been offered to us as well, so we still have some things to consider in the meantime.

Thank you very much for your advice!

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rkhai6834 - - 4 comments

Anyone knows how to fix reloading a musket rifle while moving, usually Reloading the musket rifle we have to stand up to load it.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Sorry about that, I know the player can not reload rifles/muskets while walking even though the AI can. I am trying to find an answer for this as well, but as I'm sure you can imagine, it is not so easy to find the information I need through a search engine.

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Guest - - 693,812 comments

Nice man!

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Thank you! :)

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Officer_Otto - - 102 comments

Awesome mod.It crashes for me whenever i get into a battle. (version 1.174)

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Thank you! Sorry to hear you have some crashes though. Are you fighting against caravans or a normal field battle against another army?

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

I tested agaisnt two caravans so far, Potomac and Tennessee armies, no crash after master is dead; in fact, so far I had no crashes at all.

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Officer_Otto - - 102 comments

A normal field fight (600 vs 200)
In addition to that I also get an RGL error "out of video memory"

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

How many soldiers in battle are set in your options? I think default was 80, I play with 150 now, max which you can set without using external programs like Battlesizer.

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Officer_Otto - - 102 comments

i usually play with 100.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Do you have enough space on your computer?

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Officer_Otto - - 102 comments

30GB free space

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Best I can say is to try reinstalling the mod, and make sure all the old files are erased.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Hey! Thanks for the new version of the great mod! WHat's the module system btw? I'm asking mainly in context of revolvers.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

The module system is something I myself am not very familiar with, but from what I understand, it is a framework or a program that modders use with M&B to get many advanced features into their mods. Stuff like freelancer, AI using formations, working artillery, new weapon types (for example, I could make the Springfield Model 1842 shoot like a shotgun, so it is like using buck and ball), sound effects attached to orders, better animations like getting the soldiers to reload properly (if you notice, the animation now makes it look like they are grabbing cartridges from the wrong side of their body.), also different reloading animations for different weapons, on and on and on... Module system basically means everything everyone wants becomes possible. The only problem is that we have to create a new source code or use one that is donated to us, and then using module system itself is something we have zero experience with. We are willing to learn, but we really want to make sure this mod is solid before we go trying to add a bunch of new bells and whistles.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Oh wow, that's a really complicated system. Well, not super complicated, but I was sure modding in MnB is more straightforward. Thaks for the explanation!

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Tested, and wow - killing leader of mule trains doesn't cause crashes! Awesome :-)
As for revolvers - I don't know this part of coding, but why can't bows be changed on them? There are plenty of bows in stores, which, even considering Indians in the west, seem to be rather useless.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

The revolvers are a totally new type of item, essentially, so the game doesn't even recognize it as something to add to the store. That's why it needs module system, so that it can be coded into being a part of the game itself. The revolvers aren't marked as "bows" or "crossbows", like the rifles and carbines are, because they operate in a completely different way and the animations will not transfer over. If I made the revolver into a bow or a crossbow, then it will use the animations for those weapons. You would be shooting a revolver like a rifle or like a bow and arrow.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Oh, I got it. I jsut thought they are added somehow easily - I remember ld mod about Russian Civil War for original M&B, they also added pistols as a separate group, and also had them in the stores. Though it was not Warband, so things differ.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Might be a bug, might be not:
1. Sea raiders spawn on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico and seemingly don't move - maybe better move their spawn on the shore? :-)
2. Zendar Island south from Louisiana - it looks liek some fort on the sea as well, is it intended to be so?

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

I'll take a look, zendar island can be removed and the sea raiders spawn can be adjusted.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

And here's a bug - several armies got stuck on a river shore to the north of Paducah when following somebody on the other shore - it seems they tried to use the ford north-east from Paducah but can't get there.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

If you can send a photo of the exact location, maybe I can fix it if I figure out how to edit the world map.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

They unstuck pretty fast, I didn't even understand how; if it happens again, I'll make a screenshot.
As for editing map - I used Thorgrim's Map Editor but I didn't figure out what causes troops to stuck on a shore; sometimes it seems no matter what i do they continue to stuck.

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Guest - - 693,812 comments

Maybe add crouch and free camera for next update? Thanks for the new update mate really appriciate your work.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Tried adding crouch before but the player and the ai gets stuck in the crouched position. Also soldier's in the American Civil War didn't crouch, all of the ranks would be standing. Crouching would only really make sense for light infantry and mounted infantry on foot, but there isn't really any way that I know of to make crouching only work on specific units.

Free camera requires module system, unfortunately. The best I can say is to use the game's editor camera.

Thank you for your support, glad you are having fun with the mod :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 693,812 comments

Ah I see. Keep up the good work then. Thanks a lot.

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Napoleon12345Marshal - - 16 comments

hey can you add boots cavarly boots inside because its none inside in all stores

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

There are cavalry boots inside stores, you need to look for them. It is marked as merchandise and is fairly abundant. Maybe the stores you went to just didn't have it?

Regardless, I have increased the abundance of the cavalry boots anyway on my end. If you want to go into morghs, you can make the same change very easily. You just need to change one number.

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Fullchicken42 - - 57 comments

Nice and good luck mate, love the mod

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Thank you! :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Napoleon12345Marshal - - 16 comments

alright i see them thank you

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Hassan_Kamau - - 1 comments

The Mod is very interesting. The crushes are killing me. Kindly Fix the crashes especially when fighting the Native Americans

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Hi there, glad you like the mod. Sorry to hear you're having some trouble.

You will need to tell me more about the crashes you are experiencing. You are the only one to report this problem, and I have not experienced any crashes when fighting Native Americans myself, so I am not sure what could be causing crashes for you without more information.

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Erwin_Rommel43 - - 131 comments

why some generals are naked?

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Matsuri5 - - 62 comments

cuz we like to see some skin
No, this shouldn't happen, can u tell me where u encountered this?

They can appear without outfits when they lack civilian clothes for interior scenes or when their skill level doesn't match the required level of a certaain armour.
this shouldn't be the case in our mod, tho one of the claimants appeared without uniform in an interior scene, this will be taken care of next update release.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Please let us know which generals appeared without clothes and where they were when you saw them. It's most likely a minor oversight with a simple fix.

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juls673 - - 5 comments

Will battle continuation ever be added it sucks when you are shot and cant issue orders so your men are slaughtered. Also is there any way you could set the spawns further apart right now you essentially always spawn under fire already. Otherwise great mod and keep up the good work.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

The battles don't end when you die, and you can press backspace to continue giving orders that way. You can also use ctrl + E to use the editor camera. Just press H afterwards to go into the cinematic camera mode, and you can drag the editor panel into the corner of your screen so it is out of the way. Unfortunately you'll have to exit this mode with ctrl + E in order to use the order panel; the camera and the order panel can't be used simultaneously. In order to have a more sophisticated battle continuation system, we will need to use the module system and we are not going to be working on that for a while. We still have a lot of other things that need to be done before we move on to that.

The field battles are randomly generated, so there is no way for me to edit their spawns. If you enter into a battle and the map is no good, just tab out immediately and go back into the battle, until there is a map you prefer. When you are in one spot, it will cycle through about three randomly generated maps. If none of them are up to par, you'll have to fight your battle somewhere else and roll the dice on the random maps. If you have a concern with the spawns at a specific location, that can be worked on, you'll just have to tell me where you are talking about.

Thanks for your feedback, glad you're liking the mod!

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juls673 - - 5 comments

Okay that makes sense thank you, the mod is fantastic so far.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

You're welcome, have fun! :)

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