
The new update for the American Civil War Mod: Revived is ready for release! We will be revealing the last of the new regiments, as well as new scenes, new props, new weapons, and numerous other changes, fixes, additions and tweaks.

The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 1.6.5
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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Hey! Thanks for the mod! Did you fix an issue with CTD while fighting a caravan from 1.6?

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Found a bug - Hightower and Parkersburg villages are in exactly same position

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Do you mean the scenes in those villages look the same? The locations of those villages on the world map are in different positions. The scenes will look very similar though, because the old scene for Parkersburg was a very out of place and poorly made winter scene, so I replaced it entirely with the scene from Hightower and modified it slightly.

Edit: I just saw that what you described is exactly correct, the locations on the world map are indeed on top of each other. Terribly sorry about that. I consider this issue a high priority, and will make a solution available soon. Thank you very much for bringing this to my attention!

Edit #2: I have looked closer in game and noticed there are actually a few villages with this issue, where they are right on top of each other. I am going to try to fix this problem and either reupload the updated file here or in a quick patch to follow this.

Edit #3: Fixed the problem and re-uploaded the mod. If you download and install a new copy, it should work. Also included a possible fix for the caravans crashing.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Thanks so much! I'll download now and test, and write here the results.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Hello one more thing! I forgot to include one of the new Confederate uniforms in the last download and have now re-uploaded once more with it included. Feel free to download it again at your leisure, and do let me know how things go! :)

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Tested - in a few moments after caravan master is killed, crash to desktop :-(

Next fight and caravan master's death caused instant ctd, so yeah, old error.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Hmm, alright then I guess the old pistol wasn't causing the crashes. Sorry, we'll keep cracking at it and see what comes of it. How are battles with other parties? Are they stable for you?

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

I only fought with various looters and deserters, never a single problem. They were killed, my troops were killed - nothing.

UPD: I keep thinking maybe it's something with animation... but I can't prove it. So far caravan master was the only mounted enemy who I killed. But on the other hand I was wounded to 0 hp while on the horseback too, and it didn't cause crash.

Anyway, it's something with the death moment - injuring him causes no problems. Were you able to reproduce this bug at your pc? I saw comments in major mod's thread that not only I have this issue.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Good to know fighting the other parties is stable. Try out some big battles too, just to make sure.

What's weird is sometimes on my pc, I get a crash fighting caravans, the same as others report, but other times I am able to finish the fight without any problems. I've also had some people say before that they never had a problem with caravans. What I suspect is the cause of the issue is some of the items in the mod have too many polygons. A fan of the mod has contacted me offering to help with this and the other problems with the mod, so we'll see what can be done.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

I'll try some battles with enemy parties right now.
As for many polygons - might be so, yes... however, I have lots of mods installed, including heavy ones (like Warsword and Medieval Conquest), and I never had an issue with ctd after particular event. CTD in big battles sometimes - yes, but in different moments.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Tested several battles agaisnt armies on both sides - no isses at all. I was especially targeting cavalry, I thoguht maybe when they fall dead from the horse, there's some issue but not. So it seems caravan master is the only problem.

Maybe you could, jsut to test, give them exactly same equipment and same horse as has any other unit? I dunno, some Vidette cavalry or so. It will help to see if it's item-related at all, or not.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

That's very good news, that means the mod is otherwise stable, beyond the issues with the caravans. We're going to keep working on it and hopefully we can narrow down the cause and find a solution. Thanks for reporting the bugs you experienced and for your suggestions, it is always appreciated! :D

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Always a pleasure, thank you for such a great mod!

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Really strange Caravan master bug - I tried to make him get rid of every piece of equipment not found on cavalry units whihc don't seem to glitch - so I used Morgh's editor to change all his horses, replace hatchet with saber, removed coat entirely, boots entirely, one of three hats (others are used by ok units), removed three of 5 revolvers - still crashes when he's killed.

It seems something migh be wrong with the caravans themselves? I tried to change in groups editor caravan master on manhunter, but still caravan master appears in caravan.

Or maybe caravan master is mentioned in other parts of the code, which are not edited by Morgh's editor? Maybe there's some error with his equipment?

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Hi! Any news about this bug?

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Unfortunately, nothing we have tried seems to be working. What is causing the caravans to crash is a complete mystery, and it seems that it is beyond our abilities to fix at this time. Hopefully we'll find a solution at some point.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Did you try just removing Caravan master from the caravan, or replacing him with some other unit, like some vigilante? I tried but failed, caravan masters were still there.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Another bug, can confirm now - when caravan master is killed during the battle, game freezes and crashes. Same was in the previous version.

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Matsuri5 - - 62 comments

good to hear a player can pinpoint the issues.
we'll have a look into both mentions next opportunity we get

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

I may have found the source of the problem, but this is not yet confirmed as a fix. In the caravan master's inventory, there is an old colt revolver that is no longer used in the mod. This can be removed and replaced with the new revolvers that are currently used.

If you want to try it out on your own, you can go into morgh's editor and just delete the old revolver and then search "rev" in the items list, and all the new revolvers will show up, and you can add them to the caravan master's inventory from there. Be sure to click update and save your changes when you are done.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

In ctd was not immediately when i killed the caravan master, but in a few moments, maybe 2-3 sec. Now sure why, but it seems rlated to the old error so far.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

Yep, next fight ctd was immediately after caravan master died :-(

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TheMightyRotz - - 131 comments

I can confirm this one too now.

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Pope_Innocent_III_ - - 10 comments

Loved every second of the mod.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Very happy to hear it! Stand by for the news article to follow soon, it is waiting to be authorized as we speak :)

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videogamemodsarecool - - 178 comments

Hey there, two constructive criticisms I have that I just wanted to mention.
I don't know if this is just me, but a lot of the scenes and maps and the overmap are poorly lit, and very dark and depressing looking. The game looks like a constant endless night time with no moon or stars, and depending on the angle that the character is looking, the sky can appear drastically different (like it glitches to different skybox textures and lighting)

Another really strange thing (I guess this is just me personally) is that the civil war music just kind of really doesn't set that suspenseful and heroic and patriotic tone in normal gameplay, but also especially in battle. I know it's historically correct (I believe it is) but I struggle to get into the mood and feel that excitement or even fear or any emotion other than well, annoyed. I don't mean any disrespect, but I often find myself just deleting the music files or turning the music off entirely because it never stops playing and doesn't really get me going I suppose.

I guess to really make a final suggestion/feedback/opinion on this, I would say that I'd really really appreciate it if there was a version of this mod where the whole entire mod is a normal daytime-nighttime cycle and the music is replaced with more action packed music that just gets the blood pumping more.

I say again, I really truly mean no disrespect- Both to the mod maker, as well as all our veterans who fought for our country and gave their lives for our freedom.
I'm just sharing how I personally would enjoy the mod more. Just honest feedback.
Thank you very much for reading this and have a very blessed day.

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Dirlewanger - - 87 comments

As for music - personally I like it a lot, and as a Civil War historian I find it rather authentic; those are exactly the same melodies which sounded on those battlefields.

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videogamemodsarecool - - 178 comments

But of course, I fully understand and fully respect that.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Hello! It sounds like you might need to adjust your in-game settings, the game's lighting should be dynamic and change depending on the weather and time of day. The mod doesn't do anything to change this.

In regards to the music, that is something you will need to address personally, as everyone has their own ideas of what is suitable to their ears and what is not. As Dirlewanger mentioned, the fife and drum music is actually the same tunes that were played on the battlefield, and their inclusion in the mod is an attempt to simulate that part of the history. If you wish to change this, simply convert an .mp3 file of your choosing to an .ogg file and replace the one's you want in the mod's music folder.

Thanks for playing the mod and giving your feedback! :)

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videogamemodsarecool - - 178 comments

It's truly as simple as dragging and dropping mp3 or ogg files into a folder? As for the lighting, I don't seem to have this issue on any other mod, or even during the standard gameplay. This mod specifically has a unique skybox or something that is affecting the lighting somehow, but I can't explain how or why, since you say that the mod doesn't change that. I believe you, I'm just saying this is the only mod that looks this way. (even playing on the highest settings) I don't really know what it could be in that case to be honest.

Again, thank you so much for making this cool mod!

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Can you take a screenshot of what you're talking about with the lighting and post it on the mod's discord?

And yes, changing the music is that simple. As long as the file you want is named the same as the one in the game you want to replace, and it is an .ogg file, it will work.

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videogamemodsarecool - - 178 comments

Unfortunately my setup is more than a bit awkward and I fear I will be unable to do that for too many reasons that I would feel inconsiderate to involve you into, but I do really appreciate your support and replies. You're an excellent modder. God bless!

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Thank you so much, enjoy playing the mod! I hope you figure all the stuff out that's giving you problems. May God bless you as well :)

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El_Patinetas - - 8 comments

looks promising, go on with the mod, I'm sure it'll look great

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Thank you! We still have some very exciting things in mind for the future :)

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Navarov - - 3 comments

I have problems downloading, dosen't let me (unsafe connection) somehow, it does let me download the previous version but not this one

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Doesn't sound like a problem with the mod, it might be the moddb website or your internet connection somehow. Keep trying to download the mod and see what happens.

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zhenbintoh - - 14 comments

hi,king85 im just download the latest mod and now im extrack this file to my device with winrar,so can i launch this game directly or need to do sometings else? or need to download MandB native?(because i haven download yet)
im not expert in computer.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Hey there, you will need to have Mount and Blade: Warband installed to play this mod. There are instructions in the mod's description for how to install it once you have M&B.

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zhenbintoh - - 14 comments

copy that, anyway,thanks for the reply! but where should i download Mount ad Blade:Warband?(sorry for the stupid question)but the result that i search, have many types of MandB version .Im not sure which was the correct one. if i sucess launch it,i will leave my comment about your mod. (sorry for the broken english)

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Matsuri5 - - 62 comments

u can't ask that here, u should purchase the game...

u should unzip the mod zip into the modules folder and enable it thru the launcher options topdown list.

u can find that info anywhere online, be smart when using search terms

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zhenbintoh - - 14 comments

thanks for the information, im sorry about this question. so the problem is, i have to purchase it and how can i unzip the mod zip?

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Matsuri5 - - 62 comments

winrar is usually the way to go
warband versions are usually up to date to patch version 1.172 or 1.174 but older version at least .15x or .16x should do.

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zhenbintoh - - 14 comments

ouhk noted thanks

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yannisown - - 5 comments

Trying out the mod for the first time. Not sure exactly what to do with the files in the download .zip named "ACWMR (English United States).voicebot" and the folder "bugle calls".

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Those are meant to be used with the VoiceBot program in order to be able to use voice commands in the mod. The bugle calls folder are the sound effects that will activate with your commands. There are instructions in the description on how to use VoiceBot.

For our Confederate players, you can also order your men to give the rebel yell... ;)

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yannisown - - 5 comments

I see. I'm enjoying the mod so far but I have one little issue. The color you used for the union factions is pretty hard to read against nearly every background in the game.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

You're right, I notice myself that it is a pain to read. It's a simple enough fix though, just need to use a lighter shade of blue. If you're familiar with using morgh's editor, you can actually change the color yourself very easily, it's just a slider in the program. That way you don't have to wait for me to put out a new update with that little change included.

I am happy to hear you're having fun with the mod, thanks for your feedback and your support. :)

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yannisown - - 5 comments

Any plans to implement Freelancer in the near future?

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Matsuri5 - - 62 comments

That would be nice, but would need a complete rewriting of the modsource, which in our case was lost long ago.
We are first gathering every possible resource, and after perhaps, with desired aid on the matter, if and when working source gets rewritten we will try to add as much as possible requested functions.
For the near future it can not be included tho.

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