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Post tutorial Report RSS Unitport Crashes/Crash Fixing

A small EAQ on crashes/crash fixing for Unitport.

Posted by on - Basic Other

Hello all,

This will be your guide to crashes and crash reporting. Specifically, more of the former and less of the latter.
EAQ (Excessively Asked Questions)

Q: I keep having desyncs. How can I stop it?
A: Moddb.com

Q: Why does my game crash when I try to save it?
A: I'm not sure why, but it might have something to do with the unit cap. You can try keeping it to less than or equal to 1000, but my best advice would be to just not save.

Q: My game crashes when I try to start it (it being either a match or the game itself).
A: Do you really expect me to tell you how to fix something when you don't give me any information whatsoever? Please, include some of the following:
1. Did you try reinstalling the game?
1. This is always the first thing you should do.

2. Did you install everything in the correct order, or everything installed in the first place? (ModSupport, Balance, RVE, Unitport)
1. Unitport overwrites files in Revamp, so it has to be installed AFTER revamp.

3. Did you install the mod with the mod manager, or manually?
1. Manually is a bit tricker, but it works too.

4. Do you have the DLC? Because it's required, and there's a giant sign telling you that on RVE's front page.

5. What version of SC2 do you have? Do you have the latest versions of all mods you have installed?
1. Quite honestly, why would you not have the latest versions?

6. Do you have any extra mods installed?
1. I can tell you that Warp Pillars, for one, is not compatible.

7. Is your game a steam copy?
1. Only steam copies are supported.

8. When I launch the game and go to set up a skirmish, I can't see the team colors...
1. You installed the game wrong. Reinstall and re-launch. Refer to questions 3 (this one) 5, and/or 6 if necessary.

Q: I don't have the DLC. Where do I get it?
A: Store.steampowered.com

Q: I have no idea how to install this mod...
A: Moddb.com

Q: The mod manager just won't work for me!
A: Then install it manually. Don't know how? See the question right above this one.

Q: The game mysteriously crashes or freezes....
If this happens when the game is loading, then see question two. If it's in the middle of the game, then please ask with the following info included, or as much of it as you can fit: 1. What time did the game freeze? 2. What restrictions did you have on? 3. What factions were involved? 4. What was the unit cap? 5. By the time the game crashed, did any of the AIs have experimentals? 6. What version of the mod are you using?

I'll add to this as I experience more and more issues. Now, if you still have questions, feel free to ask, but I, for one, will not respond to it unless you demonstrate some knowledge that you read this piece. And that means something more than "Well, I read it, but I'm still having problems." I'm looking for something like "Well, I read that I should try installing manually, but your video really didn't make any sense to me." Of course, bugs about the game itself are always welcome.

Thank you for your time,


Post comment Comments
HoT_Ho11oW_PoiNT - - 161 comments

Hey dude, for my mod at least I have narrowed one crash down to (im 98% sure) the Aeon torpedo upgrade on AI. Whenever they get this upgrade the game crashes. I think it can be weeded out in AIBrain.lua, though I have been busy working on other stuff I will try a fix out tomorrow...

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ALBINOsnowball Author
ALBINOsnowball - - 403 comments

Ummm.....I'm not sure how this is possible, as the AI can't make Illuminate sea factories. However, I am confident that you know what you're talking about, as you're a fellow modder. So...maybe, are you giving a factory to the AI (via cheating), or do I just not play enough games to actually see them build naval factories?

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ALBINOsnowball Author
ALBINOsnowball - - 403 comments

Forgive me, I decided to comment without actually checking to see if you made a change. I'm going to blame it on the fact that it's late here....

In any case, I myself have had some problems with AIBrain.lua. This past update, I had to go in and disable some techs(well, actually get the AI to move some researches to the completed research table when it started to research them) despite the fact that there were no errors in the techs themselves. Darn AI....

In any case, I would just disable it by either removing it from the upgrade factory builders file (or whatever it's called) or ... well, I'll poke around with the AI, see what I can do. Who knows, I might find something...

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HoT_Ho11oW_PoiNT - - 161 comments

No I was talking about the torpedo upgrade that affects tanks, probably named ILP_TORPEDO but i dont have the research file open...

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ALBINOsnowball Author
ALBINOsnowball - - 403 comments

Hmm. Well, in that case, this isn’t so bad. What I would do is just make the research “unavailable” to the AI, like so (I have this around line 490 in SkirmishAISystem.lua)(also, sorry for the lack of indents. Moddb appears to not like them...):

if researchName == 'ILP_Torpedo' then
LOG('Starting hades research removal')
for k,v in self.UnresearchedItems do
table.removeByValue(v, researchName)
researchName = self.UnresearchedItems [self.ResearchSetNumber][researchVal] (that space between Items and [self shouldn't be there, as you probably know...)
LOG('Removal complete')

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Guest - - 693,595 comments

3 of us tring to play and we allways get the desync which makes it unplayable :(

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Dragon492 - - 257 comments

thats a problem that sc2 has naturally. its not the mod. its bloody SC2. you want solid multiplayer, get FA... 2 is crap for it :P Just sayin.

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PhantomMs1 - - 17 comments

I have played two Skirmish's along with multiple multilayer games, and around the 40 minute mark, right when its getting good, the game freezes, it will normally disconnect someone in multilayer but when in skirmish it will freeze all unites the music, scroll wheel and generally moving and clicking around works fine but units will not move. using all the latest:
unitport 0.2.7
balance 1.1b2
minimod .7

any suggestions or has anyone else noticed this?

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ALBINOsnowball Author
ALBINOsnowball - - 403 comments

Well, you have all the correct versions and such, and generally this problem is with the mod itself as opposed to installation, so no worries on your end. However, it'd be nice to have some more info (though what you gave me is helpful). I've updated the EAQ up top to include everything that I could possibly need.

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UnbalancedApple - - 1 comments

Hey I'm still having trouble with the my unitport mod crashing. It crashes every time I start a match. I've tried reinstalling, I've added everything to the mod manager in the right order, I've verified the game files integrity,I have the DLC, my game is a steam copy and the latest version. I don't know what else to try.

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ALBINOsnowball Author
ALBINOsnowball - - 403 comments

Hmm....have you tried manually installing? If my memory serves me correctly, I go over the process in my (not-)so-fun installation video here:


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lukasmaier9678 - - 8 comments

My Crash Report for the Multiplayer:
I have now tried all Thing. Mod Manager, Mauall install and i did all you showed in the Video. I did totally reinstall. I did check all date of failure. But everytime i Play with my friends your new Mod 2.8.1 it just disconnect ous. Not after start but after 5 min, 23 min, 55 min and other time after playing we get disconnect. We did try all. It seem like the new Version isn't for the multiplayer avaible.

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lukasmaier9678 - - 8 comments

Sorry that i don't can say directly the Problem, but i did't find it.

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lukasmaier9678 - - 8 comments

I have new info about the disconnect:
If we play on land war, it doesn`t disconnect. So it have be with land or marine. I do know i did play with my friends much battle with air so i have to think about that a unit from type air or a anti-air building have to be fixed. We had a lot problem already with the swatter. A other unit or building we dont know now.

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Guest - - 693,595 comments

I followed the manual installation EXACTLY and everything works fine but some units and structures wont appear on any level creation menu on my units build que (even with your new level system) any advice?

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ALBINOsnowball Author
ALBINOsnowball - - 403 comments

Hmm...are you sure you have mod support? I know you probably do, but that's the only thing I can think of off the top of my head....if something else comes to mind, I'll make sure to say so.

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Guest - - 693,595 comments

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Guest - - 693,595 comments

My game crashes after clicking every new unit, or click on building who has the new unit. my game version is 1.250, oh btw i didn't replace bp.scd, lua.scd and z_lua_dlc1.scd with the original cuz my game won't open if i replace that.

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ALBINOsnowball Author
ALBINOsnowball - - 403 comments

The end of this video will describe how to install mods manually: Moddb.com

Furthermore, you need version 1.260 for the mod to work correctly.

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PhantomMs1 - - 17 comments

My friends and I would love to play but every time we do we get desync around the 15-25 min mark. We have re-installed all the mods, all of us deleted and re-installed SCII along with re-downloading the mods from scratch. Its the same no matter what we do, has anyone else had this issue or do you have any suggestions? We have verified we all have the same amount of files in our gamedata folder as well. would love some help!

thanks for a great mod

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ALBINOsnowball Author
ALBINOsnowball - - 403 comments

Well, the only thing I can tell you for sure is that SOMEBODY isn't doing things right, as desyncs are caused when the gamedata folder between two (or more) players doesn't match up. Kudos to you for validating and re-dowloading, but obviously that isn't the problem. First, I'd make sure that everybody has the DLC and that everyone has (at least) all four required mods, as specified above. Then make sure everyone's installing them in the correct order (also specified above).

Unfortunately, this is about all I can tell you. Desyncs only have this one cause...

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PhantomMs1 - - 17 comments

OK, well as an update I played 3 games ranging from 45 minutes to 1hr 45 minutes, 100% successful, this was after putting the mods in with balance mod before revamp expansion. Then on the 4th game we got a desync at 28 min mark. Are any other files changed besides the game data folder? Also on the last game we noticed that some of the units were out of their regular order, is that normal?

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ALBINOsnowball Author
ALBINOsnowball - - 403 comments

When it comes to file order, just make sure that mod support is first and unitport is installed after revamp. All files modified are in the gamedata folder. And, by "regular order", do you mean in the tech tree, in the build UI, in the factory UI, or somewhere else?

I might try playing games with each of your friends separately, and having each of them do the same. This way, you can identify the person (or persons) with the problem by identifying who keeps getting desyncs.

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PhantomMs1 - - 17 comments

Thanks for the reply, the build UI and the Factory UI are out of normal order, say the t1 land factory would be in a different spot(ie farther down the order or last), and same goes for experimental units, some that were normally on the second "page" of units would be on the first one or vise versa.

we are going to try single games with each other and see if we desync. Just tested that theory tonight with one of my friends and lasted in a game vs two cheating for 1hr 32 minutes, so that's a good sign.

also any idea if there will be a update to your unitport .2.8.1?

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spartonbob - - 1 comments

I cant seem to download this Mod now, It either doesnt come up with colours and crashes or comes up with colour and crashes in the game. Could you make an installation video for it so you can install this one mod. I have installed all the other revamp ones but unit port doesnt seem to be going on.

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ALBINOsnowball Author
ALBINOsnowball - - 403 comments

Look at question 3, point 8 and question 5.

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Guest - - 693,595 comments

If my friends and I use exclusions would that cause desyncs?

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PhantomMs1 - - 17 comments

sorry that was me, didn't sign in. wondering if that's why we have had desyncs a lot is that we use exclusions.

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ALBINOsnowball Author
ALBINOsnowball - - 403 comments

Umm...I don't think so, but you could always test it out and see for yourselves. I've been wrong before...

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lukasmaier9678 - - 8 comments

If one have more Crash Report than the others, if this the Problem pc?
And can you maybe answer me how to fix this? I did install like i did say all on the same and everything right.

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ALBINOsnowball Author
ALBINOsnowball - - 403 comments

If you're talking about desyncs, then look at question #1. On the other hand, if you're just talking about random disconnects (as in, it says "network connection interrupted" or nothing at all) then it's possible your pc or internet connection just can't handle running the whole game (thus, it is a hardware issue).

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Marc_the_shark - - 4 comments

I can't build support Acu the buliding that makes them won't appear in the ui did you change it so only the main acu can bulid the factory or is this a glitch

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PhantomMs1 - - 17 comments

I found out that its because you do exclusions, when you turn off air, you cannot make Engineers that build buildings, your stuck with only the first two you start out with. Hopefully this can be changed?

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PhantomMs1 - - 17 comments

Anyone else getting desyncs when enabling catalysts?

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Longbow00 - - 1 comments

So, I am having some issues. I recently re-downloaded the unit port and all the other mods, and before i had it easily done and was playing withing maybe 10 mins. Now it is giving me an error, stating that the file could not be loaded do to the "ICSharpCode.SharpZipLip" have any fixes?

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shadowking810 - - 22 comments

anyway to use this mod with campaign? ( if so can you tell me how? )

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splke - - 43 comments

so when I am playing with the new Unit Port I normally turn of nukes and artillery, and because of this I can't seem to build units that have some sort of artillery weapon, but yet everyone can build the UEF tier 4 arty (the one that came with the game). Just thought I'd let you know :)

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joeljonkroon - - 3 comments

Hey i know this forum is years old, but i Am having a very big problem, My game just freezes and crashes around 40mins to 2 hours in, in multiplayer that means starting a new game, and in skirmish i have to load a previous save but then it crashes around the same time, Sometimes there are experimentals and other times there aren't, i play with all factions on, and my unit cap is 1000. My load order is correct and the versions are correct according to the guide. i have no idea what to do, is there like a bug patch? any help would be very appreciated.

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