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Report RSS Top 10 Scifi Lists...

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These are all the lists for all the top 10 scifi episodes, everything from music to games...


Ep1 "Music"
10) BSG - Kara's Coordinates
9) SST - Klendathu Drop
8) Halo Reach - Tip of the Spear
7) Star Trek - Main Theme
6) Stargate - Replicator Theme
5) ID4 - Darkest Day
4) Ori Theme - Ori Theme
3) Dr Who - The Dark and Endless Night
2) SW - Emperial March
1) Halo 3 - The Covenant One final effort

Ep2 "Ships"
10) SW - Star Destroyer
9) ID4 - Alien Fighter
8) B5 - White Star
7) Spaceballs - Eagle 5
6) BSG - Galactica
5) Halo - Halcyon Class
4) ST - Constitution Class (2009)
3) Dr Who - The T.A.R.D.I.S
2) SW - Millenium Falcon
1) SG - BC304

Ep3 "WTF? Moments Part 1"
10) B5 - Chick thingy saves the day
9) Blowing up a star with a stargate
8) Death of the Death Star I
7) ID4 Mothership enters atmosphere
6) Golf through the Stargate

Ep4 "WTF? Moments Part 2"
5) Daleks attack earth...
4) Master Chief "gives the covenant back there bomb"
3) Farscape Wormhole weapon
2) Galactica Falling from orbit
1) Death of Spock

Ep5 "Heroes"
10) Captain Jack Harkness
9) Pilot from SST1 ship
8) Carmen Ibanez
7) Master Cheif
6) Pendergast
5) Admaril Adama
4) Picard
3) Yoda
2) The Doctor
1) Oniell

Ep6 "Technology"
10) Holo-band
9) Tesla
8) De-neuraliser
7) Light Saber
6) Resurection
5) Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
4) tricorder
3) Sonic Screwdriver
2) Universal Translator
1) Towel

Ep7 "Quotes"
10) SG - "I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle."
9) Aliens - "Nuke Them from orbit, its the only way to be sure"
8) SG - "Indeed" Tealc
7) Dr Who - This is not War, This is pest control
6) SG - "Wacho" Oniell
5) SW - "I am your father"
4) Halo - "Send me out with a bang" Johnson...
3) BSG - "military v police" Adama
2) MIB - "A Person is smart, people are dumb skittish animals"
1) All "I got a bad feeling about this" from as many scifis as i can get that line from

Ep8 "Ship Deaths"
10) SSD
9) Defiant
8) Prometheus
7) Churchill - B5
6) UNSC Grafton
5) Pegasus
4) Pheonix
3) Rodger Young
2) Ship at the start of 2009 trek movie
1) Wraith Hive/Ori MS

Ep9 "Fight scenes part 1"
10) ID4 dog fight between will smith and alien in the grand canyon
9) Yoda v Duku
8) Emperor v Yoda
7) Tealc v Imhoptep
6) Ripley V Alien in power armor

Ep10 "Fight Scenes part 2"
5) Halo Wars hero dude taking down that elite
4) Mitchel v Repli-Marrik
3) Evil Ronan v Tyre
2) Luke v Vader round 2
1) Tealc v Ronan

Ep11 "Space Battles Part 1"
10) SST - Klendathu drop
9) BSG - Galactica + Peg taking down the cylon basestars above new caprica
8) ST - Borg cube pawning trek ships
7) the battle fro mthe end of galaxy quest

Ep12 "Space Battles Part 2"
6) SG - Supergate
5) B5 - Battle of Coriana VI
4) ST - Battle at the end of DS9

Ep13 "Space Battles Part 3"
3) End of serentiy
2) SG - Asuras Orbital Battle
1) SW - Death Star 2

Ep14 "Easter Eggs"
10) SW - New york behind aniken in episode 3 as padme and him talk when mace windu is aresting the emperor
9) space baals - near the end of the movie when Barf and Lone Star are at the diner, as the camera zooms up to the space dock the millenium falcon is parked beside the diner.
8) BSG - Serrenity Lands on Caprica
7) SGA - In Season 5, Episode 16: Brain Storm, at the scene where all the physicists are discussing the theories in the white boards, look at bottom right of the last white board that is showed, it says:
Fork Bomb
in UNIX systems ":(){:|:&};:" is a command that creates a infinite amount of process, crashing the system (called a Fork Bomb).
6) SG1 - Several times during this we see the throne room belonging to Khonsu the Tok'ra. Several knives are hanging on the wall behind the throne including a Bat'leth (a Klingon double-edged sword) and a Man'geth (a Klingon dagger).
5) ST 2009 movie - R2D2 infront of viewscrene around 47:39 in vulcan debry
4) SW Ep1 - Et voting in episode 1 for no comfidence in the senate
3) BSG - Enterpise behind the galactica fleet
2) ST - Milenium Falcon in the borg cube fight
1) SW - Chapter 13 at about 38:46 When Anakin and Obi-Wan are talking in the hallway after Anakin stands before the council to be appointed, if you watch the ships outside the window, you will see the NASA Space Shuttle appear from the left in the window behind them. This is right about the time Anakin says, "I didn't ask to be put on the council". The image remains for a short time. Definitely noticable.

Ep15 "Ground Battles Part 1"
10) Ground battle from SW Ep1, gungans
9) Jedi/Clones ballte SW Ep2, clone wars start

Ep16 "Ground Battles Part 2"
8) ID4 - Battle at the end
7) BSG ground battle... final ep, battle inside the colony

Ep17 "Ground Battles Part 3"
6) SST power armor battle
5) SG1 Episode where fraiser dies
4) Battle of Canary Warf

Ep18 "Ground Battles Part 4"
3) Battle of Hoth
2) Bugs attacking that base in SST

Ep19 "Ground Battles Part 5"
1) Prometheus Over antartica

Ep20 "Scifi Races"
10) SST Bugs
9) Borg
8) Replicator Spiders
7) Alien
6) Cylons
5) Wookies
4) Species - 8472
3) Predator
2) Daleks
1) Sang Helious (Elites)


Ep21 "Top 20 Star Wars Spoofs Part 1"
20 - rug rats spoof
19 - Grocey Store Wars
18 - toy story 3 - zerg is buzz's father
17 - Its a trap (the bit that mentions enterprise)
16 - muppet show spoof

Ep22 "Top 20 Star Wars Spoofs Part 2"
15 - colbert report spoof of the start of episode 3
14 - troops (cops style spoof???)
13 - Austin Powers (moon to death star)
12 - Simpsons (homer saves look)
11 - darth vader being a jerk
HM - Yoda in E.T., Night at the museum Darth Vader, Sorcerers Aprentice "not the droids"

Ep23 "Top 20 Star Wars Spoofs Part 3"
10 - something something something dark side
9 - goerge lucas strikes back
8 - Spaceballs
7 - j and silent bob strokes back
6 - Chad Vader

Ep24 "Top 20 Star Wars Spoofs Part 4"
5 - Hardware Wars
4 - How it should have ended
3 - blue harvest - all the reds checking in
2 - fanboys (around 40min mark)
1 - robot chicken - Admaril ackbar cereal add - vader luke have fun - luke and laya in bed "that was so wrong"

Ep25 "Villans Part 1"
10) Weaping Angel Bob
9) Brain Bug
8) Cylon John
7) Oberoth
6) Gravemind

Ep 26 "Villans Part 2"
5) Davros
4) Michael
3) Dude form new trek movie
2) Anubis
1) Vader

Ep27 "Scary Scifi movies/episodes"
10) SGA Episode Where the crystals give them nightmares.
9) ST - Schisms (TNG - 6.05)
8) Serenity
7) The Library
6) Signs
5) Blink
4) SGA Mist Episode
3) Starship Troopers 2
2) Alien
1) Event Horizon

Ep28 " 'Lightsabre' Battles part 1"
10) Obione v Vader (obi dies)
9) Robot Chicken Bush v Lincon
8) Ryan v Dorkman
7) Colbert v Lucas
6) Yoda v Duku
5) Aniken v Count Duku (round 2)

Ep29 " 'Lightsabre' Battles part 2"

4) Space Balls Battle
3) J and Silent Bob Strike Back
2) Art of the Sabre
1) Luke V Vader round 2

Ep30 "Falacies"
10) Earth Like environments... everywhere...
9) Aliens aparently adapted to use us for something but we've never met before... (ie facehuggers from aliens and the aliens from skyline that need our brains, goauld use humans as hosts...)
8) USB Connects to EVERYTHING
7) Large Fireballs in space
6) Walking through walls but not falling through the ground in the process...
5) Virbal Comunication
4) Humanoid Aliens
3) Visible Energy weapons
2) Banking when turning
1) Sound In Space...

Ep31 "Space Stations"
10) Ragnor Achorage (BSG)
9) Goauld Starbase (SG1)
8) The Sanctuary (SST)
7) Star Trek starbase thingy
6) Midway space station
5) ID4 Mothership
4) Babylon 5
3) Scorpia Shipyards
2) Cairo Station
1) Death Star

Ep32 "Movies Part 1"
10) Fifth Element
9) Spaceballs
8) Dune
7) Star Trek - Wrath of Khan
6) Galaxy Quest

Ep33 "Movies Part 2"
5) Stargate
4) Hitch Hikers guide to the galxy
3) M.I.B.
2) Star Trek 2009
1) Star Wars Ep 5

Ep34 "TV Episodes Part 1"
10) DS9 - The Visitor
9) Farscape - crackers don't matter or unrealized reality
8) SAAB - the episode where mcqueen takes out the red baron
7) Star Trek Enterprise S03 twilight
6) BSG - S1E3 - "33"

Ep35 "TV Episodes Part 2"
5) Firefly - Out of gas
4) Babylon 5 S03E10 - severed dreams
3) SGU S02E19 - Blockade
2) SG1 - Window of opertunity
1) Dr Who - Blink

Ep36 "Visual effects"
10) ST2 - Wraith of khan - genesis event
9) Puddle pass from stargate
8) Space Odyssey - the star gate scene thingy
7) Blade runner - future city thingy
6) Daedalus defeleting a saolr mass ejection
5) BSG - colony orbiting a black shole
4) SG! - Ori ships exiting the supergate from carters POV
3) Caprica - Chick coming out of the oose as she resurects
2) ST:Ent - future dude intro the time war thingy
1) Destiny flying trough a super massive star

Ep37 "Ways to move faster than light"
10) Star Wars FTL
9) Inprobability Drive
8) Star Trek Warp
7) Starburst
6) SG1 Hyperspace
5) starblazers warp
4) babylon 5 window thingy
3) Destinys FTL
2) Battlestar jump
1) Space balls ludicrus speed

Ep38 "Scifi Cities"
10) Vulcan city thing from 2009 ST
9) Galifrey
8) Fifth Element city
7) Firefly floating city from episode trash
6) Caprica
5) Atlantis
4) Blade Runner
3) New New York
2) Asuran City thingy
1) Corauscant

Ep39 "Scif Games Part 1"
10) Space invaders
9) Wing Commander
8) Star Wars - Empire At War - Force of corruption
7) Homeworld
6) Free Lancer

Ep40 "Scif Games Part 2"
5) Starfox
4) Nexus Jupiter Incident
3) Star Craft 2
2) Mass Effect
1) Halo CE

Ep Bonus - Winning Series
10 - Hitchhikers Guide - 21
9 - Spaceballs - 22
8 - babylon 5 - 28
7 - Starship Troopers - 34
6 - Doctor Who - 80
5 - Battlestar galactica - 81
4 - Star Trek - 111
3 - Halo - 140
2 - Star Wars - 150
1 - Stargate - 200

Completed Lists that were never made into episdoes
Ep "Things that became real"
10) Plasma Cutters
9) Microwave over
8) Cloaking devices
7) Virtual Reality
5) Non-cash monitary systems (ie credit based)
4) Suspended Animation
3) Cloning
2) Tablet Laptops
1) Communicators - wireless headsets

Ep "Scifis most hated characters"
10) Dr Who - Mickey
9) SG1 - Junas Quin
8) Farscape - Commandant Grazer
7) Babylon 5 - londo
6) The Fifth Element - Ruby Rhod
5) SG1 - Marrick
4) Star Trek - Wesley Crusher
3) SGA - Kavanaugh
2) Jar JAr Binks
1) Religious bitch from SST3

Ep "Nerds"
10) Charlie Amite and LArry (numb3rs)
9) Maurice Moss (The IT crowd)
8) Grant (Mythbusters)
7) Douglas (eureka)
6) Mckay (sga)
5) Chuck (chuck)
4) Mcgee (ncis)
3) Claudia (warehouse 13)
2) Eli (sgu)
1) Sheldon (big bang)

Incomplete Lists that would of needed to be completed to be made into Episodes
Ep "Chase scenes"
10) SGA - Sheppard first time in a jumper trying to get back to atlantis
8) Ep2 star wars boba chasing obi chasing boba
6) End of ID4 runing out of the ship
5) Ep2 Star Wars chasing the drone lady thing
4) End of Galaxy Quest where the ships being chased through the mine field
3) Ep3 Star Wars obi won chasing droid dude
2) Chasing the falcon through the asteroid field
1) ID4 Fighter Dog fight in the grand canyon

Ep "Fighter battles"
8) Enemy at the Gate - Wraith v 302s - Above USA
4) End of ID4
3) Vipers v Cylons - When theres hundred of cylons v a few vipers, with a wall of cylons
1) SG1 Above antartica

Ep "Worst Scifi Moments"

Ep "Ship Reveals"
8) F302 on the wraith hive
4) Yamato after explosion
2) Falcon on te Star Destroyer
1) Enterpise in titan

Ep "Anti-Hero"
6) Valas husband from the ori galaxy
1) Todd

Ep "Places to visit"
10) Naboo
9) Dakara
8) Vulcan
5) Caprica
4) Wookie Planet
3) Corauscant
2) Galifrey
1) Atlantis

Ep "Places to Avoid"
10) SGU dinosaur planet
9) Reaver Teritory
7) Unimatrix o (or the borg plnaet ship thingy)
6) Halla
5) SG1 Blackhole planet
4) The Library
3) Cylon Colony
2) Geonosis
1) Dalek Cruicble

Ep "Plans to defeat your enemy"
6) Supergate kills Ori ship
1) Blowing up a star

Ep" Ways to 'land' a ship"
10) SG1 - Jacob "landing" the Teltak
9) SGA - Todd 'landing' a wraith hive in the new lantian ocean
8) SG1 - The Beliskner "landing" in the Pacific Ocean
5) SW EP3 Aniken 'landing' the front half of the enemy ship
1)SGA - Sheppard "landing" the wraith ship into the cloaning facility

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EclipseStardestroyer - - 1,716 comments

Well for chase scenes, you could put SGA episode "The Daedalus Variations" for when those alien ships chased the Daedalus when Rodney just got the sublight engines working again

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