GMDX is an award-winning large-scale modification for the 2000 PC classic Deus Ex. GMDX addresses the many flaws of the game, polishes it to a very high standard, and adds new layers of depth that one would have hoped to see in a sequel. GMDX is executed with the strict parameter of staying true to the original design principles that define Deus Ex, and seeks to improve all aspects of design excluding the plot and soundtrack. The cumulative result thus far is said to be, and aims to be the "definitive Deus Ex experience".

Report RSS GMDX v7 Changelog

Version 7 Changelog. Details all changes made in the most recent release of GMDX.

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v7 Changelog

New Player-controlled Mechanics:

-Press jump whilst airborne to mantle onto objects.
-New accessible inventory shortcuts: right click an item in the inventory to use or equip. Middle mouse to drop.
-Added double click option for holstering weapon to prevent accidental holstering of weapons when trying to interact with the world. Very useful.
-If you have nothing in your hands you can use items in the world without having to pick them up into the inventory first by left clicking. Items such as soyfood, medkits & flares, which you realistically need two hands to use.
-With the PS20 in hand, use the reload key to switch between plasma (vanilla - lethal) and electrified kinetic energy (non-lethal) modes.
-You can now also deal damage by throwing inventory items with the microfibral muscle aug (LVL3 upwards only). Use the middle mouse button.


-AI react to unconscious NPCs as well as dead.
-If an AI spots a corpse he raises an alarm.
-If an alarm is raised, be it a laser-triggered alarm, camera triggered or NPC triggered, nearby NPCs permanently become slightly more perceptive and reactive, and slightly more dexterous in combat (along with seeking the source of the alarm of course).
-Enemy AI sometimes seek out the location they spotted the player (if they didn't confirm to be a threat).
-Enemy AI no longer react the same way to the player carrying corpses as they do to ones on the floor (it ignored all sighting code (reaction times, player lighting etc) and ran to the corpse as if you weren't standing there holding it, only to spot you as the AI got closer).
-Went over nearly every map necessary adding additional pathfinding nodes and optimizing the existing graphs. This improves both stealth and combat-based behaviour.
-Player can be seen while laser mod is on even if cloaked.
-AI are ready to react immediately upon opening a door.
-Fixed the plot conflict of the commercial-grade security bots having stealth technology (cloak) and rockets. Only the advanced model MJ12 uses has these now.
-Increased greasel attack rate.
-Added a new type of security camera exclusive to Area 51.
-Thrown corpses now produce audible sound upon impact, and this sound alerts nearby NPCs too.
-NPC death screams now alert neaby NPCs (just a few feet for gameplay balancing).
-If holding a carcass or TNT crate friendly NPCs may get frightened or attack.
-Robots emit sparks if health is low.
-If a camping enemy runs out of ammo they try to bum rush you with melee.
-Decreased the collision radius of rats so they do not float over edges.
-Added variation to facial features of the NSF, MJ12 and Rooks gang.
-Cloaked enemies are now harder to see.
-Fairly rarely, an enemy may cloak immediately upon entering state attacking (spotted the player, activate combat).
-Added new cloak activation effects: visual and audible.
-MJ12 Elite always deactivate cloak (Thermoptic Camo) upon losing the player.
-EMP damage always disables an enemies' cloak, and for good.
-Weapons no longer spawn silent bullet casings if it has a silencer on, meaning (very) nearby enemies will hear them hitting the floor and investigate.
-Sped up AI reaction times a little more.
-Anna Navarre cloaks earlier.
-Security bot 3 uses a laser sight.
-Poisoned augmented MiB's play a unique pain sound.
-added a new MiB to the game that has different augmentations.
-Cameras take less time to spot the player (-1 second).
-Increased AI animation rate for pushing alarm buttons by 10%, increased AI melee attack rate & tween time (small implementation with significant results), and decreased pain animation rates by 10%.
-Bots have unique weapon select sounds rather than all using the assault gun select sound.
-Gave Area51 Military Bots a spiderbot constructor grenade launcher, similar to the spiderbot grenades from Invisible War.
-Created a new type of spiderbot: a miniture one that can fit in vent shafts. Another implementation inspired by Invisible War.
-Military bots can be heard stomping to a greater range, and the screen shakes a little more.
-Slowed the run animation rate of augmented MIBs.
-AI cannot see you picking locks/Multitooling if you are cloaked.
-Increased the range in which AI can use the mini crossbow.
-AI can hear if you are swinging a melee weapon immediately behind them.
-AI can hear you drawing/equipping the Dragon's Tooth Sword if close by, so draw before moving in for the stealth kill. This is a good downside to utilizing the DTS' supreme power.
-NPC's that are blown up no longer have death screams.
-Hitting the head with the baton or prod now has a 8x damage multiplier as all other weapons do.
-Increased Turret rate of fire but lowered damage.
-Most main enemy NPCs (NSF, MJ12 etc) try to backpedal if getting attacked by melee weapons.
-Most main enemy NPCs strafe more often in close combat
-Most main enemy NPCs are more accurate on hardcore mode.
-Some enemies use 20mm EMP grenades (see immediately below).


-New Ammo type: 20mm EMP grenades for the underbarrel grenade launcher.
-New Ammo type: Rubber bullets for loud non-lethal use of the shotguns.
-New Ammo type: non-lethal taser darts for the mini-xbow.
-Fixed a programming error in v6.3 that made the baton & riot prod produce a lot of noise when making sneak attacks.
-Gave the HDTP Dragons Tooth Sword a cool new visual fluctuation effect.
-Reduced the damage of all melee weapons slightly.
-GEP Gun Scope remote control no longer automatically deactivates after the rocket is destroyed and remote controlled rockets move slower so they are easier to control.
-The PS20 now is a multi-purpose tool: choose between firing plasma bolts or electrified kinetic energy for a non-lethal takedown.
-Increased the PS20 "throw away after firing" animation rate and made it quieter.
-Increased the size of all shell casing types.
-Improved throwing knifes significantly more.
-Improved the pepper gun a little.
-Gave the sniper rifle a more suitable unsilenced firing SFX, and also a new dry fire sound.
-The stealth pistol is now fully-automatic. This is of greater significance than you'd think.
-Increased the recoil of most weapons a little.
-Plasma Rifle gibs NPCs & player.
-The pepper gun is now very reliable, fixed fire sound bug, and can be upgraded with reload speed and clip size mods.
-Flare darts set people on fire.
-Reduced flare dart ammo counts.
-Increased the lifespan of darts and throwing knifes considerably so they don't disappear for a long time (stay stuck to the walls). An exception is flare darts, which received a moderate increase.
-Range mods increase the projectile speed of the minicrossbow.
-Gave Minicrossbow a new satisfying fire sound, increased it's base rate of fire further, fired darts produce varied sfx upon impact dependant on what it is hitting,and finally sparks are produced upon impact also.
-The UMP & USP use a blue laser mod emitter.
-EMP grenades cancel the alarm of a laser trigger if you triggered it beforehand.
-Removed the HDTP sawed-off shotgun as the vanilla model is superior.
-When using the scope, even if you have 100% accuracy there is always a little bit of sway.
-Sped up the player 3rd person animation rates to correspond with faster attacking with the combat strength aug, if it is installed.


-If upgrading Environmental Training skill, Tech googles now stack in the inventory & last longer based on skill level too.
-Multitools can now be used to hack devices at a distance. Range increases further based on multitools skill.
-Heavy weapons skill reduces the size of heavy weapons at master level.o
-At low-tech trained both throwing knifes and darts are easier to see in flight, and improved the in-flight effect (no more light).
-Stealth skill level 2 sets camera alarm trigger timer back to vanilla levels instead of reducing footstep sounds now that run silent is no longer redundant.
-Master level stealth skill now also reduces the cooldown period of robots by 30%, and trangenically-modified animals (greasels & karkians) can be distracted from attacking by throwing corpses as bait. Karkians no longer have this corpse-prioritizing behaviour by default, and both greasels and karkians eat faster to prevent bait being too reliable.
-Robots are not set to friendly alliance for as long a time period when hit by a scrambler grenade. As a result demolitions skill has a more important relationship with scramblers.
-Advanced Level of Demolitions makes proximity mines beep periodically, revealing their locations.-scrapped max low-tech skill increasing range as it was unnecessary.


-If using microfibral muscle's power throw, pillows and cardboard boxes cause non-lethal damage. Everything else is lethal.
-You can now also deal damage by throwing inventory items with the microfibral muscle aug (LVL3 upwards only). Use the middle mouse button.
-Microfibral muscle no longer influences throw velocity when dropping items with right click so you can set them down quietly.
-Refined the throw physics a touch and increased the damage dealt at higher aug levels.
-Microfibral muscle throws are no longer quite as effective vs bots (unless you're throwing something explosive, of course).
-Microfibral Muscle aug allows you to carry heavy weapons without movement penalty.
-Ballistic protection now eliminates flinching and protects against blunt weapons to be a balanced choice VS the passive variant.
-Added the protection values of Energy Shield to the aug's description.
-Both the new launched EMP grenades & launched spider bot grenades can be countered with the Aggressive Defense System augmentation.
-Reduced Spy Drone Bioelectricity drain a little more.
-Sped up the holster anim rates for combat strength.
-Reset Radar Transparency aug energy drain rates back to default, and you no longer set off red or blue laser beams whilst the aug is active.-First person cloaking effect is less visible.
-At max aug level Energy Shield produces a powerful shielding effect when protecting you, and this is a visible effect.
-When speed enhancement is active movement is not stunted when landing from height.
-Both power recirculator and synthetic heart are now automatic.
-Synthetic heart can be upgraded to result in less energy drain.

Effects & audio:

-Added five new groups of footstep sounds bringing the total number of groups up to 12, so you'll be hearing less of JC's (and NPC's) clip clop clogs and instead more variety.
-Dynamic Cover animations when facing walls.
-Added new bullet ricochet sounds if hitting metal objects or walls.
-added metal impact sound for when landing from height onto metal.
-Sped up tracers a little more.
-Improved Explosion effects once again: screen shakes if in close proximity, taking explosive damage slows you momentarily, explosion fragmentation gives off smoke trails & light, variation of debris spawned & improved explosion sprites themselves.
-Thrown corpses now produce audible sound upon impact, and this sound alerts nearby NPCs too.
-Improved Plasma Rifle & PS20 effects further
-Gave Fire Extinguisher a more appropriate spray sound.
-Added the improved gore for the mechs that explode on death, which were special cases.
-Melee attacks now draw damage decals when striking level geometry, decal type dependent on texture group (if stone, crack. if metal, dent etc).
-Flesh Fragments are less bouncy
-Eating Soy Food now plays unique SFX (think the soda burp equivalent).
-Gave the binoculars a zoom-in sfx.
-Bullet impact effects now spawn if hitting metal decorative objects.
-Gave stealth pistol a new fire sound.
-Improved Grenade Launcher effects a touch.
-Added sounds for attaching lasers, silencers and scopes.
-Throwing knifes have new SFX for throwing and upon impact.
-If the object is made of glass, it always makes a glass smashing sound when destroyed.
-Gore now slides down the walls under certain conditions, and more blood is spawned.
-Added additional effect when landing in water from height.
-Increased intensity of view flash upon death of player.
-simulated jumping & landing camera/FPP view model effects are less intense if holding pickups or a carcass, and also toned down fliching effect a touch.
-Refined the behavior of the other new camera/FPP view model effects introduced in GMDX.
-Turrets now spawn enhanced bullet impact effects too.
-Reduced the pitch of the security camera alert beeping a little.
-Water splash effect is destroyed if in water.
-No dynamic music if in clubs. Good for realism and because a lot of the context-specific segments were in my opinion not very good and conversation music in clubs just didn't feel right and interrupted the flow of the vibe.
-Player always gibs to fast-moving fan blades.
-Movement is stunted a little when landing from height, unless speed enhance or Stealth skill is active.

New GMDX options menu allowing the player to configure the following:

~Hardcore mode Plus: if enabled save points require 100 credits to use. The result is Risk vs Reward design is significantly enhanced and credits have more purpose.
~Alternate ammo can be colour-coded in the toolbar so you easily know what ammo is loaded without having to stop & squint.
~Player can toggle carried object translucency via the GMDX options menu. If translucency is disabled, carried objects still turn translucent if player is cloaked.
~Player has the option to halve total ammo capacity.
~Player can toggle additional head bobbing.
~Player can toggle double click holstering.
~Player can toggle Auto Saving.~Player can now choose # of autosave slots via the GMDX options menu.


-Text for books, datacubes and other readables scaled up so is easy to read at higher resolutions.
-The current toolbelt selection is indexed when holstering weapons, so when you use the mouse wheel to equip a weapon again you equip the one you had before holstering.
-Unused textures for cigarettes, candy bars and soda cans are now used.
-Increased default movement speed by 6%.
-Added a primitive eat/drink system that prevents you from eating everything in sight with the new interactivity options.
-Various light fixtures, Hanging animal carcasses & market table are highlighted when targeted as most other decoration types are.
-New right click interactivity for Hanging Pig, Hanging Chicken & TAD object types, which previously had no right click-triggered interactivity.
-New interactive objects in general (Rock, Log, 20mm EMP ammo, singular shotgun shells, minature statue, toy car).
-Increased the translucency of carried decoration even more so.
-Bullets are slightly more effective against corpses, primarily so you can destroy them easier if a camera is tagging them.
-Increased environmental electricity damage a touch.
-Increased the speed of all spawned fragments slightly, and robots spawn more fragments upon their destruction.
-Increased the speed of blood pool & water pool decal scaling a little.
-Added a player grunt sound for when throwing corpses.
-Changed player acceleration to not reach full speed until after the first stride for increased realism. Also applies to swimming etc.
-Med bot out of charge description is more concise.
-Added version numbering to main menu.
-Flares continue to burn if thrown in water.
-Lowered location of carried decoration (first person view) to more realistic levels. Was "eye height".
-Installation of New Vision is no longer a strict requirement to play GMDX, yet GMDX was designed with New Vision so it is a must-have regardless.
-Wooden barrels use wood fragments rather than metal. Frag type determines sound when pushed, hit, destroyed and more.
-JC cannot consume unlimited food & drink. If full up, progressing through the game results in hunger returning.
-Various tweaking to a number of things that I didn't bother to log.

HDTP Release 3 integration:

-New Item textures for Soy Food, Medkits, Binoculars. New Tech Goggles skin I left out as I felt the vanilla skin was of higher quality.
-New Deco textures for NYPoliceBoat, ChairLeather, ControlPanel, ComputerSecurity, SatelliteDish.
-HDTP Bug fixes.
-That's it. It was a minor update.

Bugs & Optimization:

-Pickups & movers no longer break to pressurized gas grenade explosions, and flares cannot be ignited by striking them with a baton. (GMDX)
-Optimized gore to be less performance-intensive. (GMDX)
-Cut down on the number of smoke-emitting objects spawned when an object is blown up as the particles can be resource-intensive. (GMDX)
-Set cage light back to invincible for a number of reasons. (GMDX)
-Fixed a bug where if you were carrying decoration and then double click frobbed a carcass you could carry both the carcass and the decoration. (GMDX)
-Cut down on log spam + other code optimization. (GMDX)
-Removed beeping sound when NPCs run through allied laser alarms. (GMDX)
-Fixed rate of fire upgrade issues for the mini crossbow. (GMDX)
-Fixed an oversight with the new fragile decoration code that allowed you to jump on hackable devices to destroy them (GMDX)
-Battery Park non-lethal bug fixed. Picking up carcasses doesn't wipe their tags and other adjustments. (Vanilla)
-Fixed a vanilla bug where the sawed off didn't play it's cocking sound after the last shell in a clip was fired, yet the animation still played. (Vanilla)
-Fixed bug where if using a charged pickup upon entering mission 5 (Beneath UNATCO in the cell) it would bug out (Vanilla).
-Cut down on the number of collision sounds made by shell casings as they often overrode ambient sounds.(Vanilla)
-Lam climbing exploit fixed. It was potentially game-breaking and without a doubt, non-simulated behavior. (Vanilla)
-Fixed the assault gun grenade launcher sounds for good (Vanilla)
-Fixed the plasma Rifle firing sounds for good (Vanilla).
-Turns out the laser mod had no effect on projectile-firing weapons (Mini-Xbow & Plasma Rifle). Fixed. (Vanilla)
-Removed negative accuracy modifier when scope is attached but not used as it made weapons inaccurate when hip firing. This modifier gave -20% accuracy regardless of what the in-game weapon info and crosshairs conveyed. Basically attaching a scope was bad unless you intended to use the scope every engagement. (Vanilla)
-If player is shooting upon death, third person firing animation no longer overrides death animation. (Vanilla).
-If player is switching weapons upon death, third person weapon switch animation no longer overrides death animation. (Vanilla).
-The NYC streets NSF vs UNATCO battle is more lenient on recognizing your efforts to assist UNATCO. (Vanilla)
-You can no longer pick up weapons if you have max ammo (vanilla).
-Death and pain animations override the melee attacks of NPCs, so their attack is canceled out and won't connect. (vanilla).


The following maps have received notable attention:

-Liberty Island-Battery Park
-Hong Kong Underworld
-MJ12 Lab
-NYC Dockyards
-vandenberg computer
-vandenberg command
-Paris Chataeu
-Paris Everett
-Paris Club
-OceanLab UC

Most maps have been given a number of minor tweaks, however.
Some other changes include the NYC Free Clinic no longer having an unrealistically long winding corridor, the Paris Catacombs having echo effects for all sounds, as well as the AI pathfinding optimization for all maps necessary as previously mentioned.

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|Totalitarian| Author
|Totalitarian| - - 1,033 comments

OK, that should be everything. No doubt I'm missing something but it all can be found in its entirety on the website:

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Zombiestubble - - 356 comments

I suspect that it requires a new game?

I just got to Paris, and I don't really feel like going *all* the way back...

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Guest - - 693,790 comments

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Guest - - 693,790 comments

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XannyB - - 1 comments

Hello and thank you for your efforts in making this fantastic mod. I'm only at the beginning (again) but already has breathed so much life back into aone of my favourite games.

Forgive me for making a request but would it be possible or even feasible for you to create a version of your mod that supports the Shifter mod?

For years I have only enjoyed using Shifter with Deus Ex as it contains so many 'convenience' and game enhancing. For the first time in YEARS I have found a mod that brings even more life to Deus Ex (GMDX) and I'd love to see both these mods working alongside each other.

I am drawn to 'convenience' features as well as enhancements which is why I really think they would compliment each other.

Thanks for hearing me out and hope you consider it. Keep up the good work. :)

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|Totalitarian| Author
|Totalitarian| - - 1,033 comments

Which specific features are you after? I dislike quite a lot of features in Shifter as they are the antithesis of the Immersive Sim. Some features however are suitable and would be up for consideration.

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Guest - - 693,790 comments

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