Lost Alpha is a new episode of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series made by dezowave group for free!

"the original you always wanted brought to life"
Mod of the Year 2014 I Player's Choice

Here is the long awaited third patch for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Lost Alpha. Due to the changes in storyline and engine, it's required to start a new game after you installed this update. Your previous saves made with 1.3002 will not work. This patch is cumulative, so you will not need to install the previous (1.3001 or 1.3002) patch at all.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Lost Alpha v1.3003 Patch OLD
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D.M.E - - 4,441 comments

Yay, It's time to play lost Alpha.

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tomantoman - - 66 comments

install this patch will fix this D:\stalker-lost alpha\bins\xr_3da.exe is not vaild win32 application right ? thank you

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Cossack-HD Creator
Cossack-HD - - 1,524 comments

Weather change finally works in this patch - no more shiny sunny weather all the time - now the Zone looks the way it was supposed to look like! Oh, and don't forget about blowouts - they came back too, since those are weather depended.

Weather fix also increases variety of random ambient sounds, as well as it rises FPS (because sun shadows are very FPS greedy).

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ghstbstr - - 238 comments

I always had the dark and gloomy cloudy weather all the time, so shiny sunny weather would have been nice to me.

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Cossack-HD Creator
Cossack-HD - - 1,524 comments

You probably played on Static Lighting. I had same weather on R1 too, but R3 always had sunshine.

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andrze91 - - 20 comments

sun shafts are extremely demanding on high but not so on low and theres literally no difference in quality, try it :)

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments


It's Sun Rays, not Shafts. A shaft is the metal thing that connects two wheels on a vehicle.

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Guest - - 707,037 comments

really, Shaft=

a long pole forming the body of various weapons, as lances, halberds, or arrows.
something directed or barbed as in sharp attack: shafts of sarcasm.
a ray or beam: a shaft of sunlight.
a long, comparatively straight handle serving as an important or balancing part of an implement or device, as of a hammer, ax, golf club, or other implement.
Machinery . a rotating or oscillating round, straight bar for transmitting motion and torque, usually supported on bearings and carrying gears, wheels, or the like, as a propeller shaft on a ship, or a drive shaft of an engine.

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Turkeys - - 227 comments

Lesson of the Day - A word can have multiple definitions depending upon context.

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Guest - - 707,037 comments

Quite right sir. Of course you are spot on as I point out elsewhere. Shidentora would do well to think and acquaint him or herself with the diverse nuances of the wonders of the English Language. Shame the world is stealing it, and seeking to chop it into illiterate pieces of nonsense such as that displayed by Shidentora.

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments


Vault-City dweller like self-righteous guy, whoever you are, I drank some beer before I posted that sunrays/sunshafts post, so I made a few mistakes back then.
Do you even have an idea who the hell are you trying to mock, huh?
I am a pro translator, interpreter and teacher of this and some other languages, got 30 years of hard work under my belt with NO jobs EVER returned, WITHOUT a single complaint and ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT a single student failing their exam!
I am a good friend with all my customers and students, known as a helping person.

Now, as for your "comment" on my profile...
Your sentences are as follows...:
"You betray your ignorance and novice understanding, such as it is. But do keep trying ... there is promise there>"
This is how you say that right and how it really is:
"You give away your bad knowledge and a beginner's understanding (of English), such as it is (YOURS! Hahahah!). But do keep trying ... There is some promise in your case."

Your total mark... F---... For your English that needs a general overhaul, revised general overhaul and once again the same treatment... at best. AND both for your Web approach and for your approach to UNKNOWN people, as the both features of yours irresistibly remind of a fat, muddy, clumsy, God-awfully smelling noisy elephant barging into a glassware shop at full speed.
And if you are a chauvinist... Go hate someone from a nation you really hate, will you?

And stay the hell away from my moddb profile!

If I was a person you would like to be with and knowing what kind of character you are, I'd get the HELL away from you.

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Vulpecula_ - - 2 comments

holy **** dude, chill the hell out.

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

Oh, yeah?
And what would you do if such a snork like the "Mr. Professor" liar insults you, your profession AND your house? Hm? Think a bit.

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

"Mister Professor."
Ted Whatever...
My favorite Snork... How do you do today?
I see that you finally understand your mistakes. Too bad you misled so many others here into doing the same stupidities... But I don't care about any of you. If you made a mistake and other mindlessly followed you, that's your problem... The 1990s propaganda ain't got nothing to do in our time and those who follow it are always welcome at a Sanatorium - you first, "Prof."
Don't try to apologize, I wouldn't accept.
So, if you were such an idiot to "open fire" at me for absolutely no reason, please, by all means, do enjoy it now to full so deep in your ***, for you started it. Take it now, all of it.

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa...
was that how it goes, von Smallhausen?
Or was it Herr Flick?

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Guest - - 707,037 comments

well explained, and of couse, well played xD

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

Are you a Serb-hater, by the way? Because I am NOT a Serb. So are you one, as you attack unknown people like that, trying to ruin their reputation?

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

If you are a Serb hater, then you probably need some appropriate medical assistance.

It is a GREAT HONOUR to be born in their country!

Without the Serbs, the Europe would be conquered by the Turkish Empire in 15th century.
It's the Serbs, who stopped the Turks in the year 1389, losing a horribly big part of men population and giving US (Europe) time to prepare for the Turkish invasion.

It's the Serbs, who went against the Austro-Hungarian and Germans in the Great War (WW1), forcing them to deploy quite a part of their armies against them, making it easier for US to fight them (Austro-Hungarian and Germans). And it's the Serbs (People, Army and the King himself), who had to withdraw over Prokletije Mountains and through Albania, to evade being annihilated by the enemy who DID want them wiped out. They lost over 50% of men population in WW1.

It's the Serbs, who set the uprising against the Nazi in WW2 and lost over one Million (YES, 1,000,000+) of people, to make it easier for US to win the war.

And it's the Serbs, whose capital of Belgrade OUR tourists like so much today, because of the great hospitality they find here and because of fabulous time they have here.

So get your head out of the 1990s, will you?

You KNOW it was all a very well rigged setup against this people, who didn't do anything wrong - as a nation, that is.

And don't expect them to protect OUR butts again.

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zagy20 - - 138 comments

Half of the things you said is false.

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

Was that for me, zagy20?
If so, than you might want to think better and read some history regarding the topic. From multiple sources.
Forget anyone's propaganda, use your own head.

Every single damn thing I said here is a fact, checked using multiple unconnected sources.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

Prove it, c'mon!
Give arguments, links, facts.
WHAT you think is false?
WHY you think it's false?
WHAT solid argument do you have to support your claim?
WHERE does the argument come from? Is it a reliable source, or just another "expert"?
Opinion is one thing. Arguments are something all together different, the truth, what really happened. That's the only thing I care about. Opinions? Who cares. Show me the real deal.
I gave arguments and facts. Any website or book on the topic(s) will show them to you.
And also, you can have some really good time in Belgrade like so many of your countrymen.
AND don't take me wrong. I like every cool person, regardless where they come from.


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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

STALKER forever!

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Guest - - 707,037 comments

... not necessarily, you may display an ignorance of English Language and Literature. Your comment reveals a limited grasp of Language. Sun 'shafts' have been in use in the English Language, from poetic to literal descriptive writing, for over 1,300 years as written down in Early Middle and the Earliest Saxon English records and literature. Take a visit to London Records Office ... it, and many other archives, are full of such examples. Read 'Beowulf', early Saxon. And of course the usage is common and accurate on a day to day basis at the current time as we speak.
Best Regards and stay sharp, Ted Wraggling, Emeritus Professor English, UCL.

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Guest - - 707,037 comments

Did you copy and paste that from google?

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

He probably did, looks the type.
Man, I would just LOVE to face that one in the ring. Would give him 1st round KO and would have some cold beer after that.

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Darth_Ostius - - 2 comments

Calla inglés de mierda.Me cago en tu puto país,palanganero de mierda.

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Guest - - 707,037 comments

Then I hope you sink on the way, just like your failed Spanish Armada! LOL.

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

Va in ano!

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

Your country already sinks under all the Hindu, Pakis and other non Islanders that have 3x more kids than u. There u go - what goes around COMES around - now u see. 2 bad. I used to love English studies. But I think I'll read Mahabharata instead.

Not that I care.
Spain will survive, but you? Will you? HOW?

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

Mind sharing your take on Richard the III? Or on King Lear? Want me to cite you Lara by Byron?

U can't cuz ya ****.

Do you even know Lord Byron died not far from here?

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Darth_Ostius - - 2 comments

Brit ****.

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

RIP in some years, poor nation, unless they do something about that. NO, really - don't they see whatdahellsgoinon there?

Maybe we will see the Offa's Dyke in use again - with the WASP ppl on the western side of it:/

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

If you really are a professor of English Language and Literature, then you certainly do know better than to judge the people by a single comment.
And also, you could create a profile here.

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

Also, you could react by posting a real comment and not just giving a -1 to others' posts like some cowardly bitch.

What's the matter, "prof?" No more attack "opportunities?"

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

And as for this
Ted Wraggling, Emeritus Professor English, UCL,

Look for yourself


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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

Any new patches soon?

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

Is this compatible with any guns mod?

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

If you are a University Professor, then I am Charlie Chaplin.

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

Yea, too bad that you know only how to copy-paste from the Web. Did you ever enter the London Records Office? Or have you just seen it from one hundred yards..? Or two..?

And as for the Beowulf, don't you even dare to mention the poor Beowulf. I have a copy from more than 50 years ago. And all of the Shakespeare's works, too. And many other works from the English Literature. I have read all of them.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

I got it! It's the ROD.
Yea, the one stickin' otta "Prof's ***:)
Y'know, the EXACTLY same one the Bloodsucker that Ashot is ******* now used to clean its/her **** with.


How COULD you, Ted Whatever?

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Gasvodo - - 1 comments

"Shaft"! Hmmm,erhm,Well, it could be something else entirely;-D
But i'm in - for the rays, that is:-D

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ketxxx - - 1,288 comments

The technical term used in coding circles is either sun shafts or godrays, rarely, if ever, do I see them referred to as simply sun rays.

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Shidentora - - 1,386 comments

I am sorry, I had more some more beer that day. But they say sun rays more often than sun shafts? I don't know...
Listen, it's important that the LA works as best as possible, and if it's shafts. or rays, or... COMETS..? Now, that doesn't matter at all.

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Guest - - 707,037 comments

no that's an axel.

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ghstbstr - - 238 comments

Nope I had it on DirectX10.

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Guest - - 707,037 comments

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ghstbstr - - 238 comments

I always had the opposite with dark and gloomy cloudy all the time, so shiny sunny weather would have been nice to me.

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RaphaRapha - - 66 comments

The same for me, its all about af_preblowout weather, they said they fixed it with third patch

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Candice_Jade - - 6 comments

Emissions are back you say. Awesome. Was hoping they were going to be added to the game. It's not 'The Zone' without a random blowout hitting, when you have a full backback in the middle of the countryside and cover is miles away...

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Kevin_Walter - - 140 comments

I've been playing 3002 and the weather changed just fine on DX10. Every once in a while, it would change instantly, which was weird... bust most of the time, it was gradual as it should be.

But I agree. Back when I played unpatched LA, there was no change at all and it was sunny constantly. I like sunny... but not all the time.

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Guest - - 707,037 comments

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alexg6464 - - 12 comments

I just saw your Cheeki Breeki song video today, and i am still smiling, even right now ;)

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Guest - - 707,037 comments

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