An open world M&B Warband MP modification, focused on J.R.R Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and Hobbit universe. 3500 items, 52 maps, 6900 scene props, 100 different quests, 4 big questlines basing on completely new stories, ~500 enemy types.

Report RSS Release date and our problems with the mapper

!IMPORTANT! Everyone should read this! -------------------------------------

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Hello, PLotR supporters,

I wish I could tell you some good news, but not this time. The mod is almost finished, yet I can't release it since our mapper just left the team. We're using several maps combined so we cannot leave it as it is. The new map will be surely ready soon, but unfortunately there is no way it can be finished this week. Because of that I have to move the release day. I'm doing my best to make this mod as good as you want it to be, but I didn't really know something like these problems will happen. Hope you understand me. Your support is even more important now than before. Keep your fingers crossed!

*this news isn't about Peridot

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ervinjok - - 30 comments


Maaaaan... i knew it's gonna be like this... i suggest you to stop since we will soon be enjoying fresh bannerlord... Seriously, if you feel you can't finish it in the nearest time then remove the release date!!! Stop teasing us, this is not kind at all! As i told before, it looks like you have no respect to your auditory!!!

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Argeomer - - 5,582 comments

leave them be. they are doing the best they can. and for at least for a year Warband mods will still be enjoyable :)

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Kael_thas Author
Kael_thas - - 203 comments

Well, if you have any problem with this - talk with our mapper. Don't blame me.
And, by the way - I'm not professional game dev, so I'm not spending all of my time to make the mod just like every modder.

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[Dark_Knight] - - 1,050 comments

Its ok we are going to be patient. Just ignore Ervin.

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ervinjok - - 30 comments

Removing or ignoring opposition is not democratical :P

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[Dark_Knight] - - 1,050 comments

Actually you are not making any good points. So stop dictating. You don't know the first thing about democracy. We've read what you think and we all disagree with your childish behavior and impatience. Ever heard of majority rules in a democracy? You are the minority.

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[Dark_Knight] - - 1,050 comments

Kael just ignore Ervin's impatient remarks. The rest of us will wait patiently for the mod's release. You know what they say, a Jedi is always patient while a Sith Lord is eager to get what they want.(Either killing or just anything)

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Kael_thas Author
Kael_thas - - 203 comments

Thank you for your support.

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[Dark_Knight] - - 1,050 comments

No problem my friend.

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[Dark_Knight] - - 1,050 comments

It isn't the creator and the rest of the devs we should blame.Its not like they purposely kicked the mapper out. Seriously it was the mapper's decision and I'm pretty sure he had a very reasonable alibi to leave the team. Have you ever considered that unexpected events pop up randomly in the way of progress such as making mods? Things like this occur all the time! I also sensed something like this happening but do you see me complaining? No. Although I did ask why the release date was changed. It's as simple as that. Learn to accept change and quit acting like a child. Why cant you appreciate that these modders at least gave an EXACT release date? Ervin don't you see that the devs of Bannerlord never provided an exact release date? We are lucky to receive a release date at all despite the change!

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ervinjok - - 30 comments

Sorry, but bannerlord team does not tell us the release date because they can't say when will they be able to deliver it to us at its best, unlike these guys. All i suggest is to remove the release date, because this is far not the first time they delay it. Simple as that, homie.

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[Dark_Knight] - - 1,050 comments

Nope. These guys give a release date and they delay it because unexpected events come up such as their mapper leaving the team. And guess what?Perhaps the mapper had important things to attend to such as family or just anything that is more important than modding. Face reality. You don't appreciate what has been given to you. You'll never learn if you don't accept and appreciate what has been given to you. As simple as that man. If I were a mapper on a dev team and if I had important matters to attend to even though I love modding, than I would have left the team too. Of course I would regret leaving and would miss the team. But making the toughest decisions will shape your life. You still have not considered that this mapper who left may have had to leave because he had no other choice. You just don't see the bigger picture here. Everything happens for a reason. If a release date is simply moved because of some unexpected event, learn to let things go and be patient. Another fact is the devs of Bannerlord did give a release date but it isn't official as to saying which month and day. They only said hopefully by the end of this year. Although that may not be as specific, it is still a release date. Although they may not be as sure, they are still giving a guess which is better than nothing. Compared to these devs of lotr persistent, it is not as clear. These guys may have postponed the release date but at least they know when to release it despite how much delay there is. While the devs of Bannerlord have no clue and we all expect them to give us an EXACT release date whether they know or don't know. The fact is, Captain Lust has mentioned several times their game needs polishing around the edges which could determine Bannerlord is almost completed. So an exact release date is expected by everyone who loves Mount & Blade. Eversince the last time they mentioned a beta for players to try out, they should have picked a day and month for release date. But they didn't. If they determined they are going to give players a beta version of Bannerlord, how can they still be unsure about it?Read the latest blog of Bannerlord on the taleworlds entertainment website. They finally mentioned how they have not given a release date and how they hope to give to us soon. Hope is conjured and patience will proceed without a doubt.

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ervinjok - - 30 comments

Ahh... Thanks for such a long reply, but why don't these guys do as bannerlord team does? Why not to remove the exact date untill everything will be finished? I don't see a reason for hating me man, it's just a wise option.

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AlphaStark - - 53 comments

Ervin, way to respond like a ****; Modding is a long and tiring process. We get burnt out at times and enthusiastic at others. In the end we aren't making this for ourselves we make it for the betterment of the community. Obviously you're a brat who can't appreciate that, but i mean is the hype for a persistent Lotr not big enough for you to wait another week. Bannerlord has been "around the corner" for the better part of 2 years now. So give the guys their space they've done some awesome scripting to get these maps operable and i can't wait to see what else they can do with their talents!

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[Dark_Knight] - - 1,050 comments

I couldn't agree more. Glad you understand that we must be patient in this matter!

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ervinjok - - 30 comments

All im asking is to remove the release date man! Is that so hard? As far as i remember, this is not the first time they move it, and it thrills me you know. Is it too much im asking for?

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dokuganryu - - 90 comments

That's too bad the mapper left now, but keep up your great work :) We will wait till it's ready

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Perιdot - - 72 comments

Indeed, indeed, how bad that I just left now. How unnice from me, what a bad timing...

*takes a deep breath*

Maestro! Cue the music for final scene of 'Pagliacci', please. After all, I guess I've been made a villain already, I may aswell make myself a white clown too.

Let's begin with little backstory: more than year ago I played in that mod, I played 'Fatida', the Harad 'witch' that assisted Moria goblins - though 90% of the players did not bothered with roleplay, game's client was buggy, and old map was bad.

Bad, like broken and unfinished, like ugly, and like having tons and tons of flaws!

It was ugly, broken, bad, as s-h-i-t.
(Feel free to start booing me for not praising it, I'll turn out to be even more horrible person)
And plenty of the people agreed on that, and among them was me. And what I did? I called it -that-. I said it is ****. And I offered an alternative.

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Perιdot - - 72 comments

I have a hobby, I poke game's map editors for amusement, and turns out I am lucky enough to have a sence of style (oh, ofcourse not, pardon me my audience, I forgot - I am a villian). So, having my delusions about good taste, about decent hands, I offered my help with map. It took few weeks to even get a straight answer - because I offended Kael there - creator of the original map.You know, the one full of hundreds of identycal harvestable trees that were affecting map's performance badly. The one with that scandalous Minas-Tirith. Et cetera. I am sure players that been there remember it clearly.

But that aside - eventually I got an approval, and started working on map. I'll skip telling you how much enthusiasm I had, how badly I wanted mod to have proper working map - by the way, by time I got basic layout done mod already had no server to test it on. Well, shite happens. How long can it take to find a server for a kinda working mod?

Months. It takes months, nearly dozen of them. No feedback, no experience, no help, only me, map, hours of tiring, boring proplacing - because it becomes boring after a couple months without feedback, trust me. Esppecially when ONLY persong speaking to you if Wolfpack. Kael never came down to throw a word to me, I guess I have hurt his feeling too much, tsk-tsk-tsk, told you - I am a villain. Or maybe he'd been too busy. For thirdteen moths.

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Perιdot - - 72 comments

Imagine, spending hours of your time, days of your life, your passion, your enthusiasm, your desire to make a good map out of love for Arda, out of your desire to play a good game based on it - and share this game with others, finally share some of your work that you before were doing just for fun - with others, to show what you can do, to prove that you CAN do a good map, t- Na-ah, ofcourse it does not matters.

After all, if I would've not wanted to do it, I would've not worked on it, right? Nobody was telling me that soon there will be a server, that mod will surely be released, that map will be properly tested, that server will have a website...

By the way, check please, my browser does not loads it for some reason.

So, a year of my life I had been working on the map. Ofcourse not whole of it, but you get the idea - you were waiting for mod to be done and released, I waited for server to be up, for textures to be fixed, for props to be added, for existing props fixed - for fixes of the glitched armors and items, for more stable version of mod. In meantime I failed my Classic Latin exam and got expelled from university, started drawing professionally, our goverment overrode our constitution and my sister got pregnant. Lots of things happened, but mod was not moving forward an inch - from my, mapper's point of view. I still was working in same 1.03 version, with misplaced textures, with Rohan wall towers missing physics and thus being fully passable through, with translucent images of axes and shileds appearing on Hornburg's walls instead of normal light.

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Perιdot - - 72 comments

Without tests I worked 'blind', not to mention that I had nearly no advice on how to work in the editor - luckly I found a few people in PW cimmunity and guides, that helped me to learn instruments in editor, while Kael who, I presume, knew that, if he created the first map, had -knew- how to do it, but never sent even a word of advice. Ohwell, I guess it's still ME to blame for having what we have now. A map too 'heavy' for the computers.

Too many props, probably some of them bugged and overloading game's client, or maybe it's because too many of them are bigger/smaller than general 1.0 size, maybe too much distortion causes props to becoming much 'heavier' for game's client. I do not know, because year ago I was a total amateur, and now I only can say, that at certain point map started -crashing-.

In editor.

I have a working editorable version of it - because I -always- make backups. But it's still too heavy, and did not worked for some players when finally I got to test it, couple months ago. I think that removing props would help. Maybe a newer, more stable version of mod will help. I can't be sure map will even WORK on a new version of mod. Do I have answers on these questions? Ofcourse not, what do you think, I have a new version of mod to check map in? NO! Why would I? Why should I?

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Perιdot - - 72 comments

I know that Kael found a way to enlarge the map, because mod's team felt that Hornburg and Isengard are too close to each other. Now, just so you understand... There is no function for copying and pasting part of map whithin the editor. Which means that solution is - 'erase and redo'. At least as far as I know, again - nobody ever told me there are such ways to edit map, if there are. When Wolfpack told me about that, and asked if I'll work on that - I said I will think of that, and said that it's hell of a work, and that I hardly want to do it. Because, you know, it is hardly desirable to be redoing already nearly done - OVERdone even - map again, just because it can be made -bigger-. Furthermore - making it BIGGER will INCREASE the pressure on game client, it WILL crash, it WON'T work, unless plenty of props are removed and it all tested properly.

...and now I 'left the team'. That's why it is delayed. Huh.

I left the team, wow. Behind my back, no warning, no mentioning me in that team, by the way - I just got turned into an EXCUSE. Could you imagine waking up as an excuse?

'left the team'. I haven't seen bigger ******** since yesterday, when our 'fired' οmbudsman Astakhov 'came back from a vacation'. Lie. LIE. LIE!

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Perιdot - - 72 comments

I did NOT left the team, I just got LEFT BEHIND. Map is not READY, it is IN NEED OF POLISHING, and LOTS OF IT. Edoras still has no weapons and armor in it - because, d'uh, editor crashed three times when I tried to put them here, and I decided to do it later after I remove some rocks from Etwash river - because who else will do that? What, did we found another mapper that I do not know about? Why not he is helping me, then? Why I FOR A *YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAR* been doing map ALOOOOOOOOOONE, in a TOTAL SOLITUDE, and now suddenly I hear that I left the team? WHEN DID I EVEN BEEN PART OF THEAM, HUH?! Team HELPS, team COMMUNICATES, team GIVES A BLOODY RESPONCES! But no-ope! I just been sitting alone, doing it alone, untill I overdid it alone, and had to be fixing it alone. Alone.

And now turns out that Wolf and Kael satisfied with the current map? Or fixed it? Or just pushing it into game just to launch the mod?

Is that now what this mod has? A broken unfinished map, that -I- spent year working over, and not even got to finish it - because, you will not believe it - NO BO DY announced to me that mod launches any time soon. It's been same silence as before, as three moths ago, and year ago - nobody told me mod is done, nobody told me there is new version of it coming, nobody told me that mod IS FINAFUCKINGLY getting LAUNCHED...

...I guess I am just not important enough for that. I guess they got kinda what they wanted of me. And I guess I'll stick to the drawing from now on.

Peridot - out.

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ervinjok - - 30 comments

Oh man... this sort of shows the exact picture of this situation... I don't even know what to say to you... I'm really sorry for you, homie, the dev team appears to be some bunch of arrogant and disrespectful fellas... Thank you for telling us your story, you have been heard, and i guess those polish fellas will also read it. Good luck on drawing, man!!!

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Kael_thas Author
Kael_thas - - 203 comments

Inb4 there^^
The first thing - in this news I'm not writing about Peridot nor his Rohan map. As you can see I didn't mention anything about these.
The second thing - I'm not responsible for what teo's doing. I'm the only dev of PLotR. He's SO of the coming PLotR server. He wanted to move the release because of the map.
And finally, the last thing - I haven't heard any news from you from a long time. Teo said you won't finish the map. If he lied - then this is his problem.
That's all.

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Teoiss Creator
Teoiss - - 143 comments

Tottaly unnecessary shitstorm- perfect way to name that beautiful poem.
Huge missunderstanding, pointing anger directly towards community without even talking it out. "nobody told me that mod IS FINAFUCKINGLY getting LAUNCHED..." The only thing that is launched now is rage, and wait... Im supposed to tell everyone when's the release date? Please.

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Perιdot - - 72 comments

...and by the way, **** your agreement - YES, YOU ARE supposed to tell it to person that was making you the only map you had at the moment, because if you want something done in time - you need to inform people WHEN this time is.

As for calling my message a 'shitstorm' - I officially inform the community, that it had been done at same time as me and Teo spoke and he was apologising to me in voice chat.

'towards community'? Nuh-uh, I am hitting directly you, YOUR shiny reputation that you are trying to create through the bulshitting people, through dis-ho-nes-ty.

Let's be fair - you have no finished maps yet, even if you assembled team of mappers who work overtime - which I doubt. Never seen you being good at organisation of anything since I offered my help to you while ago.

Now, I finally responded to your dishonest, disgracefull, disgrateful message, so you obviously can just erase all of my messages, just as you wanted when you saw them for the first time.

...or you can finally admit, that you goofed - BADLY - and either stepped over me after all I've done to you and just threw my map to God knows who without informing me - and that's, by the way, after I was PLEADING to get some other mapper to help me with finishing the Rohan for MONTHS - o-or that you actually had nobody, and just made up an excuse about 'mapper leaving team' to shift the release date.

The choise is yours, I can only recommend to start bothering with reputation and finally do the **** right and get the mod working - especially after all the help offers I vitnessed in comments on Moddb.

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Teoiss Creator
Teoiss - - 143 comments

Damn, what a narcissistic bastard... I wont delete your post, why would I? So Im supposed to tell you everything? Should I also wipe your ***? Your whole behavior since the day I asked you to make map for us was pathetic, I helped you when you wanted me to. I cant peoples minds, especially not yours. Now stop "unloading" yourself in here, I doubt people actually belives that you're the "victim". And as I can see were waiting for my answer, how nice of you...

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Perιdot - - 72 comments

Oh, so now I am 'narcistic', bastard, and you helped? Is it when you finally put map to test on a server and did not even announced that normally, so we barely had any people to test it at all?

And since when it was you asking me? I offered help -myself-, if you do not recall that.

And, pardon me, narcistic? I have not heard more empty, sucked out of nothing statements for a long time. When -exactly- was I narcistic, when I offered help, been month after month slowly creating map from a scratch, or when eentually stopped even bothering you about the mod - expecting that if anything significant happens - you'll tell me?

Was that RE-E-EALLY too much to expect - a note that you're planning to release the mod?

But again, I guess you care much more about looking co-o-o-ol, not about people who do kind things to you and help you, right?

Because kindness is not to be rewarded, but merely -used- and forgotten, right?

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Guest - - 693,598 comments

Perιdot, you got self issues or something?

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Perιdot - - 72 comments

Nope, just was really, really bad to be left behind like that.

Besides - wouldn't you, after putting so much time and effort in something..?

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Teoiss Creator
Teoiss - - 143 comments

That edit tool... Read*, You*

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Perιdot - - 72 comments

At least we do agree on something - that edit tool indeed is horrible.

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Perιdot - - 72 comments


*stop bothering. *sigh*

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gostax - - 11 comments

Just cancel you're mod if cannot release

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Kael_thas Author
Kael_thas - - 203 comments

I can release it even now(sounds stupid, don't you think? :D ) tho teo wanted to move the release so the maps can be ready.

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Guest - - 693,598 comments

Why is this guy (mapper) complaining if its not about him?

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Kael_thas Author
Kael_thas - - 203 comments

Ask him. I guess it was just a mistake.

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Perιdot - - 72 comments

Feel free to contact me via Skype ' iwor_silverheart '. I'll answer any questions you or other people have about that.

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