W-O-R: Weapons of Rampage v1.4a for Quake II PRO client. Hard, better enemy AI, better aim, secondary attacks, dual wield, gravity grenades, etc. This mod aims to preserve Quake II and expand it. As we know it was rushed and was released unpolished, so there's where we come in. If you ever felt that single player on the highest difficulty is easy and kinda boring after a while then try this!!! Please consider donating. Info in the readme. This mod is still W.I.P, but you already can have a lot of fun with it both on single-player and multiplayer.

Post feature Report RSS Queued feature list waiting to add to game

This will be updated from time to time. The list is quite extensive.

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THIS LIST NEEDS A CLEANUP!!! Some of the features are already in!

  • Some people have asked about faster weapon swapping and gibs that don’t disappear. Now I’ve heard Q2 is finicky about its gibs but at the very least I think we could up the gore.-APPROVED //FASTER ? You saw those 100% pure arena shooters with no or almost no delay on weapon switch ? They even have 1 color texture walls and players. That’s not the direction a game with such a theme should go. In redux weapon switch was 2-3 seconds. I will work on gibs in stage 5, however I can’t make gibs not disappearing because there is a finite amount of entities (2048?) that can exist at a given time. However Q2PRO already increased it’s limit from 1024 AFAIR. I will increase what can be increased considering the limit. I can increase the body queue in multiplayer - basically it’s a system for storing bodies after a player respawned. By default there is a limit of 5 bodies and they disappear on respawns. It can be increased to IDK, 50. It’s fun to pass through a lot of bodies on the map, I already saw this.
  • Mag size for all weapons.-APPROVED (but no reloading not yet maybe in the future)
  • Make bodies gib normally by explosions, hard to gib by(take 50% of the damage) blaster and very hard to gib(take 25% of damage) by bullets. In other words, when someone is dead, dmg from blaster is divided let’s say by 8 and by 16 if by bullets(or at least 2 and 4).-UNAPPROVED (The more gibs the better) //Looks silly when you gib guards with few shots from a machinegun(or smg actually). //Woju //¯\_(ツ)_/¯-Nick // How about that gib spawning on damage I mentioned somewhere here and the body behaves as I described here? That would produce more gibs actually.
  • Could (probably) dismember monster models and create new gibs specific for each monster, like unique leg, arm, weapons or head etc. Imagine Berserker gibbing along with those melee arms.-APPROVED (BRUTAL)
  • More advanced Soldiers that use Hyperblaster along with different modes and dynamically switching between them.-APPROVED
  • Speed up speed of Blaster bolts (also from enemies) cause they are too useless.-APPROVED
  • Each explosion give a screenshake(similar to Half-Life one) depending on how big the explosion is, and how far it is. It is also cumulative, so the magnitude will rise with continuous explosions. The limitation with 10hz is that it would not be that smooth, but even a tiny bit would increase immersion when dealing with explosions.-APPROVED
  • Black armor - Reskin of Red Armor, would provide even better protection and would give 125 armor, max 250.-APPROVED
  • Soldiers can be semi alerted from a longer distance. They duck and wait for the player to shoot him.-APPROVED (do they just sit in place until you show up cause that would be silly but if it’s just a reaction animation then approved) // Why silly ? Aiming at where the player will potentially show up would be rather cool. When I’m testing the mod, the monsters act like they are deaf or something. Just around the corner they don’t bother.//oh I thought you meant that ducking thing they do to avoid your shots-APPROVED
  • Soldiers more often shoot and run at the same time.-APPROVED
  • Since the Triple Chaingun eats away all your ammo in a heart beat having the chaingun will double the amount of bullets you can carry-APPROVED (200-400/250-500/300-600)
  • Simple kick animation for basic player models (male, female, cyborg) that include kicking when standing and kicking when in mid air. One would use stand as base anim and the other jump.-APPROVED
  • Muzzle flashes from world perspective - the same that monster have which are basically bullet hits temp entities without a ricochet sound .-APPROVED
  • Muzzle flashes from first person perspective. I can try my best to do this from server side with prediction where player is moving. Can be sloppy, but should work quite well when player isn’t moving too much or too chaotically.-APPROVED (we’ll have to see how it looks)
  • sv_player_lives cvar that controls how many lives ppl have in coop or deathmatch. Could increase player lives/respawns in coop by “rescuing” marines. In deathmatch when there’s only 1 player alive left a score screen is shown and later the level is restarted or changed to the nextmap cvar value if there is such a thing, if not I can make it. In coop lives/respawns are shared and if all die and respawns are depleted a screen is shown with a sign “THE END. The Strogg won, earth is doomed” or something like that, with some cool monsters posing in the background. If I can’t get this to later restart the game, then skip the screen part and just restart the game. A cvar sv_restart_from would control how far the restart occurs: 0. no restart, 1. from base1 level(beginning of the game), 2. beginning of the current unit(default). If the game is restarted from the current unit, each player would get a random weapon with some ammo. An alternative could possibly be something drawn on the hud, to not kill the server into the console screen.-APPROVED (sounds fun)
  • Chaingun requires Cells to run. Every 10 seconds of shooting/spinning subtracts 1 Cell ammo. First 10 seconds are free(the weapon comes charged). Every start equals to 1 second of usage and then counts also the timer.-UNAPPROVED I think the amount of bullets it eats up is enough for ammo cost // Only on multiplayer by default, configurable with a cvar.-APPROVED
  • Simple climbing over things you can’t normally jump over along with hand animation?.-APPROVED
  • Player shooting animation accurately represents what the player is doing with the weapon in 1st person - this is to reduce roller skating effect, because we don’t have(for now) animations that combine shooting and running/moving, and also because there is only one player shooting animation: shooting with a shotgun, and that even isn’t accurate. So every time player shoots with any weapon he looks like he is shooting with a shotgun, and this feature is to fix that. Also when the player has activated chaingun his model doesn’t look where he aims because he runs an idle standing animation where he constantly looks left and right and not where he aims. I would tighten the frames to make him always look where he shoots including crouch. Optional feature could be that if a player is inactive for an x amount of time(a minute or two, configurable by a cvar) he will switch to full idle standing animation until he moves again, so other players would instantly know if someone is AFK or not.-APPROVED
  • Railgun charges up with a sound like Gladiator monster or last boss. It deals 150 damage both in sp and mp(now it’s 150/100). Add a sound to the reload v_model animation after the fire because it is a “silent” reload - you shoot and see you reload the railgun, but no sound occurs.-UNAPPROVED (a charge shot would be nice for a super blast but not for the normal shots a big part of the railguns appeal is its instant results) //Idk, did this in redux and was fun to 1 shot kill most of the enemies/players as it was doing 400 damage. So I kinda added instagib to a normal game, but with increased difficulty because of the ~0.5-1 sec charge time.
  • Each weapon reload move gives a tiny bit of “recoil/screen move” to increase immersion and reduce “stiffness” of the player/game. So for example for each Super Shotgun pump sound this will occur, 1st move: to the player - a little bit of recoil down, and back- a little bit of recoil up. In other words a screen would move a tiny bit corresponding with reload/pump hand moves.-APPROVED (as long as it’s not nauseating)
  • Railgun projectile gives a small explosion when hitting something hard or a mechanical monster. There is no projectile hit effect in Q2 and that’s how a railgun projectile reacts. When hitting world it also gives small splash damage.-APPROVED
  • Gungame mode - saw this probably on Quake II Steam forums, it’s a well known mode from moded Counter-Strike(I’m from that community and also did extensive modding there). Each player starts with some armor and a weapon, starting with BFG. When you kill someone you switch to the new weapon, weapon number less, old weapon is removed. So the next weapon is railgun, double hyperblaster, hyperblaster etc., and ends on blaster. Who kills someone with a blaster wins or optional: Could get extra x amount of frags/points(3-5 frags) - this is to reduce suicide rate and the last kill isn’t 100% winning if someone is not careful with his weapons, and this would also increase tension and pressure in the game, and reduce mindless shooting without caring about self. Another (simpler) option is that when a player would kill himself he’s weapon number would move back, so if he had a shotgun, he would respawn with a super shotgun. Additional option would be that the game doesn’t end on Blaster, but back on the BFG, which is a pretty good idea that I didn’t see anywhere. Also when the game is running, the score screen would be disabled, so instead of checking constantly who has how many points/what weapon/what is % of completion of other players in the game, the player would focus on the game. Optionally(with a cvar?) obituaries could also be disabled to increase focus on the game, not other players progress. Optionally a sound would played when someone has completed 25% of the game, 50%, 75% and 95%, each different. I could record the announce, or you if you’re good enough and have sufficient mike. The announcer would say something like “stage x complete” indicating stage number or weapon number, and “final stage” when someone has the last weapon.-APPROVED (Edit I do own a mic now it’s a cheap one but I can see what I can do)
  • Blaster and Hyperblaster bolts would drop affected by gravity. Let’s say ~50cm every ~50 meters for Blaster, less for Hyperblaster as it has faster and once set it would drop based on speed - the less the more. Slow(fire) Hyperblaster bolt would drop only a tiny bit - maybe a few centimeters.-APPROVED
  • Custom Rampage menu’s for Q2PRO-APPROVED ( this would be real handy to make all the new features added in more customizable)
  • All radius damage(explosions etc.) do not check if it can “see” target when both are submerged in water. The pressure change is as deadly as fragments (and pressure change of air) and doesn’t need direct unblocked path.-APPROVED
  • Could we eventually patch in the Quake II soundtrack with the mod like the Yamagi patch did for Q2 - would need to build custom Q2PRO builds with added support for the soundtrack. - alright-APPROVED
  • Increase/restore the dynamics of all sounds(by edit), lower the volume a bit for everything except gunshots and explosions.-APPROVED
  • Gibs and skulls/heads are repelled by player or other monsters. When running it looks like the player is kicking them or at least wading through them.-APPROVED
  • Possible double wield indicator(icon for every weapon), automatically switch to dual wield when second weapon picked up. Remove dual wield button, toggling dual wield by “using” weapon - keys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.-APPROVED (this would help free up space on the keyboard)
  • On top of locational damage add % damage resistance(armor) to each monster and their body parts. For example, a Tank should have let’s say 75% damage resistance to shotguns, 25% to bullets, 10% to energy attacks on all(or not) body parts. Basic Soldier should have 50% resistance to shotguns except arms, 25% to bullets except arms.-APPROVED (lets keep this in mind for the extra difficulty mode)
  • Different head damage multiplier for each monster - a Tank would have 1.25x(all metal head), Soldier 1.5x(has helmet), Infantry 2.5x(no helmet) etc.-APPROVED
  • Remove flies from Infantry, and add a random chance for them appear on any dead monster or player or blood pool. If a body is gibbed that had flies, they disappear, but appear back after few seconds.-APPROVED
  • Third attack(the one used for dual wield weapons) toggles between railguns original primary fire and high power(2x damage) one with charge up.-APPROVED
  • 1 whole stage to improve AI. This would include scattering and camping at relatively safer areas, changing positions when hit, checking their backs etc.-APPROVED
  • Blaster and Hyperblaster bolts ricochet when the angle is small. A little bigger when the bolt is long(powerful).-APPROVED
  • Animate blood pool coming from under the corpses and also make it spawning after monster death and prevent additional blood pool from generating. When gibbed, chest spawns small animated blood pool. System to free up entities(for now blood pools) to not exceed the entity limit that would crash the game.-APPROVED
  • Automatic system to spawn more monsters and also give them proper paths (but reversed). This also checks for additional paths and creates them doing random checks along the way, so everytime new paths will be more or less different, but are based on location of entities such as doors. This is for higher difficulties. Quite complicated, but additional “alive” (not static) monsters would improve the game drastically.-APPROVED
  • Some monsters that are not assigned to paths will randomly wander around the map, but with as high degree of awareness I currently can give them.-APPROVED
  • Gravity grenades rotate players view and model the same as they rotate monsters.-APPROVED
  • Smoke grenades. Monsters either continue doing what they are doing(changing position or standing ground) or shoot at a general position of the player. Add these cvars: rampage_wind_speed(general speed of wind outside), rampage_wind_inside_multiplier (multiply by rampage_wind_speed by this to get wind speed inside), rampage_wind_dirchange_chance(chance to change wind direction on every game frame), rampage_wind_random(multiply by this to get random wind speed at every direction change; if set to 10, wind speed will be multiplied by 1-10x), rampage_wind_forcedir(force wind direction and ignore randomization) - basically did this in cs 1.6 and it worked awesome. Especially random wind speed direction changes. Every entity (except made from bsp models, like plats, doors) is affected by wind and this is calculated from entity size and it’s mass. Add some smoke to explosions.-APPROVED
  • Monsters fire at the last seen position of the player, provide cover fire.-APPROVED
  • Add 3 additional death animations of Soldier from Quake II Test.-APPROVED
  • Automatic difficulty system - When player ends a level with maximum health, the next one will be +1 level more difficult. Current max is cerberon+++ which is 7th level. Easy is 0.-APPROVED (but make it optional like a seperate game mode)
  • Add back in animation of Berserker when he runs with is club in the air ready and quickly swinging it, that has quite a lot of range. Additional attack for him - slam. He slams the ground(and also the player) with his club.-APPROVED
  • Add reloading of Machinegun Soldier and Infantry. Remove activating/reloading each time Infantry want’s to shoot.-APPROVED
  • Add prediction to the aim of the monsters which grabs current player speed, projectile speed(when it’s not a hitscan) and calculates next projected player position(on the next frame). Currently I added this only to the Soldiers as this isn’t a simple copy/paste, cause different monsters use different calculations to get their shot trajectory.-APPROVED
  • Soldiers sometimes stay in dying prone position in a loop for some time actively shooting the player. Easiest way to do this would probably make this an additional pain mode/animation when they’re down to let’s say 5hp. Eventually it would drop to 0 and Soldier will die or could be finished off.-APPROVED
  • Scale Soldiers back from 1.2 to 1.0 scale as they are made from humans and when compared to player model they are exactly 20% bigger, and this is mentioned in the code. Projectile start position would fit better as it wasn’t changed along with the scale up(forgotten?) or maybe they tweaked it a bit right, but not up and Soldier is firing from rather cocking mechanism then a barrel. I messed with that and was increasing the height of that origin, but would rather want what was originally planned. This scale down to original scale would make Soldiers less menacing, but they already are a lot more tougher, and gonna have a lot more hp, and a power screen. So compared to original, they would be a bit smaller but a lot more deadlier. As they would be smaller, it would be easier for them to navigate, avoid shooting colleagues and attack in a group.-APPROVED
  • Some monsters have tripping animation. Add them back as pain animation when in air, so it will trigger mostly when hit by splash damage.-APPROVED
  • Merge shooting and running animation, so players would not rollerskate when shooting. This will be painful as I would have to go through every 15 weapon models, on each base player model. So that’s 48 models, but multiplayer guys would love this. Also add reverse running animation when running backwards. This all when shown on a promo(with music and shit) video would generate quite an attention.-APPROVED
  • Add support for mission packs (without weapons and items, replace them). Users would have to copy/rename files from their mission packs folders, to rampage or I could create a batch(BAT) file to do this automatically.-APPROVED
  • Add white light blinding effect. The screen will blend a bit of white when close to a white light, and when player is actually viewing it. Dynamic.-APPROVED
  • Modify Soldiers two death animations to include shooting, so he could randomly shoot in animations where he is struggling, but never fires.-APPROVED
  • Monster accuracy suppression system that will decrease temporarily their accuracy when hit or shot at.-APPROVED
  • Some Soldiers have clock, that with make them invisible. The cloak will switch to semi transparent for a split second from time to time. Always decloak after Soldier attacks. They will have unique skins. When they spawn they search for a nearest cover or a wall if they don’t have their path set up.-APPROVED
  • v_model movement when player moves around, jumps etc. and it’s linked to the shooting directory.-APPROVED
  • Machinegun has increased accuracy, but that lowers fast after like 2-3 shots. Random v_model movement is then added and it decreases the accuracy as the v_model movement is linked to the shot direction now.-APPROVED
  • AI routines for every shooting monster, especially Makron, that would make something like cover or anticipating fire. Monsters would use two last seen positions(that would be at least X amount of game units apart) of player and then choose between random fire between these two.-APPROVED
  • Add MOTD - message of the day CVAR that would greet players in multiplayer mode and provide some info. As this it is CVAR it would be customizable.-APPROVED
  • Add significant delay to turning weapon model and the aim of it, controllable with a CVAR. Fastest turning weapons would be machinegun and shotgun, so only a slight delay would be added to those. I would say the CVAR by default would be 0.25, and 1.0 would represent 2x slower then a soldier (with m4) clearing a room, when compared to machinegun or shotgun wielding player. Double wields would be 2x(or more) slower then single wields.-Maybe I’m concerned this would mess with the games flow
  • A campaign or secret level group made out of quake 2 official dm maps q2dm1-q2dm8.-APPROVED
  • Replace grappling hook with a grappling disc(? or grappling something other, or just grappler). Hook is too retro for Q2, let’s replace that with a grappling disc, that would work on the same tech as gravity grenades. Add a dmflag that would enable/disable grappling hook(or whatever it would be named), so ppl would have a chance to play without it if they want.-APPROVED
  • Add the same bubbles from rebreather and envirosuit to shooting weapons underwater.-APPROVED
  • Add additional Blaster Soldier skin that fires his blaster like hyperblaster slow(fire rate) mode.-APPROVED
  • Improve all monster jumps to add additional touch of them not jumping so stiff, ie. duck a bit when they land, and have their legs up a bit when they actually jump.-APPROVED
  • additional rocket launcher alt fire modes such as automatic fire and or homing rockets-APPROVED(fan request)
  • Add a slight red tint to the view from the sky on all maps or only on that with access to the sky. Disable on maps in space(space sky).-APPROVED
  • Add dynamic sun blinding effect (yellow-white screen blend) on maps with sun. Fast blind, slow recover. Affects monsters accuracy also!!!-APPROVED
  • Custom Rampage menus. Add a realistic option in the menu, that will switch from close to vanilla game, to something more immersive. Would start with rampage_blaster_drop 10x - very cool - each blaster type/mode gives different bolt speed which translate into different blaster drop over distance - GREAT for gameplay, shit to purists, but fuck them-APPROVED(lol yeah I hate it when purists bitch about gameplay mods)
  • Add blaster drop prediction when the monster aims his shot. Skill determines prediction accuracy, also each monster has it’s own skill which is randomly +/- 50% deviation of skill level.-APPROVED
  • Make flying enemies strafe in air.-APPROVED
  • Make Flyers a lot faster.-APPROVED
  • Make Flyers attack like fighters( A LOT of work, but worth it).-APPROVED
  • Add a check in Gladiators double melee attack, so he would not wave his arm when the player is not close enough.APPROVED
  • Add a quick kick melee attack to Gladiator, speed up his original melee attack cause it’s useless.-APPROVED
  • *If you aim at monsters they dodge, less if they aren't Soldiers, cause they can duck and attack.-APPROVED *Some monsters can fire portable power screens, Tanks for example. They lower from the side of the monster, and is a chance to shoot through when the monster is shooting through. Elite soldiers can throw the shield, and they camp behind it unless there is a grenade nearby.-APPROVED *Monsters have acceleration and deceleration. This is defined at every monster type, and also each monster has a deviation of 25%.-APPROVED *Monsters falling(animation) because of heavy fire, explosions. Some monsters have this anim, only coding it in is needed.-APPROVED *Monsters are not bound by edges(a lot of work).APPROVED (NO RUSH) *Additional monster spawn system v1 simple. Check if the monster is stealthy, if yes, then leave him 50% of the time. Stealthy is that he has two walls close to him, and no doors(?) or monsters nearby. Move all monsters randomly, check for lava, high water, etc.-APPROVED I*f the players is shooting check if there is a direct path to a monster, and also additional 3 points in front of the player to the monster. If the monster isn't doing anything important and is facing his back to the player, then make him rotate and face the player. Some chances to go to crouch mode and a lesser chance to go to crouch mode if the monster can shoot crouched. Or just rather improve the heard function. Additionally add a function to each monster that has to aim before shooting, to actually aim at the location the player should come up.-APPROVED *Make the monsters want to scatter.-APPROVED *Make Soldiers run and shoot attack make them run at left(forward)or right(forward) direction instead of only forward(now rarely they will go forward unless blocked). Make Soldiers run attack strafe and shoot.-APPROVED *Elite Soldiers have auto shotguns, but they have to reload every n rounds(8?).APPROVED(8 SOUNDS GOOD) *Monsters don't dodge that often when attacking when the player doesn't see them.-APPROVED *In water screen blend represent the water color not just whiteish blend.-APPROVED
  • 3D blob model bfg projectile with random movement-APPROVED The model will change it’s blobby shape and that will also change it’s direction, like it was alive kinda. The bfg projectile consist of an electric sprite in the center, and transparent green blob.
  • Track death anims. Death looks like in rainbow six. Model head movement is "synced" with the view and at the same time (additionally) the screen fades to black. That would be fun and immersive. Would need to manually track all model deaths and hardcode it. Standard ones are male/female/cyborg. On top of that, I could add a bit of randomization and also steadily increasing fov.-APPROVED *Dead earth soldiers spawn items based on the current difficulty level, so the more skill level the more the items on the map. This is crucial as we don't want too many (or perhaps all) Earth items to be spawned already on the map like the Strogg would use them, cause they would not.-APPROVED *Monsters sometimes walk to one another, stand still, and walk away. Commanders like Gunners or the higher the command chain level the higher the probability. Let's limit now only for monsters that don't have a path and are ordered to stand still upon spawning.-APPROVED *Bitch - she only walks, so copy her walking anim, decimate it and modify to look like she is walking fast or running. Make appropriate coding.-APPROVED *Bitch - modify her attack animation code, that will skip few frames after she fired, that would not make her recoil so drastically. Maybe don't skip the frames if she was attacked recently(1sec?). Skip few frames on Cerberon difficulty so she would aim faster, not that slow, as this is absurd.-APPROVED
  • Create an additional 1 frame to every monster shooting full auto to make the weapon recoil. Don't just pause at one attack frame and look so stiff.-APPROVED *Import Soldiers sitting animation from Quake II Test, code it in, and sometimes spawn a Soldier sitting on a dead earth marine. They prefer the side that is exposed to more open space and face in that direction with some randomness.-APPROVED
  • Soldiers can sometimes walk to a dead marine (or player) and sit on him. (xD)-APPROVED
  • Spawn monster corpses randomly near dead Earth soldiers, use the ones that the level already has, don't use bosses.-APPROVED
  • Rename Cerberon (Strogg capital city) difficulty to Stroggos (Strogg planet).-APPROVED
  • Sometime in the future add an additional skybox, cut the static objects, and paste them in the second skybox. The first skybox has some interpolated sky, so it can move beneath without empty spaces. The sky move is very slight but noticeable. Move the sky back and forth, so the baked in light wouldn't deviate so much. Move the sky entity along with the sky skybox.-APPROVE
  • An enemy Gunship-APPROVED
  • Random chance downed marine spawns (maybe additional behavior) APPROVED
  • Long barrel version of Super Shotgun that is spawning randomly. It has a tighter spread, will be very weird (for a game shotgun), but quite fun. Toggling is done by numeric keys(“3”).-APPROVED
  • Some monsters can shoot at the direction they are facing their weapon while they die. A bit painful to make because I would need to look at the models and calculate directions and weapon offsets at the same time, but would be worthy. This would be something like the enemies in F.E.A.R (or actually many other games). Didn’t play it, but saw this in gameplay movies. Coding would be a rather simple thing to do, just getting the dir’s and offsets for every death frame would be time-consuming, but not every monster would qualify, and not every death animation, but on top of that pain animation could be included.-APPROVED
  • Recategorize skill, as there od a lot of stuff available on hard or nightmare, and we already have scaleable stara and DMG. Ppl choose normal and a lot of (monster) behavior is unavailable, and cerberon is too hard because of this additional behavior and scaleable stuff. Let's change skills to expanded as default( cerberon), and semi original as optional on the new game menu.-APPROVED
  • Set default skill value for deathmatch to a somewhat high value(default is 1, normal skill), so the damage bob would be higher and more noticeable, giving more tension when playing.-APPROVED
  • Nearby rocket flame partially blinds the player just like the sun.-APPROVED
  • Every weapon fire adds a little bit of screen blend, and also to everyone near (like the sun).-APPROVED
  • Add deathmatch spawn points (in key areas) to SP maps, spawn monsters as reinforcements(few monsters of different types already loaded into the level) or just a patrol(1-2 random ones). The reinforcements are sent more often near the spawn point nearest to the player or in the direction he is heading.-APPROVED
  • items and bodies rotate to flat position after being interacted with gravity grenades. Sloped ground and stairs supported.-APPROVED
  • Monsters have a pinned down factor, so when you shoot at them, they loose accuracy and shoot blindly, cover an area with full auto machinegun fire, predict the player by last saved positions and velocity, before a monster was overwhelmed by fire.-APPROVED
  • Animate Soldier running and firing his machinegun, although inaccurate. Could also be used for Hyperblaster Soldier(when it’s done).-APPROVED
  • Berserker now has a run attack and doesn’t have to stop to attack you.-APPROVED
  • Add slam to the ground attack to Berserker, fix the animation.-APPROVED
  • Modify Soldier (unused) trip anim, and use it as prone dive, make the soldier shoot from prone position also.-APPROVED
  • Modify Soldier (unused) trip anim, and use part of it (in reverse) as additional pain animation, where he semi falls to the ground and gets back up.-APPROVED
  • Add two Soldier death animations from Quake 2 Test. One is quite unique, because he flips back like Infantry (when dying).-APPROVED
  • Write a sophisticated AI prediction and aim algorithm, so the Monsters would behave (more) like in real life. The more the skill (game difficulty) the more often monsters would update their prediction and less off their aim would be. They would acknowledge when the player will move linearly and when he strafes and behave accordingly. This would be something more of a bot would do, then just grab player origin add some random H and V skew (noise) and call it a day.-APPROVED
  • When first enemy on the level is killed in a firefight he raises a small alarm, and all enemies tend to rotate randomly into doors and corridors from now on on that level, not just open spaces.-APPROVED
  • Prediction now predicts also monster direction, because when you circle around them, they shoot up to 90 degree angle from the direction they point their weapon.-APPROVED
  • When in fancy mode, Blaster bolt rotates similar to Railgun shot, but a lot less rapidly.-APPROVED
  • Fix Hover gun origin, and make it alternating. He is currently shooting wrongly from his head. IDK if bug or underdeveloped.-APPROVED
  • Kick uses super jump energy.-APPROVED
  • Diversify Medic attack, make him use charged shot.-APPROVED
  • Bodies stay flat with slopes and stairs, tend to slide from them. Also slide the bodies when they are “inside” walls or when they would just fall over the edge.-APPROVED
  • Supertank (boss1) has two unused attack animations: 1. he shoots a rocket salvo backwards. 2. He shoots his two grenade launchers that are mounted on his treads. So let’s used them, and the grenades can be cluster ones.-APPROVED
  • Berserker has one additional attack where he jumps and slams the ground. Code it in.-APPROVED
  • When running normally Q2pro, add to main menu an option to turn rampage mod on.-APPROVED
  • Brain has a nice unused walk-attack animation with his tentacles, code it in.-APPROVED
  • Add a proper system to check if a monster can shoot straight to the enemy, that includes different weapons, their origin. There’s a generic one right now, and it doesn’t work very well. Rebuild AI attack routines from the ground up that would make a good base for expansion later.-APPROVED
  • Spawn Tanks with additional enemies cause on their own they are a pretty easy enemy. Tanks have this sweep attack, so make him not hit other monsters.-APPROVED
  • Player leaves a trail of temp entities for the enemies to track him, so use that and sometimes spawn enemies at the farthest trail point.-APPROVED
  • Monster jump adds some rotational velocity. Add some angle skew to the direction the monster is jumping if the target is the player-APPROVED
  • Tcrf.net - “In this version, the player's view is offset by a virtual neck, which is apparent when you look down and up, your view leans slightly forward or back, for a more realistic illusion.”-APPROVED
  • One (or more) levels from DM incorporated into SP will take place on polar region, with monsters having unique skins there.-APPROVED
  • New Soldier type shooting laser (not plasma/blaster bolts). Acts similar to Machinegun Soldiers.-APPROVED
  • Insane/mutator mode - so first when we would have gungame mod(e), then we could expand that by insane mode, and that would incorporate first 3 mutators. Mutators are basically features that change the gameplay. In Starcraft II for example, there is a 1 week rotation between 2-4 random mutators, and there are many. First 3 would be gungame, health, and monsters. Gungame could be expanded to incorporate last kills with explosive barrel and kick. Explosive barrels would be spawned/respawned randomly on the map. Kick right now should be disabled on multiplayer as we don’t have player animation for it, and the whole problem is that it isn’t just animation of one model, but I would need to animate all p_ weapon models (the ones viewed from the other side of the player, not first person), to incorporate the new animation, and we would then need to animate barrel p_model, and also all weapons to match the kick animation. VERY tiresome work. I would first maybe add run and shoot at the same time, so the player would actually run when shooting. Also this all modifications are only for “male” player model, and we have stock “female”, and “cyborg” (that is a male model with a strogg twist, something like Tactical Transfers in q4). A LOT of work. So then there is health mutator (you could also come up with some more, but that’s first three that came into my mind). You would instead of spawning with a blaster, powerscreen and 50 cells, spawn with (blaster) 50 max health (mega health would give additional declining 50, instead of 100), and 100 yellow armor, powerscreen, and 100 cells. The monster mod (mutator) would spawn randomly and near the player some time when the player spawns/respawns). For each 1000 damage given to the monsters (that would count up intill their 0 hp) would give the player 1 frag. So the insane mod would consist of those three mutators, later when we have more, we could arbitrarily rotate randomly those mods by a http server, and every server running mutator mode, would then contact this http server and ask what mutators to enable(automatically). Those mutators would be then automatically chosen and replaced each week. This feature is very fun elsewhere, as it makes the game more replayable because each week the game is semi different, and the mods (mutators) are chosen randomly and no one can choose them be themselves(unless the game have that option, but it isn’t rewarded as much by xp (SC II coop), and it’s rarely played, so it is just a feature, not something normal player would play, as they are (in SCII) negative mutators, that make the game more or less more difficult. However in Direct Strike (map/mod for SCII) the mutators are just a thing that semi change the game, not just making it more or less difficult. For example there are ones that are realistic, and also some that for example for each unit killed, that unit gains +2% max hp, so everybody then chooses commanders that have hero units, as they have the most hp. When the mutator is “no fog of war”, then there is a leaning towards commanders that have access to siege weapons, that could not fire that far, when the area is not viewed by friendly units, but now they can as there is no fog of war. Phew.-Uh what a mouth full APPROVED you certainly put alot of thought into this
  • When we would have custom q2pro build with raised model count limit, I could modify some monsters models, for example Soldier would have a slightly different weapon skin, and elongated weapon, and he would fire super shotgun (imagine jumping around with those dudes in a dance of death in game - I remember in multiplayer with players). I cannot use the same model, as I would need to copy all animations, change them, etc. Too tiresome, better export it as a different model. I would also like to modify Soldiers weapon into something cilinder like, and skin that with a railgun, so they could be something like Tactical Transfers (q4) with rail guns. Imagine them jumping around with a railgun pointed (and shooting) towards you! There could be a Soldier firing (cluster) grenades only - a grenadier. that would use walls to bounce grenades into the player location, but first we would need to incorporate into AI hiding behind a cover, cover fire (the dying soldiers have it hardcoded - it isn’t just available feature yet for every monster), and also the grenade bounce off off walls code.-APPROVED
  • Add support for mission packs campaigns. As we cannot distribute those files, player would need to manually rename their pak0.pak’s (from rogue and xatrix folder) into for example pak4.pak (and 5), and place them into rampage dir. Exclusive monsters and weapons, would be changed (by code) into stock ones. For example - Gecks would be changed into Soldiers and Barracuda sharks (when spawned in water). Monsters maybe could be incorporated in time, but MP weapons are “meh” imo.-APPROVED yeah I bet people would like that
  • rewrite monster pain states, they can go to pain animation (and give pain sounds) every frame or so, sometimes randomly block it. This is to make monsters properly react to damage, as their current behaviour is very simple and doesn’t take damage, so it ends up acting the same no matter if it was hit with machinegun or railgun, and always gives N seconds of pain state (animation) immunity. Let’s make that a lot more dynamic. Let’s react to every machinegun shot etc. For example every pellet invokes pain function, which only does 8dmg or so. damage should be counted per frame.-APPROVED
  • Soldiers sometimes die leaving the charge thing going (already), so let’s make their weapon explode after a while, gibbing them.-APPROVED
  • Shooting dead bodies make them flinch.-APPROVED
  • Berserker jumps to player, also jumps at higher places, jumps off places to the player.-APPROVED
  • 50 cell and cooldown for Hyperblaster fast mode, to balance 3 firing modes and make the standard one not the most useless.-APPROVED
  • Total Rampage mode - all balance features are turned off (like 50 cell cooldown for HB)-APPROVED
  • Health pickups are not instant, it takes time to regain HP. 1hp/sec?? Controlable by rampage_health_regeneration, default 1, 0 is instant health. 4 means 4 hp-APPROVED
  • Parasite jumps a lot, and he skips 1 frame to make it look like he is using more power to jump.-APPROVED
  • When enough players has been killed in a short amount of time (5 seconds) it will trigger paranoia mode. Half of the player count, minimum two. Paranoia lasts for 2 minutes, with a two minute cooldown afterwards. Hud displays flickering red sign “PARANOIA MODE”. Paranoia mode is that super rocket and grav grenades don’t have that black light marker, and you can’t see which rocket is normal, and which is super rocket. For now it controlable by rampage_paranoia_mode cvar.-APPROVED
  • Monsters don’t automatically know where the player is once they are triggered, they use his sounds like jump, steps, explosions etc. or guess, to track him.-APPROVED
  • Makron sometimes runs, need to create new anim, remove half of the frames, and modify it so it will look more natural.-APPROVED
  • New stats for monsters: splash damage resistance - if bigger monster he is ussually more resistant to splash damage (and super rockets). Eating a rocket stays the same, only splash dmg take differs. Air monsters have half of the splash damage resistance then what they would normally have (cause they need to be light enough ^^).-APPROVED
  • Extract blood and gore from dead earth soldiers skin, and add it to all the male and female skins, code them in also as “dead earth soldiers” and make them appear dead in the game.
  • Add and code a new enemy - Tactical Transfer (a nod to q4). Use official “cyborg” player model.
  • Brain when opens he sends a tongue and grabs the player for himself to tear.
  • Rampage graphics in main menu.
  • Q2pro button to switch to Rampage.
  • Add frames to Soldier deaths to smoothen out loops and going back and forth with the animation.
  • When Soldiers wound have prone ability, then make them a roll animation, and use that for dodge function instead of jumping when in prone position.
  • When monsters jump from heights make them duck a proper amount of time for recovery.
  • New Soldier that is a sniper, and is nearly invisible. Uses railgun, acts differently, camps and then quickly changes position, doesn’t give “woke” sound.
  • A visor. Bassicaly it could either be green or red (customizeble), would cover almost whole screen \_/ - that shape, but higher angle and coverage. It would mark all the enemies on the screen ala predator. Especially usefull when encountering Soldier snipers (could be whole sections full of them or even additional maps or fill them on the DM maps incorporated into SP). The marking thing would require me to modify the engine (client). Also would like a hand to touch and pull it upwards or downwards when player is activating it this would probably would require to either modify all the weapon models or modify the engine. Painfull but doable and quite enjoyable. Something like this, but covering almost whole screen: Academichelp.net
  • add jump to monster navigation (a lot of work). Use jump to move out of a cover, ambush.
  • rampage_oldschool_death_sounds. New default sounds will work like this - player death sounds will be 25%hp ones, and the original death sounds will be used if the player is killed by 100 damage in one frame, minimum -50hp with one hit.
  • Monster pain state will not have a normal cooldown, only a relation between current health and current damage that is accumulated through few frames. Let's say a pain level.
  • Extend AI routines. Monsters track player footsteps, even if they don't see the player. Monsters have a current loudness factor, so if there are loud sound sources (explosions etc.) they will not track player footsteps, because they wouldn't hear them.
  • AI focus variable, that will in real time change based on environment, shooting, explosions, and will determine the lag of which the monster responds to player moving/aim prediction, etc.
  • Double wielding stamina system. Bit tricky to do, but wielding two weapons all the time straight is little silly and not immersive. Let's do a smart auto holster and auto aim when dual wielding.

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