While the TEC, Advent and Vasari are embroiled in their own struggles for survival a new threat has emerged, intent on spreading it's infectious plague throughout the universe. The sickening ruthlessness in which entire populations are infected or destroyed is alarming to the TEC, Advent and Vasari alike. If the Plague wasn't enough they were immediately followed yet another race calling themselves the Nephilim. The initial encounter with the "Nephilim" held promise they would unite in defeating the Plague. However, Initial attempts at diplomacy have failed as the Nephilim seem single purposed in their pursuit of the Plague.


Build 33 Full Version for Rebellion 1.82. Please read feature for How to Install Sins of the Fallen for instructions on the correct order of activation for the mod. Please delete or backup any previous version of the mod prior to installing the latest version.

Sins of the Fallen: Reb 1.82.33 (Full Version)
Post comment Comments
lamphare2012 - - 4 comments

Where is the research arbitrate tariff?I can not find it,but taitan need this damn thing.

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

What Titan are you trying to build. Are you sure it's Arbitrate Tariff because no Titan is tied to that research. That research is for an Envoy ability.

I also can build both TEC Titans with the mod enabled with no issues. Response back and let me know specifically which Titan you may be having issues with.

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zagi101 - - 108 comments

is there cylons and colonials in this mod?

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

You can click on the Fall of Kobol images on the main moddb page which will take you to here...


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zagi101 - - 108 comments

ok, but i only download mods from moddb not from other sites,

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

BSG cannot be uploaded to moddb due to restrictions. It's only available from the file share I upload it to. I would only recommend downloading the mod from fileshares I have uploaded to though. For whatever reason the mod ends up on dozens of fileshares I never uploaded into.

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zagi101 - - 108 comments

so that link is safe, no viruses?

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

It's as safe as what you are downloading from moddb as I'm the originator of the source for both. It's also why I don't include any exe's or self installers. The only thing in the 7z is the mod files.

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edliu111 - - 31 comments

Could you happen to let me know what submod races you are racing? I'd love to hear about them and possibly try them myself if they're publicly available.

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

They are from other mods or unfinished work so not available for downloading.

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Travis9x - - 8 comments

Game minidumps every time I try to activate or load the mod. I've tried only loading the specific races I'll be using, and I've even tried an older version of the mod. Nothing works, the game minidumps every single time. I have 32GB of RAM, and I've used the Large-Address-Aware tool to make Sins be able to use larger mods like this.

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

Are you restarting Sins after initially activating the mod?

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Travis9x - - 8 comments

Like I said, it crashes when I try to activate the mod. So no, I haven't restarted after activating it, because I haven't been able to successfully activate it in the first place.

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

You need to follow the activation instructions precisely or it will minidump. The activation order is included in the mod part names with Core being the last part to activate.

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Travis9x - - 8 comments

I am following all the guides and diagrams provided. I've played this mod in the past, so it seems to just be these new versions that aren't working.

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

Could be a corrupted download too which sometimes happen. I'm downloading the 7z uploaded and will test how it performs on my end.

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

I downloaded and extracted from the moddb download and have tested various enabled setups from partial to full without issues. My recommendation would be to delete the current files and re-download.

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Travis9x - - 8 comments

Okay, just tried this for the third time. Wiped everything, re-downloaded, and re-extracted. Still minidumps.
I'm going to try getting the version from the forums, I'll let you know if that still minidumps too.

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Travis9x - - 8 comments

Yup, still minidumps. I have the Steam version of the game, with Forbidden Worlds and Stellar Phenomena DLC. I'm trying to activate the following components, in this order:
Planets - SinsPlus
Addon - Artifacts
Addon - Bonus Density
Addon - Disable Superweapons
Addon - Effects
Militia - Rogue
Pirates - Heavy Rogue
Race - Colonial
Race - Cylon
Race - Hypercorp
Race - Nephilim
Race - Plague
Core - Flagship

Checksum: 1293159882

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

Activating a militia package requires the same Race package to be activated. For example: SotF(3) Militia(0..1) Rogue Reb requires SotF(4) Race(1..m) Rogue Reb.

You can add the Rogue after Core if you don't want the race selectable, but the assets need to be loaded.

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Guest - - 693,822 comments

Hi there ZombiesRus, I'm having a very similar problem to Travis.

I do not have the two new DLC's Forbidden Worlds or Stellar Phenomena.

I enabled the following in this exact order:

Planets - Kobol
Addon - Artifacts
Addon - Bonus Density
Addon - Disable Superweapons
Addon - Disable Titans
Addon - Effects
Addon - Moons
Militia - Hyper
Militia - Nephilim
Militia - Plague
Militia - Rogue
Race - Hyper
Race - Nephilim
Race - Plague
Race - Rogue
Core - Flagship

The issue is that the black screen with the mod introduction and directions to "restart the game" shows up as well after hitting activate mod. But the game crashes there. I then manually forced it to close. But now every time I restart the game I'm taken to that same screen, which leads me to think some things worked, but then I'm still stuck there. Now I can't even go ingame to access the options menu to start afresh.

And finally, maybe this is terminology, but in the latest file(this one) that I downloaded, I get races called Hypercorp and Rogue etc. Travis has Colonial and Cylon, not sure if they're the same thing.

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

When a mod crashes like that you will need to go into the 1.82 mod directory where you installed the mod and delete the EnabledMods.txt file which will disable any mod causing you issues.

You should only have one militia but that should cause a mini-dump. What is your checksum? What are your system specs?

I did the same activation in the same order you have listed above and it worked ok. I'll try deactivating the DLC's on my end and see what happens.

If you check back, let me know the answer on those two questions.

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qpruwoei - - 5 comments

Hi thanks for replying!

My checksum is 1506000278 (with all 4 militia enabled)

My system specs are:
Intel i7 3.4GHz
16GB Ram
GTX 580 (4GB)

I tried it again as you suggested with only 1 militia (heavy) and the new checksum is 1181108800.

I think the same thing happened. I don't think it's because I'm impatient or didn't wait long enough. That restart confirmation screen will still show up but not progress through there. I can't alt-tab out of it, so I started task manager, which shows Sins as Not Responding yet again. :/

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Piemanlives - - 1,885 comments

Hey there! So first off I will assume you have the LAA patched over sins so i'm not even going to cover that. In my experience larger mods will not load when enabled in game. The trick is to enable it through the enabledmods.txt file located in the mod directory, follow the format in the text file and the order of enabled mods as displayed above, hope this helps, i'd post an example but i'm posting from a phone at the moment.

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

Thanks Piemanlives... It's somewhat frustrating the ingame activation has so many issues.

Gul-dukat(tech) made an awesome video on how to activate the mod avoiding many of the issues you described.

I also updated my installation instructions to include the video.

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qpruwoei - - 5 comments

Hey ZombieRus just wanted to update you that I was able to get into the game after watching that video. Started a game as the Hypercorp and everything seems to be working fine, nay, great I say! All as intended!

Hope you're not too frustrated as you guys have done some incredible work here. I heard about how your mod puts emphasis on strike craft combat, which is what I rly rly enjoy in these kinds of games. Also I love that scout ships actually move fast like a scout is supposed to.

I don't really know much more about the mod though haha, lots of time to figure those out (until work starts again anyway). Might I make one more inquiry? I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to the lore. Is it accurate to say the Nephilim and Plague are ugly baddie aliens? What's the difference between Hypercorp and Psycorp, or Rogue and its counterpart? I enjoy human-like factions the most because I'm speciest I guess, so factions like the TEC, Terrans, Humans in WC3 all that stuff, which faction would most closely resemble those guys here?

Thanks again for making this mod!

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

Hypercorp and Rogue are both Transhuman factions originating from Earth (Lore: Moddb.com). Hypercorp is more about corporate contracts and technological advancements (https://www.moddb.com/mods/sins-of-the-fallen/features/hypercorp-race). Rogues are more about cybernetic enhancements, piracy and general scurvy behavior (https://www.moddb.com/mods/sins-of-the-fallen/features/rogue-trader-race).

Nephilim is widely believed to be offspring of an Angelic species while Plague may be offspring of a demonic species (https://www.moddb.com/mods/sins-of-the-fallen/news/welcome-to-sins-of-the-fallen).

It's probably time to rewrite and organize the Lore some ;)

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Guest - - 693,822 comments

Thanks, it's been a long time since I played this mod, so I'd completely forgotten about that! All working now, thanks again. :)

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Lap1# - - 43 comments

So the shield artifact gives a +500shield,10% shield restore rate, and 2%mitigation(not sure for this one) to a capital shield which approach it?
At first i thought it was like a capturable station which give a definitive buff on capital ship when they come in range (like what you can do with titan factories in Star wars interregnum)

-Should you not give hangar def a bit more fighters and an increase damage/rate fire/buff(splash damage for colonial) for platform def in general? the latter is a bit too useless otherwise.

-load nuclear ordinance dont seem to do anything, i dont see any visual effects or effects at all

-the plague titan can 'board' several capital ships in one go? whitout any warning?
Plague:" no need to lower your shield, you will be assimilate anyway"

though when you convert def platform/super weapon to your side they cannot fire and moon cannot be converted(>****, i want ennemy moon so bad)

-cool music, first time i put the game music on, damn i swear i heard some before in others games or something.

-no relic research for colonial/cylon?

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

See comment below...

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

I agree on Full Colors... I'm redesigning that research now.

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Lap1# - - 43 comments

i was more worried about the usefullness of kew def platform
why choosing to build em if hangar autocannon do x4 damage + vipers but yes more starcraft for all races hangar could be good as a buff for def plaftorm(all races in general) would be too
its true that the basic races have ****** def platform too except for advent but i always thought that def canon platform had no utility at all
some researches that buff kew damage on ships could benefit them

other than that,
-it seems that AI cannot build a new titan when you have stolen it via the plague titan ability
-yamato reflective shield dont show up when he is chosen(since the beginning of this mod you cannot see the ability in the hud :D)
-some problems with plague frigate factory and rally point, ships come close to the end of the gravity well but dont jump
-the drain planet ability of plague starbase dont regen its hull/shield and though you can use 'drain planet' on your own planet there is no animation and no effect at all on the planet or starbase
-i dont see what the plague superwep do? no decrease of allegiance nor spread of culture

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

Shield artifact is a bit of a prototype right now. My goal is to respawn the artifact on death, though I may resort to a capturable entity if that fails.

I'll look at the colonial defense platform to see if I agree.

Load nuclear ordinance adds extra damage to missiles. I am going to change it to autocast though and update the verbiage to make it more clear.

I'll be changing the target conditions for the Plague titan as it's over the top now.

Music is not so much my area and a lot was suggested/provided from other people playing the mod.

Relic research for colonial and cylons requires a download from the forums for 1.82.33 for those factions.

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Lap1# - - 43 comments

ah yeah thats right it didnt update the bsg faction
well for the plague titan it will be awesome if you can still stole others capital ships and titans but need some cons like need to damage the target enough, though the titan itself is quite weak, not much shield/hull, plague are meant to be weak so they deserve the boarding thing

others things:
-you dont want to allow plague starbase to jump?
-well you know that the third upgrade civ infrastructure on oceaen planet take your pop' from 280 to 140, is it voluntary?
- still no reskin for the colonial separatist titan when he become invulnerable like what you did with the nephilim titan though in his case his shape should be conserved but with some kind of aura or a radiant hull

i never try the base factions on SOTF, are they a bit different from the orgiginal game?
And i would like to know what Bonus density do

Thx for your work~

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

It will be extremely hard to balance that ability for capturing CapitalShips. I need to remove planet modules too since that seems to not be supported fully and I'm afraid it may cause mini-dumps.

Plague starbase jumping won't be supported because of the ability to be a remote factory. It will mini-dump if you try jumping while constructing a frigate.

Weird I wonder if my reference file for that planet was really old because it has that value too. Fixed internally now, thanks.

Yamato shield: should be fixed now internally. Will do some more testing to verify.

Plague Rally Point: Doesn't work with plague spawning mechanism. This is working as designed.

Plague Consume Planet: Good catch, was using the wrong over time action. Fixed internally.

Plague superweapon: It should be spreading culture and disables regeneration on enemy ships. I'll do a spot check on it though I'm pretty sure it worked.

Colonial Separatist Titan: I'll check out the buffs and see what I can add for some flair.

The base factions in SOTF get support for all of the addons, the extended diplomacy tree and Destroyer class Capital Ships.

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Lap1# - - 43 comments

Still the capture of capitalships/titans is so awesome~
not as much cheated as the rogue ghost capital ship and his ion barrage, i couldnt convert his Yamato because of the spam and my titan got obliterated in no time by those mini-cobra and there 11damage missiles~ well at 100missiles/sec it hurts pretty much
-colonial starbase can jump though they have factories as well? so it just need something that prevent the jump as long as it is building ships to avoid minidump?
>again, it will be awesome if it can jump , making it a true reaper ship/mothership

btw you cannot build cruiser with starbase after buying the ability to do so, though it is say it can build frigate and cruiser?

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ZombiesRus5 Author
ZombiesRus5 - - 1,642 comments

BTW Bonus Density makes it far more likely to get Planet bonuses and stock artifacts on planets by upping the percentage of occurring.

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