This mod is not monetised. I will not be doing any paid mods nor set up a patreon. This is not an official GW licensed product. I will also not pull the mod, and will keep it on the net since any takedowns would be without merit. This mod aims at modifying Dawn of War 2 Retribution to portray combat in a more lore-accurate manner. Prepare to find Space Marines as powerful as the books depict them, ork hordes in their hundreds, and dozens of Guard tanks shelling into an incoming tyranid horde!

Post news Report RSS 1.4 Full Release Available.

This is the set of already done, in progress, or other features I want to implement and bugs that need fixing. If you know any bug, please comment in the article. I will update it as things progress.

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Vengeance of the Blood Ravens 1.4 changelog :

Bold: Very important bug that was game breaking problems.
Italic: Semi important bug that caused annoyance.
Normal text: Minor bug that did not cause much bother.

Bug fixeds:

-Chaos Terminator Lightning claws animation and attack move bug fixed.
-Chaos Cultist attack move fixed. This needed for me to give them a variable loadout. Now cultists have 4 sword and pistol members and 4 rifle ones. The grenade launchers replace the swords and pistols.
-Force Commander Lightning claws attack move fixed.
-Chaplain Lightning claws attack move fixed.
-Terminator Chaplain Lightning claws attack move fixed.
-Terminator Force Commander Thunder hammer and Storm shield attack move fixed.
-Chaos Vindicator no longer has an unusable And they shall know no fear ability.
-Legion Apothecary is now recruited from the HQ only. Redundant Beacon build option removed.
-Legion Recon Squad had been re-added to the HQ, it went missing when I tried to add the Sicarius.
-Chaos Vindicator Demolisher cannon not using the correct AOE graphic blast. This is a cosmetic issue.
-Fixed Assault cannon related friendly fire.
-Chaos and Astartes Rhinos not having move and fire order.
-Graphical glitch with certain heroes equipping ranged weapons after melee weapons.
Techmarines and Lieutenants no longer have High Powered shot by default. Techmarines gain it from Consecrated Bolter.
-Plague Champion does not have the Noxious cloud by default anymore, now it requires the appropriate armour upgrade.
-GK LR misses extra armour.
-Dark Angel Terminator captain lost his cape in order to prevent glitched cape disorder.
-Chimera frontal hull heavy bolter is now firing without a garrisoned squad.
-Heavy weapon krieg squad now correctly gets to sprint when upgraded with a Sergeant.

Balance changes:
-Lowered the AOE damage the volkites do when they explode a target. This was wiping out orks and IG just a little bit too fast, now that they are a bit more widespread.
-Chaos Predator Khorne upgrade damage bonus reduced from +25% to +15%.
-Chaos Land Raider Nurgle upgrade bonus regeneration down from 15 to 10 per second.
-Rad weapons do a very large AOE blast that deal moderate damage and heavy damage over time for ten seconds. The grenades do not explode on impact but have a tiny cooldown that allows the opponent to retreat. This weapon is not very effective against single heavy units like Terminators, but extremely powerful against masses of light infantry.
-Grav weapons do great damage to vehicles and heavy and superheavy infantry, but less to medium and light infantry. They have a small area of effect and slow enemy units down.
-Volkites are great against light infantry and mediocre against heavy infantry. Upon killing an enemy, it explodes dealing area of effect damage that makes this weapon very good against hordes of enemies.

Bold: New unit
Italics: Race
Normal: Changes.
Items listed both completed and planned are half completed.

Completed features:

Chaos Legions:
-Plague Champion to tier 1.
-Rad weapon for the Plague Champion.
-Havocs are now a 9 man squad, with a price increase.
-Chainaxe and Volkite pistol wargear for the Plague Champion.
-New Tier 2 unit: Chaos Chosen. Tougher version of Chaos Tacticals, akin to Sternguard Veterans. Limit 1. Can take Aspiring Champion with Inferno Pistol and Powerfist. Can replace all bolters with Volkite Pistols and Powerswords, or take 3 of the following weapon choices: Plasma, Melta, Grav, Rad, Volkite, Flamer.
-A new weapon upgrade for the Mark of Slaanesh Predator: Sonic cannon to replace the heavy autocannon. (Uses same graphics as autocannon)

Legiones Astartes:
-Whirlwind is now directly built from HQ.
-Tigrus and Phobos pattern bolters for legionaries. This is a cosmetic change. These lack a firing FX from the muzzle. May keep them as it is or revert to older chaos bolters.
-Volkite Pistol for the Apothecary.
-Hero Volkite rifle now grants Plasma Grenades to the hero.
-Phosphor Pistol for the Techmarine when equipping the Anointed Power axe. This new weapon will mark the target and increase all damage done to it by 25% for 10 seconds.
-Graviton Guns for the Seeker Squad. Work in the same way as the one for the Adeptus.
-Seekers are now a 9 man squad, with a price increase. Limited to 1.
-Recon are now a 9 man squad, with a price increase. Limited to 1.
-Support are now a 9 man squad, with a price increase. Limited to 2.
-New Tier 2 Unit: Legion Destroyers: Elite ranged unit with bolters and Radiation grenades. Can be upgraded with three Radiation Launchers or can exchange their bolters for chainaxes and volkite pistols. Limit 1.

Adeptus Astartes:
-Whirlwind is now directly built from HQ.
-Melta Pistol for the Chaplain.
-Volkite Pistol for the Apothecary.
-Devastators are now a 9 man squad, with a price increase.
-Hero Volkite rifle now grants Plasma Grenades to the hero.
-Phosphor Pistol for the Techmarine when equipping the Anointed Power axe. This new weapon will mark the target and increase all damage done to it by 25% for 10 seconds.
-Graviton Guns: New weapon option for Tacticals and Sternguards. These weapons will do greater damage to heavier units and slow units down. Small area of effect, Rifle range.
-Volkite Grav and Rad weapon option for Sternguards. These equip 3 of the weapons just like with Chosen.

-Grey Knight Terminator Chaplain. Built at the HQ from Tier 2.

Imperial Guard:
-IG Deployable bunker now builds the following units: Guardsmen (cadian or krieg), Commissar Lord (Cadian or Krieg), Inquisitor, Vindicare and Eversor Assassins.

-Culexus and Vindicare Assassins. Credit for the models belongs to the Elite mod team over at .
-Culexus Assassin: Melee power weapon attacks slow down enemies. Ranged attacks also deal a damage over time poison effect. Blows up on death. Can stealth, use melta bombs, frag and krak grenades. Limited to 2 and unlocks at Tier2.
-Vindicare Assassin: Equipped with a sniper rifle that ignores armour and has extra long range. Can stealth and use blind grenades. Limited to 2 and unlocks at Tier2.
-Commissar Lord and Inquisitor are now built from the summonable bunker at Tier2.
-Blowup damage for Eversor.
-Hellfire shells for Vindicare. These anti-infantry shells explode in a moderate sized area and deal a heavy damage over time.
-Turbo Penetrator shells for Vindicare. These anti-tank shells deal very heavy damage.
-Shield Breaker shells for Vindicare. These quantum shells disrupt energy fields, draining all energy from the target unit.

Planned 1.45-1.5 new features:

Please post any bug reports you in this article so that I can check it out and fix them.

1.5 likely features:
-MAYBE ADDED: Death Skull and Blood Axe custom appearances.
Imperial Guard:
-MAYBE ADDED: Vostroyan and Steel Legion guard outfits.

Chaos Legions:
Maybe added in 1.4 maybe 1.5
-Sonic cannons for MoS Land Raider. (Lascannon graphics)
-Hurricane Bolters for MoK Land Raider. (Hurricane Bolter graphics)
-Plague Flame cannons for MoN Land Raider. (Flamestorm cannon graphics)

Discarded changes:

Imperial Guard:
-Demolisher Turret upgrade for the heavy turret cannon emplacement. This one is impossible to code, as the leman russ and fixed turret emplacements do not at all use the same model. Basically, the LR has a different turret and cannon models glued together, the turret just has its cannon and turret. So I can not make demolisher turrets, as blank turrets do not exist without a Leman Russ hull attached.

Space marines:
- Terminator Chaplain animations did not work with Flamer.
-Heavy Flamer for Terminator Captain. Animation errors.
-Autocannon for Terminator Captain. Animation errors.

Now just doing minor checkups and testing. 1.4 should be out early next week.

Post comment Comments
Predalienator - - 1,327 comments

Can't wait to see the Volkite FX :D

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

Unfortunately there are no new FXs only gun models.

The current version uses the ork zapp gun for the Volkite, but I changed it for the IG Hellgun because I think its better.

Rad launcher will use Apothecary acid/Nurgle plague green grenade FX.

Phosphor pistol will either use something eldar or plasma.
Grav guns will use the Zoanthrope psy blast, because its a big green blast.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
DwatchRazgriz - - 556 comments

Well Eldar are still useless it seems (this is from playtesting)...

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

Which version do you use? They tend to give me a lot of trouble with fire dragon/ dark reaper spam, but than again that's when I'm marines.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
DwatchRazgriz - - 556 comments

Latest version (the one that "buffed" Eldar)

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yaranaikANG - - 185 comments

Venerable Dreadnoughts very die hardly. They Unless you get overwhelming damage, Their HP will not be 0(Zero). It does not go down well at 12~20.

When I found the bugs, would you like to write it here like this?

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

Yes, thank you. I think that is an ability called stoicism for them, which makes them very hard to finish off.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
yaranaikANG - - 185 comments

But I checked, It is too long and invincible. Please Check it.
Incidentally, I have experimented All Venerable Dreadnoughts.
Of course, They only die unconditionally when they get overwhelming damage. like Orbital Bombardment, Empyreal Abyss, Eldritch Storm.

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

I checked it is ten seconds of invulnerable fight back time after death. I see no problem with this.

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yaranaikANG - - 185 comments

OK, I got it. Thank you for your opinion.

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yaranaikANG - - 185 comments

But I tried again, This bug occurs before death.
Sometimes HP does not go below a certain point.
It is not a problem of the shield.

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

How long does it last?

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yaranaikANG - - 185 comments

Based on the last comment when I wrote here, 1 hour ago
Please wait a moment. I will provide the data.

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yaranaikANG - - 185 comments

Especially, it is often the case when it appears as enemy.

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yaranaikANG - - 185 comments

Please look at this.

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

I dont see anything. If you linked anything it did not came through.

Just check how long does it last. How many seconds is the Dread invulnerable for?

Reply Good karma+2 votes
yaranaikANG - - 185 comments

When I played games, Occurs that a Venerable dreadnought comes up as an enemy .

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

It should occur when it dies, not when you first see it. Are you sure you were just not using the right weapons?

Only anti tank weapons can harm vehicles.

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yaranaikANG - - 185 comments

I almost used Heavy melee and Anti-Vehicle weapons.

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments


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yaranaikANG - - 185 comments

And decisively, The Venerable Dreadnought survived when it hit the orbital bomb ray.
But my Venerable Dreadnought died after normal operation.

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

That is odd and sounds like something more serious than a botched ability. Usually those affect both sides the same.

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saturn7 - - 8 comments

Thank you for the amazing mod!

Is it possible to change the game speed, like via console or somewhere in the files? Like setsimrate in the previous game?

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

The gamerate is unchanged, the unit movement speed has been altered to match the Marine's 60km/hour jog speed in the books.

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Khoran_Gutsplitter - - 1,389 comments

Some features i would like to suggest for the next update. This update already has made the mod much better than before and it just keeps on improving.

Catachan jungle fighters custom scheme from elite mod. Also the option to include the Ultwhe and Word bearers custom scheme from relic into the mod.

Pintle-mounted weapons for predators, Russ tanks and baneblade. Could be an alternative upgrade choice. Stormbolters for Predators and baneblades, heavy stubber for leman russ (if you can't then just add a stormbolter).

Chaos predators could come with a havoc launcher if the animations works.

Heavy flamer for sentinel and as alternative upgrade choice for the sponson-mounted weapons of the Russ tank.

Twin-linked blastmasters for the Chaos dreadnought as a MoS upgrade? If not twin-linked then a single blastmaster with a slightly larger AoE would work.

Plasma gun Wargear for the Lord general as a tier 2 upgrade that equips him and his retinue with plasma guns. doesn't grant any buffs to his troops, but he gains the plasma overcharge ability which can deal a tremendous amount of damage to heavily armored troops and vehicles when combined with his retinue.

Be sure to let me know what you think of these suggestions.

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

Catachans can be done. Ultwe and Word Bearers can be done if it is not the Relic one. Dow2 is abandonware but I don't want to tamper with DLCs, it is still on Steam sale.

All predators and RHinos already have pintle mounted storm/combi bolters. There is no such model for the Leman Russ or Baneblade.

There is no havoc launcher model.

There is no heavy flamer for sentinels I think, nor any option for LR sponsons.

There is no new Chaos Dread weaponry that I'm aware of.

I could try to give the General plasma guns though.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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