This mod is not monetised. I will not be doing any paid mods nor set up a patreon. This is not an official GW licensed product. I will also not pull the mod, and will keep it on the net since any takedowns would be without merit. This mod aims at modifying Dawn of War 2 Retribution to portray combat in a more lore-accurate manner. Prepare to find Space Marines as powerful as the books depict them, ork hordes in their hundreds, and dozens of Guard tanks shelling into an incoming tyranid horde!

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The updates of my mod. I cant post them in the descriptions, so I'll post them here.

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Changelogs , copied over from Relicnews:

-Chaos squads now have a maximum squad member number in accordance to the number of their gods.
Undivided/single member units are not effected by this.

-The FC now calls in the Librarian, the Chaplain, and the Techmarine at tier two for a cost with drop pods.
-Krak grenades, good against heavy infantry or light vehicles, are in.

-Chaos Terminators can upgrade to 1 Heavy flamer, 1 Reaper autocannon or Lightning claws for the whole squad.
-Assault Terminators start with Sarge and 4 Lightning claw ones, but can replace either all, or half of the claws for Thunder hammers.

-Eldar race in, based on the Codex Edition.
-Eldar now have Harlequins, Storm guardians, Swooping Hawks, Striking Scorpions, Dark Reapers ,Fire Dragons and Wave Serpents.

-Orks got a buildable Tier 2 Kommando Nob hero. The hero nob is replaced by the Weirdboy hero. Nob and Flash Gitz limit increased from 2 to 5.

-Space marine and Chaos and Eldar power weapons now are correctly listed as power weapon weapon type.
-When given the Hammer upgrade, the nobs now only get 3 hammers instead of all of them.

There is also a passive modifier bonus mechanic that my previous mod had, but I never quite explained . It was only there for marines and eldar, but I'm extending it for all factions in this edition.

Transhuman Shock: Astartes got increased melee and ranged damage resistance.

Grace : Eldar have ranged damage resistance.

Tuffness: This comes across as a good melee resistance, but reduced accuracy as orks are not known for their marksmanship.
Evilution: Tyranids dont have any such overall modifier. Their units got their unique traits.
Puny Earthlings: Humans have a small ranged damage resistance. However their aim is just mortal, which means they get an accuracy reduction. Not as bad as the ork one.
War born : Kriegers can not be suppressed.
Tyranids are modded in.
Tier 1 : Hormagants, Termagants, Warriors, Raveners and Tyrant Guard.
Tier 2 : Carnifex, Lictor, Hive Guard, Biowore, Zoanthrope and Genestealers.
Tier 3 : Warrior Alpha, Carnifex Alpha and Swarmlord.

New weapons :
-Barbed Strangler for Hive Tyrant at tier 2.
-Warriors, Alpha or normal, get 2 new Weapons.
Tier 1 :
Deathspitter - high damage anti infantry gun, area of effect, medium range.
Devourer - medium damage anti infantry gun, heavy suppression, medium range.
Tier 2 : venom cannon, Barbed strangler, Adrenal glands melee upgrade.
Barbed Strangler - Now all ten squad members get one.

-Manticore is now Tier 3 and Leman Russ tier 2.
-Krieg IG will not have scout sentinels, as it is open topped.
-Fc voice is now Angelos, not Diomedes. Dio may return as some other hero's voice.
-Predators are now tier 2, Dreadnoughts tier 3.
-Baneblade has a limit of 2. It fires its weapons as standard, but its abilities now fire an enhanced version. Demolisher clicky has a long fire range instead of the normal medium, while clicky baneblade cannon has a bigger area of effect.
-IG energy-armor tank mechanism appears broken. Could not fix it, so now IG armor simply increases HP permanently like any other armor upgrades the marines and orks have.

-Space marine and Chaos missile launchers can switch between frag and krak rockets like Sentinels can. Frags are good against light infantry hordes, Kraks against tanks and such.

-GK's Librarian is now a hero.


- Plague Lord lightning claws had been replaced with reaper autocannon to make him more different from the Khorne Lord.
- Plague Champion has a new plasma gun wargear. This is an additional 4th weapon option.
- Tzeentch sorcerer now has fireball staff that allows him to use the same fireballs as the Khorne lord. This is an additional 3tf weapon option at tier3.
- Nurgle Predators now fire bile orbs that explode in a large area. It functions like a plasma cannon, but with less damage but greater AOE.
- Rubric Marines are now randomized to 3 styles instead of only 1.
- Khorne berzerkers are now all individually randomized.


- Wargear has been made shinier using obscure in game models.
- Ironclad Dread HK missile attack is more potent now.
- Whirlwind missile damage increase.

-Increased repair rate for all.
-Breath of Nurgle heals better. It was only doing a little healing.
-Sm Apothecary advanced heal AOE fixed. It was making all space marines regenerate all health instantly.
-Sm and Chaos and some IG vehicles gain tank charge and smoke grenades. Land Raiders dont get tank charge, nor do Baneblades.

Alpha 1 Release :
-Unzip into Retribution main folder, click on Astartes.bat to launch the game with the mod.
-Otherwise , you'll be able to play normal Retribution by launching it normally.
-This is a dev mod alpha release, so it is not yet MP capable nor archived into SGAs, and there may be balance things I forgot yet.

-Devastator and Havoc additional marines cant be reinforced yet it seems.
-Avatar is too fragile for some reason.
-Black Templars are not in, Space marine 2nd commander is not modded yet.
-Krieg Guard is nto in yet, Imperial Guard 2nd commander is not modded yet.
-Tau are not in yet, Imperial Guard 3rd commander is not modded yet.

-Removed ork banner aura visuals from the warboss : having all orks a golden ring to stand in caused a LOAD of lag.
-Fixed Devil Dog and Hell Hound hull heavy bolters visuals, this time for real I hope.
-Tooltip error fixes.
-IG medikit now heals better.
-Commissar Legendary powerfist is now tier 2.
-Commissar normal powerfist (a bit redundant) is now replaced by a power sabre. Not as powerful as the other melee weapons, but it heals the commissar with each strike.

IG fixes:

-Ig hero armors now give bonuses that are more in line with mod standards.
-General's abilities now affect a large area of the map (Your entire army), in order to make up for his weak combat performance.
-IG grenade launchers received a bonus damage update.
-Catachans now got 5 knife and 5 grenade launcher members.

Krieg IG is modded in. Krieg General Hero replaces the Commissar lord, and can summon Krieg Commissar Lord and Inquisitior. He is pretty much the same as the IG commander, just with gasmask.

Krieg specifications:
-Karskin are replaced by Grenadiers. These are almost the same, save for their heavier, but slower firing hellguns.
-Catachans are replaced by Engineers. This squad has 8 shotgun and 2 grenade members, can get Sarge with melta, and can throw a toxic grenade.
-All Krieg units are immune to suppression.
-No Scout sentinels.
-Lower rate of fire and suppression but higher damage on lasguns/hellguns.
-No Veterans.
-Ogryns, Guardsmen, Heavy weapons teams and heroes just gain the Krieg looks, no other major change.

Thanks to Shuma for his free Krieg Guardsmen.

-Ig battlecannons now do slightly more damage at a larger area.

-Emperor's Champion is now a hero that your Chaplain can summon.

He has : Black sword, a very powerful melee weapon and a bolt pistol. Can switch the pistol for a Storm shield.
He can get Pneumatically enhanced or Bionics armor, Iron halo and unique Holy orbs of Antioch , a very powerful grenade.

Sm customisation upgrade:
-Force commander now has unique Blood Ravens, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Black Templars, Imperial fists, Ultramarines, White Scars and Iron Hands look. His standard look is now not the Blood raven one, but a generic captain one.
-Like Dark Angels and Black Templars, Imperial Fists now have unique unit graphics for most infantry.
-Added glow effect to SM power weapons.

Thanks to Sweet Beatrice, Shuma, Horus Heretic and the WOA team, Shadowninja, Uncle Anaesthesia, Hadrun and Konfi, I'll update some specific Chapters and Legions.

These will be Alfa Legion, Iron warriors, Death Guard, Emperor's Children, Thousand Sons, Night Lords, Word Eaters, Blood Angels and Space Wolves.

-Space Wolves, Blood Angels, World Eaters, Night Lords, Alpha Legion, Thousand Sons, Deathguard and Emperor's children special visuals added to wherever they were useful.
-Chaos weapons now have a chaos fx. Emperor's Children army powerswords have a unique look.
-New Scout weapons modded in : Flamers (2), melta gun (1), plasma gun(1), missile launcher(1), grenade launchers(for all).

Chaos Sorcerer now has a new Slaanesh style armor and sword.

The new sword is similar to the Warlock's Ethereal blade, and swaps the bolt pistol the sorcerer has to a melta pistol.
The Flame sword now replaces bolt pistol with plasma pistol.
The new armor allows the Sorcerer to unleash a series of sonic blasts, which are like 6 weaker blastmaster shots.

Chaos Raptors can now upgrade to have 4 chainaxes. This upgrade is incompatible with the 2 power fists one.

Chaos marines can now upgrade to chainswords. This upgrade does not work with Missile launcher, autocannon, lascannon and heavy bolter upgrades. They can still take Aspiring champion and a special weapon.

Tactical marines can now be changed to Crusader squads. This replaces the squad, and must be upgraded before any other upgrades are purchased.
Crusaders are 8 man squads with chainsword and bolt pistol. They can get sergeant and a Veteran with power sword. They can upgrade to 2 Power fists or 2 pair of lightning claws, or 4 power axes.
Assault marines can now upgrade to have 2 pairs of lighting claws, but this upgrade is incompatible with the 2 power fists one.

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