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Well this was fun. We got you guys good, didn't we? :P

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It has recently come to our attention that the makers of the upcoming live-action webseries "Freeman Chronicles" have violated copyright in regards to their artistic design choices.

In this video on the front page of their website, you can clearly see at the 2:00 mark that the concept art that is being used is extremely similar to our own Michael Tannock's HEV suit model. In fact, it is so similar that we are willing to bet that this cannot be a coincidence. We have contacted our lawyers, and they agree that this may very well constitute a severe breach of copyright. We have sent the Freeman Chronicles team a Cease and Desist warning, which has not been met with compliance. As you can see, their video has not been modified in any way to reflect the true origin of the HEV suit design. The Freeman Chronicles team does not have any intention of ever performing the requested modification of their content, and as such, the video still portrays the work as their own. In response to this serious disregard of our rights as originators of the HEV suit design in question, we have full intentions of pursuing legal action, as advised by our legal team.

Such blatant copyright violation cannot and will not be tolerated. With your support, we can win back our right to our own HEV design, so that what is fair, right, and just may remain so.

UPDATE: We have just been informed that the Freeman Chronicles team has followed up on our lawsuit with an accusation of conspiracy. We at the Hazard Course team will not stand for this, and consider this false accusation to be an open declaration of hostilities. This means war, people. Join us in the fight for our rights! We will fight this injustice to the end!

In the midst of all this unfortunate negativity, there is still some good news though! Although we prepare for an imminent legal battle unlike any we have ever faced as you read these words, we are still pleased to announce some positive developments on our side.

Specifically, we are very pleased to announce that our long-standing job opening for the position of Writer has been filled. Please give a warm welcome to Craig "Spaghetti" Spivack, who has recently joined our team as the official writer of the Black Mesa Hazard Course! He will be bringing depth to our new characters, and add flavor to a newly-reimagined Hazard Course that was, quite frankly, pretty boring in the original Half-Life (nostalgia aside, of course).

Here are some words from Craig:

"I'm really happy to be joining the Hazard Course team! My background is in screenwriting, but I find the interactivity of video games and their ability to not just tell a story but to deliver an experience very interesting. I'm looking forward to writing for the mod, and making it feel like much more than just a tutorial."

Good words! We're definitely excited.

One of the most amazing things to come out of this new addition to the team is our newfound realization that life has some really odd quirks, and works in very mysterious ways. After reading an early draft of a script that Craig wrote for us, I realized that he named two of the Hazard Course scientists after two of my old high school science teachers. After giving Craig a lengthy interrogation about this and possibly embarrassing him to the point of breaking down into a near-PTSD state, we found out that we actually went to the exact same high school! Some small world, huh? Crazy.

The world does indeed work in strange ways. As the drama unfolded during my interrogation of Craig's years of secondary education, a thought dawned on me as I pondered life. What would we do after we finish re-creating the Hazard Course for you all to enjoy? What would fill our burning need to create content for you, the community? Through hours of deep thought, I have come up with a revolutionary plan: Just as the Craig's-high-school-incident had expanded my mind to infinite proportions, so too shall the Hazard Course be infinitely expanded!

We are very proud to announce our brand-new plans for the development of several alternate editions of the Hazard Course after initial release, that we are codenaming "Hazard Course: Infinity". What is Infinity, you ask? Well here's the thing: There are so many variations that one can do with something even as simple as the Hazard Course, it's absolutely amazing.

Among the various editions that we can do under the Infinity project include the obvious ones, such as "Hazard Course: Barney's Training", a re-imagining of the Hazard Course from Blue Shift, or even "Hazard Course: Boot Camp", a re-imagining of my personal favorite, the USMC Boot Camp from Opposing Force. Of course, these are just some of the many possible variations on the theme of the Hazard Course. The possibilities are infinite!


Infinity is a very large number of possibilities, and as a community project, we don't want to disappoint. So if you feel that you have a great idea for us, send us suggestions for new Hazard Course editions in the comments below! As always, we are very open to community feedback. Hell, if you end up suggesting a Hazard Course: Seuss Edition, we won't mind! That's just one more step down the long road to Infinity!

Thank you guys for being such a great community. We understand that it's difficult to be excited about orange and gray dev textures, but we are making tons of progress. We only wish for more hours in a day, and more free weekends each month. Regardless, there is just so much to show you guys in the days to come! So sit tight, hang on, and enjoy the ride!

P.S. Happy (belated) Easter!

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 107)
Theevina - - 262 comments

I'm glad you're making progress.

(But I'm really confused about this copyright deal which seems to not make sense to me.)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments

April first, be careful what you believe even if it says it was posted on the 31st.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
NiiRubra - - 472 comments

Shhh, you're ruining it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
ChromeAngel - - 708 comments

*ahem* April fools! *ahem*

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Guest - - 693,813 comments

See our response at the freeman chronicles website. Absolute nonsense this claim is.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
[Tox(sic)] - - 344 comments

Oh my god.
Now THAT'S how to take a joke.
I'm honestly so proud.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
dky.tehkingd.u Author
dky.tehkingd.u - - 273 comments

An open accusation of conspiracy? Are you kidding?!

We will NOT tolerate the aggressive and provocative acts of the Freeman Chronicles team any longer!

Do you hear? There WILL be CONSEQUENCES!

Reply Good karma+3 votes
dky.tehkingd.u Author
dky.tehkingd.u - - 273 comments

Haha you guys are the best. :)

Reply Good karma+3 votes
*Don* - - 137 comments

This is silly. You should be flattered not upset.

You just gave Freeman Chronicles all sorts of publicity though, haha.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
notaclevername - - 522 comments

You guys are making mods, why not share the work you all do respectively? Just help them out if they can't fix it themselves.
edit stars here:
"Freeman Chronicles" oh is it a free web series? still come on. Law suits over modding is ridiculous. Plain ridiculous.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
TimeCrab - - 405 comments

April 1st dude

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
evan0605 - - 96 comments

Get over yourselves. Your a mod team making a free game with the hopes of being Greenlight, and they are a free webseries. Has Valve sued them yet b/c they are truly infringing on their copyright properties by doing a webseries on Gordon Freeman and Half-Life 1/2 universe, and doing a funding campaign? Really come on, just make your mod and move on. Is your mod and all related material even registered with the US Copyright Office?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+19 votes
WillIsBlack - - 658 comments

Some people just have a very increased FOS-i (Feeling of Self-importance). To be honestly, its not the first time, when developers of that mod act egoistic or very ignorant, like in the "Word of God Has Spoken" news, where one of developers on forum (Crypt) told everyone to shut the f*ck up about one thing people argued about (I know that arguing about this training level timeline is kinda stupid, but anyway, I dont think that you need to be so rude). Or when one of developers of this mod, attacked developers of mod about Alyx (I do not remember, what they argued about, but you can try to finde out yourself).

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FLAPJACKDAN - - 245 comments

It's an april fool joke you fool.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
nomendubium - - 459 comments

Not really sure why you guys are, being, you know, ********. I mean honestly? Think about work they've put into the project already, It's like what Hasbro did to the My Little Pony fan game "Fighting is Magic" Unless you have FULL proof of it being yours, why not contact them before sending them cease and Desist warnings. I mean, Valve could just shut you guys down right now if they wanted to.

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MorsTactica - - 108 comments

If you guys need a writer consultant/USMC expert, I'm your man.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
WillIsBlack - - 658 comments

And yeah, one another important thing. Do you guys played or at least seen PS2 version of Half-Life or played Decay or Half-Life series with High Definition Pack ? If not, look here : Or if you're very lazy, here : and here : . So, I want to ask, are you dumb or something ? Considering your words, we need to lawsuit VALVe and other modders, seriously, before judging someone, make a search or take a look. Just because you're making a remake of Training levels, are not making you or your project so super cool and very important, so only you can use HEV suit. Seriously, sorry, but this is just stupid.

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Muck_Sicky - - 80 comments

Doesn't valve own the rights to the HEV suit?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
WillIsBlack - - 658 comments

A link to the HEV suit page on Sector W is broken, but I hope this one will work : . And yeah, well, but even lets imagine (imagine) that they really copied it from your HEV suit (though as you can see, its just an HD version of High defenition and PS2 version of HEV), they're making FREE (!) Web series and you're making a small free mod, that is remake of training. Seriously, law suitting them, just because of that is so dumb. And lets imagine if Freeman Chronicles will be closed because of you. You want to be so infamous ? Cause I dont think that people wil be happy, that FREE half-life 2 web series got cancelled, becase of whiny developers of remake of HL series training levels.

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RageFace - - 18 comments

I hope that lawsuit is some kind of early April Fools joke.

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WillIsBlack - - 658 comments

I honestly have the same feeling. Well if so, its a bit fun and original I say, but if this is not a joke, well IMHO its very dumb.

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WillIsBlack - - 658 comments

The peron I replied to, got his comment and my reply deleted, but if you're curious what he said: he have a feeling that this is april fools joke (I honestly think so too).

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Cod_Fish - - 103 comments

Happy April fools to you guys too! :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
WillIsBlack - - 658 comments

Well, yeah, *clap clap* very nice april fools joke guys. I almost believed it, LOL

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
BlazeHedgehog - - 304 comments

I almost fell for it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Guest - - 693,813 comments

Same here. Then I saw the date.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
ares512 - - 2 comments

i hope its just an april fool

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
TheHyena - - 150 comments

this is an April fools joke right? i mean you guys can't be serious

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warbrand2 - - 392 comments

April first people.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Dman757 - - 267 comments

If this isn't an April fools joke I don't know what is.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Tatsur0 - - 1,068 comments

April fools anyone? It's got to be, otherwise... yeah :/

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Cybertrance - - 581 comments

You all are getting worked up over nothing....check the date of the news post...

April 1st?


Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
[FH]Gorgutz - - 286 comments

This is obviously an April Fool's joke, guys. :P

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
negifan - - 39 comments

Today's april fools isn't it?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Magic_Nipples - - 1,325 comments

Is all this infringement talk just a early April Fools joke?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
SnakeTheFox - - 379 comments

IN TODAYS COMMENT SECTION: Nobody notices the date.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
redrich - - 52 comments

And nobody gets the joke. Look at the date people. Seriously....

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Killer_Monkey - - 56 comments

The joke

Your heads

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
sam6321 - - 43 comments

I'm going to call this out as being an April fools joke, certainly the devs of this mod aren't actually this stupid.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
sam6321 - - 43 comments

Wait my comment was removed? HA! THIS IS AN APRIL FOOLS, I KNEW IT!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Gen_Rhys_Dallows - - 660 comments

*Looks at calender*

*Looks at comments*

Faith in humanity: -20,000pts

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Fallatus - - 2 comments

um... Is that copyright/gonnasuetheirassesoff thingy a joke?
Because it sounds kinda like a joke. Just wondering.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
SotaPoika - - 170 comments

I'm sure the Hazard Course team wins the case. I mean, it's obviously copied by Freeman's Chronicles!!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
DeepSpaceBass - - 13 comments

Uh....copyright on a mod?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Shiraishi - - 9 comments

Ha, I wonder how many mod trackers you lost for making such a stupid and frankly embarrasing decision to sue a non-profit fan series for similarities to your hev suit, when your hev suit isn't even that dissimilar to the original hl1 hev suit.

tl;dr Get over yourself or you'll lose more mod trackers

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
.RK - - 11 comments

I'm willing to bet that not a single person here has looked at today's date yet.

Too risky an April 1st in my opinion, it's seemed to whiplash on you

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Caiman - - 136 comments

this comment section is golden.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+21 votes
[Tox(sic)] - - 344 comments

I'm losing brain cells oh my god

Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
billyboob - - 297 comments

I almost don't want to spoil the fun by mentioning what's so funny. Really people. 14 serious comments + replies before anyone with half a brain decides to pipe up.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
pcworldsoftware - - 6 comments

They seem to be deleting comments from sane people.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
pcworldsoftware - - 6 comments

they delete sane (=unwanted) comments (two of mine have already been deleted)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
SnakeTheFox - - 379 comments

A few people have mentioned "it" but there's been a little "cropping" by the devs to keep the discussion "on track", if you uh... catch my... yeah.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
pcworldsoftware - - 6 comments

yup, they delete sane (=unwanted) comments (three of mine have already been deleted)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
pcworldsoftware - - 6 comments

huh, they're back now? :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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