Post news Report RSS The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 1.6

The latest version of the American Civil War Mod: Revived is ready for release to the public! After much hard work and committed effort on the part of myself, Matsuri5, and all the people who have helped us with development, a stable and improved version of the mod is here and ready for immediate combat deployment! This version includes new units, new map icons, new features, many fixes and much more! See the article below for a more detailed look at what is included in this latest release.

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ACWMR v1 6 preview pic

To all generals and officers currently in the field, the latest version of the American Civil War Mod: Revived is ready for a new public release! With this update comes new units, new uniforms, new hats, new map icons, new clothes for civilians, a visual update for the lords and troops of the Native American faction, the addition of community requested features as well as a few we added of our own accord, numerous bug fixes and tweaks, and most importantly, we have worked hard to make the mod much more stable and less prone to crashes. Continue reading below for a more detailed look at the major new stuff we have included in the mod, and a full changelog is included at the bottom of the page. A big thank you to our play testers, Pope_Innocent_III and 123darkelf, and of course our most humble gratitude is extended to the mod's co-developer, Matsuri5, for his tireless efforts in service of the ACWM:R project. We also want to thank theswan44 for allowing us to use some of his assets from his "New World 1521 Mod", as well as La Grandmaster and his team from the original "The Reckoning OSP". On behalf of the development team, we hope you all enjoy playing the mod as much as we enjoy building it for you all. Thank you for your continued support and good luck on the battlefield!

Full Version Download:

The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 1.6

Installation Instructions:

  1. Make sure you delete any previous versions of the mod.
  2. Download the winrar package called, "The American Civil War Mod Revived v1.6", to your desktop or another preferred destination that you can easily access.
  3. Open the package and extract the folder inside called, "The American Civil War Mod Revived", to your modules folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MountBlade Warband\Modules).
  4. Start Mount & Blade: Warband, select the mod from the drop down menu, and play!

Voice Commands Instructions (optional):

  1. First, you will need to download and install a program called "VoiceBot" from here: This program is for free and will be fully functional for this purpose. It can also be used for other games as well. There are some limitations to the free version, but nothing that prevents you from using and enjoying the program with this mod.
  2. After installing VoiceBot, you will need to import the voicebot profile that I included in the mod package. This can be done by going to the settings in the program and you will see a button for importing and exporting profiles. Extract the voicebot profile folder to the desktop or your preferred destination, click import in the voicebot program, find where you extracted the voicebot profile and import the profile inside of the folder. I have also included the sound files for the bugle calls, I'm not sure if the sounds will play in the program without them. The folder can simply be placed on the desktop for quick and easy reference.
  3. After the profile is imported, I strongly recommend you familiarize yourself with the commands, and if you prefer to use a different voice command to execute an order, you can change it to another word by editing the macro.
  4. You should also train your microphone to recognize your voice, if you haven't done so already, because VoiceBot relies on speech recognition software that is used for voice-to-text programs, so it may not always recognize your voice, especially if your computer has never heard your voice before.
  5. When using the program, it is possible to use a built in microphone, however a headset or a separate mic is preferred because it picks up your voice more clearly. You should also make sure there is as little background noise as possible so that it does not interfere with the microphone recognizing your words.
  6. You can press play to make the program start to listen and press pause to make it stop. You can easily alt+ tab in game to turn it off when you are not in combat or don't want to use it.
  7. For more detailed instructions on how to use the VoiceBot program, please refer to their website.

Main New Features:

New Units

The Iron Brigade

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The Iron Brigade, also known as The Black Hats, Black Hat Brigade, Iron Brigade of the West, and originally King's Wisconsin Brigade was an infantry brigade in the Union Army of the Potomac. Noted for its strong discipline, its unique uniform appearance and its tenacious fighting ability, the Iron Brigade suffered the highest percentage of casualties of any brigade in the war. It was a unique organization from the very first days because all the regiments were from states on the nation’s frontier and it was the only all Western infantry brigade in the Eastern armies. It was not until after Gettysburg that the sectional makeup of the unit was lost with the addition of Eastern regiments to reinforce and rebuild the brigade. As did many of the early Federal regiments, the units from Wisconsin and Indiana arrived at Washington D.C. in uniforms of state militia grey. In the coming weeks, the uniforms were slowly replaced. The uniform of the Iron Brigade differed some what to the standard uniform of the Union army at the time. It was designed to be more of a dress uniform that resembled a suit rather than the more common infantryman's kit. The Model 1858 Hardee dress hat made the best impression. It was a showy black felt affair, looped up on the side with a brass eagle and trimmed with an infantry-blue cord, black plume, brass infantry bugle, company letter and regimental numeral. The black hats made the tall Westerners look even taller, and subsequently made the brigade recognizable to friend and foe on both sides of the battle line. At Gettysburg, for example, in the very opening of the infantry fighting on July 1st, 1863, Confederates upon seeing them called out, “There are those damned Black Hats of the Army of the Potomac.”

In a series of changes ordered after McClellan stalled outside Richmond, the brigade was transferred to the newly formed Army of Virginia under Major General John Pope and began a series of marches in August 1862 in attempts to locate Confederate forces under Major General Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson, which had left Richmond and was operating in central Virginia. It was while marching quietly along the Warrenton Turnpike near the old battlefield of Bull Run that the brigade was attacked by Jackson’s troops in a battle the soldiers called Gainesville, but which is now known as Brawner’s Farm. The fighting began in late afternoon of August 28th, 1862, and resulted in a stand up battle at ranges of seventy yards, as both sides stood in an open field. The four regiments fought almost alone in the gathering darkness against elements of the Stonewall Brigade of the Confederate Army. It only ended when it became too dark to continue firing. The brigade's baptism of fire was staggering. In the 6th Wisconsin, 8 were killed, 61 wounded and 3 missing, with Colonel Cutler among the wounded. The losses in the other three regiments were worse. The Seventh Wisconsin lost 164 of 580; the Nineteenth Indiana, 210 of 423; the Second Wisconsin 276 out of 430. Initial reports showed more than one-third of the brigade, 725 men, were casualties. Major Rufus Dawes of the 6th Wisconsin wrote of the battle in his memoir: “Our one night's experience at Gainesville had eradicated our yearning for a fight. In our future history we will also be found ready but never again anxious."

In the days following the action at Gainesville, the brigade was also engaged in the battle of Second Bull Run and covered the retreat of the defeated army of John Pope. It was a few days later, September 14th, 1862, as the Federal forces followed the Confederate movement into Maryland, that the brigade fought up the National Road at South Mountain. Not long afterward, other soldiers in other regiments were not talking about a Western Brigade, or even a “Black Hat Brigade,” but an "Iron Brigade of the West." It became a mighty war name that would ring down through the decades to present times. But the mighty war name came with a great cost. At the battle of Antietam on September 17th, 1862, the Western men "fought more like demons than anything else until but 400 or 500 were left of the Brigade that had 2500 as good men as ever carried guns, but two months before," a veteran of the brigade recalled. The small four regiments were reinforced by the 24th Michigan after the savage fighting in the corn field. The brigade was engaged at Fredericksburg in December 1862, and again at Chancellorsville in May of 1863. Of course, it was at Gettysburg, on July 1st, 1863, that the Iron Brigade, now the 1st Brigade of the 1st Division of the I Army Corps, won a place in American military history and played a key role in the Union victory. Thrown into the fighting northwest of the town of Gettysburg to stall the first Confederate advance through Herbst's Woods, the brigade helped push back the Confederates in the morning and captured much of Brigadier General James J. Archer's brigade, including Archer himself. The 6th Wisconsin (along with 100 men of the brigade guard) are remembered for their famous charge on an unfinished railroad cut northwest of the town, where they captured the flag of the 2nd Mississippi and took hundreds of Confederate prisoners. However they were overwhelmed later in the day and forced to retreat through the town to the rally point on Cemetery Hill. It was the brigade’s staunch defense, however, that helped to allow the Federal army to consolidate on the high ground south of Gettysburg. It was that defensive position that was the key to the Union's success. It came at terrible cost to the Western men. Of the 1,883 men engaged in Pennsylvania, 1,153 were killed, wounded or missing. Nine of the brigade’s fourteen field officers were killed or wounded.

With the arrival of General Ulysses S. Grant at the Army of the Potomac, the fighting took on new meaning. It went on and on, day after day, in such places as the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, Cold Harbor, North Anna, and finally the new trenches around Petersburg, Virginia. The fighting continued in 1865 and it was apparent to the men in ranks of the Union army the end of the war was near. Finally, on April 1st, there was a sharp Union victory at Five Forks, Virginia, and the chase of the badly wounded Confederate Army of Northern Virginia began. It ended once and for all on April 9th, 1865. The men of the old Iron Brigade regiments were up at daylight with the others, moving along a railroad. Ahead could be heard artillery fire. The news passed back along the marching column that 20,000 rebels had surrendered, but the hard veterans shook their heads, saying it was too good to be true. Finally, the firing ahead stopped altogether and the brigade was told to make camp and that the men could erect their tents, which was something that had not been done in many days. In the distance, white flags could be seen hoisted from every tree and the word was passed that General Robert E. Lee wished for an interview with General Ulysses S. Grant. The hours passed slowly and quietly on that last day. Then, recalled a veteran of the Black Hats, “We saw an officer come riding down the lines, his horse wet and covered with lather. As he passed along we saw the boys’ caps went up in the air—the shout rang with cheers…. As he came in front of us, he shouted, ‘General Lee and army had surrendered to General Grant.’ Cheer—Oh, no! We yelled for joy for we know the war was ended.”

In the game, the Iron Brigade wear their distinctive black hats and long frock coats, and are an intimidating presence on the battlefield. They are strong, hardy soldiers, deserving of the role of an elite class. They carry Lorenz Rifles, which have lower accuracy at long distances compared the the more commonly used Springfield and Enfield rifles, but they perform well in medium to close engagements. The men who carry those rifles are good shooters and even better with the bayonet, making them a powerful unit to hold the center of a line, undertake dangerous maneuvers, counter strong enemy attacks, and take the leading role in any offensive operation.

14th Brooklyn "The Red Legged Devils"

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The 14th Regiment New York State Militia (also called the 14th Brooklyn Chasseurs) was a volunteer militia regiment from the city of Brooklyn, New York. The regiment was made up of a majority of abolitionists from the Brooklyn area. It was led first by Colonel Alfred M. Wood and later by Colonel Edward Brush Fowler. The 14th Brooklyn was involved in heavy fighting, including most major engagements of the Eastern Theater. Their engagements included the First and Second Battles of Bull Run, the Battle of Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, The Wilderness, and Spotsylvania Court House. During the war, the men of the 14th Brooklyn were well known by both armies and throughout the country for their hard drill, hard fighting, and constant refusal to stand down from a fight. During their three years of service they never withdrew from battle in disorderly fashion. At the First Battle of Bull Run, the 14th Brooklyn was assigned to the First Brigade, commanded by Colonel Andrew Porter, in Colonel David Hunter's Second Division in General Irwin McDowell's Army of Northeastern Virginia. The regiment was ordered up to Henry House Hill to reinforce the 1st Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment and the 11th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, the "Fire Zouaves". These regiments had been ordered to support two batteries of cannon under the command of Captains Charles Griffin and James B. Ricketts on the Union right flank. The 14th Brooklyn, the 11th New York, and the 1st Minnesota were placed into position by Major William Farquhar Barry, McDowell's chief of artillery, at the crest of Henry House Hill. They were ordered to hold their position and assault if the opportunity was there, but were under no circumstances to leave the guns to the Confederates.

Confusion soon erupted on the battlefield in front of them. Thinking the 33rd Virginia, clad in dark blue frock coats and dark blue trousers, were Union troops supporting the guns, Major Barry ordered Ricketts to hold his fire. This allowed the Virginians to charge the batteries and capture the guns. The 14th Brooklyn, however, rushed up the slope and drove the 33rd Virginia back, recapturing the two guns. The 14th then continued to fire into the left flank of Jackson's line, driving the 33rd Virginia back through the 2nd Virginia Infantry. Under the pressure from the 14th Brooklyn, a large portion of the 2nd Virginia joined the retreating 33rd Virginia and the left of Jackson's line began to collapse. However, Jackson ordered the 4th and 27th Virginia forward, which were joined by the 49th Virginia Infantry, two companies of the 2nd Mississippi Infantry, and the 6th North Carolina Infantry. In hand to hand combat, the 14th Brooklyn were driven back to the Manassas-Sudley Road, and Ricketts' battery and Griffin's two guns were captured. The 14th Brooklyn, the 69th New York Militia and the 11th New York would charge up Henry House Hill four times in an effort to recapture Ricketts' and Griffin's cannons. The other two regiments met with little success, but the 14th Brooklyn found gaps and weaknesses in the Confederate lines and exploited them. The 14th Brooklyn briefly took control of the two guns following one charge, only to be routed yet again by the Confederates. The constant charging of the 14th Brooklyn caught the eye of General Jackson himself. This is when he made his famous statement to his troops, "Hold On Boys! Here come those red legged devils again!", and with that, the regiment received its nickname the "Red Legged Devils".

While the 14th Brooklyn and 11th New York Volunteer Infantry were briefly in control of the two guns, the Louisiana Tigers advanced up the hill. The 14th and 11th fired upon the battalion from their superior position, causing significant losses. The Tigers then fired their own rifles, and the majority of the 14th fell to their knees. Encouraged by this, the Tigers dropped their rifles and took out their Bowie knives in an attempt to finish off the survivors. As the Tigers neared the crest of the hill, the 14th Brooklyn stood up. Though both the 14th Brooklyn and the Tigers, who had left their rifles at the bottom of the hill, were poorly trained and lacked real combat experience, a savage hand to hand fight began between the two units. Though the Tigers fought with ferocity and determination, the 14th Brooklyn had the superior field position and eventually the Tigers retreated back down the hill. This brief confrontation permanently made the 14th Brooklyn and the Tigers rivals. The efforts of the 14th Brooklyn, however, were in vain, and they were immediately flushed from the position yet again by a powerful Confederate counterattack. The two guns would not be retaken again. As the Confederates launched their strong counterattack, the Union army panicked and fled from the field.

At Second Bull Run the regiment again fought courageously, losing nearly 120 men. At Antietam, the 1st Division commanded by Brigadier General Abner Doubleday of the 1st Corps began their attack on the morning of September 17th, 1862 from the North Woods. According to a report from William Fox of the 107th New York, the brigade that composed of the 22nd New York, 24th New York, 30th New York, 14th Brooklyn, and the 2nd U.S. Sharpshooters, was the first to be called the "Eastern Iron Brigade" because of its brave fighting at South Mountain and Antietam. Colonel Rufus R. Dawes the commander of the Sixth Wisconsin later wrote in his book, 'Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers', "The Fourteenth Brooklyn Regiment, Red legged Devils, came into our line closing the awful gaps. Now is the pinch. Men and officers of New York and Wisconsin are fused into a common mass, in the frantic struggle to shoot fast. Everybody tears cartridges, loads, passes guns, or shoots." In the cornfield, the Eastern Iron Brigade followed the Western Iron Brigade into battle early in the morning. While the rest of Phelp's brigade fell back, the 14th Brooklyn held its ground along with elements of the 6th Wisconsin of the Black Hats. This effort combined into a mass of soldiers pushing the Confederates up to Dunker Church. These two regiments got further than any other Union Regiment during the attack in the cornfield. At Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville the 14th Brooklyn saw minor action during the major engagements. The regiment was held in reserve and then used for a series of reconnaissance missions to find and assault the Confederate forces in and around the area. It was during this campaign that the Brigade proved that they truly were the "Iron Brigade of the East". During Chancellorsville, the regiment saw a quick but highly deadly action alongside the Sixth Wisconsin at Fitz Hugh's Crossing. The 14th held the riverbank as the sixth Wisconsin attempted to cross the river in small wooden boats.

The 14th Brooklyn was the last regiment of the 2nd Brigade on the road to Gettysburg. The 2nd Brigade were the first Infantry units to fire their rifles and to set foot on the field July 1st, 1863. General John F. Reynolds rode up to the 2nd Brigade and urged them on to Gettysburg to support General John Buford's cavalry who were holding the Confederate forces at bay. The 14th dropped its packs on the Emmitsburg road and at the double quick, crossed the same field where General Pickett's men would make their famous charge on July 3rd. The 14th Brooklyn arrived at McPherson's Woods and halted the Confederate advance, until the 1st Brigade of the 1st division arrived. Once the Western Iron Brigade was deployed, Colonel E.B Fowler saw Confederate forces taking cover in an unfinished railroad cut to his right. He commanded his "Demi-Brigade" (14th Brooklyn & 95th NY Volunteer Infantry) across the field to meet and clear out Davis' Confederate Brigade. Held in reserve, the 6th Wisconsin was ordered into the cut to support the 14th Brookyln and the 95th NY Volunteers. Again the 14th and 6th were fighting side by side, as they did in earlier engagements. Into the cut the three regiments rushed, supporting each other equally on each other's flanks. One 14th Brooklyn soldier said of the Confederate defense of the railroad cut, "they fought with the ferocity of wildcats", and the fight became a brawl of hand to hand combat. The Confederates facing them finally realized their position was a death trap and surrendered themselves to Colonel E.B. Fowler, and handed their flags over to the 14th Brooklyn.

The Confederates were able to wheel artillery down and fire on the 14th's position in the railroad cut, and the 14th withdrew from the cut, through the town of Gettysburg, while the 11th corps came up to support the 1st corps so they could refit. The 14th Brooklyn had the honor of carrying General John F. Reynolds' body from the field, into the town of Gettysburg. The regiment continued to fight for the remainder of the battle of Gettysburg, on Culp's Hill on the right flank of the Union army. They were called up to support General Greene who was losing his position to superior numbers. The 14th Brooklyn fought two days up there, and Greene later credited the 14th for helping save the entire Union army by saving the flank. The 14th Brooklyn was called back up the hill after this action, being relieved by the 137th New York. They were there long enough to eat some food and then were immediately sent back down the hill to support the flank once again. Colonel Fowler wrote that when the men entered the trenches, "they did so without a shout, and the regiment remained there until their ammunition was all but exhausted." He also recounted the casualties taken within the trenches were light but that the colors, which rose above the works, were riddled with bullets, and the staff of the state flag was shot through.

The 14th Brooklyn fought for another year, through the Wilderness campaign and Spotsylvania. They finally mustered out in May 1864. The recruits who signed up and joined the regiment in 1862 were moved over to the 5th New York Veteran Volunteer Infantry Regiment. However, the recruits who went over to the 5th New York Veterans (Duryee's Zouaves) wore their 14th Brooklyn uniforms and formed their own company in the 5th. The regiment mustered out at Fulton Ferry on the 25th of May, 1864 to huge crowds who welcomed the regiment home after three years of service. During its time in the war, the regiment sustained 717 casualties, nearly 41% of its men.

In the game, the 14th Brooklyn are an elite zouave unit, dressed in their distinctive chasseur style uniforms, and equipped with Pattern 1853 Enfield Rifle Muskets. They are proficient riflemen, and the effectiveness of their rifles at distances make them formidable in stand up fights. They are also strong melee fighters and can go toe to toe with some of the strongest units in the Confederate army.

39th New York Volunteer Infantry "Garibaldi Guard"

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The 39th New York Infantry Regiment, known as the "Garibaldi Guard" after the Italian revolutionary, Giuseppe Garibaldi, was raised by the Union Defense Committee under special authority from the War Department, and was organized and recruited at New York City. Frederick George D’Utassy, would be elected colonel of the regiment despite his somewhat shadowy past. It would not take long for the men of the Garibaldi Guard to realize that they were being commanded by one of the most outrageous, thieving, rogues ever to wear the uniform of the Federal armies. Initially, the regiment was divided into eleven companies of men of different national heritage: three German, three Hungarian, one Swiss, one Italian, one French, one Spanish, and one Portuguese. On May 31st, 1863, the regiment was consolidated into four companies: A, B, C and D. The regiment expanded as new companies were recruited in the field. On December 8th, 1863, Company E was added; on December 14th, 1863, Company F joined. On December 19th, 1863, Company G was added; and on December 30th, 1863 Company H joined. Companies I and K joined in January, 1864.

In April, 1862, the division was assigned to General Fremont's command and joined his forces May 11th, taking part in the engagements near Strasburg and at Cross Keys. On June 26th, the 39th was assigned to the 1st brigade, 3rd division, 2nd corps of the Army of the Potomac, under General Pope, and encamped at Middletown, Virginia, during July and August. The regiment shared in the disaster at Harper's Ferry in September 15th, 1862, and in the surrender, 530 of its members fell into the hands of the enemy, but were paroled and proceeded to Camp Douglas, Chicago. They were exchanged in November, returned to Washington, D.C. and established winter quarters at Centerville. In June, 1863, the regiment became part of the 3rd brigade, 3rd division, 2nd corps, and moved to Gettysburg, where it fought valiantly in the front of the left center of the Union line, with a loss of 95 killed and wounded, and the 3rd brigade as a whole losing six field officers killed or seriously wounded. Three battle flags were captured by the 39th, a Massachusetts battery was recaptured, and the regiment received official commendation for its valor. The monument to the 39th that stands today at the Gettysburg battlefield reads, "This Regiment at about 7 o’clock P.M. July 2nd 1863 being ordered to support General Sickles’ line charged and drove the enemy recapturing the Guns and equipment of Battery I, 5th U.S. Artillery. A stone tablet marks the place where this incident occurred. This regiment (composed of 4 companies) held this position July 2nd and 3rd 1863".

After the battle of Gettysburg, the Garibaldi Guards moved southward with the army, and the regiment encountered the Confederates at Auburn Ford and Bristoe Station in October, participated in the Mine Run campaign, and went into winter quarters at Brandy Station. In February 1864, the regiment was active at Morton's Ford, was assigned in March to the 3rd brigade, 1st division, 2nd corps, and shared in the Wilderness campaign, being engaged at the Wilderness, Todd's tavern, the Po river, Spotsylvania Court House, North Anna, Totopotomoy and Cold Harbor. On June 25th, 1864, the original members who had not reenlisted, were mustered out at New York City, and the remainder of the regiment was left in the field and moved with the Army of the Potomac to Petersburg. Seven companies, known as the 39th battalion, were assigned to the consolidated brigade, 2nd corps, and were engaged at Petersburg, Deep Bottom, Reams' Station, Hatcher's Run, White Oak Ridge, and in the final assault on the Petersburg fortifications on April 2nd, 1865. The battalion then joined in the pursuit of Lee's army and performed various routine duties in the vicinity of Richmond until July 1st, 1865, when it was mustered out at Alexandria. During its period of service, 5 officers and 62 enlisted men were killed in action; 3 officers and 49 enlisted men died of wounds received in action; 1 officer and 158 enlisted men died of disease and other causes. In total, 278 men, including 9 officers and 269 enlistees, died while in service in the regiment. Of those, 1 officer and 99 enlisted men died while captured by the Rebel army.

In the game, the Garibaldi Guards wear a distinctive dark blue uniform, with red facings and a stripe down their trousers of the same color. They wear a black hat with a green plume, and carry Springfield Model 1842 Smoothbore Muskets as their primary weapon. The short range and poor accuracy of the muskets at long distances make the unit more suitable for close engagements. The men of the Guard can unleash deadly volleys into the closed ranks of the enemy, and move in with their bayonets for ferocious charges.

Thomasville Zouaves

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Information on the Thomasville Zouaves is elusive, but this is what I was able to gather in my research.

The 29th Georgia Infantry Regiment, organized at Big Shanty, Georgia during the summer of 1861, contained men from Thomas, Berrien, Tift, Stephens, and Dougherty counties. For a time, companies A and G served as heavy artillerists in the Savannah area and the rest of the command was at Charleston. It then was assigned to General Wilson's, C.H. Stevens', and H.R. Jackson's Brigade, and in September, 1863, was consolidated with the 30th Regiment. The unit participated in the difficult campaigns of the Army of Tennessee from Chickamauga to Atlanta, endured Hood's winter operations in Tennessee, and fought at Bentonville. In December, 1863, the 29th/30th totaled 341 men and 195 arms, but few surrendered on April 26th, 1865.

In the game, the Thomasville Zouaves wear a uniform distinct among the Confederate army, and are equipped with a variety of rifle muskets, from European imports, Confederate manufactured arms, as well as captured Union Springfields. They are a strong and effective zouave unit that stands out visually from other zouaves in the ranks of the Confederacy, and serves well as part of a firing line. They are capable melee fighters as well, but do not match up to the same proficiency as other, more elite units on both sides.

New Uniforms

Hampton's Legion Cavalry

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Hampton's Legion Cavalry has recieved uniforms that truly reflect their historical counterparts, and no longer look like the other generic cavalry units.

New Texas Lancer Uniforms

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These uniforms will only be available until the "experienced" level of veterancy. The next upgrades will use generic Confederate cavalry uniforms to reflect the shortage of supplies towards the end of the war, and the difficulty the Confederacy had in equipping their soldiers properly.

Union State Militia

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Notice the soldiers wearing a uniform with dark blue trousers. This is a new uniform variation for the Union State Militia. You will also notice some soldiers wearing the model 1839 wheel forage cap; a leftover from the Mexican-American war, that remained popular with soldiers early on in the war.

Confederate State Militia/Home Guard/Volunteer Recruits

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The model 1839 wheel forage cap can be more clearly seen here, as well as the new Confederate grey kepi, being worn by the soldier with the red blanket roll. The new forage cap will still be worn by some Confederate volunteer, regular, and reserve soldiers up to the veterancy level of, "experienced".

Native American Warriors

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The heads of Native American troops will still have a pale skin color, because the alternatives would require that all troops share a very similar facial appearance, or there would need to a separate "head" headgear, which would really make them all look the same.

Cavalry Guidons and a New Confederate Battle Flag

Union Cavalry Guidons

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Union cavalry guidons will only use generic regimental colors, it will not refer to any specific units. This will likely change in the future, with the addition of more flags.

Confederate Cavalry Guidons

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Confederate cavalry guidons will have both the typical swallow tail shape, as can be seen on the flag on the left, and also a normal, rectangular shape, as can be seen on the right. Confederate regimental guidons will include the flags of several unique regiments.

Be sure to look at the end of the upgrade tree for all cavalry and mounted infantry units, they will all have guidon bearers. Some of the special units, Forrest's Cavalry and Terry's Texas Rangers, for example, will also have their own specific guidon.

Alabama Battle Flag

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This flag has been added to the inventories of Confederate Volunteers, Regulars, and Reserves, as a depiction of a generic Alabama battle flag. It will be given at random to the flag bearers, in the same way the other flags are. You can also see the soldier on the left of the flag bearer wearing one of the new Confederate hats that has a folded brim in the front.

New Map Icons

New Town and Village Icons

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Notice that places like Petersburg, are actually considered forts in the game, however since they are not forts in real life, their map icons are an icon for a small town. These will be more easily recognizable in game when compared to large cities, like Richmond, so there is less confusion about which locations are forts and which are actual cities.

New Alternate Fort Icon

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Some forts will use the wooden fort icon from native, however some will also have a new icon, as can be seen in the above example.

New Native American Tipi Icons

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Native American towns, forts, and villages will all have tipi icons, and they will each have a different amount of tipis and their own textures, to make it more clear to distinguish between them. However there is a curious problem where sometimes, the village icons change into the American farm icon when loading a previous save, so just be aware of that. We have yet to identify the source of this issue.

Full Changelog:

  • Union Garibaldi Guard, 14th Brooklyn and Iron Brigade units added.
  • Confederate Thomasville Zouaves unit added.
  • New map icons for locations and parties.
  • New uniforms for Confederate Hampton's Legion Cavalry.
  • New uniforms for early tier Texas lancers.
  • New uniform variants for Union State Militia.
  • New Confederate infantry and cavalry sergeant uniforms.
  • New Confederate grey kepi.
  • Model 1839 wheel forage cap added to early tier Union and Confederate units.
  • New Confederate hats with the brim folded up in the front.
  • New clothing for civilians, including new dresses for females.
  • New clothing and weapons for Native American faction.
  • New horses for Native Americans.
  • New scene backgrounds.
  • New Union cavalry sergeant uniform.
  • Confederate mounted infantry uniforms given proper CSA belt buckles.
  • Guidon bearers added to both Union and Confederate cavalry/mounted infantry.
  • New Confederate battle flag for Hilliard's Alabama Legion.
  • New hair and beards to replace some of the visibly medieval/nordic/khergit styles.
  • Bare feet models fixed, no more floating feet.
  • The color of cavalry boots has been darkened.
  • Some more village scenes have been given a visual update and their entry points fixed.
  • Battle continuation added, orders can still be given after being knocked out with the backspace key, however the camera is fixed on the spot where you die. A moving camera requires module system and will need to wait. It is also possible to use ctrl + E with editor mode activated to get a moving camera. However orders cannot be given while moving the camera in edit mode.
  • Option to force companions to stay in the party added. "We hang deserters in this army".
  • Recruits in villages now change depending on faction ownership.
  • Players can now control the AI's soldiers in battle, without needing to be the chief of staff (marshall). No more wasted lives and battles lost due to the incompetence of automated generals.
  • Player is able to recruit maximum 20 soldiers from the start of the game, instead of the default 7. Helps cut down the need to travel long distances, village to village, just to recruit enough new soldiers to fill up your ranks.
  • Increased the default size of AI armies.
  • BRF's have been split to ease the strain on the mod, and should result in better performance.
  • Firearms skill increased for all cavalry units so they are more effective when using their revolvers.
  • Berdan's Sharpshooters accuracy increased to be more effective at long range.
  • Changed facial appearance of Native American leaders. Placeholders, not meant to be accurate depictions of reality.
  • Union prison guards were wearing Berdan's Sharpshooters uniform. These have been replaced with Union infantry corporal uniforms.
  • Tower cavalry carbine removed from markets and Confederate inventories. There is a severe problem with texture.
  • Duryee's Zouave's uniform updated. Sash color changed from blue to red.
  • Sergeant uniform added to Duryee's Zouave's color guards.
  • Straps added to canteens and cartidge boxes on zouave uniforms that were missing this.
  • The companion, "Trip", has had his agility and riding skills increased by one, to allow him to ride horses immediately upon recruitment. His starting sword has also been replaced.
  • Officer's saber fixed, now disappears when drawn.
  • Removed sledgehammer from markets, they were far too common, no matter how much I reduced their market availability.
  • Invalid objects in scenes removed wherever they have been found. This will continue until all are found and deleted.
  • Ladie's names updated to be more Americanized, instead of their original names from native.
  • Native American ladies have had their names changed from default khergit names, to be more appropriate to the culture.
  • New props added to the Nashville merchant's house to give it more life.
  • New trident model for pitchforks.
  • The one Confederate cavalry uniform that had 45 armor has been fixed, and lowered to 14.
  • Starting inventory fixed, no more medieval items.
  • New names for books.
  • Camp follower tree updated to be "Battlefield Nurse/Surgeon/Doctor". Weapons and clothing changed as well.
  • Clothing for travellers, poets, and ransom brokers updated.
  • Female tavern keepers given new dresses.
  • Pretender's clothing and weapons changed.
  • Increased the abundance of officer's uniforms in markets.
  • Minor dialogue fixes/adjustments. (Some of the dialogue is completely messed up and we have not yet found the source of the problem.)
  • Bugle call for cavalry to move at the gallop has been reduced in volume. This was much too loud.
  • New alternate voice command for fire at will that comes without the bugle call, to help avoid overlapping sound effects. This is activated by the command "light 'em up". This, of course, can be changed as the player sees fit.
  • Cavalry voice commands were missing quick access to the spread out order. This has been fixed by changing the command word for the order, "spread out (cavalry)", to "troopers disperse", and adding a new command to the formation orders category called "disperse (cavalry)", and the command word was set to "disperse". With this change, you can give the order to cavalry to spread out with their bugle call as soon as you select them, by just saying the word, "disperse", rather than only being able to do so through the formation orders menu. To avoid repeating the bugle call sound, use the alternate command word, "spread out", to give the same order without the sound file attached.

That's all for now! Thank you for playing the mod and if you experience any problems, do not hesitate to leave a comment below, on the mod's front page, in the forums, or on our discord.

Keep your heads down and your powder dry, and when in doubt, give them the bayonet!

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Post comment Comments
7ty7 - - 786 comments

A great read, might have to take up M%B again for a bit and try this out. Thanks for making it!

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

I'm glad you enjoyed the article, I did my best to make it interesting for the readers. :)

We made a big effort to play test the mod and make sure there weren't any problems before release, so fingers crossed that it works now! Please feel free to let me know if you encounter any significant problems, like consistent crashes or very obvious things that are out of place with units or scenes.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
thomasje - - 17 comments

it was in my first save of the mod and in a second battle against renegade confederates, the game just closed, there was no visual bug, no pop-up error, everything was going well. does the mod ask for any configuration in the game or the hardware specifies in its current state?

I know it's still in development, but I'm sure it will be fantastic.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

There are a few things I can recommend that might help you, but we haven't yet nailed down the source of the random crashes.

First, delete all of the mod's files and make a fresh installation of the latest version of the mod. This alone could potentially do the trick.

Another thing to try is to go into module.ini and put a # in front of the entry called, "load_resource = terrain_borders_b". This entry might be conflicting with another one in there under the same name.

If that fails, try lowering the amount of soldiers in game, as well as some of the other visual settings, and make sure you have no demanding background processes running. You can also look under your main Warband folder for a file called, "rgl_log.txt", and at the bottom of that file it will tell you what were the last things going on before the game crashed.

Sorry about the crashes, we seem to have hit a weird snag because some people get crashes and others have no problem or very few. But the crashes seem to all be under similar circumstances, so that is at least a clue in the right direction. Anyway, let me know if anything works for you, and we'll keep working on it.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
gilgamesh912 - - 273 comments

Looks really sweet, good old days

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Thank you! I hope you have lots of fun playing the mod. :D

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Fucking-Qapla - - 390 comments

Keeps crashing for me every time I enter a battle scene

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Hey, I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with mod.

Do you experience crashes immediately upon entering every battle? What are the circumstances surrounding the crashes? (Who are you attacking, how large are the battles, what is your army composition, etc.) We have noticed that sometimes there are crashes for people when attacking mule trains, however during play testing, we didn't have any problems with the mod crashing every time the player enters a battle scene. So this seems to be a new problem, and the source could potentially be somewhere on your end. Please try to play multiple battles and see if the problem persists, and you can let me know how it goes.

Another possibility, though I'm sure you've already considered this, but just to double check, do you have enough space on your computer and good specs to handle M&B: WB? If we can narrow down the possibilities, we can likely identify the source of the problem more easily.

Thank you for playing the mod, and I hope we can get it working for you soon!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Fucking-Qapla - - 390 comments

I have plenty of space and good enough specs to run Bannerlord on max settings, but yeah I will test it with another battle right now

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Fucking-Qapla - - 390 comments

Yeah so I tried going to battle with another general, and another, and another. I am still crashing and I have no idea why. I've never crashed before in a Warband mod during a battle.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

That's really strange. It's immediately when you enter a battle it just crashes to desktop? Do you get an error report, or does it crash without anything popping up?

I'm not entirely certain that there is a problem with the mod itself, because I am receiving reports from players who say they have no crashes at all, so there must be something else going on besides a simple mistake somewhere within the files. Try to make a fresh installation of the mod. Delete all the files associated with the mod, and then reinstall it. If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll keep trying to troubleshoot it with you.

Please forgive me, I am not yet a master wizard of this sorcery called modding. XD

EDIT: A possible solution to crashes in battle: in module.ini there is an entry called, "load_resource = terrain_borders_b". This needs a # in front of it because there is another entry called, "load_mod_resource = terrain_borders_b", so they are probably conflicting and this might be causing crashes.

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Hammerfall0110 - - 4 comments

Hey! kudos to you and the team for making such as a wonderful mod.
But might I ask: Do you have a plan for merging the other factions?
because i find it very confusing that in my previous playthrough,
the confederates are fighting their fellow confederates.. I dont think its a bug or what. Not also them, but the union too. Just like make it 3 factions (Union,Confederates and Plains Indians).

EDIT: i mean no harm of what i said, its just my opinion. Peace!

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Hello, and thank you! Glad you like the mod, we all put a lot of heart and soul into it. :)

I actually responded to your other comment about the same topic. I meant no offense either, I hope you find the explanation acceptable.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, the factions don't go to war with each other anymore. That has been fixed since the previous versions of the mod.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Hammerfall0110 - - 4 comments

thank you man.. you the man

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BismarckUK - - 3 comments

Hey buddy, fantastic work! Thank you so much for your effort.
Been dying to play something CW themed single player since the CW mods for N:TW

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Thank you! All of us who work on the mod love every one of you out there who play and enjoy it. Support from people like you and others is invaluable and helps keep this project alive, and making progress. We are as passionate about making a Civil War singe player experience, as all of you who have wished to see it happen. After all, we are gamers ourselves who wanted to see this made, we just took it upon ourselves to see it done! :D

Have fun, enjoy the mod! :)

(p.s. I also love the CW mod for N:TW. I wish it had a single player campaign, since the one for E:TW had a fantastic campaign, but it has problems with crashing in battles as well. Is there some kind of Civil War Mod curse? )

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Kawoos - - 3,252 comments

Congratulations for the new release :)

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Thank you Kawoos! Always nice to hear from you, my friend. :)

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TheMightyRotz - - 131 comments

You did it again! ^^
It's really great to see this mod getting updated. It seems, that you're taking everything about the mod very seriously. Even the articles are great to read.
Thank you so much!

I haven't encountered any major problems with the update so far and the additions are really great.
The symbol on the Iron Brigade's hats is looking a little strange in this black square at the moment, but that's just something minor.

Keep up the great work!

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Hey Rotz! Glad to see you're still having a good time with the mod, and that this version is working out for you too. I've noticed the black square on the hat as well, I'm going to see what I can do to make it blend in better.

Thank you for playing and giving some feedback. Take care!

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Guest - - 693,794 comments

I love this mod! Especially since it has the command to dictate volleys, which is a must have for a game like this and gunpowder weapons. So one thing, I know that it's impossible for the Union/CSA factions devolving into infighting, as in, declaring war on themselves, but is it possible to make them unable to make peace? It feels weird to have one army fight, and another one not.

Also, is there any hope to get artillery in the game? Since artillery was a big deal in this war.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 755 comments

Thank you so much for your feedback, it's really appreciated! It's great to hear you're loving the mod, and the fire orders are definitely something we are happy ourselves to have been able to include in the mod.

I don't think I can stop the factions from making peace, but they don't tend to stay at peace for very long anyway. Their relations are very bad by default, the AI is basically just resting for the next fight whenever they sign a truce.

Artillery is something we really want to introduce to the mod, but we are not ready for that yet. It's a big task and we still have other things we want to iron out before we move on to another big feature.

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LordofCrnobyl - - 21 comments

new version of this mod include freelancer mod?

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Guest - - 693,794 comments

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