Report Did you take action and protest SOPA / PIPA

Poll started by INtense! with 5,700 votes and 87 comments. Browse the poll archive.


(3224 votes)Yes I did


(703 votes)No I didn't


(868 votes)I don't know how


(905 votes)I cannot

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INtense! Creator
INtense! - - 4,098 comments

We've posted our thoughts here:

Reply Good karma+15 votes
DIDHOT - - 531 comments

do you think we can win this, sir?
i hope, yes. but i think it's all about money. can our voices be heard by them, and make 'em change their minds?

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Also_known_as_Peter - - 1,400 comments

If we don't then it not only will be the end of the Internet as we know it but also a staging set for groups like Anonymous to begin even more terrible activist acts...and for the first time in my life I would have to agree with them.

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TheUnabridgedGamer - - 1,671 comments

Aye, but at what cost would it take for ANON to bring it back? I also openly protested on my blog and spoke to people about it, but ANON's approach sometimes leaves me questioning their tactics. If they're activists, why haven't they done something like hack games like Bioshock so we could mod them? I'd much prefer that, or them to hack Halo 3 so it works on PC. Something that adds rather than just takes away something. An eye for an eye just leaves the world blind.

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wazzaBlues - - 92 comments

the things you are suggesting are not as easy as they sound though. For example: To make halo 3 playable on pc you'd have to make an emulator + your pc needs to run it.

Making modding tools from someone else's coding is also quite unpredictable/hard.

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TheUnabridgedGamer - - 1,671 comments

Not everything in life worth doing is easy.

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NapoleonII - - 127 comments

We can! And we will!!!

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Sanguinius - - 5,719 comments

I signed countless petitions and other stuff, but if that does not work i guess only thing left to do is to kill the bastard who proposed the bill. Internet is like my second family, and no one can mess with my family. I won't be surprised if someone actually kill the idiot.

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LonelyKnightess - - 841 comments

ScientistSalarian 5secs ago says:
ACTA just got signed in the US and most of europe.

Gentlemen, it is an honor.

May god help us all.

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justgoaway - - 8,208 comments

Well, I joined petitions, made rage comments, spreaded information to my friends. Even my Moddb profile is on protest state.

I think that I was never so much connected to some movement/protest before...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+16 votes
*Don* - - 137 comments

We are living in the wild wests days of the internet. It was only a matter of time before the internet police showed up.

With all of the piracy going on, its really no surprize something would happen. While I do not support piracy, I certainly do not support censorship.

I do laugh when people talk about corperate greed and "all they care about is money". Freedom of speech is what we all want, in America we also have a free market. So the same rights which represent us and our rights to a free internet also give them the right to protect their assets.

TL:DR - SOPA & PIPA crashed the party because a couple under aged kids got drunk.

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SIGILL - - 1,157 comments

I don't support piracy either, I laughed at all the people freaking out over The Pirate Bay getting blocked by two ISPs over here. I couldn't care less, the fact that it is some kind of censorship still made me kind of mad though.

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Cpt.Dann - - 6,959 comments

Free the internet! How will I survive without porn!?! D:

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TheUnabridgedGamer - - 1,671 comments

...Really not helping our case.

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Kyou. - - 920 comments


No I didn't~

Reply Good karma Bad karma-15 votes
macacos2 - - 525 comments


Where's the "I'm indifferent" option?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-15 votes
Conchobhar - - 460 comments


It's the same club as the "bendovernjusttakeit" club.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+38 votes
macacos2 - - 525 comments

Not being an american citizen nor having to depend on the internet to live through the day are more than enough reason to keep me indifferent about this whole thing. It's not like if I could do much even if I cared.

There's absolutely no need to name your guilds of preference, my good sir, specially when you could be using that precious time to pester your senators over the phone and urge them to not support the bills.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
Jeffman12 - - 1,475 comments

You might not be able to do much, but don't act like this doesn't affect you. Nobody will come away from this for the better if these bills happen except the rich ******** trying to pass it, not like they need the extra money. The least you could do is make sure everyone you know knows about it and tell them to do the same.

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Bäver33 - - 468 comments

It will affect anyone visiting US based websites and also companies based in the US, therefore even if you don't live there but use eg. Google, facebook, any site with the endings of .net or .com you will see changes. This might just be a start on a "normalization" of censorship in western more "democratic" countries.

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Pyryp - - 52 comments

Assuming you are european you should read up on ACTA.

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BluishGreenPro - - 534 comments

I'm doing what I can to spread the word, but I can't exactly call any congressmen from Canada...

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asvigny - - 485 comments

Yeah as a Canadian myself I am outraged by this course of action taken by the American Government but there isn't much I can do.

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Garyn Dakari
Garyn Dakari - - 1,508 comments

I've told pretty much all my friends, made long rants, sent PMs, and probably just for the 18th, I've altered my profile page here on Moddb.

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ice_trey - - 1,106 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
TheJP3372 - - 791 comments

Dam, it's gonna be like china how almost everything isn't accessible :0

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
^Namaekeks - - 166 comments

Can i do something out of Germany??

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
Spartan0536 - - 61 comments

Read up on it, discussed it, and spread the word, if that is considered protesting. I do NOT support PIPA or SOPA, both are a violation of the 1st Amendment in the United States in principal, the only groups that win with PIPA/SOPA are the ones with tons of money and unlimited unscrupulous lawyers who twist words to line their own pockets. I also DO NOT support piracy, I spend over 500 USD a year on games and about the same on some system upgrades or add-on content for them if its good enough.

If you want to try and censor me, you can speak to the barrels of my guns first, they speak quite loudly and get their point across REAL QUICK.

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luqadoo - - 147 comments

I like the gun part. And the buy stuff part.

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VGames - - 3,973 comments

Same here.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Maxen1416 - - 5,558 comments

Yes I did, YES I did.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments

Didn't (yet), will do

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Kasumi Krystal
Kasumi Krystal - - 1,446 comments

I want to enter every protest there is.
Nobody, and i repeat >NOBODY< has the right to declare himself as the owner of the internet.

I can't enter in most of them thou as i live outside of the US.
But if theres some protest that i can join , its impossible cause im already a part of it.

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Suduki - - 49 comments


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Reborn:X - - 3,456 comments

I did take action.

Signed various petitions & helped to spread the word.

Never did the world saw such a widespread cyber-protest.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Eylam - - 83 comments

While I do not live in USA I still signed petitions and told my friends to do so as well. Also made sure other people in my country are aware of this because it affects all the world in my opinion and some old farts who have no idea how internet works can not have this kind of power over it!

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NeighborlyNinja - - 325 comments

We're smarter than them. We can find work-arounds and loopholes, have faith my friend in the power of many over the few. They will never completely destroy us.

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meiemarek - - 11 comments

They not only have idea how internet works but they also have retarded patriotic understanding.

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Iusecomputer - - 144 comments

Did what I could with emails and polls. Being a Canadian citezen i'm not 100% certain that SOPA would have affected me as much as it would down south, but nothing good could have come from it.

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ApornasPlanet - - 4,121 comments

Big up to all who protests! Living in Sweden there's nothing I can do to support you even though this will affect us europeans as well.

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T-braze - - 98 comments


I don't care.
No internet - no problems. (:

Reply Good karma Bad karma-26 votes
ghost_rider - - 211 comments

That must be why you have a MOD DB account then

Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
TrashCan-Man23 - - 683 comments

Participated with this one website - Demand Progress - to help protest SOPA and PIPA.

Seems government is afraid of it's own citizens.

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Jeffman12 - - 1,475 comments

As should be the case.

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clauswerner - - 40 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Smoth - - 1,098 comments

I did and still do take action.

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masterdude94 - - 741 comments

i have posted on facebook and youtube. Heck, I even tweeted my governor. I am also praying our government's leaders will see the reason why this bill has to be stopped!

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Sev-RC- - - 260 comments

The internet is needed for everything from school to gaming. If sopa is passed this site and thousands of others will go down. So why, for the love of Jesus Christ, would you vote "No I didn't." Even if you are from another country it will still affect you in many different way. So just help out the internet, its the only thing keeping me sane.

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TheNodCommander - - 1,114 comments

Everyone talks about SOPA/PIPA, but no one seems to have noticed ACTA! ATTENTION PEOPLE!

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Jeffman12 - - 1,475 comments

Last I checked, that's still being worked on. We're busy dealing with a more imminent threat.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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