The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


A fix for the remaining bugged/inaccessible stashes in v1.5.1.

TB's Bugged Stashes Fix v1.4
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hekawa - - 54 comments

Thank you, your addon is Grok Stash overhaul compatible?
P.S - yes. Just need add to Blacklist a number of stahes from your mod

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

This I do not know, but I will start to check right away!

EDIT: Grok has a comment in one of his files - "Info is pulled from treasure_manager.ltx for the items in [possible_items] table" - so I think it will be okay!

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ZSHADOWWOLF - - 108 comments

You forgot stash about Agroprom Undergound

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

As far as I understand, all underground levels are blacklisted from being populated with reward loot, I may be totally wrong though!

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Uxie - - 10 comments

Since you say you went to every one in the game, where the **** is the one in the Duty tower? Is it actually on top of the entire thing? 'Cause I just couldn't bloody find it.

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Rambito0 - - 166 comments

You mean the one near the arena?

If that is so, see the first pic in the description of the mod.

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

Is it this sneaki breeki toolbox?

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Uxie - - 10 comments

Ahhh, I believe that's the one, tyty. Geez that's sure a pain to find.

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Acemax - - 375 comments

Theres a stash in a pipe under the stairs at the bottom of the tower.

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Acemax - - 375 comments

Glad someone finally fixed these, thanks for all your hard work!

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

You're welcome, it was actually fun to work out how to use debug mode and learning commands to turn off gravity so I can get the names of the stashes stuck underground :)

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Acemax - - 375 comments

Your Add-on is essential imho, especially With the increased chance of getting a stash with GSO. I can't praise you enough on this.

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spitsphire51151 - - 81 comments

I was going to see if youd fixed the cross stash in dark valley but looks like you already addressed it. :P

do you happen to know where this stash is located at in the wild territory? (right where my cursor is)
I went the entirety of my last playthrough being unable to find it:

when it appears on the map its just labeled as "stash in the pipe", and trying to fast travel to it places you next to a over turned car.
i know there is a blue stash box nearby but apparently that's not it.

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Acemax - - 375 comments

That one is under the concrete slabs blocking the tunnel, drop down between the slabs and use low crouch to reach it. Watch out for the Electra when getting out.

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

This is one of the stashes I was dubious to keep, but there is a way to get in and out without getting fried by the electro.

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Guest - - 693,806 comments

Вдоль стены под завалом

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plasticheart77 - - 23 comments

Is this compatible with Looting Overhaul ?

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Acemax - - 375 comments

Its not compatible with the "GSO no empty stashes patch" part of Looting Overhaul.

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

I agree because this mod also has an edited treasure_manager.ltx, however I have added instruction in the description how to add to the blacklisted stashes, hope that helps!

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Sairven - - 7 comments

Dude, thanks for this. And for going the extra mile to detail each bugged stash.

Question, if we need to make it compatible with something, do we just need to copy+paste the lines under ";--TB-Added" ?

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

Thanks for mentioning this, I've added this info to the description because it really is that simple! You have been credited for the assist! :)

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DeadCrow - - 22 comments

Oh, man, I ran into red_treasure_9 and I spent SO MUCH TIME trying to see if I could reach it. Thanks, man, really appreciate this.

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

It really is a pain. If there was an artefact that boosted jumping height it would not be a problem.

There is a stash in a fireplace in a burning house in Bloodsucker Village... I have kept this in because the player can get a couple of fire artefacts to wear for protection!

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rattlemebone - - 27 comments

Here's a stash that took me literal ******* HOURS to find, only to have to resort to debug mode to make sure I wasn't crazy...

"agr_recover_item_1_corpse", on the hill near the anomaly:

But when you approach, there's nothing obvious except this empty hole:

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

Ha ha, this one caught me out too! Such a lol-stash :)

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Acemax - - 375 comments

"mil_q8_n_a: This one is in the Army Warehouses, Freedom base tunnel. The ground seems too slippery to climb up here!"

It is possible to get this stash, climb onto the concrete slab on the left side and jump onto the lower steel girder that juts out, then jump onto the steel girder above and walk down it to the pipe :)

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

Thanks! I just did that now without fail, I will update this soon.

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WeebSlav - - 122 comments

"zat_b22_medic_inv_box" is actually reachable on vanilla gameplay, the door is locked but you can open it by employing some tricky mechanics.

if you have a grenade launcher aim to the center of the door the explosion should break the lock and let you open the door, (F1 grenades and IEDs also work but they're a bit more inconsistent). It has something to do with an unused mechanic that let you open stuff by shooting the locks, sadly it doesn't really has much use.

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

That is fantastic! THE HAAAX! I knew that you can stab locked cupboard doors to open them, but this is really cool. I'm undecided whether to remove it from the list though, if the key was given to the player then I might. Great find!

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SeriousToni - - 627 comments

I have a dumb question maybe: Will I have to start a new game to use this mod?
Another, maybe even dumber question: If I use this mod and decide to uninstall it, can I still play the game after uninstall? I am using Mod Organizer 2.

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RamseySparrow - - 833 comments

joining in with a dumb +1 to this dumb question; would also like to know.

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

Thank you for pointing this out! Unfortunately, a new game start will be needed. I have added the reason why in the description above.

You can totally uninstall this, and it will not affect anything.

Also... no question is a dumb question when it comes to gaming mods! :)

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SeriousToni - - 627 comments

Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge. I will have to uninstall this then, since I'm in the middle of a game. However I will remember this for a new game in the future :)

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

You're welcome, all this addon making is rather fun it turns out!
Even if you kept it installed it would make any difference to your current game, it only applied at the start of a new game.

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panzeriv20 - - 3 comments

Will you also be fixing this invisible stash in Garbage, in the campsite next to the southern entrance to Agropom?
I guess it also counts as a double stash because there is a perferctly normal stash in the same camp just a few meters away.

Also regarding stash on top of the train in Garbage with the electro anomly; Its simply a matter of tossing a bolt and then sprint jumping over the anomaly while it recharges.

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

I didn't remove this one as if the player doesn't know it is there, but then it is picked by a quest giver / picked for reward loot, then it can be "fun" to find it.

Also, thank you for letting me know... I had no idea that they blast and recharge! This will help for getting artefacts in the electro tunnel in Wild Territory! :D

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SeriousToni - - 627 comments

Wow you've done the impossible! Working on current game now? That's awesome!

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

Ya! Hopefully it will work, if you wouldn't mind testing it, I will be very grateful :)

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niandica - - 47 comments

I can't remember if I started a new game with your addon already installed... but I downloaded this new version, just to check now that is compatible with save games, but I scrolled all the way up on the console and didn't see anything like your screen capture. Sorry for typos and grammar :v

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

Hi, if you didn't see anything in the console then chances are you had already started a new game with this addon.

Because of this I have updated to v1.3, which now has a message to show if the script has run already on loading a saved game.

Thanks for pointing this out! :)

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niandica - - 47 comments

it works! now I see the message "this script has already been run" thx for the really fast fix/modification :D

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

Glad to hear that, thanks for testing, I've credited you for the assist!

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Yastiandrie - - 347 comments

heh that tree in agroprom caused me all sorts of grief. I ended up pushing a barrel up there and using that to make it onto the branch. Still took several attempts and had to run after the barrel a few times after it got too close to the anomaly next to the tree and got punted

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

That is exactly what I ended up doing previous to making the jump. With the physics of the barrel you kinda have to do a mild strafe-zigzag to keep it in front of you, after finding the nearest gradual slope that the barrel will be happy to roll up! Fun times :D

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morgannoor1991 - - 484 comments


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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

Cheers! It's a simple addon, but man... is it annoying to have one of these bugged stashes for a quest. Rare, but it happens!

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HeadlessZombie - - 80 comments

I am not sure why but this addon is making it so when I start a new game I spawn in with a bunch of random items in my inventory, guns, meds, ammo, outfits. I have no conflicts in my load order on mod organizer so I am not sure what is happening. Any and all help will be much appreciated.

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

Hi there! This is mentioned in the changelog in the description for v1.2.

If a new game was already started, and then this addon was installed, the script gives you all the items that had spawned in the bugged stashes, then removes the bugged stashes.

This shouldn't be happening on a brand new game start, but it depends on what other mods you are running too of course, especially addons that add outfits to stashes etc.

Hope that helps! :)

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Neocoolzero - - 8 comments

Hello, I'm new with Anomaly and been messing about a bit, and ran into both TB stash mod and yours. Just want to be sure of something: When you say no new game is needed now, is that saying I can install TB stash mod on a existing save and then use your fix? OR just means that for using this fix, I don't need to start a new game if I'm already using TB stash addon?

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Tweaki_Breeki Author
Tweaki_Breeki - - 218 comments

Hi there! Anomaly has gripped me for several months now, if you like post-apocalyptic settings with weird stuff going on, you'll like this :)

This addon can be installed on existing saved games and will disable the bugged stashes that have unfortunately been left in Anomaly 1.5.1.

However, my other addon "TB's 475 New Stash Locations" will need a new game for it to work properly because it needs to load up with some Anomaly scripts that are used when creating a new game.

Hope that makes sense! :)

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