An all new story, mechanics and characters in a familiar engine. Prepare to wreak havoc through time and explore various distinct environments.

Report RSS TimeWarp - Progress Update December 2023

It's been a year since the mod started development! This article will show a lot of cool stuff I've made since the last article :D

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So, it's been a good couple of months since the last article, and there's been a lot of progress made as usual. The city chapter is almost done, and soon the mod might reach 50% completion! Ain't that cool?

Enough rambling, let's go through map progress!

#1 - Maps!

The first city map that I've shown in the previous progress update has gotten a slight makeover, and also had to be cut into two maps because it was starting to be too much for poor old creaky Xash. However that means I can put some more detail into the maps and some more interactivity! Like breakable fire hydrants, cars that sound their alarm when shot (You can use these to lure in enemies sometimes) and more!

The map has also been basically finished with a skybox and everything!


About a month ago, I've released a short gameplay segment of the first city level on YouTube, you can check it out below! (Note that since it's been recorded a month ago, it doesn't reflect the current state of the map or the mod, so you won't see a few things that I've mentioned before)

This is the Subway level. You went through the downtown areas, now it's time to go through an underground subway system! This map is finished with the exception of some temp textures. You'll also meet a new foe here...




Naturally, since you've went through the subway, you'll also be boarding a train! Check out these cool shots and a gameplay video of this map! (Like I said before, everything in that video doesn't reflect how the mod is now since it's been recorded a month ago)

Before you say it - yes I know this train is really big, it has to be like that for the AI to work, and besides some goofiness in a cartoony mod never hurts :)

Train Ride

Train Ride

On to docks! After the train ride you finally find yourself in the middle of the Welport City Docks. Just one more stop before finding the submarine and getting that time crystal.





You'll have to be extremely careful out there, you're getting really close to the crystal that the mercenaries are guarding, and they'll do anything to stop you. Like shooting you with mounted rocket launchers.

That's about it for docks, and the city chapter for now!

I've been also experimenting with a medieval/fantasy chapter, there's not much to show but here's this thing!

Cliffside Vista

...and that's it for the maps! Hope you liked these!

#2 - Models!

It's time for models! Let's begin with guns.

I've been working on the arsenal for the city chapter some more, and added two new guns - the SPAS and a Grenade Launcher! You can see these in action in the gameplay videos above, here's a render of the models I did for them because i'm very happy with how these turned out!

New Guns

New Guns

More models! This time, it's the mercenaries! In the previous article they used placeholder models (you can see them in the gameplay videos too), but I got done making cool new models for them - namely the Assault mercenary and Scouts.


These mean bastards pack a mean punch from medium distance. They can carry either a FAMAS or a Shotgun, and they can be quite effective at taking you out.

Mercenary Scout

The Scouts are fast, and they carry fast guns too. They got low health but can run like hell, and if they catch you on the sights of their UZI or Pistol, they can throw your aim off real well. You'll end up like swiss cheese with a broken neck if you don't take cover or run around.

There are other mercenary types too - like the Sniper and Grenadier but we'll get to them next time when I make models for them too.

Now for the last one, I've been doing quite a few prop models aswell, it's mostly small stuff that I wouldn't be able to get right using brushes. Here's a little showcase of a few of them.


That's it for the models!

#3 - Others!

Now on to other stuff! Shepard has been helping me A LOT with code, and he's made this sick chapter menu for the mod! Check it out!


And also, another thing! Last month TimeWarp has reached its first anniversary! The mod's started development at exactly November 9th 2022, and I can't believe at how much has been done since then! So far, there's approximately three hours of kick ass gameplay for an average player, and I'm sure that number will increase exponentially by the time the 50% completion milestone's reached. Thank you to everyone who's supported me and this mod during the past year!!

Just for fun, here's a little comparison shot of what the mod used to look like a year ago, and how it looks now!

F fomxmXIAATwhA


#4 - MOTY

The Mod of the Year 2023 voting has begun, and if you like this mod, consider voting - it means a lot to me! But also don't forget to vote for other amazing mods that deserve your time! This year has been awesome for modding and I look forward to seeing what HL1 modding will be like next year - especially after the 25th anniversary update came out which hopefully brings in some new talented modders!

#5 - The End!

This marks the end of the last article for this year! Hope you enjoyed reading it and looking at the screenshots and gameplay videos, I'm looking forward to what next year will mean for the mod (another demo maybe? nah... unless?)

Remember to play the demo if you haven't already, and join my Discord server for frequent updates!

Post comment Comments
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,079 comments

Since the Timesplitters Remaster is reportedly not happening after all, I guess this mod is the next best thing! And I say that as someone who has never actually played Timesplitters... :P

No dual-wielding UZIs, though?

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cambreaKer Author
cambreaKer - - 1,027 comments

appreciate the kind words! also there are dual uzis, but they're a seperate secret weapon because it's really powerful :)

Reply Good karma+4 votes
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,079 comments

Ah yes, I saw them in the Train Ride clip.

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D3ads - - 3,794 comments

Looking fantastic as ever cam, you've got my vote!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
AlexisClay - - 15 comments

I voted for this in the ModDB awards! Definitely the most excited I've been about an upcoming Half-Life mod.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
YossarianAssyrian - - 86 comments

Absolutely stoked for this! Each new update is so exciting.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
/TheWolf - - 859 comments


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Shadow_864 - - 470 comments

SPAS-12 literally Half-Life series Shotgun

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Aynekko - - 702 comments

Nice work man!

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SweetRamona - - 5,198 comments

Looking great! 😸

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cool_cid - - 162 comments

I like how diverse and unique the environments are, really enhances the scale of the game's world itself.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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