The new action-thriller from the award-winning team at Infinity Ward delivers the most intense and cinematic action experience ever. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare arms gamers with an arsenal of advanced and powerful modern day firepower and transports them to the most treacherous hotspots around the globe to take on a rogue enemy group threatening the world.

Post tutorial Report RSS Steal protection

I'll try to show you some methods, which can prevent hackers stealing your rcon, the script files of your newly created mod, and rewriting all the credits in one of your released mods.

Posted by on - Advanced Management

Before you can work on protecting your mod, be sure, they can't access your rcon, or your mod files in an easy way. For this, check if you can reach any important files via your fast download link (cfg, gsc). If you can, report it immediately to your game server provider. If they are not willing to, or unable fix it, you must either change your provider, or upload the IWDs and FFs to your own location, and modify your fast download URL. After you are not allowed to access the critical files via fast download, you can start working on a better protection.
As the most important rule: set a strong rcon password. It should be minimum ~8 characters long, and it shouldn't be a known expression, like 'rconpassword', or 'asdasdasd'.
If you are done with this, rename your config file to any random string, like 'clhn7f8ohlsuf93n7w2.cfg'. Don't forget to exec it instead of 'server.cfg' (in command line if you are the host, and in webadmin if it is on a dedicated server). This step is very important, because if your attackers know the exact name of a file on your server, they are able to download it under seconds.
In addition, don't share your rcon or your config name with anyone, who is not reliable! If you are done with these steps, and you are running a server without a mod, or with a mod, which is not private, then you are ready, you have done everything for the safety of your server.

But if you made your own mod, which you don't want to release to the public, you must defend that too. The most important parts of a mod are the scripts, and the menus. Luckily, menus are compressed into ff files, and they cannot be extracted. But what about the scripts? Well, if they get them, they can use your mod on their servers immediately, since they have every needed file for that: IWD, FF, and the scripts. Poor us, these scripts are not coded in FF like menus, so if you put your scripts into mod.ff, everyone will be able to extract them. But why would we put server scripts into a downloadable FF, when clients don't need it (only stealers do)? There is a simple trick for it: just put your scripts into the mod folder without compressing them into FF. So when a player connects, their game won't ask for these files. After this we are nearer to our goal with one step. But do you remember when I told you, better hackers can download every file with a known name? Well, it is applied for scripts too. And since there are scripts with constant names, you can't hide them by renaming them, because your server will stop working. There is a 'noob' solution for this: set the cl_wwwDownload dvar to 1 in every frame for every player. It is not the perfect resort, but if you are lazy, or you can't do the next solution for this, and it hasn't got performance issues (for example in a smaller mod), then it is better than nothing. Here is an exaple function for this, which should be called in 'onPlayerConnect' with a thread [self thread stopSteal()]:

// Steal defence by iCore
self endon("disconnect");

while (true)
self setClientDvar("cl_wwwDownload", 1);
wait 0.05;

There is one more solution for this, but it's a little more complicated than the previous one. For this, you must be able to modify the server file. On your machine it is easy, but if you want to do it at a hosting, they must allow you to use your own. First, to make the work easier, download HxD. It is a free, easy-to-use hex editor. While it is being downloaded/installed, copy, and rename the copy of your server file (because you don't want to ruin your game). On Windows it is iw3mp.exe, and on Linux it is called cod4_lnxded. Now open the file in HxD, Press Ctrl+F, and look for "%s.gsc" (there should be only one occurrence). This part defines the extension of script files, which is gsc as default as you know. But now, we will just rename it to something random, to prevent the hackers know our script file names, like 'jqa'. When you are overwriting "gsc" in this expression, don't forget, the new extension must contain exactly 3 characters too.


Now save it, and you can also close the program if you want, we won't need it anymore. The next step is not so exciting: you have to rename every *.gsc to the new extension (it this example to *.jqa). You must do it with every gsc, which is used by your mod. It means, renaming the scripts in your mod is not enough, since probably it is using scripts from the default game. Now, you will have to include them all. These files are in these folders (you can copy them from ModTools): character, codescripts, common_scripts, maps, and mptype. The easiest way is to move all these folders into your mod folder, overwrite these with your modified scripts, and rename the extensions using Total Commander (Ctrl+M). If you have done it, your mod should run in the same way as before.

Hopefully, one of these solutions can defend your mod. But even if you set up any of the above or not, you can also place some disturbing obstacles to make the stealer give up using your scripts if they can get them somehow. It is really simple: Hide bugs in your mod, which will only come forward when something dvar is not set up the way you have planned. For example check for IP, server name, or something secret variable.

  • Put these checks in big functions, where it is almost impossible to spot.
  • Use extraordinary syntax, like more whitespaces, and concatenate the used strings in these checks, so they won't be able to search for it.
  • Don't cause script error exactly in the check, or they will be able to find it easily. It is better if it causes something bug 921403 calls away.

For instance, in the middle of the ch_kills() function in _missions.gsc put this:

if ( gEtdVAr ( "yo"+ "ur" + "d" +"v" +"a"+ "r" !="1" )level.teamBased = false ;

or this in the load_default_loadout_raw() function of _class.gsc:

if ( level.yoUrvaRiabLE != 6.33 ) return ;

These should be really annoying, because you will get the script error far away, not here. Until they don't find it, they can't use your scripts. In addition, you can include tricky ways with which you can get permissions on the server (for example rcon), so you can make the server unplayable.

So now, you have hopefully protected your scripts for your private mod. But what if you are making a public mod, and you don't want others to rewrite your credits (like "Made by: iCore")? Well, I have figured out a trick for this too. First, you should make these credits in menus, because they cannot be decompressed as I said. However, there is a method to rewrite the strings of a menu directly in the FF. But here is the trick: if you concatenate the letters instead of defining it normally, the FF compiler won't link the letters automatically, so in the FF there will be a bunch of encoded characters between every letter; it will make your credit almost uneditable. For example let's see the encoded version of ["Mod by "+"i"+"C"+"o"+"r"+"e"] (the first part is not separated just for you to see it better):


Okay, now a noob can't find it. But we want to protect our hard work from pro hackers too, so now I'll show you the extended version of this. It will require more same string items on each other with UI_FONT_CONSOLE font type. Let me explain the logic: this font type is mono-space, it means, that every character has the same size. And now, both of the strings will be the same, but in the first one we will replace every even number to white-space, and in the second one, every odd number to white-space. I'll represent it for you:

Representation of concatenation

The first line is the original string, the second line will be one of our menu elements, and the third line will be the other menu element. This two element will look something like this in menu:

exp text ("M"+" "+"d"+" "+" "+" "+"y"+" "+"i"+" "+"o"+" "+"e")
textscale 0.3
visible 1

exp text (" "+"a"+" "+"e"+" "+"b"+" "+" "+" "+"C"+" "+"r"+" ")
textscale 0.3
visible 1

Okay, now spread these elements anywhere in the menu. Basically it is totally fine if they are next to each other, but 99.9% protection is better than 99.89. Here is the first element in ff:


You should see there the letters "M", "d", "y", "i", "o", "e". Well, I don't think anyone will waste 3 years of their life just to search all of my elements, and rewrite the letters one-by-one. And if this protection didn't convince you, then try it with 3 or more elements.

At last, I want to help you a bit with the server protection against cheaters. Certainly the best, if you have admins, who can attend to the players, but you can make your server securer, by tweaking the Punk Buster configuration file (pb/pbsv.cfg). These checks are based on the cfg of Game-Violation, but it is extended by me:

pb_sv_cvar "afire" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "afov" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "aimkey" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "aimvec" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "aim_key" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "alias" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "autoaim" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "autofire" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "avex0" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "avex1" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "avexc" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "bot_radar" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "bot_wallhack" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "cod_aim" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "cod_wallhack" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "cu_aimvecs" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "cu_aim_key" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "cu_wallhack" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "esp" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "fire" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "fog" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "glow" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "hax_aimbot" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "hax_autoshoot" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "hax_distesp" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "hax_killsounds" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "hax_killspam" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "hax_nameesp" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "hax_radar" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "hax_stats" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "hax_wallhack" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "ic_aim_prediction" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "k.aim" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "k.esp" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "Mom_aimbot" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "Mom_autoshoot" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "Mom_distesp" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "Mom_killsounds" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "Mom_killspam" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "Mom_nameesp" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "Mom_radar" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "Mom_stats" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "Mom_wallhack" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "ogc_mode" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "ogc_weapons" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "predict" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "quiet" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "recoil" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "teamcheck" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "thrd" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "trigger" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "vec" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "wall" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "wallhack" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "w_chams" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "w_pbss" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "_aimbot" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "_aimkey" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "_aim_key" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "_autoshoot" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "_distesp" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "_killsounds" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "_killspam" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "_nameesp" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "_radar" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "_stats" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "_wallhack" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "cg_errordecay" IN 100 100
pb_sv_cvar "cg_fov" IN 65 80
pb_sv_cvar "cg_hudDamageIconHeight" IN 64 64
pb_sv_cvar "cg_hudDamageIconInScope" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "cg_hudDamageIconOffset" IN 128 128
pb_sv_cvar "cg_hudDamageIconTime" IN 2000 2000
pb_sv_cvar "cg_hudDamageIconWidth" IN 128 128
pb_sv_cvar "cl_avidemo" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "cl_forceavidemo" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "cl_freelook" IN 1 1
pb_sv_cvar "cl_maxpackets" IN 60 120
pb_sv_cvar "cl_pitchspeed" IN 140 140
pb_sv_cvar "cl_punkbuster" IN 1 1
pb_sv_cvar "cl_yawspeed" IN 140 140
pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 40 250
pb_sv_cvar "CompassPlayerHeight" IN 18.75 18.75
pb_sv_cvar "CompassPlayerWidth" IN 18.75 18.75
pb_sv_cvar "m_pitch" OUT -0.015 0.015
pb_sv_cvar "m_yaw" IN 0.022 0.022
pb_sv_cvar "rate" IN 25000 25000
pb_sv_cvar "r_fullbright" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "r_lodscalerigid" IN 1 1
pb_sv_cvar "r_lodscaleskinned" IN 1 1
pb_sv_cvar "r_picmip" IN 0 3
pb_sv_cvar "r_polygonOffsetScale" IN -4 0
pb_sv_cvar "r_polygonOffsetBias" IN -16 0
pb_sv_cvar "r_lightTweakAmbient" IN 0 0.3
pb_sv_cvar "sensitivity" IN 0 30.000001
pb_sv_cvar "snaps" IN 20 30
pb_sv_cvar "fx_draw" IN 1 1
pb_sv_cvar "fx_enable" IN 1 1
pb_sv_cvar "cg_nopredict" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "cl_wwwDownload" IN 1 1

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pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "ArtificialAiming-Radar-v2.7.exe" NOT_FOUND
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pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "BigTex.dll" NOT_FOUND
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "BlankSS.dll" NOT_FOUND
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pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "forfopen.exe" NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_00.iwd SZ167780172 AT0 LEN2048 BC02FE65F2C013DB4C1480D59F1CB93F
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_01.iwd SZ167885112 AT0 LEN2048 "55EFD479424E487756BC3EE3A7AF3799 4FDB703797393D3493E4B4BAE0B0A3CF"
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_02.iwd SZ166957774 AT0 LEN2048 "8067C044C6A133C2F5D1B3E2B3E59CDC 1438B3EAED4FD8D654326933263C6C9F"
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_03.iwd SZ166904484 AT0 LEN2048 "724442AC8D8E6415425C0B3E9FE6AC5A E47150F42B30F5F4F928F7AA8B6ACBEC"
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_04.iwd SZ167682009 AT0 LEN2048 "5688EA7D04308440876DE31B84484419 70199C90F845078AE6B3EC53DAA1BDF8"
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_05.iwd SZ167489996 AT0 LEN2048 "4865724D59BB73514DCBF557A9B21CFE A74997AFC0FE4A2BB9E9CB78DD0E1C05"
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_06.iwd SZ167754503 AT0 LEN2048 "8CD0E80D88FD95AE3D5DF80D0AD29EB7 D74754503B511CDCA5B146DB3D9A24E8"
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_07.iwd SZ162987361 AT0 LEN2048 E20C159359BED1E6BD9C23FC6D52631F
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_08.iwd SZ167544651 AT0 LEN2048 F5B2959EDFED674AB47E59CFA1B2A3DA
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_09.iwd SZ167076481 AT0 LEN2048 310374CB0F5ABF3880AEE5798FE269C9
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_10.iwd SZ165389824 AT0 LEN2048 9D53044FAD09B8BAF10FE4E9F08DFA59
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_11.iwd SZ151420446 AT0 LEN2048 3D429842C2F904EB13C5129E8A77582B
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_12.iwd SZ5559373 AT0 LEN2048 6A0F0960BA6BCE04A8134A5B2E88D3EE
pb_sv_md5tool a "" v main/iw_13.iwd SZ28644036 AT0 LEN2048 89BD98431CD72ED0FD3E08DB87952BD5

pb_sv_task 0 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "aim"
pb_sv_task 30 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "chams"
pb_sv_task 60 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "color"
pb_sv_task 90 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "esp"
pb_sv_task 120 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "health"
pb_sv_task 150 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "info"
pb_sv_task 180 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "key"
pb_sv_task 210 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "kill"
pb_sv_task 240 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "radar"
pb_sv_task 270 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "recoil"
pb_sv_task 300 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "trace"
pb_sv_task 330 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "tracker"
pb_sv_task 360 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "vstr"
pb_sv_task 390 600 pb_sv_bindsrch "wall"
pb_sv_task 20 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "aim"
pb_sv_task 40 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "chams"
pb_sv_task 60 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "color"
pb_sv_task 80 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "esp"
pb_sv_task 100 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "health"
pb_sv_task 120 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "info"
pb_sv_task 140 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "key"
pb_sv_task 160 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "kill"
pb_sv_task 180 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "radar"
pb_sv_task 200 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "recoil"
pb_sv_task 220 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "trace"
pb_sv_task 240 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "tracker"
pb_sv_task 260 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "vstr"
pb_sv_task 280 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch "wall"
pb_sv_task 300 600 pb_sv_filewhitelist "Data/sound"
pb_sv_task 330 600 pb_sv_filewhitelist "jMedia/sounds"
pb_sv_task 360 600 pb_sv_filewhitelist "jMedia/sounds/english"
pb_sv_task 390 600 pb_sv_filewhitelist "killsounds"
pb_sv_task 420 600 pb_sv_filewhitelist "sound"
pb_sv_task 450 600 pb_sv_filewhitelist "sounds"
pb_sv_task 480 600 pb_sv_filewhitelist "Sounds"
pb_sv_task 510 600 pb_sv_filewhitelist "wav"

You should insert it in the end of your PB cfg file. It has bind checks, blacklisted file checks, and IWD checksum checks. Certainly it is not a big help, but maybe you can filter some 10 years old noobs. Don't forget to set sv_pure 1 in your server cfg, so players won't be able to use their own IWD files.

I hope this tutorial helped you, if you find any bug/misunderstanding, or you lack something, feel free to contact me.

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Guest - - 693,674 comments

on the elements i still dont think its gonna work but ill try to do it

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iCore Author
iCore - - 344 comments

It probably does, feel free to try ^^

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 693,674 comments

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