Add job Report I am looking for two or three people at Anywhere

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Canada, USA.

Posted by calvinrwoodill on

Hi Sword and Dove Gaming Productions is a just starting out in game development using the unity engine and blender. I am looking for two or three people that can meet the some following requirements to join on and help with production.
1) need to know character modeling, coloring and rigging
2) knowledge of level designs and Digital audio Workstation {DAW}
3) good marketing skills
4) cinematics and video composition.
5) understanding in C# programing in unity.
If you feel you can meet some of these skills and can dedicate the time to help send me a pm with an example of your work and what questions you have regarding the project.
the video shows some of what has been done at the moment.

To Apply

email me at