A developer of video games for PC and Nintendo Switch including Puzzledorf.

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Puzzledorf Steam Achievements Added! - Round 1 (Company : Stuart's Pixel Games : Forum : Developer News : Puzzledorf Steam Achievements Added! - Round 1) Locked
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Dec 19 2021 Anchor

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Steam achievements are added to Puzzledorf today! This is the first round of achievements, with more planned to be added soon. The current achievements are as follows:

  1. Finish Tutorial (Original) - Complete the tutorial for the Original puzzle type
  2. Beat The First Level (Original)
  3. Beat Level 2 (Original)
  4. Beat Level 5(Original)
  5. Beat World 1 (Original)
  6. Beat World 2 (Original)
  7. Beat World 3 (Original)
  8. Beat World 4 (Original)
  9. Beat Original Puzzles (Normal) - Beat all of the levels from the Original puzzle type in Normal Mode.
  10. Beat Original Puzzles (Mirror) - Beat all of the Mirrored puzzles from the Original puzzle type.
  11. Beat any 10 puzzles
  12. Beat any 20 Puzzles
  13. Beat any 30 puzzles
  14. Beat any 50 puzzles
  15. Beat any 80 puzzles
  16. Beat any 100 puzzles
  17. Beat Level 1 (Christmas) - Complete the first level of the Christmas puzzle type
  18. Beat Level 2 (Christmas)
  19. Beat Level 4 (Christmas)
  20. Beat Level 6 (Christmas)
  21. Beat Level 10 (Christmas)
  22. Beat World 1 (Christmas) - Complete World 1 for the Christmas puzzle type
  23. Beat Christmas (Normal) - Beat all of the puzzles from the Christmas puzzle type in Normal Mode.
  24. Beat Christmas (Mirror) - Beat all of the mirrored puzzles from the Christmas puzzle type.

The current list of achievements will be naturally unlocked as you complete the game. If the requirements for an achievement have already been completed, then they should be granted automatically.

In the second round of achievements, I will be adding different types of achievements and many will be much harder to complete. They should give players who are interested in achievements something extra to strive for beyond just finishing the game, but more information on that later.

You can visit the steam page here.

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