
Latest version for GMDX Community Update as of May 2020.

GMDXv10 - 05/05/20 Update
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naryanrobinson - - 650 comments

Fixed New Vision option.”

New Vision was working for me the last time I tried GMDXv10.
It's not working in this 05/05/20 update though.

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"Interesting. This was sourced in RF being the wrong version in what shipped. However this was updated and seemed to have fixed during internal testing. Why this has inverted whether it works will need further testing to discover. Do you have any systems specs you can share? User may have posted them in another thread so forgive the Unit if it has forgotten."

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naryanrobinson - - 650 comments

Windows 10 64-bit (1903), Intel i7 4770, GTX 970, 16GB RAM

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"A fresh test was ran and the issue still cannot be replicated. Strange. The test involved a clean install of the very first version before applying this patch only. It was applied to a steam version of the game although. Unit has assumed a steam installation of deus ex has been emplyed by User. Is this assumption correct or incorrect?"

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naryanrobinson - - 650 comments

Yeah Steam version of Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition.

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naryanrobinson - - 650 comments

Wait, no, false alarm.
The main ~1.8GB thing wasn't there as a foundation.
The Deus Ex folder had been wiped back to vanilla for some reason.
I unpacked that in the Deus Ex folder,
then unpacked this 05/05/20 update in the same place,
and now everything seems to be in order.

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"Glad to hear. Let unit know if any other problems are encountered."

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Guest - - 706,974 comments

Ummm this is only 350 mb. Why is it listed as a full when it is 20 percent the size of the usual full?

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"Thanks for the note user. This was likely an error during the reupload the process as the old upload was accidentally stopped."

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TheVidmaster - - 628 comments

So, lets wait for the new version then?

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"Testing is still unable to replicate the reported New Vision issue. A test was ran from a clean install on a PC very comparable to the user who has reported it. The team will wait on more reports before making a final conclusion."

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takie_dela - - 2 comments

Hello! How does mantling scaling work? I dont see any difference between "trained" and "master" stamina, I can mantle on all hight objects with all stamina statuses except "untrained". May be some bug?

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"The height limit for how tall you can mantle up surfaces scales up or down. Untrained disallows completely and in theory the scaling should work in this fashion."

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takie_dela - - 2 comments

Unfortunately does not scale for me. Tried it several times, and even on the lowest skill level of athletics I can mantle on objects higher then me.

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"Interesting. Unit will investigate if the scaling code is perhaps not properly developed."

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Guest - - 706,974 comments

Any way of running the mod in spanish? Most of the menus still are displayed in spanish, but subtitles are shown in english.

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"Currently localization is still incomplete. This may change at some point into the future but fixes remain the primary goal for future updates."

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acadea27 - - 245 comments

Do I still need the original GMDX mod for this ? Thanks.

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"No you do not. This installs separately as its own version."

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acadea27 - - 245 comments

Oh ok,cool.Thank you.

Edit:Is there anyway of changing the audio latency,like you could do with Kentie's launcher? And it seems that Paul's face is all twisted up when activating his hd model in the options.

Edit again:Restarting the game fixed the Paul thing,and copying Kentie's launcher and using that fixed the latency thing,only problem I got now is that it's so dark in-game.Am I supposed to select "GMDXv10" also in the "Data Directories" ?

3rd Edit:Re-installed the game,installed the mod again,without Kentie's launcher this time,managed to fix the audio problem tinkering with the Deusex.ini file,the only problem I got now is that with 4K resolution,the subtitles are really small,and I don't see a way to activate the option to fix this like Kentie's launcher had.

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acadea27 - - 245 comments

Ok so I managed to fix most of the problems,the stuttering is back,don't really know how to fix it and is there a way to launch the mod with GOGgalaxy? Re-naming the exe just launches the normal game.

Edit: Fixed the launching thing,it seems Galaxy has a new feature to add a new Exe to launch,that's cool.Only problem now is the constant stutter.

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"Are you using OpenAL audio or Galaxy audio? OpenAL can cause a number of performance problems depending on hardware. Due to the forced alphabetical ordering of deus ex's first time launch the OpenAL option is always selected by default."

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acadea27 - - 245 comments

Yes,I selected OpenAl when first running the mod.How do I go about selecting the other one?Re-install etc ?

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"You can use the 'preferences' console command when in game. It should not require cheats to be enabled. It will have a dialogue that opens separate from the game window. Performing this operation in windowed mode temporarily [use alt+enter for a quick toggle between windowed vs fullscreen] will stop any odd behavior with the 2nd window v.s. the game window. Find the 'drivers' tab and select the galaxy audio driver. Reboot the game after applying this change for it to take effect."

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ug005 - - 1 comments

Is v10 more resource-demanding than v9? I experienced lower fps during game play. Is it my imagination or have graphics been drastically improved with this version? I thought both v9 and v10 used the same new vision and hdtp graphics mods.

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"HDTP is able to be scaled at a deeper level. Recent investigations are uncovering that NPCS engage activities at increased range in all variants of GMDX otherwise lowering performance in large maps. However liberty island and battery park are reported as especially bad in the current state. Turning off HDTP for these maps can massively improve performance past that of v9. However performance is often slightly worse with HDTP on for complicated reasons that are still under investigation. It is noteworthy that due to HDTP and New Vision always being loaded in tandem that 64 bit operating systems are almost completely necessary for running the 'v10' community update. 32 bit OS cannot load more than 2GB of memory for the process causing a hard cap in performance."

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Guest - - 706,974 comments

I'm having an issue where Paul's skin color remains the default tone, even if I pick a different one for JC. Could this have been caused by installing this version of the mod over an earlier version instead of removing it.

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"This would not be the cause. There is currently known to be an issue with Paul Denton's model reskin but it occurs with HDTP enabled and will be fixed next update."

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KillerBeer - - 16 comments


I have a localization for Deus Ex that I plan to adapt for GMDX, but before I proceed, I'd like to know whether v10 has implemented any changes to dialogue files that weren't there in the "classic" v9.0.3, and does it have plans to implement more. I must know whether I'll have to maintain separate branches of the localization for v9, v10, and RSD versions, and what would be the best way to do it. Thanks.

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"The 'v10' community update will have unique entries that vRSD and v9 will not. However these are the result of actually localizing strings of text that were previously not able to be localized [and would require rebuilding the core package instead]. Having these excess entries in a non-v10 localization file would do no harm however. This would strangely imply that v10 would make the best for a 'master copy' but it would not be surprising if vRSD added new strings to localize as well although no doubt smaller in quantity.

No dialogue files should be altered compared to v9. v9 already used confix for readding lost assets for datalinks and ford's convos for instance.

Let unit know if you have any further questions."

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KillerBeer - - 16 comments

~_^ Please clarify, is "will have" an actual reference to future updates, or unit's preferred grammatical setup? :P

Would you have any information about DeusExConText.u binary file structure? It seems that "UCC make" process used to compile it produces all DeusExConAudio*.u files that need to be used (and delivered to users) even though .mp3 audio files inside them are the same, just referenced in different order. I managed to make a full export/import of .con files and eliminate all differences between original and translated versions (apart text content, obviously), in hope that compiling a "synchronized" version of localized DeusExConText will allow to distribute it alone, without the bulk of audio files. That didn't work; yet I haven't given up on the idea. Perhaps by analyzing .u files I might be able to camouflage the compiled dialogue file to match original's scheme. For that, though, I need to know how the data is represented inside the .u file, so I'll be grateful for any insight.

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"'Does have' is the more suitable word choice. They already exist but you will encounter them when creating a localization file.

How the .u files are formatted is a little complicated. Conversation files [.con] are used and imported with code when the .u file is made. The .con will have pointers to .mp3 files within the folder directory to be imported during compilation. It is likely that the reordering of the files is because of alterations made within confix. These changes could have altered the load order by changing the number or structures of entries. Finding or contacting the author [DefaultPlayer001] may be helpful to make sure you are starting with the proper starting structure for the files.

If this has already been done but the entries need to be converted by hand then there may be no way around but to brute force the work. Unit does not know the process of localizing conversation audio and may be wrong on this."

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KillerBeer - - 16 comments

Acknowledged. There's some further assistance that may be required from the unit.

In the GOTY localization that I have, there are included interface files like that provide names for map-specific items and NPCs. I do not know the process of extracting or generating such files from .dx map files. Yet there's possibility that since GMDX does some altering to game maps, then those files might not fully match them and must be updated (while an occasional item or NPC with English title might be all right, non-updated camera/turret/door configuration in a security terminal is not). How can I get reference files of this kind for verifying?


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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"Can you link a copy of such a file? The unit is not familiar with the file's format and does not have one for reference. Thank you."

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KillerBeer - - 16 comments

Here's what I got for reference while working on Revision localization. Any string value is supposed to be translated.

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"Ah. Yes. These are the IDs defined when the level is created in Unreal Editor. The use of unreal editor would be needed to find the new item IDs and how the properties are named. Unreal editor comes with the 1112 software development kit (SDK) and uses the DeusEx.ini configuration file by default. Temporarily renaming the DeusEx configuration file to a new name and renaming the GMDXv10.ini configuration file to DeusEx.ini will allow you to load from the relevant directories and open the levels to find the updated versions of these objects. The same process will likely have to be done for v9 and vRSD. Likely redone on their own. vRSD is unlikely to have many notable changes to the data fields versus v9. It changes very little about the maps."

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KillerBeer - - 16 comments

Well, I *suspected* they have to be somehow extracted with the editor, I just don't know how, and browsing through UnrealEd's menu didn't ring any bells. Mind you, I'm not a seasoned DX tinkerer, this translation project is my first and the only involvement.

BTW, there's one more question you might shed some light on. While character names normally are stored in either the main or in one of aforementioned files, names of characters that speak to you through the infolink are not affected by those settings. In the (now obsolete) GOTY localization that we used as a starting point, those names were embedded directly into the DeusEx.u, but I wouldn't like to go that route for other versions, as both Revision and GMDX are actively evolving, and the DeusEx.u would have to be recompiled again with each new update. Also, in one of versions (I don't exactly remember where it initially came from, now) I've seen a section like this:

EndTransmission="END OF TRANSMISSION..."
infoLinkNames[0]="(BindName="AlexJacobson",displayName="Alex Jacobson")"
infoLinkNames[1]="(BindName="AnnaNavarre",displayName="Anna Navarre")"

, which looked promising, but no matter how I tried, I haven't seen changing these to affect anything in the actual game. Is there any other way to translate infolink speakers?


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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"Find an actor inside the world in unreal editor. Right click on it and click on 'Actor Properties' or similar option. Under the 'Object' tab you can expand it and find 'Name' listed as a property. This will be the ID to be used when formatting a localization entry.

This other information will be passed down the chain of the team. Perhaps there is a solution to this strange obstacle in localization."

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KillerBeer - - 16 comments

You mean... there's no command to generate a whole file for the map, and every single item must be typed by hand? I'll keep investigating, but this sounds kind of meh.

Thank you for your help!

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Salk - - 298 comments

I'm sorry for being probably dense here but is this version officially supported by the GMDX original author?

This is very confusing for the end users because there is another "fork" being worked on released by RoSoDude and it seems to have received the blessing of |Totalitarian|... Are you guys collaborating or are these two projects completely independent?


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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"The 'v10' Community Update is not officially endorsed. The project has been developed independently with the objective of fulfilling a difference set of goals. Hence the alternate branch. Your question is not unreasonable."

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Wandering_Nomad - - 30 comments

Couple of questions. Are you required to start a new game when updating to a new GMDX version, and is it preferable to do a clean install? Have you had a chance to try the new DX11 renderer ( If so, how well does it work with GMDX, and what are your thoughts about it?

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments


1: A clean install is not required.
2: New save games will be needed due to modification of NPC state code which always breaks saves retroactively.
3: DX11 should work perfectly fine with the 'v10' community update. Both 9 and 10 has been tested but 9 is preferable as it is often more compatible with video cards. 11 is almost exactly the same a 10 with different dependencies so it should work all the same. Change back to D3D9 or 10 if you have issues on your personal hardware.
4: Turning on classic lighting is preferable as a setting but otherwise is fine."

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Wandering_Nomad - - 30 comments

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, I have this really weird issue where textures on Paul's face and arms are incorrectly applied when using the HDTP. That's regardless of what renderer is chosen. Doing a clean game and GMDX reinstall didn't help. No other mods are installed, dx11 renderer isn't installed. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

EDIT: Found more broken textures in training mission. That's with HDTP **disabled**. Clean game and GMDX install, no other mods are installed, dx11 or any other additional renderer aren't installed.

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"This was a recently uncovered issue and is on the way on the next patch. A partial update is likely to ship yet again. The training textures share a similar error."

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jellysandwich - - 1 comments

Just installed this - using D3D9 I'm only seeing max 60fps. Tried playing with variables in GMDXv10.ini, but no luck ...

Is there any way to increase this?

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"Try using the 'preferences' console command when in game. This is best used when in windowed mode. Scan the settings for the relevant Direct3D9 configuration variables and try setting FPS cap there. Performance may be variable on some rougher maps such as Liberty and Battery Park."

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Guest - - 706,974 comments

Excellent work! Big thanks to everyone involved!
just finished on medium difficulty. And I have just wandered around levels most of the time enjoying nostalgia. It's absolutely wonderful.

wanna start a new one on realistic(NOT ng+) and I have quite a few questions before I start:
0. Cigarettes have no effect on lasers. Really? Why? Oh for God's Sake why?
1. There is no ballistic protection aug. Is it intended?
2. I got a feeling that to the endgame enemies do less damage than at the beginning. Is it because of bulletproof vest + my lvl4 environmental training skill?
3. On the other hand radiation is insanely harmful. Lvl 4 env. training + hazmat suit or lvl 4. env. resistance aug is simply not enough. You need both + regen aug.
for example. there was no way for me to get alive to radioactive underwater secret in MJ12 sewers base on the second visit to NY, despite having invested in both aug and training skill, wearing hazmat suit and chewing through medkits.
Is this intended too?
4. Electricity is a way potent too. Nothing like vanilla as I remember it, like 3-4 times more damaging(and I had energy shield aug lvl2 almost throughout the whole game(upped to 4 at the end). Was it made so for Energy shield aug to make sense?
5. Hazmat suit takes fall damage. Unfortunately I did not test whether or not it also protects against it before deleting medium difficulty saves. Is it intended?
6. There is an elevator in china with disappearing buttons. The one with 3rd lvl in canal district, 2nd - a small room with table and shelves, and 1st - under water. I remember being softlocked by these disappearing elevator's buttons in vanila 10-15 years ago. The same happened to me again with the latest version of gmdx10. Is this really a bug or I do not understand something?

7.0 Why there is no info on current augs, "weapon/aug upgrades", abilites/possibilities for current version but a changelog against v9, which is absolutely different to vanilla. Do you need a help with creating a one? (I am going to write down every weapon/aug upgrade I will find during my next walkthrough on realistic. I would like to share.)
7.1 Why there is no website for this marvellous vanilla faithful modification with all the usefull info mentioned in 7.0? With all this incredible work done I think it deserves one.

Thank you!

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Guest - - 706,974 comments

Also, is there any difference between difficulties in items amount/location in addition to damage multipliers?

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"The framework exists and was coded just for 'v10' but is currently almost never utilized."

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments


0: Likely due to a change to how beam detection works. Some lasers this will help and some it will not. This is the way it operates in vanilla.
1: Ballistic protection exists. However BPN02 was axed due to being entirely redundant with the ability to disable passive augs. BPN02 was in fact a key point of inspiration for disabling passive augs since it would constantly sap a player's energy when installed.
2: Yes likely because of your armor. Damage values remain unchanged vs v9 with the exception of spider bots and military bot rockets.
3: This is a new issue and will be investigated. It is possible that the damage over time effects are stacking and greatly increasing potency. However it will be investigated accordingly.
4: Electricity damage remains unchanged vs v9 but was actually decreased on spiderbots due to the myriad of buffs spiderbots received in base GMDX.
5: This is a previously unknown issue with hazmat suits but will be investigated immediately. This is quite strange but not outside the range of possibility.
6: Button behavior was recently overhauled to fix such issues but will be investigated. Button behavior often makes them come undone from moving geometry due to how the effect is coded vs how collision operates in real time.
7: Unit may ask for clarification as to what you mean in detail. This seems worth looking into.
7.1: Changelogs are currently recorded in update news but due to the new ownership of this is entirely possible to do. It would however be a good volume of work. Unit will take notes on this."

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Guest - - 706,974 comments

Thanks for reply.
0,1,2 - Got it.
3. Damage stack fits perfectly, as I can understand that fenomena from a player's(not a dev) perspective. As far as I remember time periods between necessities to use another medkit became shorter and shorter the longer I stayed in radioactive environment.
4. Damage stack fits electricity damage perfectly too. I never allowed bots to hit me more than once(so there was no problem), but environmental electricity damage from generators/rails killed me on 3-5th strike.
5-6 Got it.
7. I mean a simple guide relevant to current version. I am going to simply write down every aug/aug upgrade/weapon upgrade/skill points I will find during my next playthrough.
7.1 Got it.

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MMCleanerBot - - 226 comments

MessageLog:"Thank you for clarifying and confirming some information. Unit will take notes on point 7."

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