“Lost Chambers of Giza” is a game project that revolves around exploring the cave system under the great pyramid of Giza. The game will consist of multiple levels, each set within a different chamber or section on the caves of the Great Pyramid. Players will progress through the game by solving the hieroglyph puzzles and overcoming obstacles and traps in order to reveal the pyramid's secrets.

Post news Report RSS Dev Log #6 - Character sketches, Arrows and UI changes

Taking a look into our progress in character sketching as well as the progress on our new feature currently under implementation of the arrow traps in the level, plus some changes we made in the UI format.

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Today we will be taking a look into our progress in character sketching as well as the progress on our new feature currently under implementation of the arrow traps in the level, plus some changes we made in the UI format.

Starting from the 2 thumbnails we selected the sketching progress had the caracther features pretty much settled, we knew we wanted a hat, changed the light source from a flashlight to a lantern and kept the overwal clothing consistent to what a modern day explorer would most likely look like.

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Character sketches

The next step will be to "fill up" the skecth with grayscale and shadows and then start some color studies.

The wall arrows feature:

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This feature will be a trap that will try and hit the player with arrows once he crosses it's path, this was done so the player also had to worry about other traps besides only the traps on the ground that we currrently have called spikes.

The placeholder we will be using while the arrow sketch is not finished:

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Twitter: @arydiang7 (https://arydian.itch.io/simple-wooden-bow-and-arrows)

This is some of the sketches we could be using for our final ilustration:

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The UI changes:


In the start menu screen there were options missing that we later added, the select level option is necessary for the player to have the option to start anywhere he wants, the About Us button is not attached to the first 3 because it’s not one of the main options of the player.

The quit button is significantly smaller because we don’t want it to be a main option for the player to consider or to miss click.

We also added the title which may be changed later for the actual logo of the game.


Our settings menu now has a title on top (as we decided to do on mot menus) and the sliders are significantly smaller because of the high aspect ratio the game will be most likely played on, the current size should be more than enough.

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Our Select Level Menu has now a much smaller title and the level selection buttons are more spaced out, centered, and ready to receive another 2 similar columns beneath it.


Our pause menu currently remains the same except, we added a more visual type of health bar. This was because we plan to later replace it with a Egyptian lotus flower representing the hp of the player.

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