Post news Report RSS xPatch 2.5 and xPatch: Vanilla Announcement

My first ModDB post (weird, considering that the mod went through a lot of releases and such) but anyways. I have a showcase of the progress I've made recently and some announcements too!

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Hello, Man Chrzan (aka Pan Szatan) here. I have some stuff that I want to share I guess?

xPatch 2.5

So, you skipped some numbers, will this be a big update then? Yup, it's basically same situation as with the version 1.0 and 2.0. It had all the code rewrittn from ground up. This time it's only half of the code though. Its coming... well, soon, probably?

xPatch: Vanilla

Besides 2.5 update a new edition of xPatch will be also released soon. No changes, not much new features, pure bug fixes, but thanks to that it will be 100% compatible with workshop mods. I've made it to use it as a base for my other project as working on vanilla game sucks ass due to all these bugs it has, and xPatch 2.0+ isn't good for that as it just has too much unecessary stuff in it. But it is also created with thought of these few people who would prefer such thing. And also these few who kept requesting to have overpowered Sawn-Off Shotgun back. All weapons stats will remain unchanged in this version.
Now you can go **** ******** with that broken shotgun, you're welcome. ;>

Rewritten Code:

With the rewritten code come various improvements. First thing is the way that xPatch's Settings are handled was changed, now everything is mostly stored in one class and one configuration file. For me it will make making most of the features customizable more easily and I guess it will also make messing with the xPatch's configs easier too for the more advanced users.

Screenshot 123

The second thing that was changed are the "bases" for new catable weapons (the ones that "attach" cat-silencer to existing weapon model instead of using 2 different gun models like vanilla P2 weapons do), now that stuff is added into P2's Catable Weapons base. The stuff from my Reloadable Weapons base class was also improved and carefully implemented into P2Weapon class which is base of all weapons (No, reloading itself wasn't implemented for base weapons, only the functions needed for weapons that need it). This made the reloadable weapons not only work better but also gave me some new possibilities... reloading, dual wielding and cat-silencing in one weapon? Not a problem anymore! (But more about that in new features section.)

Besides that xPatch's Muzzle Flash system was also expanded and improved. Now most of the important stuff can be adjusted in the weapon's properties with no need to make separate classes for every of the firing effects. Big thanks to A-Mod who shared Happy Night source code with me, it was a big help.

Screenshot 124

Summarizing, code is now less of a mess, makes my work easier, and game too should perform a bit better with less jank and spaghetti in the code. Anyways, let's leave the technical stuff aside and focus on the stuff that really matters to the player now.


• Game Menu crash finally fixed (probably)

Now you can press ESC without quick saving in fear of that damn crash, hopefully!

• Reduced DeadBodyMarker related crashes

I think I've actually made it slightly worse in one of my updates (whoops..) but now it should be back to normal, plus I have implemented new feature to help further with this god damn issue...

• xPatch doesn't mess up Player Mods anymore

With the 2.0's new skins customization feature came some issues, but now they have been solved!

Screenshot 137

• Fixed Cow Head bounce sound not playing.

In the retail P2 version Cow Head weapon used to make a bouncing sound, but it for some reason this function stopped working in steam version, now it's fixed. Thanks to KREMLEBOT15 for reporting this bug, no idea how I missed that.

• Fixed wrong or missing load screens

If after playing P2 or AW you return to Main Menu and start New Game the loading screen gets well, fucked in vanilla game. Now xPatch has it fixed, yup.

• Fixed other minor issues

There were some small techincal issues with Skip Into option, new Crosshair render, despawning stuff for the "ED Weapons" option disabled and so on... it's all perfect now, I think :)


• Classic Game mode

My pride and joy of this update. Heard about my POSTAL 2 Classic mod by any chance?
It's basically the same thing BUT WORKS BETTER. Thanks to this being a part of the proper mod (I mean patch) and not being limited to the silly restrictions of what can be done with workshop mutator.
Classic Zombies, Animations and OPTIONAL old viewmodels are now properly implemented. This new feture will replace "ED Weapons" option as it is an expansion of the idea and is very customizable!

Screenshot 126Screenshot 128
Screenshot 132

• Corpses Lifetime slider

Brand new option, allows you to set a time limit for bodies, heads and limbs to get rid of crashes caused by too many of them being present. After said time limit they are removed regaldles of the corpse population peformance setting - which doesn't seem to help much for some reason.
Screenshot 143

• Better localized versions support

xPatch now detects which language version you have and should set Localized Dialogues enabled by default if needed. The workshop fix is also included with the rest of the files and will no longer make the base game modes show up x2 if included with game version that had them working correctly already.

• In-Game Workshop Menu

One of the best Kank's xMod features now comes also to xPatch. If you are playing in workshop mode a new option in game menu will show up. Allowing you to load new maps and toggle mods without the need of returning to main menu and starting new game. (mutator changes will apply after level transition).

Screenshot 138Screenshot 139

• Firing Effects option

Due to muzzle flashes being coded better, it is now possible to choose between old and new ones!

• Viewmodels customization

Fat Kid Productions has asked me about Weapon FOV option many times.
I've finally decided to look into it and went beyond what I was asked for :P

Screenshot 127 1

• Weapon Selector customization

Weapon Selector is now customizable, there are 2 default presets to choose (xPatch and Vanilla)
but you can pretty much customize colors and other stuff to your liking now.

• HUD customization

A feature I wanted to implement in previous versions but somehow never finished it...
It's still unfinished but let's hope I will get it working properly this time :P

Screenshot 107

• Dual Wielding Sawn-Off Shotgun

Thanks to the big changes in the weapon's base code Sawn-Off Shotgun can now not only use reloading, cat-silencer but also can be dual wielded! (*cough* ignore the missing item icon *cough*)

Screenshot 142

• Better Effects

Some of the emitters for weapons were improved, like match or dynamite sparkler.

• Switchable Menu Background

It's now option in-game. Switch between steam and original background whenever you want.
How? Magic! Just kidding, I used Unreal Engine's "TextureSwitch" and a little bit of code :D

• Night Mode support

The halloween night versions of the maps are missing weapons vending machines and stuff.
It will be added... if I don't forget XD

And that's it for now, I probably forgot a few thing but you'll find out while playing, maybe :P
Thank you for reading all of this, here's an reward for sticking to teh end:

Post comment Comments
MsChromaticKiss - - 74 comments

Will disabling only ED weapons (and no other changes) still be an option for Classic Game or stay as a standalone option? I know Classic Game replaces No ED Weapons but the option disable only ED weapons was a really good option imo.

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ManChrzan Author
ManChrzan - - 165 comments

Yes, Classic Game will have most if not all aspects of it customizable.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
MsChromaticKiss - - 74 comments

Awesome stuff, this mod is my favourite and personally I believe only way to play postal 2.

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A-Mod - - 37 comments


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Sharkinpool - - 2 comments


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Bloodyseyes - - 1 comments


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foo_jam2002 - - 900 comments

Bought the game recently, need to see this.

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