PvP in the zombie apocalypse. Limited resources. Endless zombies. Last team alive wins.

Add job Report C++ Programmer for innovative HL2DM PvPvE mod at The DEADLOCK Team

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Deadlockmod.com on

Deadlock is a PvP mod set in the zombie apocalypse. Two human teams compete for scarce resources, attacking one another and defending themselves from waves of NPC zombies. Last team standing wins.

We had a great start over the summer, developing succinct design goals, a bit of production infrastructure, concept art, a few character models, and getting the foundational code work done. We're getting the ball rolling again, and are in need of a coder.

This is a project with a great deal of potential. We've got some great ideas and a lot of talent. If you're looking for a legitimate passion project and you've got ~10 hours a week to spare, check us out.

Prior HL2DM modding and/or SVN experience is a plus.

To Apply

See out our ModDB page for the media. Moddb.com To apply, shoot me an email with your bio/resume: ryan@deadlockmod.com