The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


A Controversial, Topical, and Realistic Reskin for the Mercenary Faction. For the HD model Pack

Peanut's HD model Skins: Foreign Invaders (Merc)
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maxi666 - - 135 comments


Так вы будете лежать, если будете помогать укронацистам.

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Kidzukami - - 167 comments

Ахахаха клоун наивный, это как раз ваших там 19к уже вот так лежит
Беги дальше слушать сказки по рашистскому ТВ

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TolstiyBubba - - 170 comments

Но третья волна могилизации, почему-то, у вас объявлена. Кiк тiк?

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KAPKYH - - 71 comments


Ну съезди проверь, чтож ты инфу не из первоисточников берешь.
Почему мобилизации проходят волнами - это вообще вопрос логистики и обеспечения.
Могилизация у них проходит, и это хорошо. Наших дурачков там даже не хоронят.

Тебя интересовать должно по идее твое будующее, а не страдания другого народа, но ты настолько беден и озлоблен, что хочешь только зла другим, и беден ты в первую очередь разумом.

Вся военная пропаганда, все крики, ложь и ненависть, исходят всегда от людей, которые на эту войну не пойдут.
© Джордж Оруэлл

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syka-bluadt - - 198 comments

Ты про страдание народа Донбасса, я полагаю? Ах, это же другое было... как и то, что на те территории вы претендовать в принципе права не имеете, потому что ваша власть после гос. переворота 14го года нелегитимна.

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Faxmonger - - 11 comments


Found the fascist. ВСУ БЛИЗКО :)

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Guest - - 707,032 comments

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ValdemarUA - - 8 comments


У вас уже там тувинцев в калошах соскребают по сусекам та срочников с деревень.. не вторая армия в мире, а мыльный пузырь в итоге. Бестолковая толпа орков с депрессивных регионов, впервые в жизни стиральную машинку увидевших, да металлолом с ободранными сиденьями в технике, не имеющий аналогов в мире)) Вот и вся ваша мощь. Когда уже ваш там орочий чебурнет запустят и изолируют от людей.

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Vladislav98 - - 20 comments

Разжигать конфликт не стоило

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villiance228 - - 26 comments


Да ладно, пусть Рашистики с Укроцистиками на потеху Миру срутся :D I so happy now)

Reply Good karma Bad karma-7 votes
MORS0 - - 1 comments

This is Hilarious

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Peanut_Oorbuckle Author
Peanut_Oorbuckle - - 5 comments

well, I was right about this mod being controversial, lol...

Reply Good karma+17 votes
TheRealFloki - - 304 comments

I have a sugestion, can you pls change those to the Monolith or Sin and the replace the ISG with these ?

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Peanut_Oorbuckle Author
Peanut_Oorbuckle - - 5 comments

Good idea. I totally forgot about Wagner group, it would be an easy choice. Been thinking of a re-do of monolith forces.

I already have the renegades 80% done

Thinking about doing freedom too.

More realism based stuff coming down the pipeline… 😎

Reply Good karma+4 votes
TheRealFloki - - 304 comments

Thanks, looking forward to it

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Snakey3s - - 12 comments

¿es compatible con los modelos hd? es este.

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pixelpixie - - 17 comments

It really shouldn't be though..

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Clover-Modder - - 14 comments

Pros: well done Re-tex

Cons: ww3 lmao, some unchanged patches based off images

Reply Good karma Bad karma-4 votes
AyeBlin - - 365 comments

I remembered when ppl help report that ukrainian nationalist guy on moddb.... now you guys made russian the bad guy here...


Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
gomdilove - - 41 comments

The times we live in are almost like fiction xD

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
EfGe - - 3 comments

and it's how it should be

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KVMA - - 201 comments

DUTY is Bandera or Azov xD

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pixelpixie - - 17 comments

I don't think its Russians that people are upset with, as much as the orders the army was given, and who issued them. I see no reason for any citizen to be upset with another common citizen of any country. War is the tool of the rich, we're only fodder, weapons, or victims as far as they're all concerned

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Peanut_Oorbuckle Author
Peanut_Oorbuckle - - 5 comments

“ War is the tool of the rich, we're only fodder, weapons, or victims as far as they're all concerned“

Yes, this.

Reply Good karma+6 votes
TheRealFloki - - 304 comments

Couldn't agree more.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
syka-bluadt - - 198 comments

The Russians did not start a war there. We are not you Americans who would have razed all the cities together with their population to the ground in a couple of days.

And please talk about yourself first of all when you talk about capitalism, after all, this is your brainchild.

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TheRealFloki - - 304 comments

The Russians didn't start the war, it was your "glorious" leader Vlad. I am not american or capitalist. Keep on living on your fantasy world where you are the saints and saviours of everyone and ignore the real world atrocities comitted by your armed forces.

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AVEismaschine - - 261 comments

Dunno, there weren't too many times the US has fully razed cities to the ground with airstrikes and missiles, not since WWII.

I mean for example we could have simply pulled that lovely, crusty old Soviet tactic of bombing a difficult to take location like say Fallujah with rockets and artillery before entering it, ignoring the inevitable civilian casualties it could cause and the homelessness that would follow. Instead our troops were sent in to fight street by street in a dense urban setting.

I don't support our wars in the Middle East, even if I don't think we should have left such a massive power vacuum for ruthless and cruel groups like the Taliban to fill, but to compare Russia's actions in Ukraine with anyone at this point is pretty insane.

Before anyone starts screeching, im talking military actions in the last 100 years, because yeah the US defintely did some butchering back with the Native Americans, Pacific islands and South America. Grisly stuff either way. Gotta love human history.

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Kvlt666 - - 3 comments

Russia straight up invaded Ukraine. You are addicted to copium. And don't talk about razing cities to the ground unless you want to bring up Chechnya/Grozny or the Georgian wars, or more recently... Mariupol.

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Gittish-Lad - - 136 comments

Mariupol... On the topic about that.. Maybe if those Azov(elite my ***, hiding behind civilians) weren't occupying those buildings including schools, hospitals, theatre they bombed with explosives, and forcing those people go into basements, as well as placing military hardware in and near civilian buildings.

Plus.. Chechnya/Grozny, those local(former soldiers) and foreign Islamists are using those buildings as firing ports you know, making them a military target.

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AVEismaschine - - 261 comments

Guerilla warfare ain't pretty. You do what you have to do to win, as nasty as it is. I bet the British thought it was real unfair and ridiculous when the American revolutionaries stopped standing in nice pretty lines to get shot at by a numerically superior force. That would've made their job a lot easier for sure.

The point of guerilla warfare is pretty much make invading you such a massive, ridiculous, nightmare of a pain in the *** that you leave! It worked for Vietnam against France and the US, it worked in Afghanistan against the Soviets, and it can work for Ukraine.

It's dirty, it's terrible, but as long as you don't break before you're invaders do, there's no real way to lose.

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Gittish-Lad - - 136 comments

Okay, despite grammar at the end of the sentence, I agree.

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AVEismaschine - - 261 comments

Glad we can agree! It's not preferable of course, but in the end people will do what wins them the conflict.

That said, while i'd imagine Ukraine has accepted the consequences of that sort of fighting, such as your school buildings getting blown up as a result of using them as fortified structures, it's worth it to them to win the conflict so it is theirs to have in the first place. Also, given how... we'll say inaccurate Russian missile strikes have been thus far, they probably figure they have nothing to lose anyway.

That said? What you see is probably all the lovely internet slacktivists who will complain because they don't understand what they are seeing. This war created a lot of armchair military experts, as usual. What can you do eh?

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Gittish-Lad - - 136 comments

I'm only observing both sides, not really interested into going which side is right or wrong. Just moved on from the propaganda of both of them and just watch what's going.

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AVEismaschine - - 261 comments

Fair I guess. Would just be nice if the wars would quit for a while. Most are that intense but it still makes all the average joes freak out. But they'll always find something to flip out about I guess. Anywho, kudos!

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Snakey3s - - 12 comments

es compatible con el hd models? ,es este.

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The_Gold_Cobra - - 3 comments

En la descripción dice que es compatible con hd models

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Snakey3s - - 12 comments


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drortmyer - - 7 comments

Quality-wise, good mod.
Timing-wise, not so sure about that, lmao.
Would like to see more of your work of implementing PMC's and paramilitary uniforms in stalker.

Would you do a certain time period, like the cold war uniforms for free stalkers, or maybe duty? Or turn renegades into a bunch of deserters? Pripyat filled with monolith goons with old soviet uniforms sounds cool in my head as well, lol.

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Kvlt666 - - 3 comments

This is perfect. I've been wanting something like this. Made an account just to say thanks! :)

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modguyman - - 33 comments

holy based

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Oleg_March - - 23 comments

Иди на хуй, просто. Вот просто возьми и сходи на хуй, клепающий тупые неатмосферные аддоны васяношвайн

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strygwyr8609 - - 37 comments

Славянский гигачад-мододел: Атмосфера, новые механики, патчи на совместимость.
Евро-повёрнутый 12-летний конфиговасян, редачащий xml через браузер и текстурки через : "нова озвучка", "переодювання врагiв у оркiв" "укроперевiд"

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Gittish-Lad - - 136 comments

Oh wow, the comment section is kinda wild here not gonna lie, though, it's not the first I've seen this type of argument in this site.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
AVEismaschine - - 261 comments

Last time was over an animated background of the Kremlin and Moscow burning. Probably supposed to be a Metro type thing, you know post nukes landing and all. But none the less it was clearly at least somewhat politically charged by the title.

From the comments the whole Russia/Ukraine tensions were pretty clear, but I figured it was a case of internet idiots. Like the guys who tout that America is perfect and has never done anything wrong, Brits to tout their old empire days, etc. Guess I was wrong there, yikes.

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Gittish-Lad - - 136 comments

Very wild like crazy, from people who knew about this since 2014 but not many know about these tensions to people who knew about this just now and not bothering to research of what happened.

Funny thing is that I'm been following this Ukraine issue since the coup happened.

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AVEismaschine - - 261 comments

I knew of the coup, fantastic that they earned their freedom, just tragic so many civvies died to get it done. That said there is no real good source of info on such things, at least from my experience here in the US. **** we can't even get unbiased info on stuff happening in our own country.

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spetsnazdivision - - 8 comments

It is compatible with MO2? I've been trying it and the game always crashed

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Ænima - - 41 comments

While this addon isn't necessarily for me, it's well done and unfathomably based being able to see all these butthurt ruskies.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-3 votes
KɪGMökerr - - 10 comments

don't russia and ukraine work together in stalker?

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strygwyr8609 - - 37 comments

There is no dumb-a politics in the game at all. But kids from ua just can't stop from spreading their feces on the internet, everywhere it's unnecessary :(
I wish there'd be a 0 vote or a block request option for bringing politics into the mod contents description.

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