The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


Add the US revolver Smith and Wesson model 627, Performance Center variant, with animations based on those of Teivaz's Colt 357. Version 1.0(bis): Installation is now FOMOD assited for easier configuration.

Smith & Wesson model 627 Performance Center 1.0(bis)
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tan_gem21 - - 48 comments


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MrMelonMG - - 9 comments

I see revolver i like and download

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MrMelonMG - - 9 comments

Oh just asking , you happen to be working on any snubnoses?

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Joseph_Porta_1984 Author
Joseph_Porta_1984 - - 195 comments

Hi MrMelonMG!

At the moment, no. However, some models are in my medium-term plans.

Have a nice day!

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MrMelonMG - - 9 comments

i look forward to using your future work

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BlackPiligrim - - 736 comments

Очередной отличный револьвер, спасибо автору за аддон и Боссу за перевод!

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Joseph_Porta_1984 Author
Joseph_Porta_1984 - - 195 comments

Muchas gracias, BlackPiligrim!. Espero que te de suerte en tus partidas!

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Cripple_xD - - 81 comments

do you pan to make rifles and LMG?

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Joseph_Porta_1984 Author
Joseph_Porta_1984 - - 195 comments

Although I don't refuse to make other types of weapons in the future, for the time being I will focus on making revolvers only.

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tan_gem21 - - 48 comments

Hey man! Just a suggestion,

Can you please kindly increase the firepower of the 627? I just shot a boar and it took 3-4 damn rounds of 357 to put the ****** to sleep. I also shot a military guy wearing a standard service outfit at point blank range and Jesus! It took 4 shots to send him to heaven. It doesn't make sense to me how a .357 magnum takes 3 to 4 shots to kill someone when it should blow the whole thing in one shot (kiddin) I'm not using any ballistic mods either.

Other than that, great mod. Thanks!

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Joseph_Porta_1984 Author
Joseph_Porta_1984 - - 195 comments

Hi, tan_gem21!

First of all, thanks for the compliment. It's always nice to know that one's work is appreciated.

Answering your question, I have thought about it and there are two reasons why I think it is better to leave it as is:

- The 627 have already 15% more hitpoints than the Desert Eagle in the same caliber, (+- 120 vs 104 hp in GAMMA), which I justify by its much longer barrel. Increasing it further, however, would make other weapons in the same caliber uncompetitive and would be difficult to justify (from the point of view of maintaining a certain balance between gameplay and realism). I think, like you, that the power of certain calibers should be increased but maintaining proportionality between the weapons that use them.

- My plans include the publishing of weapons in .44 and .500 magnum calibers (I take this opportunity to announce that the next thing I publish, if nothing prevents it, will be a family of revolvers in various calibers). They are much more powerful calibers than the .357 and increasing the power of the latter further would force me to increase the power of the former to absurdly high values ​​to maintain an appreciable difference. As in the previous argument, I try to maintain a certain balance between gameplay and realism.

I hope I have explained well my reasonsing. Nevertheless, I'm still open to any other suggestions. In the meantime, have a nice day.

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tan_gem21 - - 48 comments

Hi man, Joseph_Porta_1984!

Everything makes sense now! I did not know you're planning to release an even more ungodly powerful revolvers in the future! Can't wait to try it out when you release them. You're absolutely right! I fell in love with this thing cause it really looks like the S&W M500. Please please if ever you release the .500 magnum in the near future, can you kindly give it like a green tritium front sight? It really does compliment the chrome finish of the whole gun. (If you gonna make it chrome) Damn I'm gettin excited with your addon! Pardon me brother XD

Best of luck to you and amazing job mah man! See you in the Zone! You have a fantastic day bratan! :)

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Joseph_Porta_1984 Author
Joseph_Porta_1984 - - 195 comments

It's in my plans and I already have the 3D model. But on the list there is another revolver in .500 magnum first (and other calibers).

Have a nice day!

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Impostor_Cheeki - - 17 comments

hi Joseph_Porta_1984
I see you focus revolvers. I give idea one gun revolver name it access 12.7x55mm

RSh-12 (Russian: Револьвер Штурмовой калибра 12,7 Revolver Shturmovoy kalibra 12.7 'Assault revolver calibre 12.7') Credit Details from Wikipedia

Btw your mod it great mod. :)

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Joseph_Porta_1984 Author
Joseph_Porta_1984 - - 195 comments

Hi Impostor_Cheeki!

First of all, thank you very much for the compliment. I hope you put it to good use in your gameplays.

Responding to your sugestion, it was in my plans but someone beat me to it. At least in the "Bosspack" modpack there is already one. I don't rule out trying if I find a good 3D model but I prefer to publish weapons that no one has made before (the Mateba Unica the exception for now).

The discord channel of the Bosspack:

Have a nice day.

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Guest - - 707,564 comments

I've got the korth, mpr8, gp100 & 627 installed with no crash or sound issues so far. But I'm seem to be having problems with the weapon icon. For some reason, the image is 1/4 smaller than normal. I tried deleting the extra zip files (gamma patch, mag redux & icon patch) and it didn't work. I'm using GAMMA with DX11.

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Joseph_Porta_1984 Author
Joseph_Porta_1984 - - 195 comments


Yes, it is a rare bug. To be able to analyze it better, I would need a little more information:

+ Could you indicate if you installed any of the patches and which ones?

+ Could you post screenshots of the debug mode and the inventory where the revolver icons can be seen?

+ If you could indicate what graphical settings you use in the game it would also be helpful.

I await your reply. Have a nice day.

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krta - - 5 comments

Hi JP, sorry for the late reply, just got back from a long trip.
I've seen the bis updates you've posted a few months ago and I've made sure I have the latest versions installed for the mods I've downloaded. The icons are fixed now for most of your revolvers but I'm still having said issue with the GP100 and SW500.

- I have tried enabling and disabling the GAMMA and DX patch and the icon bug persist regardless of what's on.

- (instead of a full sized picture, the revolver is reduced to 1/4 of its size and located at the top left corner of the icon).

- Not sure which settings is relevant to you but the only changes I've made to my graphics is adjusting Visual Advanced to a low setting to boost fps.

The only other things I could note is that before the bis patch, I noticed that the 357 silencer icon was also bugged and was missing its image. That issue is now fixed with the latest version of the mod.
Also, I'm currently still on GAMMA 0.9.1 and haven't updated yet to the latest version. I'll do that once I have sorted out some other stuff first.

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Joseph_Porta_1984 Author
Joseph_Porta_1984 - - 195 comments

Hi krta!

Thanks for the image and additional information. Now I am clear that it is some small difference between those two addons and the others that causes this bug in your game. I'm going to start checking them and hope to find the source of the problem.

In the meantime, good hunting in The Zone and have a nice day!

Edit: Just to clarify, have you installed the STALKER GAMMA Ultimate Gun Pack ( To rule out that it is an overlap of my addons, because in previous versions it included some of them.

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krta - - 5 comments

Hi Joseph,
Thanks for your assist. I think I found the problem. I had another look around and it appears that your mod is clashing with another one from GAMMA called Item UI Improvement. It's got a feature in it to rescale a gun icon if it thinks the image is oversized. The solution is to disable it in MCM (

Gun icons went back to normal after that. Everything appears to be fine now.

On another note, I don't have Ultimate Gun Pack but I have recently enabled arti anomaly ballistic which I got from your link at jp speedloaders and ammo for revolvers.
I have to install it without the recoil mod because Mod Organiser is saying a gamedata file is missing ( Do you have any idea about this?

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Joseph_Porta_1984 Author
Joseph_Porta_1984 - - 195 comments

Hi krta!

I'm glad the icon issue has been fixed. As is often the case with stalker mods, it's almost always some minor nuisance that causes the problem.

Regarding the mod recoil problem, I really don't have a clue right now. In principle there shouldn't be any problems. Maybe (it occurs to me as I write) it could be a problem with the mod loading order. Try changing the priority order in Mod Organizer. In the meantime, I'll do my tests to see if the cause is something else.

Have a nice day!

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pczolika123 - - 125 comments

please made a metro last light kalash

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vorador1980 - - 195 comments

Western type boy of a cow type of weaponry is completely out of the theme for Chernobyl.

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