In Type X, you play as one of the mysterious alien species from the depths of unknown dimensions known as "Race X". The mod is based on Black Lambda's main code and adds even more features and mechanics.

Post news Report RSS Some news and a quick resume on my work

Hello... again, I am here with some news concerning my mods, on how it has been and how they're doing since their last updates, plus extra things and notes.

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Like, I'm being serious right now, I am assuring that NONE of my mods are dead, nor are on their way to be, so this article is made up as news on my current still-work-in-progress mods (excluding HBAlpha of course), and how they are doing.

First, in the case of Black Lambda, well...

I am afraid to say, because of the many broken features, unfinished codes, etc, that I will have to rework the entire code from scratch (yes, I am real on this), and it will probably be a long time on it, but the current build is too messed up for me to keep improving it.

So for that, the next update for Black Lambda will directly go into Version 3 or upper.

I am also planning to release the current source code for my old build, so you people can reuse it's old assets, modify it, or witness the absolute mess that it is.

Half-Broken 2 is currently my most anticipated mod (aside Black Lambda) and it's development is doing well, but it is still too early for any major updates.

Squad Foxtrot (that mod that shows how good I am at having a mod idea and submitting it without question) is also doing well, and honestly is my easiest mod to work on, so it should be no big problem.

Half-Broken 2 and Squad Foxtrot are currently the mods I am actively working on, so I may be posting infos about sooner or later, and finally, as of Type X, I need more time to think about it (though I clearly see you people appreciate this mod).

I sincerely apologize for the deep lack of information and the way-too-long development that my mods are, but I am going to say this: I will NOT give up on them, those are a lot of passionate work, and yes it is long and hard and I am the kind of guy to work on a million projects at once, but I just cannot let myself stop and leave those in the dust, then watching people saying "What even the heck are those mods supposed to be about???".

So, to compensate about this said lack of information, I have opened a new Discord server to replace the one I originally made for Black Lambda, there you can ask me any questions about my mods, and I may be posting updates like screenshots or ideas.

Accessible here

Now, as a quick mentioning: I have one project in particular that I am working on, it is not related to any of my Half-Life mods or to the game itself, but it has as much importance to me, and I am also on something I will be cooking up for around 3 months that I will be posting sometime after, so now you can see how much things I am trying to manage at once (and I'm letting you imagine all the rest).

I hope this correctly resumes all progress concerning my mods, and about the confusion regarding them, for now.

And until next time, I wish you all a good summer.

-Ayydrian Sheepherd-

P.S. : I just spent 2 weeks out, and yeah that is some extra lost time

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