Survive the terror aboard the UAV Typhon...a ship with no known history appears in the void of deep space...will you be able to endure the madness? Typhon is a new single player campaign for Doom 2. Featuring: New monsters, weapons, gameplay mechanics, sounds, an original soundtrack and a completely open world space ship to explore and unlock.

Post news Report RSS The Progenitors

I have been working on: All new enemies, new weapons, new items and more!!! The project is being worked on regularly! Loads of original content.

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It has been a minute!

Life caught up with me....but work has continued on Typhon. I have added and changed a lot of things!

First and foremost the game will have all new enemies. I am ditching all the doom enemies (this was always the plan). They are being replaced by a reality bending species named The Progenitors. I have spent the last few weeks working on enemy graphics, and this is a long process (as many of you would know). I plan on having between 15-25 new enemies. There is a preview of several below, but keep in mind these are all still works in progress, and may not represent a fully complete product:

There are many new weapons and itmes as well: a new shotgun, an auto shotgun, a grenade launcher, grenades, plasma bombs - and so much more. The arsenal in Typhon is already large, and there are more weapons, items and powerups to still be added. There are new NPC's, new decorations, new interactive objects, security cameras that spawn enemy security teams, and much much more!

I will release a new Demo soon - once all the Doom enemies / non original placeholders are done enough! The demo will take you through the first section of the ship - it includes Engineering and the Warehouse / Dock sections (which previous demos have not had included)! The project is far from dead, and is already loaded with original content! Download 0.5b!

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SweetRamona - - 5,198 comments

Looks kind of good so far.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
TRUDADDY - - 36 comments

Thanks! The new demo will convey the vision for the project much better! It should be done in a couple of months (I hope). It will be well worth the wait

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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