Post news Report RSS #10 - Outlawed Steel

Short article about the development of Outlawed Steel, more specifically, the showcase of some newly developed mechanics in work and the release of the updated build.

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Hello Everyone!!

This is the tenth article for our game Outlawed Steel.

This week we will be showing some mechanics regarding an updated build of our prototype as well as announce the release of said updated build for everyone to test and give feedback on.

To start this week's post, we will show you the "Health" and "Energy" bars.

Health and Special croped

The "Health" bar works as it does in every other game, you start at full and lose some when you get hit by the enemy moves. The "Energy" bar works as a reward system, where it rewards the player for hitting enemies and not being hit himself. When full, the player can press "E" on the keyboard to regain some HP back, which will result in the "Energy" bar going back to 0.

Next, we have the Boss's Health bar.

Boss croped

Again, the Boss's Health bar works as any other health bar, where it starts full and goes down every hit the player lands on him. As you can see above, the Boss is huge compared to the other enemies.

Still regarding the Boss's Health bar, once it reaches a certain point, the Boss will change phases and change his attack pattern. This will happen twice, as we first have the melee phase, then the ranged phase and finaly the mixed phase. This 3 phases will be explained in further detail in the future.

This is it for this week, we don't have a lot of art progress as yet again we have been working on another curricular units and projects. Very very soon we will be going full throttle on this project so expect some more full and exciting news in a very soon future.

Thank you for your attention.

Stay tuned for next week!


Toasty Toad Towers Studios

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