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Details on the city's structure, alongside how elections will function and status titles.

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Development Blog 3 - The City Structure

Hello again. In today's development blog we'll be delving into how the city's structure functions. We will be detailing the noble districts with what rough powers they will possess and their relationship to the city's government (aka the mayor). This blog will also explain how elections will function in the city to elect the mayor and giving a short insight into how status titles will function and how they will affect an individual - good or bad.

You can access the full development blog here on our forums and provide feedback and keep updated with development there.

The Arena of Dhirim

Noble Districts

The two noble families within the city like to think themselves as the veins of the city. It isn't quite like that as they might otherwise dream up in their own minds and circles. The Kingdom of Swadia has evolved since the times of the great King Harlaus IV and ordinary common citizens are increasingly finding themselves able to grasp at opportunity which merely half a century ago would make those within the aristocracy shake with fury. Early 14th century Swadia still maintains its structure of aristocracy, but more and more commoners are either successfully making a name for themselves in business or newer nobles finding it beneficial to reward their more talented villeins and freemen with land and titles. Subsequently, the two renowned noble houses within the east sector of Dhirim are not only at loggerheads with their local noble rivals but with the ever-increasing powerful city government, lead by the Mayor.

The two noble houses still maintain their own districts, which are where the production of assets they control are located, alongside housing and the heart of their house: the manor. They will maintain the best housing within the city for locals to buy (and rent, if the lord choses that path to invest in), however as noted in our second development blog they will not have interiors and be in a state of disrepair - it is up to the lord himself what to do with them. The lord himself will retain a small force of men of his own for his family's protection, but his major concerns are ensuring his property remains stable and secure to ensure his financial protection in these ever-changing times.

The City Government and Mayor Elections

The city will be run by a mayor. It will be elected by the people, with them also having the right to stand in the elections. You require a certain status as a prerequisite to become mayor (see below for more details). A mayor’s term will be 3 weeks long (IRL, obviously), with the election taking place on a weekend, with ducal officials in place to ensure the election remains credible. The prerequisites for voting and candidacy are:-

  • Eligibility to Vote: Has the status of Commoner, is at least 18 years of age and has good reputation with the law.
  • Eligibility to Candidacy: Has the status of Citizen, is at least 18 years of age and has good reputation with the law.

The city will have a council, comprised of the mayor, the head of the two noble houses and other officials (which will be made clearer close to release). The council will pass laws and make judgement on trials, with the mayor acting as the magistrate, and another member of the council will take said position when the accusation involves the mayor's livery. Outside the council, the mayor is tasked with handling disputes between the noble houses as a mediator, managing the available spaces for workshops, keep tabs on the organisations that operate within the city, ensure friendly relations with the Inn and to keep the direction of the city in a positive trajectory.

Three workshops will be given to each noble district whilst the Jeweller will be given to the mayor - secondary shops such as the Surgery and Inn however will be under the city's jurisdiction. The resources, from the outset for each faction will be the following:

  • Noble District One = Wine/Grapes (with the wine press located in the city - within its courtyard; the vineyard will be located out of the city), Flax, Iron Ore.
  • Noble District Two = Apples, Wheat, Salt, Wood.
  • City Government = Deer, Fish, Silver, Gold.
  • Inn = Beer (in the courtyard area behind the inn).
  • Free = Herbs (in the forest and gardens plots within city).

Some Key Notes:

  • Woods: Flax/Wood/Deer. Conflict between all factions in the woods when it comes to enforcing.
  • Mountains: Gold & Silver/Salt/Iron. Conflict between all factions in the mines as they're in the same mine.
  • Rest of the resources are in their own area

Status Titles within Dhirim
Another new mechanic we wish to introduce is status titles. They will act to open up (or worse close off) opportunities within the city. Please keep in mind these titles are not finalised and it is likely to be some modifications prior to launch. The titles are:

Level Zero

  • Exile - When convicted of multiple crimes or one of a certain severity, the authorities have the option to exile someone. If exiled, you are banished from the city and if found stepping inside the walls, anyone has grounds to immediately arrest you on sight.

Level One

  • Delinquent - When convicted of a certain level of crime, you are demoted to this status. You are restricted to your movements within the city, such as participating in tournaments and entering the city hall.

Level Two

  • Serf - The starting status you hold when you arrive into the city.

Level Three

  • Commoner - You pay a certain amount of coin to obtain this status from the mayor which grants you the ability to vote in elections. You must have held residence or an occupation within the city for a period of at least 9 days.
  • Citizen - You pay a certain amount of coin to obtain this status from the mayor which grants you the ability to stand as a candidate in elections. You must have held residence or an occupation within the city for a period of at least 20 days and hold the title of Commoner.
  • Freeman - Of equal rank to Citizen, the Freeman is granted upon request by the Mayor. It gives you freedom not to be tied to anyone within the city, being able to come and go at will. They are typically travellers and those influential enough but with no ties to the city. Does not have the right for candidacy and cannot vote.

Level Four

  • Yeoman - Granted by the mayor of the city or by the lords of the two noble districts if they are in their service. It gives you the ability to own your own property within the city. Yeomen are respected members of the population and may be called upon in trials by the council.

Level Five

  • Legate - An old Swadian title bestowed upon the second most powerful job within the city. Granted by the mayor. Must be at least a citizen.
  • Patriarch - The head of a family or an organisation who must hold some semblance of power expressed through manpower, properties, land, etc. Granted by the Mayor with a ducal assent.

Level Six

  • Baronet - Granted solely by the Duke (to which the advice of the Mayor is considered). Being the lowest form of nobility, there is not much required as a prerequisite to become a Baronet, other than to prove one's dedication and service to the city and the Duke. It is typical you hold some form of assets within the city or business, however it is not strictly necessary. There is a limit of five Baronets at any one time.


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