Post news Report RSS New pics oh yea baby

Hey everyone cpuwhiz11 back from the front letting you know that some new intel come on over form HQ and we now have some covted pics of the vickers machine gun 3 to be precise so go on and check them out. By the way the recent merge with BF1918 has allowed us to get our mod realy going so some more

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Hey everyone cpuwhiz11 back from the front letting you know that some new intel come on over form HQ and we now have some covted pics of the vickers machine gun 3 to be precise so go on and check them out. By the way the recent merge with BF1918 has allowed us to get our mod realy going so some more news with actualy important info will be coming soon. Also chekc out this post by me if you can model or skin or animate then give me a buzz.

cpuwhiz11 out

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