Post news Report RSS Release #2: Change Log (10-01-2013)

Hey guys. Unification's massive 1.1 patch is getting close to being ready to be released, so I thought I'd let you all in on what's been going on with the changes that have been made thus far.

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Also, a few notes about the release:
- We will most likely release two variations of the new version: the patch, and then the standalone version. The patch will only include content that has been updated, and the standalone will include everything. We might also release a Steam version - more info on that later.
- The installer issues are hopefully going to be fixed, but don't get your hopes up. (If anybody here has ANY experience scripting installers using NSIS, your help will be much appreciated. Please send us a message if you're interested. We currently use Inno Setup and it's pretty awful, albeit easy to use.)

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Post 'em below!

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Gamer_Of_Rock - - 157 comments

WOO! Can't wait for this!

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KaktusStechus - - 219 comments

I dont remember any installer issues on my side with your first release, but could you also release a simple .rar .zip or .7z archive? I understand many people prefer an installer, but there are also people like me, who like simple archives.

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Omega117a - - 254 comments

I love the entire concept of this mod and I would just like to say that you guys are doing some awesome stuff.

As a suggestion for something to add like way later in the mod's development, I think it would be cool if you re-created the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer maps and expanded them to be the size of a relatively small Battlefront map. Then there could be one game mode that is a survival type thing similar to ME3 multiplayer, but if used on the ME3 maps that were extended for use in other game modes, then the extensions are blocked off.

That was probably a pretty dumb idea, but it sounded cool at the time.

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Marth8880 AuthorSubscriber
Marth8880 - - 1,781 comments

That idea has actually already come to us before; the main problem is most levels have ladders, something that simply cannot be done in a reasonable way in Zero Engine - teleporters would sorta work but it would be a little too instant, although-- hmm...

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Omega117a - - 254 comments

...a small series of teleporters at each ladder that moves you upwards at about an average climbing rate?

I don't know how the engine works, but is there some sort of way to apply an animation to any player in a certain zone, such as falling when out of the map in space? If there is then you could make the teleporter-ladders have some sort of zone things around them that forces characters to use a climbing animation.

I doubt that was helpful...

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