Post news Report RSS T2A - WHAT'S DONE SO FAR 8-26-18

Here's a little update on what's been completed so far for Turok 2 Ascension.

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All weapon Max Ammo values have been multiplied by 10.

All Ammo Pickup amounts have been doubled except for recollected arrows and spears.

A Pistol will give you 20 bullets on pickup.

A Mag60 will give you 60 bullets on pickup.

Warblade Weapon Pickup has been replaced with the Tranquilizer Weapon Pickup.

Flashlight Pickups have been replaced with Full Health Pickups.



All explosive weapon damages have been tweaked slightly so that the same damage is done when hitting enemies and hard surfaces.

Some explosive projectiles can now go through water surfaces and do half the damage they do out of water upon detonation.

All weapons have had their projectiles repositioned for better player accuracy.





Flare Gun-

The Flare Gun now has glowing sections on its body that signify when the weapon has recharged. Yellow means it is ready to fire a normal flare and green means it's ready to fire the explosive flare.


Attack Button: Fires an explosive flare burst dealing high damage. Requires a fully charged battery.

Alternate Fire Button: Fires normal flares to light up dark areas that burn nearby enemies over time. Requires at least a half charged battery but will drain a fully charged battery when fired.

Special Button: Engages a close range burning flare attack that drains the battery completely, lights your way, and does burning damage over time to nearby enemies.



The Talon melee weapon has been removed.



Warblade gets blood on its blades when hitting monsters.

The Warblade is now the starting melee weapon. It can now strike walls and nonliving objects.


Attack Button: Delivers fast melee attacks.

Alternate Fire Button: Delivers slower heavier melee attacks with higher damage.

Special Button: Causes Turok to rage out and swing his blades quickly and furiously for 3 seconds doing severe damage to anything near him. Requires 10 seconds to be ready again after usage.


Wooden Bow-

Attack Button: No changes.

Alternate Fire Button: Quickly fires 3 arrows, consuming 3 rounds of ammo, at once with a small spread.

Special Button: Fires arrows in rapid succession but at the lowest draw power.


Tek Bow-

Tek arrows will leave behind normal arrows for you to pick up once they've blown up after being shot into non living surfaces.


Special Button: Fires currently selected arrows in rapid succession but at the lowest draw power.



The Pistol now drops off screen and quickly reloads after shooting 20 rounds.


Attack Button: Increased fire rate.

Alternate Fire Button: Fires 20 bullets, consuming 20 rounds of ammo which is 1 magazine, at one time dealing heavy damage.

Special Button: Reloads the gun manually.



The Mag60 now drops off screen and quickly reloads after shooting 60 rounds.


Attack Button: Fully automatic fire mode with larger bullet spread.

Alternate Fire Button: Triple burst fire mode with tighter bullet spread.

Special Button: Reloads the gun manually.


Tranquilizer Gun-

Now has a scope.

Custom crosshair has been added to the Tranquilizer Gun's Scope.


Attack Button: No changes.

Alternate Fire Button: Activates and deactivates Scope Mode.

Special Button: Fires a small boring projectile that drills into the target and then slowly spills their blood over time doing light damage over time and requires 10 darts.


Charge Dart Rifle-

The Charge Dart Rifle has an idle sound effect and a raise sound effect.

The Charge Dart Rifle has a spark and smoke effect that pops up as the weapon is being raised up, and it has smoke steaming from it as it idles and charges up.

The Charge Dart Rifle has glowing wires on it's body.

Attack Button: No changes.

Alternate Fire Button: Fires an explosive charge blast that does heavy damage, throws out lots of charge dart stun projectiles in all directions, and costs 15 rounds of ammo.

Special Button: Engages the Charge Dart Rifle's close range stun gun which does very little damage but can help conserve ammo because it does not use any.



The regular shotgun shell pellets can pass through 2 enemies and hit the third behind them before stopping.


Attack Button: Fires a single barrel with either ammo type.

Alternate Fire Button: Fires both barrels of either ammo type dealing double damage.

Special Button: Slam Fires a single shotgun shell, regular or explosive, at a high rate of speed.



Attack Button: Increased fire rate for either ammo type.

Alternate Fire Button: Fires an explosive grenade like projectile that explodes on impact, deals high damage, throws out lots of bouncing shrapnel, and uses 5 explosive shotgun shells.

Special Button: Fires 5 regular or explosive shotgun shells off one after another rapidly.


Plasma Rifle-

The Plasma Rifle has an idle sound effect.

Attack Button: If not in Scope Mode, fires a railgun like projectile that will pass through all monsters and deals serious non explosive damage with an increased fire rate and only consumes 1 round of ammo per shot. If Scope Mode is enabled

the weapon will fire an explosive projectile that has 2 consecutive explosions that deal major damage. This projectile consumes 50 rounds of ammo.

Alternate Fire Button: Enables and disables Scope Mode.

Special Button: Fires a constant beam of energy that drains ammo quickly but does good damage over time.


Firestorm Cannon-

Firestorm Cannon has a new projectile set up that's cleaner and has new trail effects.

Toggling between Gatling Mode and Siege Mode will switch small yellow lights on and off on the Firestorm Cannon’s heat shields. Yellow lights signify that Siege Mode is activated.


Attack Button: Fires the selected Firing Mode.

Alternate Fire Button: Toggles between Gatling Mode and Siege Mode. Gatling Mode fires the original projectiles with slightly more damage and at twice the original firing rate. Siege Mode fires explosive shots with heavy damage, that use 50 rounds of ammo at a time, at a much slower firing rate.

Special Button: Engages Overkill Mode, which doubles the firing rate of the currently selected fire mode, and turns the little lights on the heat shield red.


Sunfire Pod-

The Sunfire Pod has an idle sound effect.

The Sunfire Pod has a nice little flame particle effect that flows from it as it idles.

Attack Button: No changes.

Alternate Fire Button: Throws an explosive Sunfire Pod that deals high flame damage and uses 3 rounds of ammo.

Special Button: Engages a close range melee attack that burns nearby enemies with fire damage, lights your way, and costs zero ammo to use.


Cerebral Bore-

The Cerebral Bore will make an error sound and display a HUD message letting you know you don't have a lock-on when trying to shoot the seeking bore without an enemy lock-on.


Attack Button: No changes.

Alternate Fire Button: Fires a non-tracking variant of the bore ammo that flies straight, fast, doesn't require a lock-on to use, and explodes on contact dealing high damage. Consumes 5 rounds of ammo.

Special Button: Pressing this button, while the Bore is flying towards a locked on enemy target, will cause it to explode prematurely, but it will deliver a large explosion and lots of shrapnel dealing very high damage but consuming 5 extra rounds of ammo.


PFM Layer-

Attack Button: Increased fire rate.

Alternate Fire Button: Fires a Sticky Mine that will stick to anything, including monsters, that explodes after a few seconds.

Special Button: Requiring 4 rounds of ammo to use, shoots out 4 mines at once in a diamond formation that blow up immediately due to the 4 mine proximity limit.


Grenade Launcher-

Toggling between Timed and Impact Grenades will change the color of the lights on the side of the Grenade Launcher. Yellow is for Timed Grenades and Red is for Impact Grenades.

Timed Grenades have had their bounce velocity reduced as well as their detonation fuse time.


Attack Button: Increased fire rate.

Alternate Fire Button: Fires an impact grenade, that requires and uses 5 rounds of ammo, that explodes into 10 smaller bomblets that bounce around and explode after a short time delivering burning napalm damage.

Special Button: Toggles between Timed and Impact Grenades that are fired with the Attack Button. Impact Grenades explode on contact while Timed Grenades bounce around for a few seconds before exploding. Times Grenades will not explode when contacting enemies.


Scorpion Missile Launcher-

Attack Button: Increased fire rate.

Alternate Fire Button: Fires a single non-tracking missile that must be fired a total of 3 times to take away 1 round of ammo.

Special Button: Fires a constant barrage of missiles that uses and requires 3 rounds of ammo to be fired.



The volume for the Flamethrower’s idle gas fume sound has been greatly reduced.

Fire from the Flamethrower now leaves behind fire on impact that does fire damage over time.

Toggling between Standard and Excessive Consumption will change the color of the pilot fire at the end of the weapon’s barrel. Blue signifies Standard Consumption while purple signifies Excessive Consumption.

Attack Button: No changes.

Alternate Fire Button: Fires a single fireball with explosive fire damage that requires 25 fuel ammo to use.

Special Button: Toggles between Standard Consumption and Excessive Consumption. Excessive Consumption will use twice the amount of fuel delivering more fire and more damage over time.


Razor Wind-

The projectile flies faster.

The projectile will go through as many enemies as you can line up, instead of just 7, until it's time to return to you.

Razor Wind gets blood on its blades when hitting monsters with it's melee attack.


Attack Button: Spins the Razor Wind’s blades in the player’s hand at a high rate and deals close combat melee damage.

Alternate Fire Button: Throws the Razor Wind at an enemy.

Special Button: Pressing and holding down this button while the blade is in flight will cause it to immediately return to the player.



The Nuke has a greyish metallic texture now and everything blue about it, from the lights on its body to the color of its particle effects, has been turned to orange.

The Nuke now has a raise, lower, and idle sound effect.

The Nuke gets blood on its blades when hitting monsters with it's melee attack.

Toggling the Grinder Armament Mode will disable the glowing orange lights on the Nuke’s swirling blades. If they are on, then the Nuclear Armament Mode is active.

The Nuke' s primary fire mode creates an actual mushsroom cloud upon the final explosion.

Attack Button: Will deal melee damage as the weapon charges up its nuclear projectile.

Alternate Fire Button: Toggles between Nuclear Armament Mode and Grinder Armament Mode. Nuclear Armament Mode is the standard mode we all know and love while Grinder Armament Mode simply spins the weapon’s blades and deals high melee damage without firing the nuclear projectile. The Grinder Armament Mode can also be used to cancel the Nuclear Armament Mode.

Special Button: Fires a constant beam of energy that drains 1 round of ammo for every second it's fired, but does heavy damage over time.


Harpoon Gun-

Attack Button: Increased rate of fire.

Alternate Fire Button: Fires 3 spears, consuming 3 rounds of ammo, at once with a small spread.


Torpedo Launcher-

Attack Button: Increased firing rate.

Alternate Fire Button: Fires just like original fire mode but it cannot be auto fired.


Styracosaurus Riding Artillery-

The new fire modes will prompt the player with a HUD message and a sound effect when they need to reload or cool down and when they are ready to be used again. Also walking over and crushing your enemies causes blood spray now.

Walking on top of enemies and crushing them now causes blood effects and crunching sound effects.

The shotgun pellets can pass through 2 enemies and hit the third behind them before stopping.


Attack Button: Left and Right Artillery Cannons fire twice as fast.

Alternate Fire Button: Horned Charge causes blood spray on impact.

Jump Button: Increased firing rate for the 20mm cannon.

Crouch Button: Fires mortars in to the air that will bomb anything in front of you up to about 25 yards. After 6 shots the mortar will need to reload for about 6 seconds.

Special Button: Fires a large amount of shotgun pellets that will blanket a large area dealing high damage. Can only be fired once before having to reload for 3 seconds.

Special Button2: Fires a constant beam of plasma energy that does high damage for about 4 seconds. Requires 8 seconds to cool down if overheated.




Purple plasma projectile impact light color fixed and the particle effect has been enhanced.

Grenade projectile has a better explosion particle effect.



Health has been increased from 20 to 25.

Has a chance to spawn 1, 2, 3, or 4 Entrails upon spawning into a map when not underwater.

Has a chance to spawn 1, 2, 3, or 4 Leapers upon spawning into a map when underwater.



Has a chance to spawn 1, 2, 3, or 4 Leapers upon spawning into a map.


Death Guard-

Has a chance to spawn 1, 2, 3, or 4 Flesh Sentinels upon spawning into a map.


Lord of the Flesh-

Has a chance to spawn 1, 2, 3, or 4 Flesh Sentinels upon spawning into a map.



Health has been reduced from 20 to 10.



No longer spray blood or gibs when destroyed.



Blood projectile attack velocity has been reduced and it is no longer a homing projectile .


Lord of the Dead-

Blood projectile attack velocity has been reduced and it is no longer a homing projectile .

Fireball attack has a better explosion particle effect and lighting effects as it flies.

Has a chance to spawn 1, 2, 3, or 4 Deadmen upon spawning into a map.


Sister of Despair-

Blue Flying Skull projectile will not only damage the player but also slow down their running speed severely for 10 seconds and it has better impact particle effects.

Has a chance to spawn 1, 2, 3, or 4 Deadmen upon spawning into a map.



Player can now double jump.

Player can now dash on the ground and in midair with the double tap of any directional button.

Player can now do a ground pound attack by pressing the crouch button right after a double jump or after jumping from a high platform dealing high explosive damage.

When the player’s health gets down to 30 or less a "Danger Low Health" message will flash on the screen, and you will begin to hear his heart beat and the screen will flash red when he’s not moving.

When the player’s health gets down to 20 the heart beat will quicken as will the red screen flashing.

When the player’s health gets down to 10 the heart beat will be pounding fast and the screen will be flashing red very quickly.

While standing still you can now enable and disable a shoulder lamp with Special Button2. Enabling a scope or mounting the Styracosaurus will disable the shoulder lamp.

Turok will randomly crack jokes and taunt his enemies as he kills them.




New additions to the Main Screen Logo.

All textures and weapon icons have been upscaled and sharpened for better detail.

Blood pools have been removed.

More blood has been added to the game as well as a bit more gore chunks.

Splashing blood sound effects on surfaces have had their volumes reduced significantly.

Particle debris effects have been added to many explosions.

The sound effects for the ladder climbing has been replaced.

New skies have been added to the game.

Explosion Damage causes blood to spray when hitting living things.

All monsters now have death skins, one for normal deaths, one for burnt deaths, and one for exploded deaths.

Added an optional "autoexec.cfg" file that you can use in the main Turok 2 folder to enable and disable Bullet Time with the "F" and "V" keys.

Bullet impacts have thick plumes of dust and smoke left behind.

Bullet impacts in stone or default material types send bits of material flying out that bounce off of surfaces.

Bullet impacts in metal material types send sparks flying out that bounce off of surfaces.

Arrow impacts have thick plumes of dust and smoke left behind.

Arrow impacts in stone or default material types send bits of material flying out that bounce off of surfaces.

Arrow impacts in metal material types send sparks flying out that bounce off of surfaces.

Explosions leave behind thick plumes of smoke and dust.

Explosions send lots of sparks flying around.

Lighting for every weapon's muzzle flash or projectile has had their colors corrected.

Lighting for every enemy projectile and attack has had their colors corrected.

All 3 weapons that get blood on them will only be cleaned of the blood when teleporting or loading up a map.

Replaced the flare burning sound effect and fixed the looping problem.

All bonfires you see in maps will cause fire damage to you and other enemies.

All explosive destructible objects do damage to nearby enemies and the player so be cautious.

The particle effects for bullets and projectiles hitting water now look closer to the first game's effects.

Post comment Comments
SweetRamona - - 5,192 comments

Awesome work!

I'm drooling in anticipation for the first release. 😍

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VGames Author
VGames - - 3,991 comments

Good to hear.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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