Post tutorial Report RSS How to do singleplayer

This is a tutorial on how to do a series of techniques for creating singleplayer levels. Such as getting npcs to move to specific points in the map.

Posted by on - Advanced Level Design/Theory

Tutorials written by vT-Ownage. Mirrored here for archival purposes. The source levels that go along with this tutorial are located here.

How To Make A Skybox, and WorldSpawn Settings

First (1): Make a Cubic brush covering the entire map; Up, Down, Left, Right.

Second (2): Go up to the toolbar options and select Hollow, its right below patch section.

Third (3): Now that you have your map within the block that’s hollowed. We need to give it a texture, first go to Textures - usage - sky. Now select the sky you like best and we’ll get it fixed up. (Note: THIS IS WRONG download this to easily apply sky textures.)

Fourth (4): Now we have to fill out some WorldSpawn settings, these are basically the color, light, and amplitude of light. The most common are as follows.

(Note: To put these in you would put in keys and values.)

Key: _color
Value: 100 100 105

Key: sundiffusecolor
Value: 100 105 105

Key: sunlight
Value: 1

Key: ambient
Value: (Any Ambient You Wish.)

Key: diffusefraction
Value: 0.65

Key: gravity
Value: 800

Key: northyaw
Value: 90

Key: suncolor
Value: (What color you want the sun.)

Moving Vehicles Tutorial

By: Ownage

Ok, you want that Jeep in your map? Well this is the place to look. Let’s get right to it right away.

First (1): Select the actors, jeep, and all the nodes.

Second (2): Press space bar to duplicate, and go to file- newmap- copy selection, and select yes.

Third (3): Now if you want a different path, select just all the nodes except the first. Once you have done this select the first node, closest to the jeep.

Fourth (4): Press n to bring up the entities panel, and find the key and value pair named;

Key: target
Value: auto11 (Or whatever number is placed there.)

Now change it to:

Key: target
Value: auto1

This tells it to go to the node auto1.

Fifth (5): After this right click and go to info- vehicle node- or vehicle node turn.

(Note if you chose vehicle turn node put it at an angle in which you want the vehicle to go.)

Select that node and we’re going to connect it to the first node which is connected to the Jeep.

Give it this Key and Value:

Key: targetname
Value: auto1

You should see a line connecting those two nodes.

Sixth (6): Now that, this is covered you can continue placing nodes in the placing of where you wish the jeep to go.

(Note that when you select a node, any, it will show a red line. This red line is reforming the nodes, to where the jeep will actually go.)

This tutorial will only work with the stock models, actors, and first node from which I made the map example. Please use those for no problems. This is the simple vehicle, and when you learn more feel free to try different vehicles. Make sure to find the correct script and csv file first.

How to make some AI go on a patrol

First (1): Make an Allied Soldier of your choice, or Axis, but you’ll end up dead.

Second (2): De-Select him and make a path of nodes on which you wish the AI to move upon. Select the first node and select the box NOT_CHAIN. Also give it a key and value of below.

Key: targetname
Value: auto1

Third (3): Now connect all your nodes by selecting the one before it and then after And pressing w. (Note: Make sure you select the one before it first, otherwise your going to have some problems.)

Fourth (4): Now let’s go back to our actor. Select him and give him these keys and values.

Key: target
Value: auto1

Key: script_patroller
Value: 1 (You can also have 0 or 2 these are different forms of walking used.)

Fifth (5): Ok this part is optional, but it adds a boost to the patrolling.

You can select certain nodes and give the AI an animation to do 0-2

0 - Twitch

1- Look Around

2- Idle, and scratches his chin for a while.

Well your done now go have fun.

Using Models In Your Map

First (1): Get WinZip or WinRar, both have about 40 day trials on the internet. Please respect this and un-install after use.

Second (2): Install WinZip or WinRar, WinZip preferred, and then go the CoD2 Main Folder.

Third (3): Open the iw_13.iwd file and extract all the model files to a folder in the main called xmodel. (Note: You have to make the xmodel first.)

Fourth (4): Open CoD2 radiant, and right click in the 2D view, now select misc – model.

Fifth (5): The entity editor and a browser should appear, close the entity editor, by pressing n and then double click a model name in the browser.

Sixth (6): If the red square didn’t change into a model open the entity editor and make sure the keys and values look like this:

Key: model
Value: xmodel/(Models Name.)

Seventh: Now that this is done compile your map, and look at that beautiful model.

(Note: If you see a race car with a bazooka, and two MG42’s go to your map file select the model that look like the car, and go right click in the 2D view, then go down to script and select model, re-compile and try that.)

Tutorial On AI moving to a node to crouch or go prone

First (1): Make a German (Nazi) character with any weapon.

Second (2): Press n to bring up the entity editor, and enter this key and value.

Key: target
Value: auto1

Third (3): Go to the 2D grid and find the section called node, select either cover crouch or cover prone.

(Note: Make sure the AI is facing towards his target.)

Fourth (4): Now that you have a node where you want the actor to go, select it and bring up the entity editor, by pressing n, and give the node this key and value.

Key: targetname
Value: auto1

(Note: Remember that; that’s what we want the Actor to go to, you should see a colored line connecting them both.

Fifth (5): Now that the Actor has a node to go to you need to add some pathnodes. Pathnodes basically tell the actor how to get to the master node otherwise our node that he is selected to. Right click in the 2D view again and go to node, now pick pathnode and duplicate them to go to the designated node. (Make sure they go on the line this makes things easier.

Sixth (6): Check to see that the Actor is connected to the master node otherwise the cover crouch or cover prone.

Tutorial On How to Make an AI Deploy and Use and MG

First (1): Create an Allied American Actor. (Note: You NEED to use this actor. (actor_ally_ranger_nrmdy_30calportable)

Now give him these keys and values.

Key: target
Value: auto1

Key: script_noteworthy
Value: cal30gunner

Key: script_grenades
Value: 0

Key: script_ignoreme
Value: 0

Second (2): Now we have to make a Browning 30 Caliber, machine gun. First right click in the 2D grid and go misc- turret.

Third (3): Now open the entity editor and type these keys and values in.

Key: model
Value: xmodel/weapon_30cal

Key: targetname
Value: auto1

Key: weaponinfo
Value: 30cal_stand

Key: maxrange
Value: 1750

Now if you want it to shoot at a certain area put this key and value in.
Key: target
Value: target

Key: script_manualtarget
Value: 1

Now go into the 2D grid, and right click and go to script and select origin, a small red box should appear.

Now open the entity editor, and give it this key and value.

Key: targetname
Value: target

The Browning should now be connected to the origin box with a red line.

Fourth (4): Now let’s go back to the actor. You see that line connecting him and the MG; well we’re going to make him go there. First right click and the 2D view and go to node, then select pathnode.

Fifth (5): After creating a pathnode line them up on the red line going to the MG, make sure there on the line. You DON’T need to add any keys or values to these.

You should now have a working MG and a Actor that will deploy it, oh and shoot.

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