There is little room to maneuver, and sunlight barely touches the landscape. Each and every space is letted as a living area to house people, to the point where rooftops are apartments, stores, and restaurants often. In the Undercity, you're always on the roof of something, and there's always something above you. When the universe sidetracks one on laundry day, which leads to the discovery of a key Kshatriya artifact, a good day can quickly turn bad. Play as a faceless civilian thrust into a world of trouble for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Follow the mysterious runner and figure out why he stole that shiny thing you found. This was the first planned episode in a never ending series of short episodic shooter games spanning many time periods and locales about powerful alien artifacts that influence and intoxicate those in their immediate vicinity. Pay close attention to the loading screens and cutscenes!


This is 3 of the levels from the full game. Please enjoy them! Sorry it is so late. If you get stuck, remember there's usually more than one way to proceed. I look forward to hearing what you have to say, and hope you will play it, and better yet record your playthrough! I would love to know what routes you took. Thanks to PushBAK for his permission to do this and Studio Radi-8 for making NEOTOKYO°

NEOTOKYO° Kshatriya [Demo]
Post comment Comments
Xamp - - 561 comments

Besides the lack of polish, at this point in the mods development, your project seems to be shaping up nicely.

The gameplay feels like a re-balanced version of Half-Life 2's vanilla combat, which is fine by me. It does it's job well.

In my opinion, there are a few issues with the level design though:

- It's difficult to figure out which parts of a level are interactable. The consoles with the red X on them would imply that these doors are locked, even though you can open them.
It wasn't clear that you could climb gratings, I just took a guess that that was what you wanted me to do.
Likewise it's difficult to figure out which doors are interactable and which are merely decorative.

Would be cool if you could use some light sources and coloring to highlight interactive elements in your maps
(i.e. literally place a spotlight over climbable gratings, so they're brighter and more attention-grabbing than their surroundings).

- I like the degree of freedom you have in choosing how to traverse the map. Sadly this also led me to fall to my death a few times due to level decorations that looked like they were solid but ended up not having any collisions.

- Seeming lack of ambient sounds. Maybe it's just that the music and gunshots covered it up but there wasn't much sound of traffic or people panicking in the distance due to the gunshots.
A bit of soundscaping can go a long way in making an environment seem more alive.

With that said, this is a neat little demo. I hope you continue working on this project and hopefully finish it sometime in the future.

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wrayayrton Author
wrayayrton - - 64 comments

wow first playthrough already thanks! i will try to better highlight the interactible parts of the level in the future. it's safe to assume if it has a truss or beam texture, it is climbable, unless it is electrified

i am regretting already not giving those awnings collisions, but i didnt want people to use details on walls to cheaply get out of maps.

any door with a lit up console on it is interactible.

I thought there was enough ambient sounds, but i'll go over every level again with more for the final.

also, i see the fact that i never had to tell you to climb trusses but you figured it out anyways as a victory.

thanks again for playing

Reply Good karma+6 votes
ThatsRidonkulous - - 1 comments

Brilliant feedback, thanks for taking the time! I've worked with Wray to give his beautiful environments more life through motion and interactivity, but am looking forward to taking it much further now that the demo's out. I very much enjoy your suggestion with panic breaking out in the surrounding area when shots start getting fired. Thanks again; glad you enjoyed your playthrough!

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SweetRamona - - 5,198 comments

Nice! Downloading! 😺

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marathon1122 - - 15 comments

This is incredible. My only complaint is that the voice acting needs to be improved, but other than that this could be one of the best cyberpunk games I've ever played. Can't wait for the full version!

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wrayayrton Author
wrayayrton - - 64 comments

We will be providing a better mic to the voice actor for Katsu. the voice actors, at this point, are not going to change as I was highly satisfied with both of their work from an acting standpoint.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
neophus - - 597 comments

Good surprise ! I will test it soon !

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sandroilpelato - - 10 comments

Can I play this without Steam?

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wrayayrton Author
wrayayrton - - 64 comments

no, i dont think so.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Raksasa·∞ - - 2 comments

my god if the mod plot can salute GhostInTheShell

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Chell_Johnson - - 76 comments

Amazing!!! Would u consider to add mirror reflection to the main character?

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wrayayrton Author
wrayayrton - - 64 comments

sorry, the technology doesn't support this.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
geek4life - - 39 comments

Visually stunning demo! Almost feels like I am playing a Half Life 2 Version of CyberPunk 2077. Can't wait for the full mod!

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Guest - - 707,002 comments

Where is the ntks_mapbase_episodic folder,I can`t find it,what shall i do?

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RZting - - 1 comments

Sorry,i just forgot to read that text.But ican`t play game.the episodes all can`t open.What`s the matter?

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gravetracer - - 39 comments

I'm super excited to try this. Unfortunately, the game crashes as soon as the Valve / Source logo screen ends. Any ideas how I can fix?

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gravetracer - - 39 comments

Nevermind, I'm an idiot. The following from the readme fixed it:

>you need Source SDK Base 2013 Single Player (located in the tools section on steam)
>once you get the above SDK, right click on it, go to properties, then the betas tab, change the dropdown menu to say "upcoming"

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gravetracer - - 39 comments

Played through and I really loved it! Great environment design, fast combat, cool nonlinear levels. Looking forward to more.

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kingdruiduk.AKA.DJ - - 777 comments

Wow. Amazing looking mod. Nice hard work.

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KhultVA - - 2 comments

When I play the mod I have this weird wireframe looking thing covering half my screen most of the time, how do I fix it?

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Guest - - 707,002 comments

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Gohstly - - 4 comments

Its really rough around the edges but whats there is really promising.

my biggest complaint is the enemies, its pretty ovbious that they're just the metrocops but reskinned, im not a source modder so I dont know how possible or easy it would be to change the ai.
If not some new voicework for them could go a long way, also something that could prevent them from walking into ongoing traffic (as funny as it is) would help a lot.

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Guest - - 707,002 comments

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strike4 - - 26 comments

I love you guys XD 7u7

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