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Irongaming No limit addon
Dawn of War II: Retribution

Irongaming No limit addon

Vengeance of the Blood Ravens NPC Model

Strips units of their balancing limits for internet video cinematics. Heavy units limited at 50 like Land Raiders, superheavies at 10 like Fellblade.

Model pack for editor
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2

Model pack for editor

Veritatem Imperialis 2 Vehicle Model 3 comments

This is just for Caliger, I can't upload it anywhere else too big.

Tau models for Elite mod
Dawn of War II: Retribution

Tau models for Elite mod

Vengeance of the Blood Ravens Model Pack 1 comment

These are the tau models, I am just uploading here for the Elite mod team to download. Too big to send on Discord.

Imperial Guard and Tau models
Dawn of War II: Retribution

Imperial Guard and Tau models

Vengeance of the Blood Ravens Model Pack 1 comment

These are just here so that the Elite team can take a look at tau.