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RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 63)

Thorny Way - (Translated)ㅤ

Mod review

Pretty cool mod. Overall score: 7.7

Gameplay leans towards the easier side. The Pripyat sequence was pretty cool. Ending is abrupt but hinting at a sequel. Anomalies are deadly. A few quests are a bit buggy.

The worst one in particular was the medic supplies quest in Yanov which introduces heavy stuttering unless you complete it (Don't know why). The other one was the quest in the room with the big railgun which makes the lab entrance door get closed again if you quicksave inside it.

Also the only way to get one batery artifact was to sleep the maximum hours 4 times just to make it spawn around the electro anomalies.

I like the implementation of BF3 gun sounds. The mossberg shotgun has a weird delay before firing.


Looking Back - (Translated)

Mod review

Decent but short mod. Overall score: 7.2/10

I like how in the first 10 seconds you can already get into a big fight.

Since there are no stashes in the map I used the on the in the bandit base but eventually it locked itself again for no reason. The repairman is also in a weird place because it turns "hostile" but doesn't move from his place (since it's a mission NPC)

Another pretty quick ending. In my playthrough I didn't read the final book and just resorted to replaying with walkthrough to see if I missed something. Turns out the automatic pickup from CoP had picked up a key without me knowing.

Could use a bigger FoV by default, too.


Save and Protect: Killer - (Translated)

Mod review may contain spoilers

Pretty decent short mod. Overall score: 7.3

Think the main detractors are the lack of NPCs and lots of unused areas, particularly Radar. Thankfully speed and jump height are high.

Encountered a bug with the skybox being visible through terrain several times and it's very distracting.

Gunplay felt good but anomalies are instant kills. Bloodsuckers are also one shots, big problem with the 40kg limit.

When trying to backtrack to the village I accidentally went to Radar and got instakilled by the monoliths waiting in the level entrance. That area needs to be removed.

Some other flaws stem from bugged AI and scripts pasted over from vanilla making some enemies stand in place doing nothing or spawning again when backtracking.

Ending is abrupt. Wish granter is still working but doesn't end the game, it should be blocked off.


Return to the Zone English Translation

Mod review may contain spoilers

Pretty lengthy and packed mod. Overall score: 7.7


Adventure: 7.5

The biggest problem I remember is the invincible assassin that constantly spawns in to wreck your sh*t. It would be far better if he teleported away after receiving enough damage but he runs away after one bullet and you have to wait for him to go back at least 2 times. It's made worse by the instakill monoliths in Jupiter which are also complete bs. Also tending to the MC's drinking problem can be a huge pain.

Journey: 7.7

Earlier into this one I ran into an infinite spawn bug (?). The enemies also don't stop spawning at times and there's little cover most of the time.

Memories: 6.9

Huge performance problems. Grass density for some reason reactivates itself causing more fps drops.

Survival: 7.4

Pretty interesting take on a Battle Royale mode. Unfortunately it's pretty janky and frustrating at times. Food and weapon drops with correct ammo should be guaranteed. I'd rather see more armed enemies with better loot than knifers and kamikazes. Only half of vehicles are drivable. Sometimes it crashes after successfully completing a mission. Etc.

Tolik's story: 7.8

Surprisingly good sidestory. Got no big issues with it but might be easy to miss for most.


This could potentially earn a higher score with better design in some areas but it's a pretty good package despite the flaws.

The decision to enable sprint on enemies can lead to cheap deaths. There are some bugs and exploits like getting high end armor upgrades with only 1 vodka in Memories or getting infinite money by buying and selling upgrades after a quest in Adventure. Objectives are sometimes easy to miss.

As for the story it's pretty good but tends to drop a lot of walls upon walls of text of seemingly unrelated nature. Mostly towards the latter campaigns.

In design, however, the campaigns keep a pretty varied structure enough to spice things up a bit. The anomalous weapons and special artifacts in each pretty great.


One of the best mods for Unreal/UT. Definitely a must-play.


Pretty solid mod for the most part.

A few minor annoyances and bugs like the bridge teleport not working sometimes, forcing you to reload a save previous to the pseudogiant fight or the radioactive suit not being removable.

Story is pretty ok, world is decently populated but some places have literally nothing to loot, like the zombie place. Breakables are purely decorative. Some bandit checkpoints respawn too fast.

Other issues are the lack of loners chatting or making some noise and some mutants getting stuck in place making them harmless.

A bit too short but overall it's a 7.5/10. With fixes it could go up to 7.7.


Oblivion for Quake 2

Mod review

The Journey

Mod review

(Mild spoilers ahead)

Really liked the new zone design and handmade map. Pretty proud of not using guides in this one.

Biggest issues with this mod are the lack of an actual ending (maybe I failed to trigger it) and weapons being far more inaccurate than normal, making the last strech especially difficult (sniper rifle is essential).

Some bugs or quirks that could be fixed are the quest NPCs in agroprom leaving their posts to loot bodies far away (made worse by lack of minimap), dropped weapons disappearing due to lack of safe boxes (and no way to repair them), the map not fitting properly with the player marker (playing in 16:9) and map teleporters not really making sense (which also aren't marked on the map).

It's a complete disservice to STALKER to make the VSS innacurate, that needs fixing ASAP.
I was also expecting the last NPC to give you a better suit with containers, not just some healing items.
Also should add a PSA noting that only DX10 and DX11 modes are playable.

Current score: 6.8 (could go up with fixing)


Spatial Anomaly

Mod review

Very well written, voiced and translated.

In terms of balancing it's a bit random with it being mostly easy but with hard parts. (Hint: Strafe left-right in that fight)

A bit dissapointed with you not really needing new suits since you barely get to use them.

The two later zones feel a bit empty on the A-life side with not much going on, plus some unused space.

Scripting-wise the infinite stalker spawners don't feel very reassuring.

But overall I'd recommend it just for the story alone and the spatial anomaly itself. Actual score: 8.5


Quake 4 in Quake 2

Mod review

Somewhat decent map pack.

A bit let down by the generally "cubic" design of most of the levels and lack of polish (glitching doors, doors not closing entirely at times, parts where you can get stuck, etc.).

Worst part was by far The Aqueducts and most of the vehicle sections since there's barely any cover and you're pretty much forced to use powerups to avoid death.

As for most of the mod it felt a bit grueling and repetitive after a while. Took around 4-5 hours. Reminds me more of Juggernaut than Mark Shan's levels.

Nevertheless, It was a bit entertaining trying to remember what parts of Quake 4 I was playing, and I did shed some tears of happiness at the sight of the Hannibal in its 10-polygon glory. The new sounds & music were also a nice addition.